"Do you wanna go on vacation with us to Disney World?"......"YEEEEESSSS" - Pre T


DIS Veteran
Mar 6, 2008
I am new that this trip reporting thing, so I am going to update this more as I go along. Me, my mom, and my younger brother will be arriving on October 17 and the rest of the clan will be arriving a day later. We will then be there the ENTIRE week and leaving on the 25th :furious: Not long enough for me..lol..We are staying in the POP century resort and using the ME which I hear is a very nice luxury.

The family on this trip is
Me - 22 year old college student..This will be only my second time but I am planning on many more!!


Mom - 44 year old mother who I love dearly...She has only been once and that was her senior year of high school so she is looking forward to this trip and many more that we plan on taking! This is a picture of her with Casey!

Younger Brother (Zach) -16 year old ...He has never been to Disney World and I don't believe he knows what is in store for him!! He doesn't realize how magical Disney World is!!

Casey - 2 year old - First time going and is going to be so excited!! He loves Mickey, Buzz, and Lightning!!

Amanda - 25 year old - Best sister in law I could ask for..She has been to Disney World a few times but this one is special for her because it will be her first trip with her son!


Daniel - 25 year old - Best big brother I could ask for..He loves the Disney stuff as much as us girls and gets just as excited as we are!! In this picture he doesn't look too happy because it was the state fair and 90 degrees!


Laurie - Age anonymous..lol..-Sister in law's Mom :mickey2:
Joe - Again anonymous age..-Sister in law's Dad :sulley:
Joey - 22 year old - Sister in law's Brother :donald:

My sister in law's family is like my other family so this may seem like a very mixed crowd but our two families are very close!

Me, my mom, and Zach will be arriving on the 17th because our plane tickets were cheaper that day and I talked my Mom into a day of just us 3 so we could enjoy just a day doing whatever we pleased. Our plane is supposed to arrive at 9:30 a.m. in Orlando so I am asuming we will be in our room between 11 and 12. This is my first time EVER flying so I am going to need time to breathe and let myself know that I am ok..lol..and that once the door closed to the airplane that doesn't mean all the air is gone(I suffer slightly from claustrophobia if you can't tell). After we get checked in and just enjoy the fact that we are there and realize our 7 month wait has finally arrived :banana:

I think we are going to head over to Magic Kingdom for a little while. Since this is my little brother's first time we plan on just letting him choose what he wants to do for a little while. So whatever ride seems appealing he can do. We are from the Cincinnati area of Ohio so to him he keeps asking is Disney World bigger than Kings Island and I don't think he honestly gets how much BIGGER it actually is! :cheer2:

With that in mind I would also like to allow him to pick dinner that night too. He loves fireworks but loves enjoying things for the first time with the entire family so we will probably wait until the next day when everyone else arrives to do tht so he will enjoy it more by sharing it with others :wizard: He is a very simple minded teenager so something as simple as riding the monorail is going to be a reason for celebration..lol..

As I am writing this I am making a list of to do and for some reason I just had a thought pop in my head about comfortable walking shoes, I wonder if Crocs will be comfortable for that amount of walking? LOL

*Random thought get together with the entire group to figure out where we want dinners so we can call and get reservations on that "magical" date..lol*
Hello! :wave2:
That sure is one precious baby!
King's Island....hmmm....I have some very vague, yet traumatic, memories of The Beast...from when I was REALLY young....still makes me shiver...
Can't wait to read up on your mom's side of the trip planning! :goodvibes
Hi! Great start to your report! :thumbsup2

Your nephew is so adorable! Sounds like you have a great family and you guys are going to have a great time!

I can let you know how Pal Mickey works for us when we get back. I really think he is more a novelty thing...something fun but he is supposed to be helpful in the parks too. Your newphew will probably love it!

I am originally from Erie, PA...and have been to King's Island! I loved the Beast!! (Sorry Britt...about your not so fond memories!) I went when I was 21 and I love thrill rides. I actually used to work at Cedar Point...I did my internship there the summer of 1997 and it was definitely one of the best summers of my life.

Looking forward to reading more and meeting your mom.

Happy Planning!! :wizard:

So my planning today consisted of going to the library and checking out every updated book they have about Disney World. I think I left there with 4 of them or maybe 5..lol...I told my Mom I hope they don't want these back too soon because I have lot of reading up to do! :rotfl: :rotfl:

And Zach the 16 year old decided today that he isn't going to go on any rides unless someone is with him and my mom said good..lol..Thats how it was going to be anyways. Ever since he was a little one you have to explain stuff to him in smaller aspects so instead of saying hours when he was younger you would say two shows which equaled an hour but he didn't know that. So today he started asking how many hours it would be all together from our house to the airport and everything we gotta do there to how long will it take to get to Orlando and from there how long to to the hotel..lol..

