Does anyone Cry when arriving as opposed to departing WDW?

I love these threads. It feels great to have such emotion about it!!

I cry a lot. My kids think it's funny.

Our last trip (Dec.06) was the first for both my kids (DD7 and DS5). It was my DH and my first vacation since our WDW honeymoon 8 years prior. It was a surprise for my kids. We woke them up in the morning to tell them we were going. For months before it, I'd cry talking to friends about it. Heck, I still cry talking about it.

Seeing my DD7's face looking at Cindy's castle for the first time (I got a picture!).... sitting with my family watching Wishes for the first time on Main Street... "Let there be Peace on Earth" sung by children during Illuminations... The guys b/f the Beauty and the Beast show singing "When you Wish Upon a Star"!!

I love that I am a sap!

We are taking my DB with us in November. He hasn't been since 1983!!!!!!!! He is a mush, so I am SO hoping he is bit by the Disney bug and gets into it as much as we do!
I cry from the moment I get on the plane. I am just so overcome with so many emotions that I am on over load.

Half the time I look like an idiot. I am crying during parades, during fireworks, during character greeting, character meals, etc....

My kids have actually started laughing at me.
I've been waiting to go to WDW for as long as I can remember. I had a goal to get there by my 30th birthday, and when that came and went last year and I still hadn't gone, I was SO bummed.

As luck would have it, we were given the opportunity to go in July '08 and we took it..actually, we just started planning last week. Let me tell you, I find myself crying reading these boards, researching info online, getting confirmation emails from our resort...the thought of what I'm finally going to experience, my DS4 getting to go to WDW before he's 40 (LOL!) all makes me tear up. My DH doesn't get it as he has been there before, but for someone like me who loves pretty much all things Disney and has wished for this for so long, I can't even put in to words how excited I I start to cry!

It's nice to read that I'm not the only one! :D
every time I see my daughter on the carousel, and when her eyes light up when she meets her favorite characters, and at my first look at the castle, and when........ okay, I think I cry a lot!:lmao:
I'm a crier, too. But I cry all the time, so no one was suprised when I cried at WDW. One of the moments I will remember to my dying day is stopping my 3 yr old DD#1 at the entrance to Main Street telling her to close her eyes, and seeing the joy and amazement on her face when she opened them and saw the castle for the 1st time. I'll also remember when we took my little souvenier (DD#2) and she was dead asleep in DH arms sitting on the curb waiting for Spectro...and I woke her up to see the parade and her eyes just lit up. She went from snoozing to grinning in less than 2 second.

My DM and DD also promised to take me to WDW as a child. First we had to wait until my DS was a little bigger, then until she could walk...and then one day my DM told me "Look, we don't have the money so just be quiet about it"
I never asked again:sad1: But I promised myself if I ever had kids I would take them. And I did. It's the kind of experience you can't place a monetary value on. The memories you make for you and your family are priceless.

It's my happy place. I cry when I see the sign, when I 1st walk down Main Street, at FOTLK, and I always chole up seeing my kids with the characters. How can you not feel emotional when you see the magic with your own eyes??:cloud9:
I cry the moment I get to start booking my trip, and when I am on these boards. When my kids see me cry they say it must be something for Disney. I could be in a really bad mood and my DH will start to ask me questions about WDW to pull me out of it. They find it fun to say lets make mom cry and then they talk about Disney. (and it works.... I cry Go figure)
Big crier here also. Planning first trip for kids and I know the second they see the castle and/or characters (Minnie especially for dd) I will tear up. Even watching the planning video I'm crying. Glad it's not just me:)
I cry when the Visa bill arrives after we get home...does that count?

Well, if you do it right, they should be tears of joy.

After all, if you use a Disney Visa, you may have the bill when you arrive, but it will be accompanied with Disney dollars that you can spend next trip! :lmao:
Well, if you do it right, they should be tears of joy.

After all, if you use a Disney Visa, you may have the bill when you arrive, but it will be accompanied with Disney dollars that you can spend next trip! :lmao:

Can't get Disney Visa up here :sad2:

Actually neither of us are really criers but we came close on our first trip.

