Do you regret your investment?

Do you regret your investment.

  • Yes, I regret it. I feel like I was misled.

  • No Way!!! Cuts won't affect my stay.

Results are only viewable after voting.
No regrets here!!! It is interesting, however, that none of the "regreters" posted why!
There's no regrets from this family, only that we didn't do it sooner!!! I'm like most not happy about the cut backs, but it won't affect our going and enjouying ourselves at WDW-VB.
The very phrasing of the question in the poll perplexes me a bit. What 'cutbacks' are we talking about? Pool hopping being limited for a week around major holidays? Or the Disney Collection going up in price? Besides that and some other things like shower curtains and soaps, I don't really understand what 'cutbacks' you are talking about. The phrasing of the 'No' vote makes it sound like you agree that there *have* been horrible cutbacks, but that you won't let them get in your way. Well how do you vote if you don't think that there have been horrible cutbacks?

We have had some family health problems of late, so I have not been around the board as much as I would have liked - have I missed some additional cutbacks other than the ones that I listed above?
Hi JonHM,

I was trying to find out with the WDW reduction of hours, loss of ee and e night what people felt about their investment in DVC.
I never really viewed the purchase of our family's DVC membership as an investment but more as an opportunity to be part of a special "club" that ensured a quality vacation experience for our family. I guess all of us have our concerns about cutbacks we hear about in the news but I will choose to believe that DVC will continue to have high standards of performance. Otherwise, all that Disney and DVC have built in their reputation for excellance is at risk and those in the business world know how important a great reputation is.
I did not vote. We do have regrets, but we do not feel we were misled, so I chose not to vote.

Don't you think many polls are determined in advance by the way the questions are worded? (I am thinking mainly of the ones on

To summarize, we have regrets and I stated "why" above, but I was not one of the ones who voted.
Sorry, I tried to word it better. I think this is skewed due to a VERY biased audience. To quote Captian Rex "I promise to do better next time!" :D
As I said, over the past 2 months I have not been on the board as much as I would have liked due to family situation. So fill me in: When was it announced that DVC members would no longer have access to Early Entry and E-Night? What are the details? I couldn't find anything about it on the DVC website. Can you please provide a link to further information?
The first link seemed to take me to a thread that had nothing to do with any of this - it was asking people where they had travelled.

The second link was an interesting read, BUT I didn't see ONE cold, hard fact in the entire thread. It was all speculation and worries about 'what if'.

Several things: First, I *thought* you were saying that Early Entry and E-Nights still were going on, but that DVC Members had been excluded from taking part in them. Now THAT would have upset me, but (as you pointed out above) that does NOT seem to be the case.

Secondly, I would not classify either of these things as 'cuts', even IF they are true. E-Nights, in every WDW book I have read, are listed as a temporary phenomenon that could end at any time. When we were planning our June trip, a lot of what I had read implied that it was an experiment which had ended. But they did have 'E-Ride Nights' while we were there, and we attended one. If they HAVE, in fact, suspended them for now, which it is not clear to me that they have, I *strongly* suspect that they will be back within either a few months or within the year. The same goes for the rumors swirling about early entry - it is longstanding policy at WDW that when fewer people are attending the parks, they are open shorter hours. If they are doing this now, it is a temporary measure to combat the after-effects both of the Recession and of September 11th.

I am not at all convinced that any of these cuts are real, and I am CERTAINLY not convinced that they would be permanent, even if they are real. So far I have not been able to find anything out about them on any of Disney's official sites. If anyone can find any 'official' links or press releases regarding these cuts, I would be greatly appreciative.

Eeyore2U: I did NOT mean this as any sort of rant or lashing out at you personally, I am basically ranting in general. :) There was a lot of panic around here a few months ago - some of the worries turned out to be warranted, some did not. I am not someone who would always defend Disney, no matter what, but before I'm going to get upset, I want to have hard information, not speculation. I am very sorry if this reads in a negative way. I greatly appreciate your responses to my questions, and this itself has been a very interesting thread to read.
I think you will be hard pressed to find any official press from Disney Announcing the cutbacks. The fact that the cutbacks have been made is self evident though. Hours were cut this week at last moment, and this is according the the hours page on the Disney Website. Early Entry was also unceremoniously dropped this week as well and all reference to it was removed from the resorts page on Disney's Website. E-ticket nights were cancelled earlier in the month for this month and next month at least. I spoke to a friend who was at WDW this last week and he confirmed the hours changes and early entry changes. He also confirmed that, as far as he was concerned, the parks were relatively crowded for mid October.

I am sure no one would question the fact that some changes and cuts may be necessary if Disney is having the financial problems which it would seem that they are to prompt these sweeping changes. The question is in the logic of making *all* these changes at the same time, on short notice and immediately after the kick off of a year long celebration designed to entice people to visit Disney World. Can you still have a great time at Disney World even after these changes? Sure.. But, when will it stop? At a time when incentives are being made in other tourist oriented places to draw people in, Disney is cutting services and still keeping the prices at a level that was set before these service cuts and the 9/11 tragedy. On top of that, there are now rumors flying that SpectroMagic and CoP are closed or stopped indefinitely and even further unsubstantiated rumors about a resort closing temporarily and the delayed opening of Pop Century....

Disney really needs to entice people back to the 'World' not scare them away with a 'world' of cuts.
Your points are very well taken, but they also reinforce what I'm talking about. The only real information that we have is what has happened in the last week and is on the schedule for the next month, and we are taking that information and running with it, and coming up with all sorts of horrible possible scenarios.

All I'm saying is let's get upset, if we're going to, about what HAS happened, and not what MIGHT happen.

Disney's public relations people could *definitely* be doing a much better job of presenting whatever IS going on to the public.

I really do think that these schedule changes (including e-ride nights and early entry) are only temporary.

One last point: as far as things like crowds, what someone in a park *perceives* to be 'crowded', and what specific numbers Disney has about how many people actually ARE in the parks, compared to that time of year in other years, are two totally different things. So it might seem crowded to someone in a particular park on a particular day, and still be well under the numbers that Disney expects and schedules for based on their history.
I agree with you on worrying about what has happened and not what might happen. What has happened is bad enough as it is. Disney is completely dropping the ball on this and I just hope that their stock doesn't suffer anymore as a result of it. What might happen truly frightens me...

You are right about the perception of crowds, it is subjective. He just told me that there were lines on almost every attraction, not the walk on situation you might expect if Disney World was truly a ghost town. September/October are typically one of the slowest times as it is...
somewhere on this thread or another very similar thread is a link to a site which lists what cutbacks have actually occurred at WDW. Unless this site is totally untrustworthy I think it's a fact that EE has been canceled for all resort guest-DVC included- as well changing all the park hours, canceling certain shows,etc. The only DVC cutback I remember reading about was no CB at Olivia's, but there may be others. But the thread also stated something to the effect that almost on a daily basis,crowds permitting,hours could be expanded. Bottom line is that if people aren't going to be in the parks they're going to reduce hours. One positive way to look at it is if the parks were crowded it would take say 14 hrs out of your to do the park,now with small crowds you can do the same amount in 10 hrs.


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