Do Disney Store employees get a discount?

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Okay, curiosity got the best of me and I went to the cast member discount site noted in this thread.

You can get to the site; however, you cannot look at the "cast discounts" section.

Also, I got a pop up box ASKING if I wanted to download the Comet software - I just clicked no and it is not appearing on my PC.
Geesh, you all sound like working for TDS is some kind of a calling, like going into the priesthood or the ministry! I find it hard to believe that employees at TDS work any harder than any other retail store employees during the holidays. I also don't think it is unreasonable to ask what kind of benefits employees at TDS receive, I would want to know. All that said, I certainly wouldn't take a job just for the perks but because I needed to make extra money.
Mercy: I agree with you. I worked retail for around 6 yrs and don't think it's going to be any different working at TDS or Target! Oh ** well ** I think I'd be much happier seeing the Disney stuff though :) Everyone tells me I need to work at Disney or TDS! I am also currently working in my DD's school cafe and can't see it being any harder than that! It's so much more physically demanding then people think (and more than I thought). Then again, I am 15 yrs AGO then when I worked retail ;) ( I just reread my post. I meant "ago" not "old")

I also don't see the big deal in telling what the benefits to working at Disney or TDS. All other retail chains promote their discounts when hiring. I have seem the discounts, but I'm unable to remember what they are. I may have saved it somewhere.
Isn't it odd that most folks who see nothing wrong with posting Cast Member benefits or discounts are not Cast Members themselves?

The bottom line is, if you are not a CM or interviewing to be one, then you have no right to know. Period. If you are called in for an interview, ask THEN what the benefits are if they are that important to you.

Disney's benefits are not publicly noted b/c they don't need to resort to such tactics to recruit new CMs.

I would never claim that my job is any harder or easier than anyone else's. Without experiencing the other person's job first hand, it would be difficult to draw an honest conclusion.

I have two jobs, humor me for a moment. When describing my full-time job to my fellow CMs I'm told "that sounds like so much work, and so challenging! Working at DS must be so easy for you". My full-time position is managing the marketing department (an in-house ad agency) for a large international corporation. Challenging, yes. But I find my job at DS much more enjoyable and full of opportunities. I thought retail would be a cakewalk! I was very wrong. And as much as you all dislike hearing it, Disney is not your typical retail store.

So, I'll ask you, unless you've had the opportunity to work at DS, please refrain from making judgements.

For those of you who are criticizing the implication that working at DS is more challenging than any other retail establishment, I'll ask you to remember that the next time you go into our stores. I've read many complaints on these boards regarding a CM who didn't treat you as well as you expected, or that we're not making you feel as special as you believe you are entitled to feel. Yes, Disney is here to Exceed Guest's Expectations. We are not Target, K-Mart or Toys R Us...we're Disney. And because we're Disney, we're held to a higher standard - by our managers and YOU, our guests.
I have deleted the link to the website with the Cast Member discounts posted at the request of the webmaster of that site.
Don't understand what the big secret is...Disney posts what benefits CMs that actually work at WDW have for benefits so what's the big deal about ds employee benefits? Most people looking for employment anywhere want to know what benefits are offered before they apply.
I think what most of the posts are saying is that if you are really interested in working for TD, then go in to one and ask for a manager/assistant manager and ask the questions. If it sounds like something you would like to do, then finish the application process and go from there.

Why is that no one seems to get that CM's are just not supposed to give this information out themselves? It isn't like they are hiding something, it is just a fact that they are NOT supposed to discuss it.... period.... end of sentence.
I agree with Sorcerer. I also have two jobs and work equally hard at both them. You can interchange "benefits" with "compensation." Whether the employer is the Walt Disney Company or CIGNA, your compensation will include benefits. Most people think of benefits as medical, dental and vision care. This also includes things such as auto or travel reimbursement, etc. Sometimes these types of benefits are called perks. But they are still part of your compensation - comp is not always just salary. A company would probably pay you less in $ if you are given more perks (such as a company car, for example). To make a long story short, asking about what kind of "perks" or added benefits I receive at my job is just like asking me how much I make in $. Regardless of whether you meant to offend or not, some people are going to be offended. If you are interested in joining the Walt Disney Co. family, please do so. When filling out the application at your job interview, you should ask about the job's benefits, just like you would at CIGNA, or IBM or any other company.

