DISNEY if you don't want the average Joe to stay at the parks just say so...

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Still would like an answer..Disney complain??

The thread turned into more of of a discussion and less a Q&A< so it was moved to the forum that supports the theme parks discussions. The moderator must have thought that the Community area was more appropriate. I have no idea why this bothers you.
Threads get moved to the most appropriate board. The focus of the thread had changed. Less focus was on trip planning strategies and tips.
From the DIS guidelines

"The DIS has a wonderful group of Moderators who have volunteered to assist our visitors and monitor the boards. Part of their responsibilities are ensuring that our guidelines are followed which may require that a thread is edited, deleted, closed or moved. If these decisions impact you, we ask that you respect them. Should you have any questions, please direct them to admin@wdwinfo.com. Any discussion about a Moderating decision that takes place on the boards could result in an infraction."
Moving this thread to the community subforum.

OK found it ..why the move??

Still waiting on why the move???

Still would like an answer..Disney complain??

Just felt someone was trying to hide this discussion....less people will find this to discuss

As many posters in this thread have already mentioned, our Moderators and Webmasters make decisions based on the guidelines of the forums. This thread happens to be much better suited for the Theme Parks Community board which is why it was moved there.

If you'd like to ask a question regarding a moderating decision that was made, please feel free to do so by sending an email to admin@wdwinfo.com. You can also send a private conversation message to the Moderator if you'd like to. It is not appropriate to post your question in the thread [repeatedly] if you are not going to take heed to what other posters are telling you.

Thanks and carry on . . .
I absolutely agree. I was in the bank the other day making a transaction for my DH. The teller was talking about our vacation plans, and I told her we are going to Disney in December. Holy Complaining!!! She went one time and for her, the experience was expensive, blah blah..... Now we were not alone in that bank and several others chimed in abut how much money a Disney trip cost, and how they felt about it.

Disney has always been expensive, but there were ways to mitigate the costs, and stil have a very nice vacation. But when you hear discussions like the tellers, you begin to understand that for many, Disney has become out of reach, and that for others, the trip they saved for become buyers remorse when they return home. It is not the same place the commercials depict.

I do believe that Disney needs to be very careful about how they navigate these pathways of cutbacks in order to boost other businesses under their umbrella. If first time visitor leave disillusioned, and the frequent flyers feel disenfranchised, they will be in trouble. I agree that if the parks are still going strong, make them the stronger, and stop undercutting the very foundation the rest of the company stands on.

Recently an acquaintance of mine went to WDW for the first time in about 15 years, as part of a larger Florida vacation. Before he left, I gave him some basic advice about FP+ and which rides to prioritize in which parks. When he came back, I asked him how he liked his Disney visit. I was taken aback when he blurted out: "Disney sucks!" I asked him why, and he said "you only get three rides with FP+, and the rest of the time, you have to wait in line like an idiot". He also went to Universal and said "oh, I liked that a lot more."

Maybe he would have enjoyed himself more if I had planned his trip for him, but like I said, he's just an acquaintance, and I don't have that kind of time.

Since you have to plan a commando mission in order to get value for the dollar at Disney these days, lots of newbies seem to be walking into their trips woefully unprepared. It's hard to imagine that the majority of them will become loyal, repeat customers in the future.
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Recently an acquaintance of mine went to WDW for the first time in about 15 years, as part of a larger Florida vacation. Before he left, I gave him some basic advice about FP+ and which rides to prioritize in which parks. When he came back, I asked him how he liked his Disney visit. I was taken aback when he blurted out: "Disney sucks!" I asked him why, and he said "you only get three rides with FP+, and the rest of the time, you have to wait in line like an idiot". He also went to Universal and said "oh, I liked that a lot more."

Maybe he would have enjoyed himself more if I had planned his trip for him, but like I said, he's just an acquaintance, and I don't have that kind of time.

Since you have to plan a commando mission in order to get value for the dollar at Disney these days, lots of newbies seem to be walking into their trips woefully unprepared. It's hard to imagine that the majority of them will become loyal, repeat customers in the future.

