Does everyone know your name??? 18 nights at RPR & HHN....A 2016 Trip Report......


We did sleep slightly later this morning, not by much as we just can`t sleep late while we are here, we do plan to try but it never happens.......but, we did feel tired, so it was a slow lazy couple getting ready this morning.......shower did the trick though after I dragged my now slightly aching body out of mind might think I`m 22 but body felt very different!

However, we got up to breakfast and we noticed the convention people had a separate set up in one of the Hospitality Suites.......we were glad to see that as they did kind of overpower the general tranquillity of the lounge. Management did deal with the situation well.........we went in to see The Boston Brothers as we had named them.......we hadn't seen them last night, but I had remembered he had actually appeared in a picture of last years trip report.....he was just to the side me......he was tickled to see we ate we chatted about horror nights and what we were enjoying so far.....I thought it was lovely these two brothers in their late 50`s spent this time without their families every year.....they both had their wives blessings as they got another trip to Aruba out of

Breakfast over, we headed to the parks........we did walk again today, maybe a little slower than usual, but we made it......we were doing IOA again today......I would struggle to choose one park over the other to be honest as they both have excellent things going on.....IOA is just so colourful and has a real vibrancy about it......

Today we get in straight away and go on the Hulk twice, there is a little queue but not too bad, we do get the front row once and then the second row....we don't buy these pictures either as I just look kinda demented on it......will try again another day......we do like a few ride pictures but don't buy them all......especially when you look like that!!


We wander round and of course Doom is still off, but so is Spiderman we go buy some`s hot today, but not as stifling as previous days, but it was just after 9 still. We drink our water and head round to what looks like the most colourful place on earth.......






Kong was working today and the queue showed that, it was 45 minutes already.......but we would use EP today......we would do the full queue another time.....the EP queue is non existant in front of us, but as we stop there is an issue with one of the vehicles, so we stand.......this is where I had a little drama queen moment.......I turned around and there was a man stood behind I turned he yawned and I got the full blast of his breath.....normally I could ignore that usually just thinking they should cover their mouth......but this guy had the most vile rancid old garlic stench ever.......I about threw up there and then........we were quite near the front and at that point they lined us up to go in the vehicle.....I was barely keeping my breakfast down......Tom said he noticed it just before I was coming out of this guy`s pores.......we moved into line thinking thank goodness.....and of course he followed us in line......I had to get out.....I turned and left the queue and said to the TM I just needed a minute.....he asked if I needed to go out and come back, he knew exactly what was wrong with me.......I just needed to breath clear air.......even Tom who can ignore things like that said the guy was rancid.....not dirty, just stale garlic breath and pores. After a few minutes that vehicle left and the TM asked if I was ok to go on, I was fine by that time......and kept my breakfast intact.

The ride was good and quick......we didn't go outside this time, we took the short cut that misses the outside part so we assumed that was where the issue was. Decent ride though. We did it again as EP line was non existant again.......

We wandered around to do JP. Well, we didn't eat in Thunder Falls this year, but it is such a good place to eat....fabulous chicken wrap, and ribs and chicken are so good. Big portions too.......



Again, the place seems quiet, but our boat is full somehow.......we are on the 4th row and the guy in the front row immediately brings out a go pro thingy and holds it.......they announce for him to put it away.......he kinda does.......then brings it back out later.........they again announce for him to stop.....he does we climb he brings it out again and they stop us at the top just as the two dinosaurs spit water at you......they TM practically yells at him to put it now we are out of synch with the ride, so we go down without Valerie roaring at us.......still a good drop but don't you just hate folks that think the rules don't apply to them........someone in front of us told him he was a real jerk.......not sure what happened as we walked on.......but, we did the ride again and had no such person this time.......ride was in synch and so much fun!!!

We stop off for some more water and a bathroom visit in Burger Digs........

