Do people actually enjoy these attractions?

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Personally, I love the Carousel of Progress and no trip is complete unless I get to enjoy it. Now, my 18 y.o. granddaughter considers it a cool, dark place to take a nap. :)
Tiki room - We liked the "Under New Mgmt" version of this better. Now it's a 'get out of the heat if line is short' place.
Country Bears - LOVE this! My youngest son knows every word to every song and sings them regularly! It's a hoot!
Hall of Presidents - We see this every trip, but the boys use it more as a nap.
Carousel of Progress - LOVE IT - my husband's favorite ride.
Captain EO - Meh - It's OK, but not a must do.
Journey with Figment - YES!!
Ellen's Energy - Yes - again, the boys LOVED the dinosaurs when they were small - now it's another nap.
Living with the Land - Yep - we love it.
Circle of Life - No, no, no. Just NO.
Movies in the World showcase - We usually skip these. Saw them once - will duck in if it's raining.
I'm kind of surprised at how many of these I haven't done.

These are the ones I have done...
Ellen Energy. It's very dated and it's very long. It isn't a waste of time though. I think it's worth doing at least once. As someone said it has a cool Dinosaur animatronics part where the theater seats turn into a moving vehicle.
Figment.. It's ok. I think it's worth riding.
Living with the Land.. I love this ride.
Captain EO.. Total waste of time. This takes the cheese factor to a whole new level.
Circle of Life... Again total waste of time. Talk about a boring, little preachy movie!
Carousel of Progress.. I enjoy this.
Hall of Presidents.. I like this one too
I think it bears mentioning that you have a little one in your party, and that some attractions scare him- or once did. Part of what makes many of the attractions you list so nice is that they are enjoyable and build a positive experience for small children. There's nothing scary or intense on CoP.
We are taking a mommy-and-me trip next month. The only two on your list that I plan to take my 4 year old on are Figment and Living with the Land. Mostly because at his age the others just won't be appealing to him. I was considering Country Bears but after borrowing the movie from the library we crossed it off our list (3 minutes into the movie he told me it was creepy and asked me to turn it off LOL).

BUT, at least one person in our family likes each of the remaining attractions. So, you just never know! I'd put them on the "if we have time" list. :)
any attraction at Disney to me is basically "mood based"....sometimes your in the mood for some classics, other time your in the mood for some more thrilling stuff....sometimes like me, you are just in a mood to walk around and people watch
The only attraction I really disliked was Sounds Dangerous, but it's gone now.

BTW, I love Hall of Presidents.
Must see every trip (in order of most to least favorite)
Tiki room (Avatar gives it away, but this is my favorite attraction in Disneyland and WDW)
Country Bears
Carousel of Progress
Living with the Land
Journey with Figment
Hall of Presidents

With all the hubbub about FP's and wait times, seems silly to skip some entertaining shows in the air conditioning.

See it one time
Circle of Life
Movies in the World showcase

Captain EO
Ellen's Energy

This is pretty much me, except that I do see the movies in WS fairly frequently - at least once a year, sometimes twice. It really depends on what you think of the movie whether it's a repeat for you or not. I do love the music from the French movie. I could sit and listen with my eyes closed and enjoy it almost as much as with them open (not saying the movie is bad, but the music is that good).
I'm planning a third trip to DW. First trip my 3 year old was scared of everything so we went on very, very few rides. 2nd trip - we went on a ton and it was fun to see what everyone's favorites were. Me - Haunted Mansion, DH - food & wine festival 8-), 8-year old son - Test Trak, 6-year old son - People Mover (!!!)

