Donald's Defiant Dashers (AKA Triple D's/Duckies/The Ducks) Dashing into 2010

Hello to the new Ducks! (and hi to the old ones also!) I am like others here, I have not run a bit since the half. Was it really 2 1/2 weeks ago? I have been doing a lot of biking though. I want to start running, I have been looking at some upcoming races, one is a ski-bike-run tri in March upstate. I am going there tomorrow so I want to check it out. I am thinking of a half in NY in April, and I would very much like to do the Wine and Dine.

Joe, I was also in the Air Force, back in the 70's.

Erica, do you know that Railroad Earth is playing in Bayshore next month? I already have my tickets!

Have a good week!

hi! thanks for the warm welcome to new members! my son will be THRILLED that i'm on the donald team! he's a huge fan of #1!

i'm emily, mom to two and wife to one. i am 34. i am a family/children's photographer, which allows me to work from home. my daughter is in second grade. my son will start kindergarten in the fall.

i started running in october and completed the c25k program. i currently run four miles a day three times a week. i'm trying to add in an extra day, but life and weather have beaten me from doing that so far. i've just got to get out there and do it!

i am running my first 5k on february 6. and, i won't run my first 10k until october (not a lot of races here during the warm months). i'm planning to run the half marathon at disney next year--i've promised my son a donald duck medal! ;)

anyway, thanks for having me! looking forward to being on the team!
Welcome to the team new members and returning members. I guess I am the captain of this team - not that I was the best poster in the past 2 years of being on the Triple D's team. I will try to do better this year and hopefully do a good job keeping this team fun and together.

Liz - my half time was exactly the same as you 2:54. Don't feel bad about not getting out there yet. I just barely got out for a run that turned into more of a walk last Saturday and again on the treadmill on Tuesday night. I know what you mean about DYING to run - I feel that way and then when it comes time to get out there I don't feel like it.

Looking forward to 2010 and hope its a MUCH better year than 2009 was. Lets go Ducks!!
Hello to my new teammates. My name is Tim, and if you notice how uncreative my handle truly is, you can probably guess the first few letters of my last name.

This year, I did the Goofy, finishing in 2:24 and 6:07. The 2:24 was slower than what I can do in a half, but intended to save something for the full... which didn't work so well as my time on the latter was very slow (my slowest ever by 30 minutes). That said, the challenge was unique and now I have a mark in the sand for a future attempt.

I've done plenty of running since then, as I'm doing a half in just over three weeks (hopefully, more on that in a bit). Any of you who know me on facebook know that I'm kind of sidelined with a sprain/pull in my foot that fortunately is NOT a stress fracture. Knowing that it isn't a stress fracture, I started looking into changing up the shoes I use.

Went to the running store at lunch time today, and tried on a bunch, and found a pair I really like. Said I'd be back to purchase tomorrow after I got paid. Glad I didn't purchase today, as it turns out.

I get back to work a few minutes later and get called into a meeting where I find out that, long story made short, I'm laid off. Guess I won't be getting those new shoes. (And depending on what happens in the next week or two, may not sign up for that race next month)

I'm working under the assumption that not only my training, but also my nutrition and alcohol intake will be a bit derailed tonight :-)confused3), and we will see what happens this weekend. As it turns out, a friend of mine who I sort of convinced to start doing races, is doing this half next month (I registered him as a christmas gift)... so either way I'll be there in support.
Good evening all!

YAY. I finally got out there and ran for the first time since the half. Took my 3 yr old out in the jogger and did a sloooow 3 mile run/walk in 38:40. And then came home and did some good, long stretching. It all felt great. I'm happy to be on the move again!

Augie~ Yeah, 2.5 weeks ago already! Time flies...WAY too fast.

Emily~ I remember you posted on the Doing the Donald thread. Your first 5K in a bit over a week, how exciting!! I remember how fun my first 5K was (that makes it sound as if I've done a bunch of them. lol I've only done two!) It's going to be such fun for you. That's great your doing the half next year too.

