"Disney doesn't know if it's child or adult credit"

Bird-Mom said:
The "unless otherwise noted" is really vague. At the top of the page of the MYWDining PDF, it says:

Nowhere does it say you must pay for your character or signature dining experiences with your DDP. Nowhere does it say you must use all credits and not pay part cash/part credits. The whole point of the plan is flexibility.

Actually it does,

your server will redeem two (2) Table Service meals for each person dining at a Signature Restaurant.

It has similar wording for dinner shows and character dining. The otherwise noted phrase appears in the character meal section since CRT requires 2 credits.

This isn't a moral or ethical question. A number of posters, yourself excluded, have indicated CM is enforcing this plan provision.
pedro2112 said:
Same thing. The rules state that at a character meal (or signature dining experience), everyone needs to expend a credit. Yes, some CMs may let you get around that rule, but I was just stating why this happened at Chef Mickey's.

Well, I don't believe that it means that a credit has to be used for every meal only that everyone at the table must pay for the meal. You can't go to a character meal and have someone not eat unlike other TS meals (in some cases there is an entertainment fee if not eating.) Everyone is charged for a meal. There are so many different circumstances and I don't believe that there is anything that states you have to use a credit. To have that rule is completely ridiculous! As someone else pointed out, you very well may have others at your table who are not on the dining plan. So what then :confused3

I think that the cases of someone having to use a credit for a character meal have been few and far between. I can only think of 2 posts (not saying that there haven't been more) about someone having to use a credit and it was only at Chef Mickey's. There have been far more reports of others paying OOP at Chef Mickey's.

I still contend that Disney does not and will not dictate where and when you have to use your credits.
Lewisc said:
Actually it does,

It has similar wording for dinner shows and character dining. The otherwise noted phrase appears in the character meal section since CRT requires 2 credits.

This isn't a moral or ethical question. A number of posters, yourself excluded, have indicated CM is enforcing this plan provision.

Like I said before, I believe this is merely an example. After many years in the business and dealing with different meal plans, it reads similar to other dining plan material. They are stressing that CRT and the signature restaurants are 2 credits. You would be amazed at how many people will plead ignorace to the exceptions.

The ethics debate was referring to many other posts in this thread and others regarding the adult/child credit issue, which is absolutely non-existant as once a party checks in, the credits go into a pool for general usage.
Not true. Last year the wording for character meals, dinner shows and signature meals were the same. The otherwise noted phrase was added to the description of character meals to cover CRT which now requires 2 credits. Otherwise CRT would be covered as a character meal (one credit) and as a signature meal (2 credits) and guests would be debating the issue with CMs.

I agree CM seems to be the only restaurant that's enforcing this plan provision.

Bird-Mom said:
Like I said before, I believe this is merely an example. After many years in the business and dealing with different meal plans, it reads similar to other dining plan material. They are stressing that CRT and the signature restaurants are 2 credits. You would be amazed at how many people will plead ignorace to the exceptions.

The ethics debate was referring to many other posts in this thread and others regarding the adult/child credit issue, which is absolutely non-existant as once a party checks in, the credits go into a pool for general usage.
The issue isn't paying for a child out of pocket, it is using a child's meal for an adult one! Why not pay out of pocket for all your child's meals and not purchase the dining plan for them. Believe me, Disney will catch up on this and it will raise the prices for everyone. Or make the DP more difficult. Plus, your children learn how to "cheat the system". I want my children to learn integrity, even if it costs me a few dollars! When a grocery store gives you back too much change for your order do you point it out or say "It's my lucky day"! When your child finds money or some object, do you make attempts to find the owner, or is it finder's keepers? Your children are watching you! :earseek:
Joyce Kingkade said:
So if you are an adult wanting to use the childrens priced TS you should then eat off the children's menu!

Joyce, we are discussing the Magic Your Way with Dining Plan. There is no such thing as "children's priced TS." When you check in at your resort, all TS credits are pooled and there is no way to determine which credits are priced at what level. It simply is not part of the plan at Disney.

Joyce Kingkade said:
To order off the adult menu when you know what you have paid for is unethical.

It is rude and insulting to call other board members "unethical" when they are playing by the rules. You wouldn't call someone "unethical" if they order the most expensive appetizer and entre on the dining plan, would you?

Joyce Kingkade said:
Why do we try to justify this? Just because I see someone's purse in a shopping cart does not mean I can take it, because the opportunity is there. It is taking advantage of the situation!

No, taking the purse is breaking the law. Using TS credits for a member of your dining party is not, nor is it in violation of any rule. Again, please refrain from calling people who are using the plan in a perfectly acceptable manner to disney, thiefs. It's very rude.
Joyce Kingkade said:
Let's see, I'm sure the children's price states they must eat off the children's menu. So if you are an adult wanting to use the childrens priced TS you should then eat off the children's menu! To order off the adult menu when you know what you have paid for is unethical. Why do we try to justify this? Just because I see someone's purse in a shopping cart does not mean I can take it, because the opportunity is there. It is taking advantage of the situation!

