Do They Know Its Christmas - NO! A Surprise PTR

Lol it is actually my favourite. I have 5 but would scrap 3, maybe 4 if I had the money to get them removed!
That's it ^^^
I must admit I've not seen Hercules! I really need to. Or Meet The Robinsons. I'm slacking big style!
James has Ratatouille on repeat lately. We need some diversity!
I'd say one cocktail and I would be on the floor. My last proper night out was April. Went out with my friends from school for dinner and drinks. Very classy ;) Was getting sick in the bath by 2 am! ! xxx

Jill used to do tattoo removal in Newcastle she works in beauty and did the lazer training she could tell you about all the bad tattoo she seen sure yours are not that bad ;) she very cute is she on show ?
Amazon great for DVDs and the bof offer in the super market I need bolt we haven't got that, they boys a arguing about what to watch at the min we did the frozen Sing along yesterday at the pics.
Oh sign of a good night lol I don't do late Kizzy I don't do late nights any more need my sleep I can not lie in anymore.
Looking forward to your update over the weekend catch up soon
Oh forgot to add, hoping to get loads done and do a proper update this weekend! DH is away to Prague in the morning for his friends stag so I'll be home alone geeking up on DLP, making plans and watching films with the kids. I'm thinking the classics, the kids need a good Disney education! Maybe Snow White and Pinocchio and possibly Aladdin. Aaaaaaand only 95 sleeps to go :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

lol I've had to give some of our disney blurays to my parents so they know the stores before we go! Mainly Ratatouille and Lilo & Stitch!!!

Jill used to do tattoo removal in Newcastle she works in beauty and did the lazer training she could tell you about all the bad tattoo she seen sure yours are not that bad ;) she very cute is she on show ?
Amazon great for DVDs and the bof offer in the super market I need bolt we haven't got that, they boys a arguing about what to watch at the min we did the frozen Sing along yesterday at the pics.
Oh sign of a good night lol I don't do late Kizzy I don't do late nights any more need my sleep I can not lie in anymore.
Looking forward to your update over the weekend catch up soon

I am so late with this update! Had a great weekend with the kids. We mainly just mooched about and had lots of movie nights but the weekend flew by!
I quite liked Bolt, the hamster is hilarious!
I am just useless at late nights too. I fall asleep on the couch most nights around eleven. DH says I'm boring but I actually thoroughly enjoy my sleep! Nothing like a good rest! I such a lazy ****!
Update is coming along in a minute :thumbsup2

lol I've had to give some of our disney blurays to my parents so they know the stores before we go! Mainly Ratatouille and Lilo & Stitch!!!


Stitch is great. I think Lilo is just comical. Trying to get Nanie in trouble with the social worker. I roar laughing every time! James is soon going to have the Ratatouille dvd worn out!
Oh speaking of keeping the grandparents up to date, we were at Disney on Ice ages ago and my Mam wanted to buy the slushy cups. It was a Beauty and the Beast show so the cups were Chip cups and next thing I hear my Mam having a dispute with the guy selling the slushies! Mam was refusing to pay for the slushy as the cup had a huge chip in it......!!!! It was only painted on. I nearly got sick laughing! She is so ditzy some times!
To Do List:

Get passport photographs taken and apply for passports. DONE
Send off for my new Annual Pass.
Change our times with RS Transport as per our newly changes flight times. Don’t you just love flight time changes? Grrr
Print coupons and letters for the kid’s surprise reveal.
Buy PJs for myself and James.
And a new coat for myself and maybe Jemma. DONE
And wrapping paper.
Send off our Tesco vouchers. DONE
Book restaurants.
Pay the balance off the hotel.

So I'm slowly getting through the list! I thought I had loads more done but no!

I'm hoping to get an email off to the AP office this week but I will leave changing our RS Transport times for another month just in case Aer Lingus want to be kind and change our times to better ones, well one can hope!

I'm still way too early to book restaurants but hopefully I will get the PJs bought in the next month and Ive already found some nice wrapping paper in Primark/Penneys so just need to buy it.

Got my dates for starting college next month and I am super excited plus I am delighted to have pinned down work placement for January in a travel agents. I really had my heart set on it and was on top of the world when I spoke to the lady in the travel agency who said she would be happy to take me on for the duration of my placement. I know it is only a small step but it is in the right direction.

Kids are back to school Monday so there will be more time for lovely trip planning :cool1:

:santa::santa::santa: 89 SLEEPS :santa::santa::santa:
To Do List:

Get passport photographs taken and apply for passports. DONE
Send off for my new Annual Pass.
Change our times with RS Transport as per our newly changes flight times. Don’t you just love flight time changes? Grrr
Print coupons and letters for the kid’s surprise reveal.
Buy PJs for myself and James.
And a new coat for myself and maybe Jemma. DONE
And wrapping paper.
Send off our Tesco vouchers. DONE
Book restaurants.
Pay the balance off the hotel.