Hogsmeade is our destination now, and we wander around and the bridge is so busy we just walk on.....this place always seems busier just by design, but it`s not too bad today.......we go on FJ and do single rider as there`s a 45 minute queue, we are on in no time.......the TM asks if I checked the seats........I always feel sorry for them.......anyone who is bigger really should try the test seats as they can be I never get offended if I`m asked, I feel for them I really do as some folks get nasty with them........I tell her I`d prefer the outside seat and she says no problem.....I do fit the normal seat, but the different harness is better. No issue with doing this at all......but I can see some people get embarrassed over it. The TM do an amazing job trying not to have folks feel bad and try to be discreet.



It is an impressive line inside.

We only do this once as I feel woozy.......some days I can do this ride twice, others just once.......but it`s such an amazing ride and I always try it a few times over the trip........we don't do the kiddie ride today and instead head to do Duelling Dragons........Love this ride!!!! Both sides are excellent and it`s never busy.........we do this 4 times, now funnily enough I don't get motion sick on is so smooth and of course doesn't have do get flung around but smoothly.......if that makes sense. We love the front here too and are fortunate to get the front row each ride.....

Now, it was seriously hot again. It was like someone turned the heat into the candy store and a lady said it was 95F.........yep, that's hot enough.........we take some of the usual pictures in`s so colourful and bright and makes you want to buy everything........but we don't today.......




They do have some amazing items for sale and very unique......some taste nice and some not so nice......we tried the coconut ice, I make that at home and love it, however this isn't very nice here, not as sweet as it should be.....but most things are is the butterbeer fudge......I`m not a big butterbeer fan nor do I eat fudge, but I did like this and Tom loved it, so we got another nice and not too sweet.......


Would love to try the pumpkin pasty, but we are always thinking of not spoiling our lunch......but so many things we want to try.........

We leave the store having purchased only the butterbeer fudge and spotted the Conductor stood on his own.......although we had said we weren't going to take pics with characters this year he called us over........think he was a bit lonely.....


He was a good character and asked which part of England I was from.......he saw my face and said oh just laughed and said well, I`m Scottish but do live in I have a kind of mixed accent........most folk guess right......although we usually get Australian or Irish, worst guess was French!! That stopped us in our tracks......didn't know what to say........

We then spent some time with the fountain.......he is so funny, and it was the really sharp guy as I recognised his voice from previous visits........he was fabulous for comments that went over kids heads and I could sit all day and listen to him......but we stood for a moment then he went to snore mode........there wasn't really anyone around for him to banter with........




We kept walking and stopped for a bathroom break in Zeuss....headed down to beside the wall for some pictures over the lagoon and around it.......not many people stop down here, and it`s so quiet.......


This picture is Tom making fun of me........I always thought Schenectady was a made up place, along with Sheboygan......who knew........funnily enough one of the boat captains came from Schenectady.......had a good chat with him about it one day.........









We head out of the park but go through the Christmas store and on to admire the cakes in the store as you exit.......they look delicious but far too sweet........Kyle however would adore the chocolate one......he is a real chocaholic......bit like his dad I suppose......



Taken as we were leaving.......wrong way around I suppose........


We walk back to the hotel, and jeez it`s boiling hot again.......I know it sounds like I`m complaining, I`m really not.....we loved it......but this was fabulous that we could do some time in the parks and then head out.......I don't think we have ever done a full morning till close at any park.......but, each to their own of course.......this suited us. So, back to hotel and showered and changed before heading out for lunch.
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Wow, you were productive yesterday :thumbsup2

I love how you manage to find so many fun things to do around the Orlando area. I can barely get my must do list done with the 9 days we usually visit...guess I'll have to add more days next time :scratchin We meant to get to Strongwater this trip but didn't make it and only had 3 nights of HHN which wasn't enough.

I'm loving all the SA pics, you had a great time...I can tell.

Thanks Vicki......we did have an amazing time!!! We do like to get around, but it`s easier having a car, I know not everyone wants or needs a car.........