Are all 22 of your posts preachy and critical? :rolleyes1
Joyce Kingkade said:
The issue isn't paying for a child out of pocket, it is using a child's meal for an adult one! :

No, you are simply wrong. There is no such thing as a child credit.

Joyce Kingkade said:
Why not pay out of pocket for all your child's meals and not purchase the dining plan for them.

That is not allowed by the rules.

Joyce Kingkade said:
Believe me, Disney will catch up on this

They already know, and they are making more money off of people who use the plan this way than those that dont. Consequenlty, they are not going to change "this" anytime soon.

Joyce Kingkade said:
and it will raise the prices for everyone. Or make the DP more difficult.

No. The only effects of disney changing the system and differentiating between adult and child credits would be that one couldn't use child credits for an adult, and Disney would end up losing money. It wouldn't be any more expensive and it wouldn't make the system any more difficult. In fact, if one (such as yourself) is so worried about which party members can use which credits, it would actually make it easier for you.

Joyce Kingkade said:
Plus, your children learn how to "cheat the system".

Explain how following the rules teaches one how to "cheat"? That doesn't make any sense.
Joyce Kingkade said:
I want my children to learn integrity, even if it costs me a few dollars! When a grocery store gives you back too much change for your order do you point it out or say "It's my lucky day"! When your child finds money or some object, do you make attempts to find the owner, or is it finder's keepers? Your children are watching you! :earseek:

Once again, please refrain from comparing posters who use the plan by the rules as thieves. It is insulting. I'm surprised that the moderators haven't admonished you to stop.
Joyce Kingkade said:
The issue isn't paying for a child out of pocket, it is using a child's meal for an adult one! Why not pay out of pocket for all your child's meals and not purchase the dining plan for them. Believe me, Disney will catch up on this and it will raise the prices for everyone. Or make the DP more difficult. Plus, your children learn how to "cheat the system". I want my children to learn integrity, even if it costs me a few dollars! When a grocery store gives you back too much change for your order do you point it out or say "It's my lucky day"! When your child finds money or some object, do you make attempts to find the owner, or is it finder's keepers? Your children are watching you! :earseek:

Hi Joyce,

You seem to be new to this discussion. If you haven't already read all of the post in this thread and the recent others like it I would suggest you do so. A few of the highlights are as follows:

1: There are not child/ adult credits, just pooled credits.
2: By all appearences this is an allowed use of the plan. There have been numerous posts by people that have asked managers at restaurants this question and the answer has always been yes this is allowed.
3: There have been several posts, some by me, that go into detail on how this does not have a negative effect on Disney, if anything the use of the dinning plan and the requirements related to that have increased Disney's profits.
4: This is not the case of a loophole that somehow escaped Disneys attention. They have had plenty of time to close this by just changing the policy that CM's and managers tell people and they have not done that. By almost all accounts this is an allowed use of the plan and Disney has not intention of changing it.

I understand that comming at this new it would appear to be inexplicable that Disney allows the use of the plan in this manner but not only do they allow it they have actively encouraged it to people. The only people that seem to continue to have a problem with the use of the plan in this manner are those that don't like Disneys policy and want to make up a rule that they feel should exist but doesn't. It is almost as if they are upset that Disney lets people have this benefit and feel that regardless of what rules Disney has thier rules should supersede Disney's. I hope that upon further research you will refrain from referring to people as theives that use this feature of the plan. At the very least I would think that you would keep your posts to the facts about the plan and not a knee jerk reaction.
Pedler said:
Hi Joyce,

You seem to be new to this discussion. If you haven't already read all of the post in this thread and the recent others like it I would suggest you do so. A few of the highlights are as follows:

1: There are not child/ adult credits, just pooled credits.
2: By all appearences this is an allowed use of the plan. There have been numerous posts by people that have asked managers at restaurants this question and the answer has always been yes this is allowed.
3: There have been several posts, some by me, that go into detail on how this does not have a negative effect on Disney, if anything the use of the dinning plan and the requirements related to that have increased Disney's profits.
4: This is not the case of a loophole that somehow escaped Disneys attention. They have had plenty of time to close this by just changing the policy that CM's and managers tell people and they have not done that. By almost all accounts this is an allowed use of the plan and Disney has not intention of changing it.

I understand that comming at this new it would appear to be inexplicable that Disney allows the use of the plan in this manner but not only do they allow it they have actively encouraged it to people. The only people that seem to continue to have a problem with the use of the plan in this manner are those that don't like Disneys policy and want to make up a rule that they feel should exist but doesn't. It is almost as if they are upset that Disney lets people have this benefit and feel that regardless of what rules Disney has thier rules should supersede Disney's. I hope that upon further research you will refrain from referring to people as theives that use this feature of the plan. At the very least I would think that you would keep your posts to the facts about the plan and not a knee jerk reaction.

