Disney Digital Kits & Elements - Post links here!!!

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ok, ok...
I found another freebie which I had to let you know about. And yes, I know I spend entirely too much time around here:confused3

Now one thing I want to say is that this is PRINCESS themed..BUT the title of the kit is kinda rated PG/R. Just wanted to warn anyone before their child views it or anything. Here it is...

Be back next week with more freebies hopefully :)

The site is no longer available, but thanks for pointing it out and for the nice notice about the contents
What does tagger size mean?

To quote Fran's helpful input above...this is what "tagger size" means...

"Just a note that this kit is tagger sized, not scrapper sized. That means it is 72 dpi, suitable for web, not printing. The papers and elements are also 800x800 instead of scrapper size of 3600x3600."

Hope that helps answer your question :)
Attention Pooh lovers!!! :) My 2 good friends, Neverland Scraps and Melissa Daniel have a great Pooh themed kit! It's versatile enough to be used for regular Spring layouts too!

It can be found at a few different stores. I'll link to one, and leave the store names to the others (not sure about linking to more than one store in one post).


The same kit can also be found at Scrapable, Scrapdish, and later today at NDISB.

I took the time to go searching for this kit today...TOO CUTE!!! I figured I'd enable a bit and post some pics! :-)

(Images and Kits located at Natural Designs in Scrapbooking, designed by Neverland Scraps and Melissa Daniel Design's)

Main kit link: http://www.ndisb.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=4989



we just got home yesterday from our week at disney. i want to do a digital scrapbook of our trip. ive looked at a lot of these links... is there not just one place i can get quick pages (or templates) for all of the disney characters, parks... etc?? i dont really even mind to pay for them... but it sure would be easy to have them all in one place, ya know? anyone have any tips? :confused:
I don't think that anyone is licensed to do that type of digital product. Many have done disney/character inspired pages, and as you have found there are many links.

I don't think that anyone is licensed to do that type of digital product. Many have done disney/character inspired pages, and as you have found there are many links.


Creative memories does have a license for Disney Digital but their items can only be used with Creative memories software. They do have a free version of the software that could be used for quick pages etc.
Ah, I knew of it, but can't use it on the Mac so it isn't something that would come to the front of my mind.
yes, I use PSE and wish they would release a version that could be used with any software.
I found a really cool and unique product at The Hybrid Kid.

This is a badge style Disney album for you iPhone or iPod Touch...or any long style screened phone. (LG Dare *I have the Dare and it works on my phone great*, or the Voyager, ect)

Find it here, its at the bottom of the blog posting...

Here is a photo of it:
I am working on a set of iPhone/iPod Touch sized psd templates, will share when they are ready. It was this set that inspired me. The size is also great on digital photo frame as well.

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