That's my thought. I could not get a word in edgewise with this woman. I know that I know how to plan, at least for my family, and we generally have a really good time and like the value we leave with, but Holy Moly! The part that made me think that this was not an over the top reaction, but rather a frustrated disappointed person was how she parsed her words. I was not the first one who was treated to the speech. How many people has she influenced?

My nephew's MIL is treating her entire family to a trip with accommodations at the Poly. She is not sparing the horses. I had offered to look at her plans but my offer was declined. I am hoping that they have a great trip and come home finding a value to the dollars spent, but ????Who knows?
Yeah, people don't realize that they really should consult the "experts", i.e. Disney veterans like us, in order to plan a Disney trip. Gone are the days when you could just show up there and expect to have a great time regardless. Unfortunately, some people seem to resent the very offer of looking at their travel plans, as if you were doing it just to meddle in their affairs.
This will be our first trip to WDW but I have a number of friends who are repeat visitors and when they (and people on the boards) give planning advice, I'm heeding it. Disney isn't like a weekend at Great Wolf Lodge. Area wise it's about double the size of NYC and just like going to a big city, you need to have a plan and figure out how to get around. And if you want to do the whole Disney "experience" you're gonna have to pay. Just like you would if you wanted the NY "experience". You can go cheap either place and still have a great time but you still need to have a plan.
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Yeah, people don't realize that they really should consult the "experts", i.e. Disney veterans like us, in order to plan a Disney trip. Gone are the days when you could just show up there and expect to have a great time regardless. Unfortunately, some people seem to resent the very offer of looking at their travel plans, as if you were doing it just to meddle in their affairs.

I extend an offer twice. Then I'm done. I understand if someone is all set, but do not complain to me if things go awry. Several months ago my DH coworker to me two years ago they purchased their tickets at guest services when they arrived and their magic bands and FP were all set and they intended to do the same February vacation. Alrighty then, You are good to go.
Recently an acquaintance of mine went to WDW for the first time in about 15 years, as part of a larger Florida vacation. Before he left, I gave him some basic advice about FP+ and which rides to prioritize in which parks. When he came back, I asked him how he liked his Disney visit. I was taken aback when he blurted out: "Disney sucks!" I asked him why, and he said "you only get three rides with FP+, and the rest of the time, you have to wait in line like an idiot". He also went to Universal and said "oh, I liked that a lot more."

Maybe he would have enjoyed himself more if I had planned his trip for him, but like I said, he's just an acquaintance, and I don't have that kind of time.

Since you have to plan a commando mission in order to get value for the dollar at Disney these days, lots of newbies seem to be walking into their trips woefully unprepared. It's hard to imagine that the majority of them will become loyal, repeat customers in the future.

That's my thought. I could not get a word in edgewise with this woman. I know that I know how to plan, at least for my family, and we generally have a really good time and like the value we leave with, but Holy Moly! The part that made me think that this was not an over the top reaction, but rather a frustrated disappointed person was how she parsed her words. I was not the first one who was treated to the speech. How many people has she influenced?

My nephew's MIL is treating her entire family to a trip with accommodations at the Poly. She is not sparing the horses. I had offered to look at her plans but my offer was declined. I am hoping that they have a great trip and come home finding a value to the dollars spent, but ????Who knows?

Yeah, people don't realize that they really should consult the "experts", i.e. Disney veterans like us, in order to plan a Disney trip. Gone are the days when you could just show up there and expect to have a great time regardless. Unfortunately, some people seem to resent the very offer of looking at their travel plans, as if you were doing it just to meddle in their affairs.

I don't think the first timer has ANY idea of how much things have changed. In fact anyone who hasn't been in 5 years is almost a first timer now, likewise someone how hasn't been in 10 years is a first timer.

There is no way to adequately explain how much you have to plan AND have those plans rolling at 180 days out and then again at either 60/30 days out. No one imagines, and rightly so, it would be so insane.