We both had grown up in families that couldn't afford to take us so we had never been able to go. We got married when I was in my first year of law school so there was no chance we could take the time for a honeymoon, even if we could have afforded it (which we couldn't). Finally four years later we were able to go together on our anniversary which was a belated honeymoon for us. On our first day, we took the the ferry from the TTC to the MK and when the castle came into view we were both just speechless. Neither of us said a word...we just stood there holding hands and enjoying that "we finally made it" moment.
i'm crying NOW reading this and thinking of our Dec 10-15 trip It will be DH and I 7th anniversary (we are going the same week of Dec that we spent for our honeymoon and staying at CBR again). and it will be DD3's 1st trip Iget all teary eyed when I think of seeing the "world" thru her eyes.
Big crier here also. Planning first trip for kids and I know the second they see the castle and/or characters (Minnie especially for dd) I will tear up. Even watching the planning video I'm crying. Glad it's not just me:)

LOL! I've had my planning DVD at the house for a week now and I haven't even watched it yet..I'm waiting for a time when DH is out of the house so he doesn't make fun of me because I KNOW I'm gonna be blubbering on and on.

Heck, I cried at a Detroit Tigers game last night...I think I've got issues...LOL
Yes! A few years ago, after an 11-year absence, I cried the minute we got onto Main Street. We had been at other parks the first two days and walked into the MK at sunset. I couldn't help it. The lights were just coming on, it all looked so beautiful, and I was six all over again.
I actually get teary-eyed every time I get there. God only knows how I will be when I make the move there permanently in October. ºOº

I do! And also every so often threw out our whole stay. The first time my daughters sae the castle, Mickey, Minnie, Snow WHite (my favorite), SSE, when my dd (4) cried last year when we told her that was our last time going on SSE..the list goes on. Last year I did cry when we were leaving on the ME because my dd was crying really loud and sobbing, say "Goodbye Mickey, Goodbye Minnie, Goodbye Epcot, Goodbye hotel.
Oh, so nice to know I'm not alone! I cry when I drive on property, when we get to the room, when we go into MK for the first time, when my kids see the characters they love...Wishes is always good for a nice cry...I think I cry more when I arrive & when I am there, than when I leave - cause I know I am coming back. The trip home is the perfect time to start planning the next trip!
Oh, I am so thankful for this thread! I thought I was the only one!!!!

When we went back in 2005, it had been 14 years & that visit was really fast -- just a long weekend. Our 2005 trip was for 10 days and our DS (8 at the time), had never been. I had many sleepless nights because I was so excited! When we finally arrived and the pre-show at MK began, I was completely shocked at my reaction -- I really hadn't anticipated tears!!!! When Mickey and crew rolled in on the railroad to wish us a magical day, I really started blubbering!

Leaving was REALLY hard. DS and I cried and were pretty dejected when we left; we had no idea when we would be returning...

I worked on the scrapbook a little when we got home, but I was too sad, wishing I was back!! Now that we've gotten our PHs for next June and we know we're going back, I'm loving the scrapbook & tear up because WE'RE GOING BACK!!!!!!!!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
Good Morning everyone,

I Love You all here. This is an awsome board and I for one am just as easy when it comes to being a blubbering idiot.... 18 Days and counting to our trip to WDW....:lmao: :banana:

I am definately excited and can hardly wait:woohoo:

My wife, her sister and I were together last night and we talking about our up coming trip just last night and her brother called and he is just as big fan as I am for WDW..... :dance3:

So I can never get enough of Disney.......I even went to the Disney store last night.....They know me there in that store because everytime I go to the mall I have to go visit even if I don't buy anything LOL:rolleyes1

So until next post 18 Days and Counting to our next trip...... :rolleyes: :cheer2:
Good Morning everyone,

I Love You all here. This is an awsome board and I for one am just as easy when it comes to being a blubbering idiot.... 18 Days and counting to our trip to WDW....:lmao: :banana:

I am definately excited and can hardly wait:woohoo:

My wife, her sister and I were together last night and we talking about our up coming trip just last night and her brother called and he is just as big fan as I am for WDW..... :dance3:

So I can never get enough of Disney.......I even went to the Disney store last night.....They know me there in that store because everytime I go to the mall I have to go visit even if I don't buy anything LOL:rolleyes1

So until next post 18 Days and Counting to our next trip...... :rolleyes: :cheer2:

Where are you staying at when you get in??
The tears definitely flow upon my arrival and we go every year!! Epcot is my favorite park so it's the first one we hit. Nothing happens when we land or even when I get to my hotel but the minute I enter that park I look around and say "we're here" and the tears flow:sad:

I always get teary on the last day.

We just returned on Friday and I'm still depressed and imagining where I would be at a particular time of day:guilty:


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