Disney Grannie's journal (life after Grave's Disease)

Nancy, you seem to be having a great summer!! All these trips and visits with friends and family - what a wonderful way to spend these warm days!

:jumping3: GOOD FOR YOU!! :jumping3:

You lost 2 pounds while vacationing!! Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself and made your exercise fun! Is there anything better than strolling along the beach?? Happy to hear you're tan and didn't get burned. ::yes::

Keep up the great work!! :sunny:
I've been staying on plan and biking most days. I feel great and my weight is steady. It'd be nice if I lost some...oh well. I'm not going to let it rule my life. I know I'm eating well, exercising, and enjoying life.

On Sunday PM we're leaving to visit DS and his family in Maryland and staying for a few days. Can't wait to see his new home all finished and furnished. Best of all is seeing the grandchildren.

I feel that my journal is so boring, that's why I don't stop by more often. Not much changes...a pound lost here, and a pound gained there. I am very happy that my life is so uneventful, I guess, when I read about all the stress and anxiety that a lot of my fellow WISHers experience.
It's hard to believe it's been 3 weeks since I've journaled. I have been lurking, though. I've been really busy lately...visiting in Maryland, new DGD's christening, fall cleaning, and house hunting. Would you believe I've been looking at some "over 55" homes in our area? I found one I like, and it was so crowded opening day that I think they may have sold out already.

Anyway, I lost 2 more pounds finally. I'm VERY close to ONEDERland. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they don't come back like they usually do. People I haven't seen in a while say I look a lot thinner. I guess it's finally noticeable. Even DH made a nice comment.

It's getting harder and harder for lazy me to exercise now that it's getting darker earlier. By the time I get home from work and think about dinner and read the mail, the sun is already starting to set. And I detest indoor exercise although the new home development will have a beautiful clubhouse with a really nice exercise room and indoor pool.
I've kept off the weight I lost, so I'm only 2 pounds from ONDERland. I'm not rushing it, but I'd love to do this by Thanksgiving. To some this may hardly seem worth it, but to me it is a big achievement because of my hypothyroidism.

We did get the new house we wanted. We go to sign the agreement of sale on October 15. It won't be built until next August or September. It''s been so much fun looking at the samples and planning how to decorate. It is quite spacious but all on one floor except for a gigantic loft area which I plan to use for the Dgrandkids when they stay over. There's a clubhouse with indoor and outdoor pools, exercise room (I can sell my treadmill!!), game rooms, walking trails, etc. It should be so nice and no grass to cut or sidewalks to shovel.

DH has been away for 5 days on a golf trip to Myrtle Beach and will be home in a couple of hours. I did get some exercise in while he was away. I also babysat new DGranddaughter on Friday...she is so sweet. I was out to dinner twice but ate lightly...mostly appetizers, wraps, etc.

I actually feel so much better now than I did a year ago before losing the 27 pounds. After gaining 6 or 7 pounds a year for the 10 years I've been on thyroid medicine, it feels wonderful having maintained the loss and not gaining any back. My doctor says the only way to increase my sluggish metabolism is more exercise. Easier said than done for me...after all, I'm a grannie who'll soon be 58.
Well, I had another birthday Sunday. DS, DD, spounses and grands came over for a visit. We went to see the samples of the new house that DH and I bought. It won't be ready for about 10 months or so, but it's really exciting. It's an over 55 community...so a lot less work for DH and a lot less stair climbing for me.

I'm still holding at my present weight. I did a charity walk Sunday (Memory Walk for Alzheimer's), and walked over 3 miles. I'm feeling it still but it was great and the weather was beautiful.

I noticed my exercise is slipping due to it getting darker earlier and running around with things to do for the new house. We sign the papers on Friday. I'll have to be more firm on my days off during the daylight to make exercise a priority.
Hi Grannie:wave2:

sounds like you are doing fantastic and a happy birthday to you:Pinkbounc Wow moving out of the neighborhood:( which development did you select? it will be a chore to move but well worth it to be on one floor. We are trying to get dh's parents to do the same thing. They are in their 70s with a big 4 bedroom hom, maybe I can pick up some brochures to show them.

Any how keep walking & stay op and you will be onderland by thanskgiving:wave:
Hi MeMe,
Thanks for posting. My new development is called the Villas of Flowers Mill at Five Ponds. They are going to be built across from Five Ponds golf course on Street Road between York and Easton (a little past the Kohl's shopping center). The samples are in Newtown right past ShadyBrook Farms. They are the same exact homes that are there.

The first day the samples were open (about a month ago) they sold out the first four sections and had a waiting list. People slept overnight to get the best lots. They are quads (4 homes grouped together in a square shape rather than a row). Each has a 2 car garage, a master suite with bath, a guest bedroom with another bath, a kitchen & breakfast room, a living room/dining room, a family room, and a laundry room on the first floor. Then there's a huge loft that's finished.
These homes are pretty big and are for "active" adults. There's a club house with indoor and outdoor pool, walking trail around a pond, a gym, game rooms, etc. It sounds really nice.
Ours won't be ready until the end of summer, I think. We go to put down our deposit on Friday and will get more info then. Your parents would love it if they can get around real well and only need help with the outside chores. There's no health facility connected with this at all. I like it because it's on one floor.
The samples are open every day from 12 to 6.

Talk to you soon, Nancy
We put the deposit down on the new house today and signed all the papers. Everything went fine, and we might be able to move in in early summer. What a lot of work ahead with getting a realtor, getting the house in order, and keeping it that way with a lovable but messy DH.