I know what you mean about extra nights.......we still don't think we have enough SW Tavern was so good, I think you`d like it......

Not a lot of anything else was done yesterday.......:blush:
Quick shower and a change of clothes and we were heading out to the car, we had chosen today to go to Teak Neighborhood Grill for lunch. We had been going here for years, probably first time was 07/08 and it has been consistently good. Such a friendly place......there didn't used to be any tourists at all, but over the years it`s name has been passed around and now there are a fair few tourists go regularly. And never disappointed. Lunch is a quiet time to go, dinner however can be noisy particularly if there is live music on.......very loud.

It`s literally a 5 minute drive from Universal........but in a beautiful little setting.......we know a few folks who live here, most of them TM and they all love this area.......Teak itself is nestled in little inlet, just off the main road.....



It is quite dark in here during the day, but it`s cool and we sit down at one of the many tables available, there`s maybe only about another 8 people in.......they have extended over the years and they have a large outside patio area now, there is also another outdoor bar which is ideal at night when it gets really busy........



The highlight of this restaurant is the menu........we had ordered strawberry lemonades and they arrived so we now could start and peruse a menu that we knew so well.......years ago they brought in a secret menu, where you had to have a secret password to see this menu, it was fun when folks found out about it.....but, for the last couple of years you can just ask for the secret menu and it`s given out.........but today, we just wanted the regular menu......there are a few unusual choices and burgers that are just a little bit different from other places.......I am relatively boring whenever we come here though.......same thing every trip........the donut burger. Two glazed donuts, with the burger in the middle and bacon, I always omit the cheese......and add sweet and spicy....with sweet potato tots

Tom is studying the menu intently......this is a major decision as we only plan to come here once this it has to be good.......he likes variety and never orders the same thing he decides on the waffle burger and seasoned fries does sound nice I have to say as it comes with maple syrup which I love too.......

we order and she tells us good that point one of the staff members comes over and asks where we are from......he is a student from Ireland and has heard the accents......he tells us what he is doing and what his plans are for the future......really nice young man and very personable.....he loves working at Teak.....we agree it`s a fabulous that our food arrives........





I think there was a fried egg on the waffle burger too.....he loved his lunch and I absolutely devoured my sweet and spicy donut was lush!!!! And they even put enough jalapenos on for me........gorgeous.......we have only managed dessert here once......couple of years ago when we had dinner with Metro West (Todd) a good few years ago.......but for today we were done.......and it was a little late in the day now, think it was around 2.30......doubt we would eat much for dinner tonight.........

As we were leaving the young lad, cant remember his name asked if we wanted a picture of both of us.......he moves us around a little as the light isn't great, but he takes a good picture.......


This really is a place we would definitely recommend trying if you haven't gone is so good, food and service are always exceptional and it`s a fun place for lunch or dinner.

We pay and leave then wander around outside a little, it`s so pretty.......




We pop into Target for a mooch on the way back, but apart from buying some strawberry and kiwi Snapple which I adore, we don't get anything it`s a very quick visit.......I am addicted to that Snapple and I love the half and half iced tea which my aunt in NY bought for it!!

But, back to the hotel and we freshen up a little then head up to Club Lounge........I immediately see Loweschevy and family and go speak to her and her family for a little bit. I see Tom talk to one of the staff and they are both looking at me for some reason..........and when I go over I see why. Last night we had left the Club Lounge early due to the noise and such, not a huge problem but one of the staff members had handed Tom an envelope........Tom immediately said oh Carole opens things like this......they laughed and made him open it.....I could hear this while I was talking and wondered what it was.......

So when I finished speaking to loweschevy, I stopped as the Boston Brothers spoke to me about HHN, we chatted briefly and Tom eventually then waved me over, I was curious he handed me the envelope.........I was so heartened so see this.........