Even over a week we couldn't do everything so I'm trying to include lots that we didn't do last time.
BUT... some of these attractions are really questionable. Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Captain EO
Journey with Figment
Ellen's Energy
Living with the Land
Circle of Life
movies in the World showcase

Tiki room- yes (the original). And my girls from age 2-4 LOVED it. Living with the Land, yes. Carousel of Progress, YES! Ok, my family may not agree. But I love it, can't explain why. Country Bears though, I'll admit, I just can't do. Most of the movies, though, I could do without.
Tiki room - I enjoy this. Not every trip but every now and then.
Country Bears - Pass. This was a "one and done".
Hall of Presidents - Another we enjoy and do most trips.
Carousel of Progress - This is almost a must do for us. It is on my Favorite List on D-Cot.
Captain EO - OMG what an abomination. Another "one and done".
Journey with Figment - This is a tradition. DD loves it and the line is never long.
Ellen's Energy - Yuck - another one and done.
Living with the Land - this is an every other trip ride. There really isn't that much to do in EPCOT so what the heck
Circle of Life - Boring. I think we have see this twice in our 15+ trips.
movies in the World showcase - we have seen each movie about three times each. The lack of seating is a killer.
Everything at Walt Disney World needs to be experienced at least once.
Not quite so sure about that but I do get your point. I'm pretty sure I have no need to do Dumbo or the other spinning around a stick carnival midway rides.
  • Tiki room - I have never taken the time to see it. Maybe I will stop in, in about 17 days!
  • Country Bears - it's ok, normally skip it
  • Hall of Presidents- my husband and 11 yr old DGS (history lovers) love it, but it is nap time for everyone else.
  • Carousel of Progress- LOVE it and wouldn't miss it! All 9 of my grandkids have loved it and we all leave singing. We will be at MK in 17 days and my 15 yr old DGD said "We have to go to COP"!
  • Captain EO- NO!
  • Journey with Figment- yes
  • Ellen's Energy- I love it but most everyone else thinks it is long and boring
  • Living with the Land- YES! we all LOVE it!
  • Circle of Life- NO!
  • movies in the World showcase- NO!
CoP is a must-do for me, sometimes multiple times a trip. My family doesn't agree so I usually watch it alone.

I love the Tiki Room too.
Tiki room - Not every trip
Country Bears - Yes, do it every trip
Hall of Presidents - No, not American so doesn't have any impact on me, good for US citizens though
Carousel of Progress - Yes, dated but enjoy the concept
Captain EO - Saw it year it opened in 1986, hated it then and hate it now
Journey with Figment - No, where's the imagination for an imagination Pavillion
Ellen's Energy - No, really needs a refurb
Living with the Land - must do each trip
Circle of Life - Saw once don't need to again
movies in the World showcase - like France and do it every year, others not so much
Tiki room - sort of cheezy but cute (we do it about every other visit)
Country Bears - sort of corny but like how the bears characturize certain personas (we do it about every other visit)
Hall of Presidents - somewhat boring, but relaxing and patriotic (we do it about every third visit)
Carousel of Progress - I'm a closet fan of this attraction - very nostalgic and classic Disney (but only do about every other visit)
Captain EO - never
Journey with Figment - I think the ride itself is pretty lame but the song is incredibly catchy (do it about every third visit)
Ellen's Energy - did it once, it was better than I anticipated but too much of a time suck
Living with the Land - love it and ride at least once every trip
Circle of Life - never
movies in the World showcase - like the France movie the best because you can sit down (usually try to do at least one movie each trip)
We really love Living With The Land. Bet we did it a dozen times in one trip!
I'm planning a third trip to DW. First trip my 3 year old was scared of everything so we went on very, very few rides. 2nd trip - we went on a ton and it was fun to see what everyone's favorites were. Me - Haunted Mansion, DH - food & wine festival 8-), 8-year old son - Test Trak, 6-year old son - People Mover (!!!)

Even over a week we couldn't do everything so I'm trying to include lots that we didn't do last time.
BUT... some of these attractions are really questionable. Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

I'm thinking about:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Captain EO
Journey with Figment
Ellen's Energy
Living with the Land
Circle of Life
movies in the World showcase

We always do and like:
Tiki room
Country Bears
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
Journey into Imagination with Figment
Living with the Land
movies in the World showcase*

We sometimes skip:
Circle of Life
*American Adventure movie

We usually skip:
Captain EO
Ellen's Energy
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