So I'm slowly getting through the list! I thought I had loads more done but no!

I'm hoping to get an email off to the AP office this week but I will leave changing our RS Transport times for another month just in case Aer Lingus want to be kind and change our times to better ones, well one can hope!

I'm still way too early to book restaurants but hopefully I will get the PJs bought in the next month and Ive already found some nice wrapping paper in Primark/Penneys so just need to buy it.

Got my dates for starting college next month and I am super excited plus I am delighted to have pinned down work placement for January in a travel agents. I really had my heart set on it and was on top of the world when I spoke to the lady in the travel agency who said she would be happy to take me on for the duration of my placement. I know it is only a small step but it is in the right direction.

Kids are back to school Monday so there will be more time for lovely trip planning :cool1:

:santa::santa::santa: 89 SLEEPS :santa::santa::santa:
You get there super mummy :)
I so pleased you got a placement sorted !!!!
Your going to have a great time pixiedust:
Looking out fir new updates hope all well and kids enjoyed their first day back.
Loving your PTR popcorn::

Thanks so much for following along. Feels I've been neglecting things a bit but the kids are now back in school so I'm going to be devoting much more time to making lovely plans!
You get there super mummy :)
I so pleased you got a placement sorted !!!!
Your going to have a great time pixiedust:
Looking out fir new updates hope all well and kids enjoyed their first day back.

I am on cloud nine Rach!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:
Not feeling much of a super mummy at the minute. Hello exhaustion! I'm wrecked the whole time!
The kids settled back in great and really like their new teachers so they are happy out. How did your gang get on going back?

New update on the way :thumbsup2
Morning all :wave:

So I've had a productive couple of days! Check out my to do list now!!

To Do List:

Get passport photographs taken and apply for passports. DONE and should be here Monday
Send off for my new Annual Pass. Ooops need to email still
Change our times with RS Transport as per our newly changes flight times. And this, I'll do this tomorrow!
Don’t you just love flight time changes? Grrr
Print coupons and letters for the kid’s surprise reveal. DONE and photos to follow!
Buy PJs for myself and James. (Still need to find nice ones) And a new coat for myself and maybe Jemma. Got us two very nice new coats :cool1:
And wrapping paper. Need to do this!
Send off our Tesco vouchers. DONE but still waiting on them to arrive :confused3
Book restaurants. Need to sit down with DH soon and make serious decisions but CM is a certainty for our Wednesday night
Pack. Almost time to get those cases down :cool1:
Pay the balance off the hotel. Done woo hoo!!!!

I also need to ring the Premier Inn and check brekkie times and that is kinda it! :banana::banana:

:santa::santa::santa: 81 SLEEPS :santa::santa::santa:
Fabulous - you're well on track!! Check your emails for Clubcard vouchers - recently all our clubcard vouchers have come via email.......

C x
Morning all :wave:

So I've had a productive couple of days! Check out my to do list now!!

To Do List:

Get passport photographs taken and apply for passports. DONE and should be here Monday
Send off for my new Annual Pass. Ooops need to email still
Change our times with RS Transport as per our newly changes flight times. And this, I'll do this tomorrow!
Don’t you just love flight time changes? Grrr
Print coupons and letters for the kid’s surprise reveal. DONE and photos to follow!
Buy PJs for myself and James. (Still need to find nice ones) And a new coat for myself and maybe Jemma. Got us two very nice new coats :cool1:
And wrapping paper. Need to do this!
Send off our Tesco vouchers. DONE but still waiting on them to arrive :confused3
Book restaurants. Need to sit down with DH soon and make serious decisions but CM is a certainty for our Wednesday night
Pack. Almost time to get those cases down :cool1:
Pay the balance off the hotel. Done woo hoo!!!!

I also need to ring the Premier Inn and check brekkie times and that is kinda it! :banana::banana:

:santa::santa::santa: 81 SLEEPS :santa::santa::santa:

Things are coming along nicely!
We may see you on the Wednesday night, it's our last night and it's tradition that we have our last evening meal there :thumbsup2
Fabulous - you're well on track!! Check your emails for Clubcard vouchers - recently all our clubcard vouchers have come via email.......

