Disney Rides / Attractions 2" letter swap active Complete

I'm here. Struggling mentally with some. I just need some me time that isn't in the middle of the night.

You will have them by the due date!
Here are some of my 2 inch groups:


Group 66--TTA


Group 63--Club Cool


Group 57--Disney Animation


Group 55--Nemo


Group 53--Ferry--the steering wheel is inked


Group--46--Parade--the feather is glittered
And some more 2 inch groups:


Group 44--Soarin


Group 43--Electrical Parade--sugar coated brads on each letter


Group 42--Illuminations--the firework is stickled


Group 41b--Wishes--stickles on the firework


Group 38--Everest--the "e" is supposed to look like climbing equipment; the "v" is flocked on the very top


Group 37--Safari


Group 33--Tower of Terror
Awww thanks :) I think Tower of Terror is my favorite set, although I'm really pleased with most of them. I'm almost finished :banana: I'll load more pics tomorrow, photobucket is being a pain tonight.
I have a couple groups to finish up and then bag and tag. Will try to get them done over the weekend to mail on Tuesday. Shouldn't be a big problem since we live so close. Even if I mail on Wednesday or Thursday you should have them Friday. Soooo much going on right now.

I just wanted to share my proud mommy moment. On Tuesday night my son went before our school board about his Eagle Scout project. We currently have 3 very small, very outdated elementary school buildings. Next fall they will all be moved into 1 bright, shiny new primary center. The 3 old schools just had all new playground equipment installed 2 years ago and none of that equipment is being moved to the new school. The cost to move the equipment is almost as much as buying new, so they are installing all new equipment. My son's eagle project is to fix a playground at the local homeless shelter. THeir playground has been off-limits to the kids staying there for the past 2 years due to the age of the equipment and the safety issues. My son asked the school board if they would consider donating some of the equipment that was not being moved for use at the homeless shelter. I was really worried that the school wouldn't allow it, but the board voted unanimously to allow him to have it. We are getting all of the equipment we need for the shelter. That was all exciting as we heard it, but my mind immediately said "how are we gonna move it?". Well, as we were walking out of the meeting we were stopped by a man who owns a construction company. He donated the use of all of his equipment and two weekend of manpower free of charge. I was so happy I could have cried! What we thought was going to be an impossible project has just come together nicely. And we are so excited for the lessons the boys will learn by working with a homeless shelter. :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Thanks for letting me brag. Back to our regular programming.
Danielle ~ that is awesome... photos, photos, photos..document everything.. that is great... grab a copy of the school board minutes because it should not that they voted and agreed on it... and call the newspaper when time gets close and have them do an article on this monumental occassion!!! That is such exciting news!!!! Congrats to your DS!!!!!
Danielle that's awesome! Congrats to your DS :) You are raising a fine young man :thumbsup2
Wow Danielle that is great!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a huge blessing!

The homeless people really do need help! My DH does work every month with the homeless folks in our city. He's in charge of this ministry where a group of people from our church pass out food and clothes etc. and go to find the ones they know where they camp out. One guy lives in a grassy lot behind a Kroger in a cardboard box hut he made for himself. There are a lot of teens who age out of foster care at 18 and have no where to go so they become homeless. What your son is doing is a BEAUTIFUL thing!:thumbsup2
Danielle, congratulations to your DS!!! he sounds like an amazing boy! great job!!
I commented on the other thread too!
Danielle, that is so awesome for your DS and his project!!! I know that so much work goes into these Eagle projects. It's not just doing the actual project, but all the paperwork and fundraising and board reviews that go on before and after the project. I'm sure your DS is going to do a great job leading his project. Please post updates as the project continues.

My DS is an Eagle Scout and he asked me to pass on that he thinks your DS's project is awesome and he hopes it all goes smoothly and that he'll get it completed and pass his final Eagle Board with flying colors!
I'm finished. I still need to bag and label and mail, but the creating part is done.

here are my final groups that I've finished:

Group 27 - Great Movie Ride (Letters M and I) - if you can't tell, the thing on the "I" is a light, it's the kind they use in theatres.

Group 32b - Toy Story Mania (Letter O and icon)

Group 57b - Disney Animation (letters S, A, and O) - Each of the A's has a different Incredibles sticker on it (they are all either Mrs. Incredible, Mr. Incredible, or the Incredibles icon/title)
I still am working on finishing up my letters, I should have them in the mail to you on Tuesday _ thank gosh for the long weekend and no plans (since I now won't be moving till at least June 15! :( ) Michelle
great letters Stephanie...esp love the Mickey M for move ride!!
Danielle, congratulations to your DS for attaining permission from the school board and for choosing a project that helps out those that are less fortunate. Moments like that really help us parents get through the rest of the teenage years.

Danielle - congrats to you and your DS!!!!!

Surina - your box arrived safely today!! Thanks so much for the fun goodies!!!

Brandi - your envelope arrived today! Thanks for the goodies...forgot to say that before??

I wanted to let everyone to know that we are still waiting on several packages...no worries...I am still working also. This was a huge swap...biggier than it originally seemed!! I am planning to try to start the swapping the Monday after the deadline. (June 6th). We have baseball games the 4th and 5th. So, I won't be able to devote large blocs of time at once. I think I really need to be able to do that. So, anyone that needs a few extra days, it will be ok. As long as everything makes it here by the 6th, I hope to have them back out by the 11th or 13th.
Stephanie--love your letters :)

Here are some more of my 2 inch letters:


Group 32--Toy Story Mania


Group 31--Rock n Rollercoaster


Group 27--Great Movie Ride


Group 26--Fantasmic


Group 25--Backlot Tour
And some more 2 inch letters:


Group 22-Spaceship Earth


Group 21b--The Seas


Group 17--WDW Railroad


Group 14--Space Mountain


Group 12--Peter Pan's Flight


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