Tricia~ Our half times were close! But I see you did the Goofy (congrats!) so no wonder you had a slower half time (I see your other halfs were much faster) since you had to save energy for the full. I'm thinking I'd like my half next year to be around what your faster halfs the 2.5 hour range.

Tim~ Congrats on the Goofy, even if your time for the full wasn't what you wanted. All you Goofy's are impressive to me, no matter what the time! Sorry about your foot, I hope it gets better. But I'm even more sorry about the job. :( I feel for you, I know first hand (through my dh, that is) what you're going through. Tough times, these days...hang in there.
Welcome to all the new Ducks. Its a great group and was nice to finally meet so many of you at WDW marathon weekend. I had a great time and even with the cold ran a PR at 146:10. I'm planning the goofy for 2012 next year just two busy.

Augie hope your getting back on track you looked a little sore when I saw you on the Boardwalk.

Tricia and Tim Congrats on the Goofy Its quite an accomplishment.

Well running up north this time of years stinks about. I'm hoping about a month and a half and things will warm up some.

Have fun out there and be safe.
Yesterday, the doctor put me on anti-inflammatory meds 2x a day for my tailbone, but says i can keep running (fell down stairs 3 weeks ago, slammed my tailbone) - just have to ice after a run, and cut my mileage if the swelling persists..otherwise, i'm still good to go. I intend to keep going if i can - first 1/2 ever is in March. - Cheers, Deb

Hi Jessica- congrats on the 4 1/2s, and hope you reach your goal of more dedicated training.

Airman - welcome and hello...I'm also signed up for the Wine/Dine. Looks like you're building consistency, and that's important. That's where I'm at also - working on staying on a plan.

Liz- congrats on your 1/2, and the weather was crazy, huh?! I had some friends who ran it as well. That's awesome your 10yo is running with you too! How fun

Hi AUgie- nice to meet you - enjoy the biking - and good luck if you jump into the ski/bike/run tri

- I also work from home, did the c25k and am around the same place as you. I'm slowly increasing my miles right now though for the upcoming Princess - nice to meet you.

Tricia - your time to shine, grin...maybe it's a sign to get you posting more! Congrats on your 1/2 - and here's to a great 2010

Tim- goofy is quite the endurance event! Congrats for taking it on...i'm sorry to hear about the job news...tough times for so many right now.

Ryley- congrats on taking on the WDW weekend, and going goofy in 2012.
Good morning Ducks, and welcome!

Hello, my name is Vic and I'm 53 years old. I have a lovely wife named Marilyn. We have a son who is currently in Germany with his DW, an active duty Air Force NCO. We have 3 grandchildren and 2 ornery labrador retrievers.

I'm a retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant (E-8), retiring in 1998 after a 24+ year tour of duty. I currently manage a herd of 911 call takers/dispatchers for our county sheriff's office. Marilyn is a buyer at a large company that builds components and sub-components for numerous weapons systems.


The boys. Earnhardt is on the right. He was named in honor of Dale Earnhardt Sr. The greatest stock car driver ever. Dusty is on the left. He's our rescue, and he was so dusty and dirty the day we sprung him from K9 jail, the name Dusty stuck.


The Ducks are a great team and I promise to be more active. Also, don't forget to post your upcoming races in the Event Calendar thread Event Thread . Weekly races are posted here Race Reports/Encouragement/Kudos .

Y'all take care. :)
Hey, Ducks!
Hi Vic, I'm a former Air Force Member also, which explains the screen name.
What does everyone do about training while on vacation at WDW? I will be there in May for 9 days and Vero Beach Resort for 3. Do you still continue your running, taper down while there or just figure all of the walking is enough.
Also I need a tutorial on putting the Donald image on my signature, for some reason I can't get pictures, etc to work right on this site. :yay:
Today I committed to two races. One is local, the Coeur d'Alene Half and the other is the Wine and Dine. I still have to sign up for Bloomsday (another local race), but I always take a kid or two with me for that one.