We celebrated with dinner at a local restaurant. I had the low carb turkey sandwich (on low carb bread) with avocado. Yum!! Also, we each had a glass of wine. When we got home, I fell asleep on the couch for a half hour. It's great being able to take a nap. I feel good about my food choices, but the rainy weather today discouraged exercise. It doesn't take much of an excuse for me to skip it, unfortunately.

I also had blood work done at the doctor's this morning. He was doing a follow up on my blood sugar. Last test was good; I hope this one comes back OK as well.

My menu today was:
B cottage cheese w/blueberries
L chicken salad (home made)
D low carb turkey sandwich w/avodcado salad
Also, lots of water and a few cups of coffee w/half and half
S I bought low carb Breyers ice cream today, so I plan to indulge
I had blood work done last week and the office called to tell me to make an appointment with the doctor. It was a blood sugar test that didn't come out as well as I hoped. It's hard to believe I have trouble in that area since I don't eat sugar or sweets and very little carbs. I guess I'll find out more when I go in on Tuesday. Being overweight causes many problems. Thank goodness my cholesterol is O.K. and my blood pressure is well within normal.

On a brighter note, I am going to visit DD today and go to DGS's soccer game. Also, I'll spend some time with newest DGD Megan. She is a little over 3 months old now and starting to cry with strangers. I want to make sure I spend as much time with her as possible so she recognizes me. It's sometimes very difficult with DD working full time and running on weekends with DGS's sports activities.

I have been eating on plan. Still the same old boring food most of the time. My boss is now low carbing and has lost 10 pounds in the last few weeks.

I managed to ride my bike yesterday although it was pretty cold at 4:30 PM. Today I'll try again. At least it's sunny.
Well, no bike ride yesterday but this morning DH and I walked a couple of miles in the park. It was so beautiful with the leaves changing colors...oranges, reds, golds.

I spend yesterday with DGrandkids and had fun. I did walk some to and from the soccer field, but not what you'd probably call exercise.

I haven't lost any more weight despite not cheating. I'll see what the doctor says Tuesday.
I got in a nice, long walk on Saturday while the weather was nice. Last evening I had my doctor appt. My blood sugar (from the blood test I had a couple of weeks ago) is borderline diabetic again. It seems to fluctuate quite a bit. The nurse tested my urine and did a finger prick while I was in the office and my sugar count was low. Go figure!

I asked the doctor if my thyroid problems could be affecting the blood sugar. He said it was a possibility. Since I eat no sugar and am low carbing, the only thing left to do is more exercise. Hard to do now with the season change. It gets dark right after I get home from work. The only exercise I really enjoy is outdoors.

My blood pressure was really good. I have to go back in three months. The doctor would like me to lose 10 pounds by then. It's not like I haven't been trying. It's just that this body doesn't cooperate.
It's been a while since I posted. Life's been so hectic with the holidays upon us. I picked up a few pounds (4) over the Thanksgiving holiday but finally lost 2 of it. I'll try for 2 more before Christmas. I seem to do well on the holiday itself, but the surrounding days of family/restaurants, etc. present a problem although I do stick with the low carb items.

I've finally finished the decorating, shopping, and wrapping. The house needs a good cleaning now. After Christmas, I'll be getting ready to put the house up for sale in early spring. I'm not looking forward to that! It's been over 25 years since I've moved.

I find I haven't been drinking as much water since the cool weather started. That will be one of my current goals. Also, low carb ice cream tastes so good but really isn't a good evening snack for me. I'll try to cut back.
Well, spring is here and I finally am coming out of hibernation. The weather is still damp and rainy, sometimes cold. The scale has not been my friend over the last few months. I am still low carbing, but not to the extent that I did before. That and total lack of exercise led to my demise. I have gained about 10 pounds since Christmas. I have to change my 25 pound clippie now.

DH's brother died suddenly last Friday (heart attack). He was only 67. We will be traveling to Ohio for the services on Wednesday...about an 8 hour drive each way.

DH found out he has diabetes and is on meds and testing. I have my blood work scheduled for early Wednesday morning before we leave on our trip. I hope I'm not headed down the same road. I visited the doctor this afternoon because the top of my left arm has been hurting for a couple of months. I thought I must have bumped it or something, but it's getting worse. He told me I have a rotator cuff problem and need an Xray tomorrow to see the extent of it. My DBIL just had surgery for this same problem and will be in a cast for a while. He has to sleep in a recliner because the cast sticks out straight from the shoulder.

Daylight savings time begins here the first Sunday in April. This extra hour of daylight will give me time to walk again and hopefully begin riding my bike. Hopefully, the weather cooperates. I will begin my journey again. Why does it take so much longer to take off the pounds than it does to put them on? It's not fair!!
Today I'm heading to the hospital to pick up DH who had surgery to remove a pituitary tumor (brain). Everything went well, but SO MUCH STRESS! He found out he had it when he had a CAT scan for an auto accident March 1 in which he bumped his head. Good thing!! The prognosis is good since they found it before it did too much damage. It caused a disease called acromegaly, excessive growth hormone.

My younger sister (46) has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, cancer of the blood plasma. She will begin chemo next week. After a few months, she will have a bone marrow transplant.

This year has really been rough so far. I haven't been able to exercise much and my mind really isn't on it. I hope to do better soon. I'm still low carbing because that is the way I prefer to eat now, but without the exercise the scale doesn't move for me.

Wow, hon, it certainly does sound like a rough year. Get some rest and rejuvinate, ok? :grouphug:


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