Do people actually enjoy these attractions?

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Also why all the hate for Captain EO? My boyfriend (who is 8 years younger than me, has NEVER seen any of the Star Wars episodes IV - VI and was born and raised on Honey I Shrunk the Audience isn't a fan of it either). Is it a generational thing? The special effects are dated but the music is awesome and you can't deny the villain is spine tingling creepy)!

I don't think it's generational - my whole family loves Captain EO, from 17 to 50-something. :) We love the music, the cheesiness, the Villain-by-Giger, all of it!

Some of the hate is a matter of taste, I expect. Not everything's going to appeal to everyone. And some of it has to do with this:
We love all of the attractions on this list, with the exception of Circle of Life.
Most are on our "must do" list every time we vacation at DW.
Tiki room - like
Country Bears - like
Hall of Presidents - like, but usually miss. Hard to time it right.
Carousel of Progress - like, but usually miss. Hard to time it right. also the last scene(supposed to be futuristic is VERY dated.)
Captain EO - funny if you remember the 80's
Journey with Figment - we do, but is not a must do every trip
Ellen's Energy- done it, but wildly dated now. Fairly dull
Living with the Land- love this
Circle of Life- very dull
movies in the World showcase- we don't do these every trip- again- timing is part of it. China- YES, Canada - YES. France- very dull.

WE tend to tour opportunistically. if we happen to be walking through an area when a show is about to start, then we do it. If it is 45minutes until the next show, we don't wait.

Surprised the Treehouse wasn't in your list. that is one to skip.

You (the adults) might enjoy the Country Bears more if you understand the context/history of the attraction. I suggest spending 10min (or so) researching it on the internet. Many of the songs come from well known performers of the past, and where the idea of the show originates.
Many of these are our air conditioned afternoon break attractions
Tiki room- just fun and love the song
Country bears - just for silly fun. Makes us laugh
Hall of presidents - cool comfy very patriotic. Kids get bored
Carousel of progress - my daughter loves loves it
Captain EO - one and done and wish I hadn't
Ellen's energy adventure- I sleep through it every time - I call it my napping place. My daughter just loves it for some unknown reason
Figment ride - my daughter's favorite ride for awhile - we rode it over and over and over so many times in a row the cast member let us cut through where they put wheelchairs so we didn't have to go alllll the way around to get back on. I nearly lost my mind but she was in heaven - we probably rose 20 times in a row. This was before fast pass plus
Living the land - I enjoy it but my daughter tolerates it
My kids LOVE Country Bears. So much so that we saw it once last time we were there, and then went right back in for a second showing in a row. They also really like Carousel of Progress and Living with the Land and would be sad to miss them. All the others listed, not so much.
Our group is me (43), DH (48), DD8, DMom (71), DDad (73)
Tiki room - once a trip if we have time; however, my 73-year-old Dad loved it and would do it more than once:)
Country Bears - we all like it, once a trip if we have time
Hall of Presidents - a must do every trip; we all love it
Carousel of Progress - a must do every trip; we all love it
Captain EO - No
Journey with Figment - only if we have time
Ellen's Energy - No
Living with the Land - a must do, one of our faves
Circle of Life - haven't done it
movies in the World showcase - America movie, yes; others, no
The only ones on the list that I skip intentionally are Captain EO (The early 3d doesn't work for me), Ellen's Energy and the Circle of Life. I LOVE the Country Bears.
I've done all the attractions OP listed and I'm glad I did. Some we still do on every trip (HoP, LWTL, CoP), some we do occasionally (Tiki Room), some we never do (sorry Ellen, I'm looking @ you), but I'm glad I saw them all at least once. You'll never know what you'll like personally until you try it.
I'm planning a third trip to DW. First trip my 3 year old was scared of everything so we went on very, very few rides. 2nd trip - we went on a ton and it was fun to see what everyone's favorites were. Me - Haunted Mansion, DH - food & wine festival 8-), 8-year old son - Test Trak, 6-year old son - People Mover (!!!)