Hoping to get a new treadmill this weekend so I don't have to brave the cold weather. I'm a big baby in cold weather. :D

Liz~ I started having kids early, so my oldest (only daughter) just turned 17 a couple weeks ago and my three boys are 14, 12 & 9.
Good afternoon Ducks. TGIF! I'm looking forward to sleeping in the next two days...the early school mornings around here wear me out. I was thinking about running again today but my 3 yr old is sick now with a cold so I couldn't take him out there.

My plan is to run tomorrow and Sunday since my dh will be home, but the forecast for tomorrow is not looking pretty. I guess if I could handle running in the weather at the half this year, I can handle anything though. :)

Rich~ I hope spring arrives for you right on schedule!

Deb~ Sorry about your tailbone! That's great you can still train for the Princess though! Yeah, that half weather was pretty unreal. For a long time I was worried about the weather being too hot. Never did I imagine that would happen! I'll never forget my first half though! :laughing:

Vic~ Great pictures! Your dogs are cute!

Joe~ We took two trips to WDW last year after I had started running. The first one in June I planned to run twice, I think. I only ended up going once, for a short run, about 1.5 miles. We were staying in the Treehouse Villas and I ran around the loop there a couple times then ran over to SSR and back. It was so hot, I had enough.
Then our next trip was in August and it ended up that I tore my Achilles the day before we left (did not know that's what it was until I got back and went to the doctor) but I spent that trip limping around.
Oh and then in early November we went to Hilton Head (DVC) and I had begun my Half training program at that point. I needed to do a 4 miler while there. Well, I forgot my running shoes. So no running that trip either.
But, none of it mattered in the end. I was able to catch back up just fine.

As far as signature pictures... What I do is upload my images to photobucket and then link to them there. Which Donald image do you want to use? I may already have it in my photobucket account and you can just link to mine if you want. Let me know.
Today I committed to two races. One is local, the Coeur d'Alene Half and the other is the Wine and Dine. I still have to sign up for Bloomsday (another local race), but I always take a kid or two with me for that one.

Hoping to get a new treadmill this weekend so I don't have to brave the cold weather. I'm a big baby in cold weather. :D

Liz~ I started having kids early, so my oldest (only daughter) just turned 17 a couple weeks ago and my three boys are 14, 12 & 9.

You did start young! I bet it's nice to still be young (I like to think of 34 as young anyway. ;)) and have your kids out of those little years.

That's great about your races!

Depsite growing up in Michigan, I have become pretty intolerant of cold weather myself... And I really think I was "scarred" from the post-race time at the Half this year. The race itself was fine, but after it was over and my heart rate dropped, adrenaline dropped, and the cold just set was awful. I have never been THAT cold for THAT long in my life, seriously.

Good luck with the treadmill shopping. Ours died last October... My poor 10 yr old was running on it and the motor blew, a big spark flew out and it went up to 10mph by itself!! FREAKED him out, he came flying out of that room calling for me. Anyway, it would cost a lot to repair it. We kept it with the intention of repairing at some point though, it's a nice one. But in the meantime we bought a cheapy one off of Craigslist so that I'd have something to use to train for the Half in case I couldn't go outside. That one is so cheap, I can't wait to get rid of it.
Thanks Liz on the tip for the signature, as you can see I got it. I use flickr to upload pictures and didn't think about using it for the sig. Thanks for insite on training while doing the Disney vacation. Luckily we will be there in May, so I shouldn't loose any momentum before I start the hard training in June.
I am looking forward to running outside once it starts warming up (16 today).
If anyone is interested I'm on facebook, just look for Joe Reynolds, the network for me is Signs By Tomorrow.
Happy Weekend everyone.
I'm a newbie on this board and an adder to this team. :wave2:

I'm 46 years old and have run two marathons in my life; in 1997 and 1998 (both in Houston). I kept up my running through about 2001, then drifted away (changes in life, cross-country move, etc). I then went overseas for work and really got away from almost any form of exercise.