Dizzy-Disney4, I am sorry you think the requirement of employees of the company are asked not to speak about benefits is "silly." I have this to say about your comment: "I don't make the rules, honey, I just work here." :wave:
As an ex TDS CM (just left last month due to medical reasons) I can tell you it is NOT a secret what the discounts. I was never told and never heard of any CM told not to discuss it. Yes working at TDS is a lot of work but fun and it is retail. All that being said if you truly want to work at TDS I would suggest stopping into the store. As for TDS not needing to resort to such tactics.....a friend just told me her local TDS had a "help wanted" sign in their window yesterday. Now that's what I call desperate! If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message.
Regarding the "help wanted"'s true that many stores are now displaying the "opportunities available" sign, but when I asked why our store was doing so (since I had the impression we had plenty of Future Interest forms on file) I was told we were directed to do so by home base. I believe it may have something to do with giving everyone an opportunity to apply for seasonal?

Additionally, if you read my post, you'd note that I said Disney doesn't resort to posting benefits/perks/discounts when recruiting for new Cast Members. I never said they don't advertise opportunities at all.
I, too, think it's so silly the big that is being made about her original question.

She asked what the discounts were, not what do you make and what the benefits are.

Asking what the discounts are is NOT the same as asking what you make, period.

I see NO reason this should be such a big secret and this thread made me laugh.

And just because non-CM's are interested in what the discounts are before they apply or start doesn't in no way mean they shouldn't work there as someone stated.

What's the big secret? If tell us what the discounts are, will you then have to kill us?

I repeat, this is not anything like discussing someones salary, IMHO.

I, too, worked in retail at a clothing store and know what it's like during the holidays. I see the only difference with Disney, is that you are expected to go above and beyond in kindness and helpfulness.

I hope I didn't offend any CM's but this is how I feel about this thread and the "big" secret discounts.;)
to stop beating this dead horse! Have some of these posts offended CM's, probably so, but, everyone has their right to their opinions on the topic, CM's and non CM's.

Everyone that is NOT a CM finds it laughable, so let's all laugh ~ HA HA~ and we'll move on.
By the way, for those who don't mind sharing the perks of their jobs, how much does your company contribute to your retirement funds or 401K's on your behalf? I'd like to know before I apply at your place of employment, to see if it is worthwhile for me to work there.
You know, no one was ever personally asked what THEIR perks were. This person just asked a general question, hoping for some information (which is what these boards are about right??). Yes, asking someone personally what they may or may not make, could be considered rude, but asking a general question as to whether or not anyone knew if there was a discount and what it might be is totally different. No need to get so sarcastic.


Inside sources say that Mickey had to 'eliminate' more than 300 CMs today, because he was told they had been discussing their perks on public internet boards.
When Mr. Mouse was asked if this was really a necessary step, Mr. Mouse replied, "Well, I hate when I have to take strong stands on these kinds of issues. But, these people signed agreements when they came to work for me. Rules are rules. Perks are for Cast Members and I feel that others just didn't have a 'need to know'. I realize some CMs were only trying to be nice and answer what seemed to be innocent questions......."

Mr. Mouse also disclosed that after perks began to be revealed, other inside information began to leak... seems there are just no limits to what people feel they 'have a right to know'.
Soon after the perks issue began to grow out of proportion, nasty rumors began that the Characters you see in the parks are just people dressed up in costumes!! :eek:
Then people began demanding to know where the buttons are to turn rides on and off!

Guests began making lists and asking every CM they saw exactly what their salaries are.....

Pretty soon it was havoc everywhere... no one was riding rides, they were too busy trying to find out inside information!