Very well stated!
Pedler said:
Hi Joyce,

You seem to be new to this discussion. If you haven't already read all of the post in this thread and the recent others like it I would suggest you do so. A few of the highlights are as follows:

1: There are not child/ adult credits, just pooled credits.
2: By all appearences this is an allowed use of the plan. There have been numerous posts by people that have asked managers at restaurants this question and the answer has always been yes this is allowed.
3: There have been several posts, some by me, that go into detail on how this does not have a negative effect on Disney, if anything the use of the dinning plan and the requirements related to that have increased Disney's profits.
4: This is not the case of a loophole that somehow escaped Disneys attention. They have had plenty of time to close this by just changing the policy that CM's and managers tell people and they have not done that. By almost all accounts this is an allowed use of the plan and Disney has not intention of changing it.

I understand that comming at this new it would appear to be inexplicable that Disney allows the use of the plan in this manner but not only do they allow it they have actively encouraged it to people. The only people that seem to continue to have a problem with the use of the plan in this manner are those that don't like Disneys policy and want to make up a rule that they feel should exist but doesn't. It is almost as if they are upset that Disney lets people have this benefit and feel that regardless of what rules Disney has thier rules should supersede Disney's. I hope that upon further research you will refrain from referring to people as theives that use this feature of the plan. At the very least I would think that you would keep your posts to the facts about the plan and not a knee jerk reaction.

I agree with you 100%. I don't thinks there's a need for any more discussion! IMHO, Case Closed! ;)
I guess you cannot remember how much you paid for your children's dining plan. You know the difference! I truly am not being preachy, but I am free to have an opinion opposite yours. :wave:
Sammie said:
Glad I saved it, knew this was coming. ;)

This is my email to Disney from the link on their official website:
I have a question about the Disney Dining plan. I am confused about the use of adult and child credits. I understand the credits are pooled and once that happens the restaurants can not tell which are adult and which are child.

Therefore can you use the child credits to purchase adult meals. I understand that this is possible due to the way the program is setup,but is it ok to do this?

The response was:

Dear Sammie,
Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

No, you cannot use a childs credit to purchase adult meals. When you purchase your dining plan the cost is based on the number of adults and the number of children. The price is not the same for both and is not interchangeable.
If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if applicable on all correspondence.

Thank you!


WDW Online Communications

Pretty cut and dry to me, and ends my discussion of the fact that Disney says its ok to do this. I know you can get away with it. I know the cure might be worse than the problem. But I also know this is not the way they meant for the plan to be used and I will abide by that.

I could respect someone more that simply says I know its not right and its not the way the plan was meant to be used, but until they stop it, I am going for it. More than those that try to rationalize it with excuses.

Hooray! Disney expects us to be trustworthy!
Joyce Kingkade said:
Hooray! Disney expects us to be trustworthy!

I believe we have already expressed our opinions about this "so called" email from Disney. Perhaps you should READ THE ENTIRE THREAD! :rolleyes:

My gosh; is this thread STILL going on? I cannot believe people are still trying to rationalize their bad behavior! :sad2: I suppose where there's a weak-will, there's a way.
bicker said:

My gosh; is this thread STILL going on? I cannot believe people are still trying to rationalize their bad behavior! :sad2: I suppose where there's a weak-will, there's a way.

OH PLEASE :rolleyes: I am sure your closet isn't skeleton free either
Wow, that was quick: So you're now mixing rationalization of the bad behavior with trying to deflect attention from the bad behavior.

My closet is skelton-free. I abide by the law. I follow rules. I live with integrity.

How about you? :rolleyes:
bicker said:
Wow, that was quick: So you're now mixing rationalization of the bad behavior with trying to deflect attention from the bad behavior.

My closet is skelton-free. I abide by the law. I follow rules. I live with integrity.

How about you? :rolleyes:

Nah I am a pretty bad seed :lmao: . I follow rules when they make sense and are just. Who makes the rules anyway? Other ppl right, didn't realize that made them divine.

If Disney wanted to enforce the DDP then they would change the way the credits were pooled, bottom line. and I am sure you are not a perfect human being, none of us are.
Divinity is irrelevant. People who own a service establishment are to be treated like hosts, if you expect as a patron of that service establishment to be treated as a guest. It's just common decency.

I'm not perfect either; the difference is, perhaps, that I try to be.
bicker said:
Divinity is irrelevant. People who own a service establishment are to be treated like hosts, if you expect as a patron of that service establishment to be treated as a guest. It's just common decency.

I'm not perfect either; the difference is, perhaps, that I try to be.

Then why is there so much confliction here reagarding how Disney feels about this loophole? Honestly, clearly you are a Disney fan like the rest of us, you must know that what one CM says can vary greatly to the advice of another. So how can you dictate that your way is the intended way?

For the record, I didn't use the plan in this fashion. In fact we ate the exact way we usually do. I didn't make ADR's at richy establishments just to "get my moneys worth" we have a 7 y/old so we did alot of character meals. I am just supporting the belief that if Disney really wanted to contain the use of the plan then they would alter it.


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