I'm now working abroad in Canada. Last spring and through the summer, I dropped 45 pounds just by eating right and walking. After a while, I couldn't get my heart rate up, so I started back to running.

So I've been seriously working at running again since November. I started running 3 miles, 5 days a week. I'm now up to 22 miles a week, in 4 and 5 mile increments. All miles are on the treadmill now, as we're in massive arctic conditions here for a few more months.

I've signed up for a 10K in Calgary in late May. My only reason in doing so is to get a decent corraling time for the the inaugural Wine and Dine Half Marathon in October in WDW. :cool1: I haven't actually signed up for the half yet. I want to make sure my knees can mange 8-10 mile runs before I make the big commitment. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'll be running the 5K fun run on the morning of the half in October at 7AM. Then if all goes well, I'll run the half at 10PM the same day!

I haven't read all of this thread yet, but thought I'd do a quick check-in. You see, I leave for WDW tomorrow morning for a week-lomg solo trip! Still need to pack and get to bed early. Will be packing my running shorts and Garmin with me to Orlando. I'll sort out the posting of my miles/time on this thread when I get back.

In the mean time? Let's keep the team moving, eh? See you when I get back on 7 February...

Good morning Ducks

Joe I feel your pain the wind chill this morning was below zero. The run was a rather brisk one. As for running at WDW its business as usual for me. DB's and I get up around 6:00 and run betwen 5 and 7 miles. We are always showered and ready before the rest of the group.

Liz you need to think about the Goofy in 2012. I love runnning Halfs but i want that goofy medal. Our plans may change but 2012 is my goal for the Goofy. I told DW I added it to my bucket list. She was not happy standing in the cold this year but was a great sport cheering me on. It was our first trip to WDW without our kids since our Honeymoon so she was more then willing to go.
Good Saturday morning Ducks. I was offline most of the day yesterday at the local fair. I went with my niece's homeschool group since they get discounted tickets - but it was a LONG day. The "school" portion of it was from 10AM-12PM where we went through a section of the fair called Yesteryear Village - old schoolhouse, church, post office etc. and then we were free to do whatever at the rest of the fair. My niece and her friends did all the crazy rides. We had fun but it was a LONG day.

Califlady - hope you have fun in WDW. Welcome to the team.

Joe - Welcome!!!

Glad to see some activity here with the Ducks. If anyone is interested in the Valentine's Day Virtual 5K or 10K and haven't already post on that thread please check it out. Its a great way for our WISH team to do a race "together" and we don't even have to travel.

As for me I got 12 hours of walking in yeterday - since I didn't sit for any length of time when at the fair yesterday (yes we spent about 12 hours there - ugh) and its warm here today (sorry or those that are in colder weather) hopefully I will get out tomorrow morning since all that cold is hopefully going to be here by tomorrow morning. I would much rather run in the weather we had marathon weekend - ok well maybe not Saturday's weather. LOL

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend - it seems to go by WAY too quickly!!
I reached my goal for this week, I made it to 3 miles this afternoon, so that made it 7 miles for the week. I swapped running 2 miles on Thursday for swimming laps, I was giving my shins a break. I finally went to a running store in Ann Arbor last week and got a pair of running shoes that fit my flat feet right and I am already noticing a difference.
Thanks for the info about training while on a Disney Vacation. I found a website ( that lists distances for running at WDW resorts, pretty handy.
Have a great weekend. :thumbsup2
Good afternoon Ducks!

5 miles this morning, and I think I have finally killed the TM. Not sure if we're going to replace it.

Looks as though everyone is doing well. Keep up the great work!
Good Morning! Hope everyone had a good weekend! I still have not begun to do any running yet. I did try a bit at work last week but the foot is still a bit uncomftable. So I will continue to give it a rest. I am able to bike with no problem, and rode to work every day last week, and today as well. I am hopeful of doing the virtual Vday race, but at this point probably just the 5K.

Hope everyone has a good week. At what point do we strat to report our miles?


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