Even over a week we couldn't do everything so I'm trying to include lots that we didn't do last time.
BUT... some of these attractions are really questionable. Do people actually enjoy them for what they are, or do they just do it for tradition or sentimentality??
Would kids enjoy them?

Here's what our son (9) likes:
Tiki Room (family favorite. Could be scary to the very young.)
Country Bears (DS loves it, DH and I could leave it)
Carousel of Progress (another family favorite)
Captain EO (DH and I hate it)
Figment (DH and I disliked it. The original was better. DS sort of liked it, but really wanted to try the stuff at the end.)

DS dislikes:
Hall of Presidents (DH and I like it)
Ellen's Energy (good place for a nap)
Living with the Land (I love it, DH sort of likes it)
Circle of Life (we all agreed that this was boring)
WS movies (DH and I like some of them. They are really showing their age though.)
Tiki room - Not particularly but if theres a short wait and we are running out of things to do sure why not.
Country Bears - GOD NO. I can't
Hall of Presidents - Never done it so I'll probably try it once
Carousel of Progress - Yes! Love the song and I would do it for nostalgic purposes :)
Captain EO - No.
Journey with Figment - Of course! It's usually a walk on so why not.
Ellen's Energy -I haven't done it in years so I think I'm due for a round. Especially if you are really tired or its pouring outside.
Living with the Land - Yep. Again never a long line for it.
Circle of Life - No. I did it once-that was enough. The message is already conveyed.
Movies in the World showcase- Never done any
I would try to make time for everything you've never experienced, no matter what bad reviews you may read. Certain things may surprise you and be enjoyable!

Tiki room - I haven't done this since I was 3 years old but I would do it if you haven't done it before! We didn't have time to do it this last trip.
Country Bears - I have never done this. :(
Hall of Presidents - I desperately wanted to do this but couldn't squeeze it in. My parents did it and said it was great!
Carousel of Progress - I absolutely loved this! I really did! My husband, however, did not like it at all.
Captain EO - I just saw it for the first time last week. I hated it. I never saw the movie so I had no idea what to expect (I am a Michael Jackson fan). I knew it was outdated but thought it might be interesting...however, I don't like The Muppets or other puppet-type characters so I didn't enjoy this at all. It was a nice break from the heat and I closed my eyes for a few minutes. :)
Journey with Figment - This is a cute, fun ride. I love the song. It's not a must-do, but if you have a little extra time it's worth it.
Ellen's Energy - This is an incredibly long show/ride. If you have nothing better to do or need a break from the heat, do it. It's bittersweet for me because I love Ellen DeGeneres and the "ride" part features an awesome dinosaur filled land that is neat to look at. The downside is that it's very, very long and the "show" part is boring. I wish they'd just make a ride out of the dinosaur part! It's a popular attraction for naps. :)
Living with the Land - This is a must do for us every time. It's informative, educational, and beautiful.
Circle of Life - We intended to do this but didn't have a chance. Again, if you find that you have the time, definitely do it. I think everything is worth trying once.
movies in the World showcase - The France movie I hear is nice, plus you get to sit down. Both China and Canada's movies you have to stand so do not do them if you are exhausted as it feels like you're standing for an eternity. If you're not in the mood to learn something, skip them.

You didn't mention it, but if you have not done The Great Movie Ride in Hollywood Studios, it's a must-do! We skipped it in 2012 but were able to do it this time and it was completely different than I expected...very cool! It will be a repeat for us in the future. :)
Our first trip happened when we were both adults, so there's no tradition or sentimentality about my thoughts on the following: we didn't get round to some of the attractions on our trip, or deliberately skipped a couple... some are on our must do next time!

