Do you have a favorite Disney Villian?

Mad Madame Mim from Sword in the Stone & Malificent run neck and neck in my book for different reasons. Mim for versatility in keeping up with Merlin and also for amusement. Malificent for just plain wickedness...
My absolute fave is Maleficient the queen of all evil. She scared me good when I was little. Cause i'm afraid of her wrath I have a collection of her just need her pic but she hasn't graced me with that favor yet. I also love Hades he cracks me up I love it when he goes " ooh is my hair out??" and "Zeusy I'm home" :cool1:
Maleficient is my fave villain. I don't know what it is about her, but she rocks! The second time I was at WDW for Halloween I dressed up as Maleficient. It was awesome. My sister was the Evil Queen, and my daughter was Snow White. We got so many compliments! It was awesome being evil for a
groovy~disney said:
I love the villians and I wish they would get more time as characters in the parks. I did get my picture taken with Cruella on my last trip and that was really cool!

My honorable mentions for best baddie have to be Scar (LK), Hook (PP), The Horned King (BC), Cheshire Cat (AIW) and Frolo (HBND). But my all time favorite evil-doer is Chernabog from Fantasia!

i remember seeing the Evil Queen from Snow White walking thru MK. she did an autograph signing. it was pretty sweet too because she had that snide face she always has and she was acting "the part"(aka rude lol) while walking away booming "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" to people walking by lol.
Ursula! They just don't make villians like that anymore! What other villian plotted to take over the sea, while giving advice on landing a man?

Cruella is a close-by-an-eyelash second for me.
Definitely Malificent!!!! She is the ultimate villan!!! Next to her, the evil Queen from Snow White!! Have you noticed that there are more females than males when it comes to villans????
Amyz00 said:
Definitely Malificent!!!! She is the ultimate villan!!! Next to her, the evil Queen from Snow White!! Have you noticed that there are more females than males when it comes to villans????

LOL :lmao: What was Walt thinking? Now that you brought that up -- makes me wonder. :confused3
I dont know what it is that draws me to Capt. Hook. Only thing I can figure is he is so bumbling of a character, and sometimes his evil ways lands him in the hot spot.
I would say the White Witch aka Queen of Narnia is the most evil Disney Villan...she doesn't have any redeeming qualities and her nastiness and the ease with which she kills and destroys is scary. I am fascinated by her, because most villians you could say are misunderstood or have some good in them somewhere (like Darth Vader), but not her! :scared1:
Hey Groovy - I'm with you.

Chernabog. Many have never heard of him.
I would have to vote for URSULA! My favorite quote from her is "The only way to get what you want is to become a human yourself" So true, so true!
Malificent scared me as a child and still frightens me now. I think it's the changing into a dragon thing. She's just scary!

My favorite villian is Ursula. I think she has the best song.
Ooohhh....I love Malificent and her alter ego Chernabog! My son is a huge Hook fan. That will be what he is going as for Halloween.
OHHH Yeah. Has to be Malifecent. I LOVE her. If I had to be a villian, I'd be her. The witch in Snow White is way yucky. To ugly no way I'd be her!!! :stir:


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