I was shocked a little. But such a generous thing to do and I went over and gave Bryson a big hug, we had gotten to know him so well over our trip. And I do think that young man will go far in his career.......he shows maturity beyond his years and we liked him a lot. But this was so kind of him to do and unnecessary but we thanked him and said we would love to eat dinner in the Islands one night.

I was still so touched later as I just wasn't expecting at as we hadn't really complained. But, lovely all the same.......

We chatted some more and had a couple of glasses of chardonnay, Lounge was a little busier tonight but always a nice place to sit.

But soon enough we were leaving for another HHN. Hoping our feet and legs would cope........
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More fabulous days...I am really shocked to hear there were so many tiny humans at HHN. That does not seem like the place for them!

Mt. Dora looks lovely. We have a friend who lives there, we've always met him at CityWalk, perhaps we'll have to venture up his way.

I love how happy you both look in every photo. You really are having an excellent time! We did try the butterbeer fudge and I liked it, but I confess my favorite flavor at Universal is birthday cake. I should probably look for a recipe, I always make chocolate fudge for Christmas and that could be a fun variation...

I have heard more than one person say Bill & Ted need to go. I guess there was a rumor that the stadium would be torn down and there would be a Harry Potter expansion with fantastical beasts, wiping out the SF area. I would be willing to make that sacrifice! Actually, I like MIB but the area is kind of old and if something new and exciting appeared that would be ok, too. But of course first they have to finish the Fast and the Furious and Jimmy Fallon...

I think I'm going to be in a city with Red Lobster next week. I haven't had it in years but your photos are tempting me to give it a try! Those biscuits look amazing!

Maria :upsidedow
More fabulous days...I am really shocked to hear there were so many tiny humans at HHN. That does not seem like the place for them!

Mt. Dora looks lovely. We have a friend who lives there, we've always met him at CityWalk, perhaps we'll have to venture up his way.

I love how happy you both look in every photo. You really are having an excellent time! We did try the butterbeer fudge and I liked it, but I confess my favorite flavor at Universal is birthday cake. I should probably look for a recipe, I always make chocolate fudge for Christmas and that could be a fun variation...

I have heard more than one person say Bill & Ted need to go. I guess there was a rumor that the stadium would be torn down and there would be a Harry Potter expansion with fantastical beasts, wiping out the SF area. I would be willing to make that sacrifice! Actually, I like MIB but the area is kind of old and if something new and exciting appeared that would be ok, too. But of course first they have to finish the Fast and the Furious and Jimmy Fallon...

I think I'm going to be in a city with Red Lobster next week. I haven't had it in years but your photos are tempting me to give it a try! Those biscuits look amazing!

Maria :upsidedow

Hey Maria......glad you`re still reading along with my ramblings.......I do go on sometime.......:blush: oh you should go to Mount Dora, gorgeous place!!! So peaceful and tranquil, a real balance from the buzz of the parks......

Yes, heard the excuse so many times that their kids are fine at HHN, but so many aren't and it just isn't a place for kids...I do wish they would enforce this, but doubt it. Hears so many complaining about it this year again......

We did have the best time, and often feel we just seem to smile all the time.....except when I`m getting scared of tried birthday cake one.....Tom would like that, heck he likes them all.....very sweet tooth!!

I could happily see that area go too or dramatically change......I have no love for MiB and can definitely envisage changes in the future....yep, fast and furious first I think.....

Hope you enjoy Red I said folks think we`re sad going it`s so good!!!
Ok, all caught up:)


We awake early and realise we have now been here a week. A full week already..........time really does fly when you`re having fun.....and we were truly having the best time.......even though our boy was missing......he had been adamant we enjoy it and not wish he was there, but any parent will tell you easier said than done........

But, we slept great last night.......maybe the cocktails helped, but we never stirred the whole night. We had plans for the day today and wanted to get up and enjoy some pool time before the sun took over the pool......we are quite odd and almost vampire like the way we recede from the sun in the pool.......but saves us basting on the sun screen........