Tiki Room: we missed this totally by accident! We're parr-onts, so singing animatronic parrots sound like a lot of fun!
Country Bears: we avoided this. I've been told we won't get the humour, and the bears look creepy.
Hall of Presidents: might catch this next time, but probably not!
Carousel of Progress: confused me, but I loved the song, and we'll probably do it at least once a trip. Wouldn't totally avoid it.
Captain EO: Didn't get round to it.
Journey with Figment: Figment is cute. We'll do it at least once each trip too.
Ellen's Energy: A very long science thing with the voice of Dory and a 2 minute guest from the Big Bang Theory (neither Ellen or the Science Man are on TV here in the UK, so I have no huge desire to see them in something that lasts that long when I don't really know who either of them are.)
Living with the Land: LOVE IT! To do multiple times each trip! :)
Circle of Life: not seen it yet.
movies in the World showcase: not seen them all yet, but worth seeing them, I think...
If you are at the parks for seven days like we do, why would you not experience everything. Captain EO is the only attraction on your list we skip. Saw it in the 80's when it first came out and wasn't impressed. We love all of the other rides and attractions because that is what WDW is all about except for Stitch. As a matter of fact, the first ride we go on is It's a Small World. Call it tradition but my wife and I love that ride.

We went to Epcot for a day plus another night. Both times we did Soarin, Test trak, and Spaceship Earth. On the longer day we did Nemo/crush/the Seas. We went around the world showcase twice, watched some performances, saw Illuminations, enjoyed the food & wine booths, played Phineas & Ferb. That pretty much filled up the time. We didn't even step inside the innovations buildings!
Tiki room - Yes
Country Bears - No
Hall of Presidents - Yes
Carousel of Progress - YES!
Captain EO - God, no
Journey with Figment - It's okay
Ellen's Energy - Yeah sure
Living with the Land - Love it
Circle of Life - It's okay
movies in the World showcase - Depends on the movie
Tiki room - YES! It reminds me of my grandma, who has now passed. She loved it and we always did it when I was young.
Country Bears - Yes, but not sad if I miss it. Corny but cute & also reminds me of my grandma.
Hall of Presidents - It's interesting but not a must-do. Also a good napping spot!
Carousel of Progress - My absolute favorite! Ever since I was a kid I have loved it. Again, you guessed it - reminds me of grandma.
Captain EO - I have yet to do this, so neutral.
Journey with Figment - FAVORITEEEEE! Love it. I love singing along and Figment is my favorite character.
Ellen's Energy - Neutral, have never done.
Living with the Land - Like it! Very interesting and relaxing.
Circle of Life - Neutral, have never done.
movies in the World showcase - I don't mind these but don't actively seek them out, so neutral.

As you can see, most of your list I really enjoy at do it for my enjoyment. I do have sentimental reasons attached to some, but I know if I didn't I would still enjoy them, like I don't do them out of a feeling of "duty" to my memories but the memories are a bonus. They all seem on the more "boring" side I guess, but the ones I've done are all super enjoyable to me. I like slowing down the pace sometimes! And the Tiki Bird and Carousel of Progress music is so darn catchy, I dare you not to keep singing along! I think you should try them once to get your own feel and then make future decisions based on that.
  • Tiki room: Yep, we love it. Classic, fun, happy... so very Disney!
  • Country Bears: DH's favorite. It's iconic and a Disney original.
  • Hall of Presidents: I teach US History... 'nuff said.
  • Carousel of Progress: It's from the World's Fair - of course, I love it!
  • Captain EO: NOPE.
  • Journey with Figment: YES. LOVE. Figment is my favorite. Just wish it was the original ride.
  • Ellen's Energy: NOPE.
  • Living with the Land: Favorite ride in EPCOT!
  • Circle of Life: Eh. Not sitting through it.
  • movies in the World showcase: no, thanks. I don't wanna watch a movie and stand.
Tiki room- Not a must do for us.
Country Bears - no thank you
Hall of Presidents - Great place to cool off and my husband and mom LOVE it.
Carousel of Progress- ALWAYS we love this ride. My kids LOVE this ride. I don't think we could skip it.
Captain EO- Not a fan
Journey with Figment- We do Enjoy this one. It's silly and fun!
Ellen's Energy- eh, We've been on a few times. Once it was a HOT day. we had time to kill before our fastpass then Dinner and it wasn't terrible and it was relaxing
Living with the Land- LOVE this one too. I really want to take the tour.
Circle of Life- we've done it once. Don't really need to again.
movies in the World showcase - once was enough.
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