So we came up with
1.5 hours to the airport from our house (Leaving from Lexington much cheaper and we get an extra day out of it this way..oh darn :thumbsup2 )

2 hours checking in at airport and doing all the fun security stuff...We might save time her by printing out boarding passes at home night before...But since I've never done this I need to know if we can do it on our flight or not..hmmm..lol..gotta check on that...

2 hours airplane flight...Thank goodness cause if not I don't think we would last and my Mom would probably hurt us both really bad..lol..jk

45 minutes once we land to get to the Disney check in place which I am still totally confused about too...So hopefully a DISer will be able to explain this better to us...And then wait for our ME to POP.

1.25 hours to POP...This is what we have read but not sure though...

So our total comes to 7.5 hours from Cincinnati to Orlando which to him seems like forever but then you have to remind him if we were to drive it would be double that if not more and so much more stressful on Mom..So he says ok and goes along with it for now.

He isn't getting himself too excited though because he says that if he gets as excited as we are by the end of the 7 months we will want to strangle him..lol..So we agreed and just let him shake his head at our excitement...

We also decided today while in the car on a mini road trip to my Aunt's house that we are going to go to Magic Kingdom that first day since it will only be us! He won't admit it but he likes the idea of a Mom and Sister day for him before the rest of the family gets there. :yay:

This is all very random so sorry if you can't keep up with it..I am a very random person...In my first post on here I forgot to mention a key member of our family but unfortunately he won't be joining us this trip...That's because he has 4 legs and I don't think he would be very keen to a plane trip considering he has never left the house..lol..His name is Kolbe and here he is

I believe that is all I have for today....I am going to have my Mom post on here tonight and introduce herself....Until then have a great night :cheer2:
Hello! This pre-trip board is overwhelming, lol. I am the mom(Jackie) that my DD refers to in her pre-trip plan. As she has already stated, I have only been to Disney World once, which was for my senior high school trip. Oh wow, just realized, the only time I saw DW in the daylight, was on the way out of the park, since we went for a grad-night celebration. I am so blessed to have 3 of the best kids in the world. For future reference, if i say 4 i am including the best daughter-in-law a mother-in-law could envision. Don't get me started on the cutest, sweetest, happiest, most intelligent grandson a proud maw-maw could have!:jumping1:
I have a big family going too and I know how hard it is to plan everything. Read what someone wrote in my pretrip report.. first thing Relax. lets keep each others Pretrip threads going. I am having a hard time drawing in people to read but I will keep reading up on yours

so what books have you bought.. I have 3 books, UG,Passporter and Birnbaums WDW for kids. I like the passporter for the fills ins in the back and I also did one month of the ebooks(4.95) for the ones i can fill in and print off. The kids like the kids edition cause it shows the pics of the rides and they can fill in stuff too. It has places for autographs but we bought them all autograph books off ebay
I didn't buy..LOL..I checked out from the library..let's just say it won't be available for people for quite awhile lol I plan on re checking em out after the 3 weeks..I know its selfish but hey I need em more than they do..jk...I have the Birnbaums and my sister in law's mom has the one for kids too..I hae the UG also and I can't remember the other one...I can't leave the 2 year old running around but I will get back to you on the 3rd one...I like doing crafts so I am possibly going to make our autograph books...Cause I like Tigger and I haven't found any with him on it and my mom LOVES Eeyore so I need one for her and so on...My brother who is 16 says he is not going around any characters lol so I don't have to worry about making him one!! And I keep seeing on here where people are making tip envelopes so I have to get on making ours or figuring out how to do so!!
Hello! This pre-trip board is overwhelming, lol. I am the mom(Jackie) that my DD refers to in her pre-trip plan. As she has already stated, I have only been to Disney World once, which was for my senior high school trip. Oh wow, just realized, the only time I saw DW in the daylight, was on the way out of the park, since we went for a grad-night celebration. I am so blessed to have 3 of the best kids in the world. For future reference, if i say 4 i am including the best daughter-in-law a mother-in-law could envision. Don't get me started on the cutest, sweetest, happiest, most intelligent grandson a proud maw-maw could have!:jumping1:

:welcome: to the DIS. Eeyore is also my favorite character!
Today I looked at some of the specialty cruises for the fireworks..I am trying to figure out how much it would be a person and since it could be split up amongst 8 adults it would make it pretty cheap for all of us. So now we have that up in the air!