We go for a quick shower and head up to breakfast..........opt for some cinnamon bun today and fruit, Tom has more or less the same and add in a donut or two......they are very small of course........breakfast is always something we enjoy and like to take our time with.......grabbing something in the room is not something we would do, doesn't appeal we do like to have a civilised breakfast, and of course having Shrek on while you eat is always nice.

We go back down to room and Skype Kyle briefly, he is busy today so we chat quickly and catch up on what is going on back home.......not much thankfully........and we then go down to the`s early enough there is still some shade on most of it.......we get some loungers in the shade again and one of the pool staff commnet its unusual to see folks actively avoid the sun at the pool........we are a bit different of course......we both burn so easily but do like to be in the water, so when we do go in when it`s sunny it`s brief.

It is so lovely having the pool to ourselves....there are a couple of folks soaking up the sunshine over the other side, but for now pool is empty except for when we go in........

There is a nice hot tub at RP. We never use it as I don't like them very much, but its a little off from the pool and some folks don't know it`s there.......

We eventually get in the pool and it`s glorious........we don't totally have it to ourselves the whole time, but it`s only one other person in with us and we get about an hour or so milling around........

We enjoy our morning and rather reluctantly leave the pool to go get showered and changed to head out for the afternoon to another beautiful little town we like to visit too. We do think twice about it though as it is baking hot again. But, don't want to go to a mall again, so Mount Dora it is.

OH no, the best kept secret is out...pool is often private in the am! Lol. Our favorite time there, us and the ducks.

Going to pretend I didn't see train pictures featured in Mt Dora section, the mr has a thing for them. Set up does look nice tho, will put it on the long list:). Cowfish has officially moved to the top of our to-do list, the sushi looks amazing. Would you say it's on par with Orchard Lounge's offerings?

Re Red Lobster snobs - ha! Anybody who is landlocked know they truly 'do seafood right', far better sources than independent local venues for good, basically prepared options.

You always are so well put together in your pics but it has struck me that Tom has quite the collection of cool park shirts. Have a feeling so does Kyle.

Seriously, nice touch by the concierge! Glad to read they had your interests at heart.
we Tell them Scotland and it always starts a conversation

How did I not know you were from Scotland? I guess I just assumed you were British :oops::oops: But this is good because Scotland and Ireland are on my bucket list of place to visit.......

So now I have someone to stay with when I go :dogdance::dogdance:

And you can come stay with me if you ever make it to Philadelphia.

Deal! Sounds good to me :P:P
Can confirm Schenectady is real :laughing: I'm also from there.

Those burgers at Teak look delicious!
Ok, all caught up:)

OH no, the best kept secret is out...pool is often private in the am! Lol. Our favorite time there, us and the ducks.

Going to pretend I didn't see train pictures featured in Mt Dora section, the mr has a thing for them. Set up does look nice tho, will put it on the long list:). Cowfish has officially moved to the top of our to-do list, the sushi looks amazing. Would you say it's on par with Orchard Lounge's offerings?

Re Red Lobster snobs - ha! Anybody who is landlocked know they truly 'do seafood right', far better sources than independent local venues for good, basically prepared options.

You always are so well put together in your pics but it has struck me that Tom has quite the collection of cool park shirts. Have a feeling so does Kyle.

Seriously, nice touch by the concierge! Glad to read they had your interests at heart.

Yes, it was such a nice gesture.......unexpected. Oh you have to take the mister to see the is fun.....and there's lovely restaurants and bars too........:D

Cowfish is not as good as Orchids for sushi or even choices of sushi.......I would choose Orchids any day, but the sushi I've had from Cowfish has been good.....Orchids is just better.......but the burgers in Cowfish are worth if anyone in your family doesn't eat sushi, they could get a decent burger.........

Yes, they like their tees!! Quite the collection between them.....HHN ones and Star Wars seem prevalent........

