Do you have a favorite Disney Villian?


<font color=magenta>I have the BIGGEST YELLOW stre
Jan 15, 2006
It is my so called "expert" opinion that we all have our favorite (secretly that we don't share out loud) :ssst: :lmao: Disney villian. :thumbsup2 After all it is the villian that drives the story and makes the hero or heroine look better. Without that unlovable villian, we probably wouldn't need our lovable hero/heroine to save the day.

That being said, I gave this some thought. :rolleyes: Of all Disney villians (and aren't there plently nasties out there), I would pick Ursella (Little Mermaid) because not only is she dastardly, she eats her shrunken merpeople. I can't think of too much more nasty than that. :sad2: Anyone care to chime in and share? Must be a lot of opinion out there on the boards. :goodvibes
Zurg makes me laugh out loud. When DS watches Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, there are so many lines that I just enjoy. No disrespect meant to Mr. Tim Allen and whomever was the voice of Zurg in TS II, but Patrick Warburton as Buzz and Wayne Knight as Zurg just make the show.

But can someone really be a villian when they're that completely inept??

"Curse you, Buzz Lightyear!!"
slk537 said:
Zurg makes me laugh out loud.
But can someone really be a villian when they're that completely inept??

"Curse you, Buzz Lightyear!!"

:thumbsup2 Good point! Can a comical villian still be considered a villian? I think so -- they're still nasty. :lmao:
I also have to throw in Cruella De Ville. How awful to want to buy the most adorable puppies in the world to do you know what to them....... YIKES!!! She was definitely an all time baddie. :scared1: :dog2: :dog: pug: :scared1:
i think all of them are pretty evil and i like them all the same :)
I would have to say Jafar or Scar. I mean Scar killed his own brother and made a young Simba think he did it. How mean is that?
You bet I have a favorite. It's URSULA!!!!!

The woman just has it ALL!!! She's seen it all...done it all...and wants it all back! She's absolutely Shakespearean tragic! And with that overwhelming desire to do anything to get Ariel's voice so that once again SHE can be the Diva that she once was! She's just so Copacabana Donna Summer Last Dance Divine Graceful Butch Joan Crawford that I JUST CAN'T STAND IT!!!

Cruella has a venomous fashion sense, Scar is a sly megalomaniac, Frollo is so wickedly hypocritical, Hopper is so Dennis Hopper, Jafar is a greedy schemer and the whole collection of witches and queens and step-mothers are so desirous for what they want, but in my mind Disney animators did *such* a good job with Ursula that she just speaks to me.

However, the other villian that I think is very interesting is Gaston since there's the juxtaposition of the Beast (who appears to be the villian but who is the hero) and Gaston (who appears to be the hero but who is instead the villian).
luvfigment said:
I would have to say Jafar or Scar. I mean Scar killed his own brother and made a young Simba think he did it. How mean is that?

Good point. I have to agree! That Scar was pretty evil too!! ::yes::
Malificent for sure! She frightened my so horribly when I saw SB in the movie theater. I had to hide under the seat. I have a respect for her for that.
IMHO, Maleficent is the worst (therefore best) Disney Villain.

DD6 said that it is Captain Hook.

Why don't they still have a Disney Villain character meal??!
hickchick said:
Why don't they still have a Disney Villain character meal??!

I never knew they had one. Maybe it scared the younger kids. :scared1: I wouldn't have done one when my kids were younger. :scared:

Come to think of it, I still have nightmares about the cackling the witch/queen does in Snow White when she hands her the apple and I'm an adult. :sad2:


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