And I know my sister in law wants to eat at Rainforest Cafe but since it's not part of the Disney Dining Plan that gives us an extra meal to possibly use on a Signature Show...Any ideas from anyone??

And since we are using ME I am wondering how easy that will be to get around the park to the places we wanna go? Hmmm...stuff I will have to research! ;)
Just waiting on October hours to come out..lol..Then I can start planning our days!

We are going to meet up next week with my sister in law and brother to see what they had in mind for the ts meals and compare them with our list. My sister in law who is my age is a huge princess fan, but I don't know if she is going to want to do CRT since we have Casey with us, so we will see if she wants to do it or not. One def. is Crystal Palace, another for me is Sci-Fi, and then I know we are for sure doing Grand Gathering for character breakfast! Another one I heard from my sister in law which is a MUST on her list is the Rainforest Cafe so we just gotta get it all together and then see the hours for October before making any final decisions. And since we are staying at POP we can call that one magical morning and get the reservations for all of them we want!!

Oh and me and Zach did the good ol YouTube the other night for a few main rides at DW and we decided which we wanna do!! Expedition Everest and TOT are a def. then since my mom has back problems we have to find rides that will be alright for her back too!! :confused3

Well it is 1:15 a.m. here and I am not asleep yet..LOL..This place is addicting!! I have a job interview on Monday at our local zoo and whether or not people think it's a childish job I love working with children so it's great for me!! I hope everyone who reads this has a great weekend!! :dance3:
Hi! :hippie: Just found your PTR and it looks like we will be there around the same time in October. I don't know my dates exactly yet - waiting for the school calendar to come out. I'm pretty sure we will be there Oct 15-19 and we always stay at POP on our October trips! Looking forward to hearing more of your plans.
Hi! :hippie: Just found your PTR and it looks like we will be there around the same time in October. I don't know my dates exactly yet - waiting for the school calendar to come out. I'm pretty sure we will be there Oct 15-19 and we always stay at POP on our October trips! Looking forward to hearing more of your plans.

Thanks for stopping by! We are waiting for the October calendar to come out before we start doing any more planning!
Hi Holly! :wave2: Your family sounds very nice and I bet you are all going to have so much fun together. It will also be a great experience for you all getting to watch your little nephew take in everything. I bet he will have some really cute character interactions.
I know I have not updated this lately at all! Well that is because we are at a stand by..lol... We have been waiting for the hours for the parks to come out so we can get together with the whole group and decide where and what to eat. On top of that all the guys are very picky eaters so we have a feeling the girls will be going to a few dinners on their own as will the guys.:cool1:
We have no problem with this, we have girls night out they have guys night out! Even though we will probably have the youngest one with us, but still he can come to girls night out.

So things have been going on and we are not sure if my younger brother is goign to be able to go or not. I am going to be very bummed if not because I want him to ride all the "big rides" with me. I know my mom cannot because of her back and probably wouldn't if she could. So we are trying to figure out whether or not he is going. I am rooting for him coming but things have to change first...Back to TR now..lol

I know during the middle of the week we want to have a visit to the ocean. We are not sure yet how we are going to get there. I am assuming by renting a van or something for the day. Unless someone else has any ideas?

I am so overwhelmed with Disney anymore, it is making my boyfriend crazy..lol..I am making spreadsheets on Excel with all the hours and the times of parades and nighttime shows to take with us on Sunday when we do our dinner planning. I think the reason he doesn't want to get too excited for me is because he can't go because of being in school. I really want him to go but honestly I am not even sure if he would want to go. So there is always next year :thumbsup2

I am waiting on Tour Guide Mike to release the least busiest days and such for us to visit certain parks. I kinda wish we had this before we decide on ADR, but I don't see that happening. So for now I will have to wing it.

I tend to ramble on a lot, but I keep thinking about stuff. Our flight has changed so now we won't be arriving in Orlando til 12:30 ish p.m. and I am frustrated because me and mom wanted that whole day, and then our return flight has got bumped up 3 hours earlier on the day we are leaving. But my mom has said we will just have to be sure to have a nice breakfast that morning before we leave! I love the way she thinks :hug:

So after our Sunday meeting I can update more! I am off to bed now because I am exhausted and my bed is calling my name! Thanks for reading!!
So we sat down last night and have figured out where we are using our "Table Service" meals at. We have also figured out a few counter services that some people wanted to do for sure! So....It is late and I don't have time to fully update tonight so when I get home from work tomorrow I will fill in the details of our days!!


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