Glad you're all caught up.......and yes, I should keep the quiet pool time a

How did I not know you were from Scotland? I guess I just assumed you were British :oops::oops: But this is good because Scotland and Ireland are on my bucket list of place to visit.......

So now I have someone to stay with when I go :dogdance::dogdance:

And you can come stay with me if you ever make it to Philadelphia.

Deal! Sounds good to me :P:P

Well, I am British :thumbsup2........I'm from Scotland, grew up there and moved to England over 20 years ago among other places on the way.........doubt I'll ever move back to Scotland though........but yes, sounds like a deal to visit....still have family in some gorgeous places all over Scotland.......::yes::

Can confirm Schenectady is real :laughing: I'm also from there.

Those burgers at Teak look delicious!

Talk about feeling like an idiot when I found out, quite late in life it was a real just sounds Sheboygan.......:laughing:

Yes, the burgers from Teak are can really taste the meat in them....lush!
OMG those burgers at Teak! My pants feel tighter just looking (salivating) at the photos!!

I live one hour by car from Sheboygan:) (Add a week to your trip next year for a visit, lol!!)
Its really, really a real place.

We have lots of "funny" sounding city names, as Native Americans settled most of our state. Just a couple off of the top of my head...
Menomonee Falls
OMG those burgers at Teak! My pants feel tighter just looking (salivating) at the photos!!

I live one hour by car from Sheboygan:) (Add a week to your trip next year for a visit, lol!!)
Its really, really a real place.

We have lots of "funny" sounding city names, as Native Americans settled most of our state. Just a couple off of the top of my head...
Menomonee Falls
One of my boys went to college at whitewater then moved to Menominee for his first job

I know Wisconsin well
I showed the donut burger from Teak to my DH, and he decided we should eat there our first day after we get settled, as we will be arriving on a mid-morning flight. It seems pretty easy to arrange an Uber or such from the resort, too. Never used them before though. I LOVE jalapenos too and ask for extra everywhere we go. One time a guy was sitting next to us at a local restaurant and saw my burger with all of the jalapenos on it, and told my DH, "Now that's how you do a burger"! lol Great report! Love the photos :-)
Even my kids ask to go back to Teak. They liked the food that much. Food always good, and large servings.

Great pictures.

And yes, some day we might be visiting England. Kids really want to see a football game. I don't know the prices of the tickets, but it should be a fun, and loud time.

Very nice note. Taken care of is always appreciated.

Yeah, and my state also has many borrowed names for rivers and places. Though my town took its name from an English town, same spelling too.
OMG those burgers at Teak! My pants feel tighter just looking (salivating) at the photos!!

I live one hour by car from Sheboygan:) (Add a week to your trip next year for a visit, lol!!)
Its really, really a real place.

We have lots of "funny" sounding city names, as Native Americans settled most of our state. Just a couple off of the top of my head...
Menomonee Falls

Gosh there's some funny names there right enough.........DH said when he takes early retirement we should travel around the States and go to all the places I thought were made up........should be a fun trip!!!

Those burgers are amazing and so large too..........:)
Loving your report.
You two look like you are having a blast!

Thanks.......we really did have the best time........we took a ridiculous amount of picitures this year though, after saying we were going to cut

Glad you're enjoying it.......:-)
I showed the donut burger from Teak to my DH, and he decided we should eat there our first day after we get settled, as we will be arriving on a mid-morning flight. It seems pretty easy to arrange an Uber or such from the resort, too. Never used them before though. I LOVE jalapenos too and ask for extra everywhere we go. One time a guy was sitting next to us at a local restaurant and saw my burger with all of the jalapenos on it, and told my DH, "Now that's how you do a burger"! lol Great report! Love the photos :-)

Me too!!! I have jalapeños on everything :D......spicier the better........I'm sure you'd love Teak.......

Never used Uber but yes, should be easy, and Teak is only 5-10 minutes drive with traffic......

Glad you're still along and enjoying reading........:thumbsup2


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