Mr. Mouse said this all had to come to a stop.... he began tracing all the problems back to a source on the internet.... It turns out that people were demanding to know CM perks-- we still aren't sure why...while CMs kept saying, it's our jobs and our business, please don't make us divulge this information... go to your local store and ask them... But the boards wouldn't have it and soon CMs began saying more than they meant too... so Mr. Mouse has finally tracked down all CMs with big mouths and they are being chained inside the "It's a Small World Attraction" for all eternity.

Yes, this story is ridiculous, but no more so than the turn this thread has taken...... please don't make us endanger ourselves... please check with your local Disney Store for further info.....
asked for the benefits/discounts for working at The Disney Store, not at the parks or resorts. Perhaps they feel differently down there about what they what public, but I do believe the the stores operate a little differently. Just as I'm sure the WDW cast has many different perks than do CM's at the stores or other divisions of the company, it is completely obvious that store CM's are told not to discuss this in public forums.

I know for a fact a former DS CM who went on a Disney cruise, signed a document stating that the CM and their family WOULD NOT discuss the discounts with anyone that they had received or dismissal was an option. So someone somewhere is serious about this issue.
Sorcerer: I agree that two jobs are tough. I've done that myself (working FT at a bank and PT retail). I was actually expected to treat ALL customers with respect and helpfulness in all my jobs. I hate what customer service (?) has turned into! As a whole (not including TDS/WDW), there isn't such a thing. I rarely get thanked and they look at me funny when I say "your welcome". I NEVER treated my customers like that. I've seen it change over the past 15-20 yrs when I worked retail. I would have been fired if I treated people the way the majority do around here (less than 1% unemployment rate here). Too many jobs and not enough people. If you're old enough to remember that, you know what I mean (and I'm not implying that we are "old" ;) )

And, yes, I have seen CM's post on here a while back about the discounts. I just can't seem to locate it, so I didn't think it was a big deal.

**I would never claim that my job is any harder or easier than anyone else's. Without experiencing the other person's job first hand, it would be difficult to draw an honest conclusion**

It wasn't you. It was others that made it sound as if the job was harder than others. And you're right. I just didn't like the "comparsions" to other jobs as well. Retail is hard work especially around the holidays (been there, done that), but I'm not sure one store is that much different than the rest. That's all I meant. People think my little job at the school is easy. Yes, it's a no brainer, the pay is awful, but I get to see my DD and talk with the other kids plus I only work when she's in school! It's very physically demanding lifting all those huge mixing bowls and huge trays of pasta ;)
As for the link above... 1) it's for WDW CMs( Not saying none of it applies to TDS CMs) and 2) you'll notice it DOES NOT list specific percentages of discounts.... on merchandise or on park passes... it is a VERY general listing of benefits. They do not "Clearly state the perks"

I was trying to lighten the mood here and hopefully put an end to this thread... the original poster has gotten the info she needed ( I think...)

DD4 keeps harping on, basically, whether or not we are lying when we say we are not allowed to discuss discounts.... what I am told I can say has nothing to do with what Disney chooses to put on a website... they also make press releases which I am not allowed to do for them either....

We aren't lying, we are tired of discussing this.... please go to the local Disney Store and chat with them..

Since my light hearted News Article was wasted on some here... I'm done.

Have fun, make sure you completely flatten this dead horse you are beating.
Originally posted by Dizzy-Disney4
:rolleyes: Disney's list of benefits for people who actually work at the Walt Disney World Resort.
Got your this is why I'm saying the rule is silly. They quite clearly state the "perks" on their website for working at Disney.

Apples and Oranges.

The above referenced site simply acknowledges that WDW CMs do receive a discount (among other things). The original poster of this thread wanted to know How Much of a discount TDS CMs get. Quote: Does anyone know what the discount is for Disney Store employees? Just wonder if it is worth getting a P/T job there for the holidays. End Quote. I don't see WDW divulging exactly How Much WDW CMs get off their purchases and passes. Quite clearly or otherwise.
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