Diser's for CMO!

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I've starting thinking about the Final 10 and how much harder it is going to be to get votes this year. More people are aware of options and will learn from what Kenny and others did last year.

I know that the current Top 20 can't really share much, but are you guys developing marketing plans?

I could likely be persuaded to assist in a formal manner and I would hazard a guess that others would as well.
Peter - thanks for checking in - sounds like you have had a hectic few days, but I am happy your interview went well!

So now that most of you are done, who wants to do something for me?:

Give me the phone number you had to call so that I can call and introduce myself. Let them know I was not selected but would be happy to fill in if the person chosen is unable to perform their duties in the coming year (think Miss America). I would be happy to volunteer for that position! :)
WAY too early to discuss strategy for the Top 10. Who wants that jinx? I call to your attention the New England Patriots and their trademarking of the phrases "19-0" and "Perfect Season" Not to mention the Boston Globe book entitled "New England Patriots Perfect Season" which you could actually reserve on Amazon two weeks before the Super Bowl.

How did that work out?
Well, I'm not exactly crying for the Patriots, but I'm more than happy to learn from their example! I think I can speak for Fleagle (and probably others as well) that we are all so relieved and grateful to have had this opportunity. I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep and I have no intentions of fretting about the top 10 until the process gets that far. Seriously though (warning: here comes the sappy 'aww shucks' moment) just the enjoyment of making and watching the videos, spending the time dreaming about the possibilities, and connecting with all of you has already been a pretty cool prize.

Okay - you can laugh at me now. :)
I've starting thinking about the Final 10 and how much harder it is going to be to get votes this year. More people are aware of options and will learn from what Kenny and others did last year.

'Kind of reminds me of the first season of Survivor and the way that Richard Hatch sort of set the course for how future games were played -- with the forming of alliances and everything. (Ummmmm.... I did not just compare Kenny to Richard Hatch! :rolleyes1 What I'm trying to say -- I think -- is that his game-play has raised the bar for how future contestants will approach the game. ;) )
Ahhh - now I see another tangent coming, and for the record, I am a Survivor fan, Love Lost, and American Idol is the best show on TV (when Amazing Race isn't on. lol)

So - did Meggin definitely make it to the top 20? Wow 2 women, we are blessed ;)
And Justin, Flea, Trippy, Peter, Daisy (and I have the horrible feeling I am forgetting someone) - it is so great you all joined us. I know I have enjoyed having you here - and I am pretty new myself (and live on this thread. ;) )

It has been fun living vicariously through you, and I must say, if I can't do it, I sure hope one of you get the position!
Wow, lots of Lost and Survivor fans on here . . . I guess I need to work less evenings or something - apparently I'm really missing out!

Just so I'm clear on the comparsion with Kenny here (and remember, I didn't watch the show) - - -isn't Richard Hatch the one who preferred to be, how should I say this, au natural? :)
Thanks Carolwoodpr - - - makin' friends is what it's all about!
Wow, lots of Lost and Survivor fans on here . . . I guess I need to work less evenings or something - apparently I'm really missing out!

Just so I'm clear on the comparsion with Kenny here (and remember, I didn't watch the show) - - -isn't Richard Hatch the one who preferred to be, how should I say this, au natural? :)

Yep, that's Richard! And trust me, you are missing out!
Lucky for this competition.. Richard Hatch is ineligible... what with being in federal prison and all. Note: Pay those taxes!
No kidding? He didn't pay his taxes? I thought they got him for a serious "No shoes, no shirt, no service" violation or something.

Wow - see I'm already more culturally aware thanks to DIS.

Who knew?:)
No kidding? He didn't pay his taxes? I thought they got him for a serious "No shoes, no shirt, no service" violation or something.

Wow - see I'm already more culturally aware thanks to DIS.

Who knew?:)


Once again - you guys have me in stitches, and trust me, it has been a bad day with a capital B for me! Thanks!
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