C x

Nothing yet but maybe I'm jumping the gun! I'll hold out til next week and give a ring if not. Its finally all coming together :cool1:
Things are coming along nicely!
We may see you on the Wednesday night, it's our last night and it's tradition that we have our last evening meal there :thumbsup2

Yeah, well, it'll be easy to spot my DH, he'll be the one looking ratty! He so isn't keen on CM! He had rubbery steak last time. I reckon if I buy him enough pints he wont care anyway!! ;) Be grand! I'm thinking we will probably go early evening to get back for Dreams and the tree lighting. I suppose we can't make concrete plans until we see the 1st Christmas weeks park programme. I love waiting :sad2:
Hurry up November!!
You're organised, as usual ;) The main benefit of going to DLP so often is that you can get organised really easily :)

We've been going through our Disney movies too - loads are on video from when Mark and Abbey were wee and we're slowly replacing them with DVD. I think Sleeping Beauty is next on the list, having seen Malefacent recently.

And...your MUST watch Hercules! It's a fantastic film :thumbsup2 This was the big movie when we went to DLP for the very first time. Mark was obsessed with it, had the costume and everything :rotfl: DLP did a special Hercules mini parade each day too which was excellent....happy days :goodvibes
You're organised, as usual ;) The main benefit of going to DLP so often is that you can get organised really easily :)

We've been going through our Disney movies too - loads are on video from when Mark and Abbey were wee and we're slowly replacing them with DVD. I think Sleeping Beauty is next on the list, having seen Malefacent recently.

And...your MUST watch Hercules! It's a fantastic film :thumbsup2 This was the big movie when we went to DLP for the very first time. Mark was obsessed with it, had the costume and everything :rotfl: DLP did a special Hercules mini parade each day too which was excellent....happy days :goodvibes

Thats my evening sorted now. I'm going to watch Hercules in bed with the kids and try to shake this manky hangover :sick:
I knew this Disney addiction would have its benefits!! I'm now a great organiser :rolleyes1 Every cloud has a silver lining ;)
That parade sounds so cool! Do you prefer DLP now or then?
That parade sounds so cool! Do you prefer DLP now or then?

I love it just the same :lovestruc

I think everyone's first trip is amazing, '*** you just don't know what to expect. But, the benefits if being before are that you can relax more and know you're way around. You don't stress about the little things ;)

DLP our first time had no Studios - they didn't exist. No EMH :(. The mini parade which was themed to whatever was up to date, in our case Hercules was at 11am each day. The main parade was at 3pm. I loved that parade, can't recall what it was called but music was 'Dancing a catchy rhythm' which was so dancy :cool1:

I'll need to re-read our first funny seeing the kids small :goodvibes
I love it just the same :lovestruc

I think everyone's first trip is amazing, '*** you just don't know what to expect. But, the benefits if being before are that you can relax more and know you're way around. You don't stress about the little things ;)

DLP our first time had no Studios - they didn't exist. No EMH :(. The mini parade which was themed to whatever was up to date, in our case Hercules was at 11am each day. The main parade was at 3pm. I loved that parade, can't recall what it was called but music was 'Dancing a catchy rhythm' which was so dancy :cool1:

I'll need to re-read our first funny seeing the kids small :goodvibes

I'm cringing writing this! There was no Hercules watched but :scared1: High School Musical and I found it strangely catchy :scared1: Hercules is confirmed with the munchkins for Sunday though :thumbsup2

Its funny how they have a knack of getting big when you aren't looking! My DD is already getting grown up and independent and surprises me everyday! I'm trying to keep them innocent for as long as possible and I do think DLP is great for keeping their imagination and make believe alive.
So we only have 75 sleeps left :santa::santa::santa:

And I am pretty organised.
PI brekkie starts at 6.30am and with our new check in time of 8am we will have loads of time to have a decent breakfast. I hate the food in the airport so this is a big bonus and I think we will do the night beforehand bag drop too. It will be so much more manageable in the morning. It will just mean a little forward planning like taking almost empty shampoo/conditioner or having our showers after we check into the Premier Inn and then running across to the airport which I think I'm leaning towards. I really dont want to cart my hairdryer around Dublin airport!!

I'm just ready to post my AP renewal too and the passports have arrived.
I also got around to emailing RS Transports and have changed our flight times with them.
I also made lists of the little bits I need to pick up in the next 10 weeks. Nothing major, I think buying new pajamas is actually my top priority on the list :rotfl:
Nothing to do now except pack :cheer2:

I also started college today and am very happy! I already have a distinction in one module so I don't need to redo it and that means I have Mondays off for the year :Pinkbounc and will have Fridays off until January when we start work placement, which I have also sorted out (in a travel agency, well if I can't always be in Disney at least I can plan other people's trips :rotfl:)
I also have only a couple of classes Tuesday afternoon with Wednesday and Thursday being a bit more hectic but it all makes my life so much easier that I can fit being a Mammy around college with minimal fuss. I can also still get out for a run 4 weekday mornings which is what keeps me from going batty!

Hope everyone is having a great week
God Kizzy you really are an organised lady! Fabulous you are back at college - it's tough trying to juggle everything but so worth it :thumbsup2

Enjoying reading along....should really try organise myself!


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