Couple that with WDW CM's that sell people a deluxe dining plan for a spring break trip that is being booked 3-4 weeks in advance. I had that happen to a colleague last year (or perhaps it was the year before).

I found out about his adventure a week before he was leaving. I asked about his reservations and he said he really hadn't made any yet and "Wasn't worried about".... "plenty of places to eat" ect. ect... I didn't want to crush his plans but I told him he really needed to start booking asap, a lot of places would be booked up.

He returned LIVID. They had a horrible trip, they were expecting the WDW trip of 5-10 years prior. Deluxe dining and they stayed in Grand Floridian for a week, serious coin was dropped on that trip. Disney will likely never see them or their money again.

I would say Disney is losing more customers than gaining repeat customers right now and couple that with word of mouth, I think the 2017 year will be much different than this one. They can't keep this up and expect to keep the parks packed.
I don't think the first timer has ANY idea of how much things have changed. In fact anyone who hasn't been in 5 years is almost a first timer now, likewise someone how hasn't been in 10 years is a first timer.

There is no way to adequately explain how much you have to plan AND have those plans rolling at 180 days out and then again at either 60/30 days out. No one imagines, and rightly so, it would be so insane.

Couple that with WDW CM's that sell people a deluxe dining plan for a spring break trip that is being booked 3-4 weeks in advance. I had that happen to a colleague last year (or perhaps it was the year before).

I found out about his adventure a week before he was leaving. I asked about his reservations and he said he really hadn't made any yet and "Wasn't worried about".... "plenty of places to eat" ect. ect... I didn't want to crush his plans but I told him he really needed to start booking asap, a lot of places would be booked up.

He returned LIVID. They had a horrible trip, they were expecting the WDW trip of 5-10 years prior. Deluxe dining and they stayed in Grand Floridian for a week, serious coin was dropped on that trip. Disney will likely never see them or their money again.

I would say Disney is losing more customers than gaining repeat customers right now and couple that with word of mouth, I think the 2017 year will be much different than this one. They can't keep this up and expect to keep the parks packed.

It's incredible to me that phone CMs sold your colleague the deluxe dining plan at short notice, without cautioning him that he would have trouble making reservations or get seating. Damn irresponsible...or do they have no clue what is going on in the parks, except for what their computers tell them??

As for your comment that Disney is losing more customers than they gain...that's probably true, but right now, they seem to be getting an unprecedented number of first timers (at least, by your definition of that term). While a good chunk of those people might not go back anytime soon, Disney will be opening new lands in the next 4-5 years. So I don't see crowds abating for a while, despite the pissed off recent visitors.
It's incredible to me that phone CMs sold your colleague the deluxe dining plan at short notice, without cautioning him that he would have trouble making reservations or get seating. Damn irresponsible...or do they have no clue what is going on in the parks, except for what their computers tell them??

As for your comment that Disney is losing more customers than they gain...that's probably true, but right now, they seem to be getting an unprecedented number of first timers (at least, by your definition of that term). While a good chunk of those people might not go back anytime soon, Disney will be opening new lands in the next 4-5 years. So I don't see crowds abating for a while, despite the pissed off recent visitors.
Oh, I bet that the phone CM did caution them, as did their friend. One problem woth some WDW guests is that they are not aware of what they do not know. My brother just informed me that DLR and WDW are really the same. No....they are two entirely different animals. But he knows because he was there when his 41 YO DD was little, and he has since been to DLR several times with his now very much adult DD and his DGS. My brother knows that I go to WDW a lot, and have also been to DLR, so I know the difference between the two, but no dice. He knew what he knew.
We are going in September for my daughters 18th birthday and we won't be back for a while. There are just too many other places I want to see and visit. Disney has just gotten to expensive for what you get. Plus I get tired of the same old thing. Not enough additions or upgrades to the parks. They are kind of like Apple. They fell way behind thinking their name would carry them and now they are playing catch up. All business should learn that repeat business is what keeps your company going.
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