DH is Mad!

DH first trip to WDW was 2005. My first trip back in 17 years. We went in August. He wanted to go back. So we went for Christmas '05. Afterwards, he said the same thing. Disney was all I talked about and we wouldn't be going back for a few years. So, I backed off and just hit the Disboards while he was working. But, at his request by Springtime we were planning Christmas 2006 trip. Once again my obsession started. We had a awesome Christmas trip. New Year and backing off again. Hopefully, by Springtime I will be obsessing and planning again. ;)
Let me just say that the one time that my DH went with us to Disney World - it was definitely NOT the "happiest place on earth". :rotfl2: So guess what? We go without him.
I have been taking my kids since '85 and now my grandkids every year! DH has come with us twice and he just doesn't get it or see what all the hoopla is all about but that's okay. It makes for a happy marriage when you have different interests...more conversation on different topics and different life experiences. Love your man for who he is not who you want him to be.
Neither DH or DSS get the whole Disney thing. I got them both to come Thanksgiving week this past year so we could combine the trip with Thanksgiving dinner at my brother and sis-in-laws and my nephews 4th birthday (which of course was spent in the Magic Kingdom because brother and family are also Disney crazy). DH was very good about it. He wanted everything to be nice for all of us so he said we should go for a Magic Kingdom view at the Polynesian. He is awesome! The view from our rooms(kids 14 and 24 had their own) was amazing! DH had a good time but it's just not his thing. DH is so good about it he bought me and DS annual passes for Christmas. So we go on our own and always meet my brother and family in one of the parks(they live an hour and a half away from WDW). Since DS and I do the Disney thing, DH takes and occasional motorcycle trip with DSS. When we all want to do a vacation together we all love an island. We went to Turks and Caicos a couple years ago and we all loved it.
Well, I am the DH. My wife is very excited about WDW but not much of a planner. I'm the planner...and getting excited about the trip is a by-product of the planning. I was at WDW in second grade, probably 1982, and haven't been back since.

So, am I in a room full of women here? :cool1: How you doin'? ;)
I'm the over the top Disney person at our house. For the last month I have literally been carrying my Unofficial Guidebook with me everywhere. I think I have pretty much overdosed on that book. I made myself put it upstairs so I would not be tempted to read it instead of getting work done. (I work from home.) DH does not want to hear Disney details, BUT when we get to the parks and I hand him the list of attractions and when to go where, he takes total charge. He follows my plan exactly and totally gets into it and appreciates all the work I've done. He just does not want to talk about it until we're on the plane.

I finally realized last night that in his own quiet way he really does adore Disney. My 13 year old DS had a friend over who had just been to Disney. They were talking about Maelstrom (did I spell that right?) and DS's friend did not like it at all. DH came to tell me the story later and then added, "I don't get it. Our family loves that ride."
My DH just @@@@@@@@@ his eyes. Well .. to bad!!! You have 9 months of hearing me talk about Disney ... be glad it's not 9 months of complaining about being pregnant :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I think DH would rather listen to my Disney talk.

Not all men are like that. PrincessFontaine and I talk about WW constantly. And i mean constantly. It comes up in every conversation and that's quite allright with me. :) In fact, we're deciding when to go next with the newest addition to the family in July. Again, not all DH's are anti-Disney...at least I'm not. :lmao:

Mine either....He loves Disney and would probably be on these boards if he had the time. We're always planning or chatting or dreaming about The World.
We really should have a Disney Anonymous. Just someone we can call once a day and sound out our plans with. ANyone wants to talk Disney PM me and we can talk
Tell him that there is some single guys on here that won't mind talking Disney all day :love: . J/K I'm sure he will be fine, if not just find some else to go with and leave him at home.
When I was planning our first trip to WDW in '06, my DH said I was "sucking the fun" out of WDW. (As if anyone could possibly do that!!!)

We had a great time, were able to do TONS of fun stuff and it went very smoothly. (I was planning a trip for 12 ppl.)

When we got home, my DH said that our trip was great and so easy...I did not need to do all of that planning. :mad: As I sat there speechless, my younger brother made my DH admit that it went so well BECAUSE I had spent months planning everything!!!

Well, DH had to eat his words and apologize! :lmao:

This year, I am planning a another trip...14 people...and my DH is happy to talk about whatever I want. :laughing:
I hear ya. My ex was a joy-killer with a capital "J." Couldn't get him excited about a trip to save his life. New DH is different :love: Not only does he like travelling, (I actually made it a condition of getting married :lmao: ), he is also wise enough to trust me to plan everything and pretty much stay out of it ;) After multiple vacations that have all gone off without a hitch, the whole family trusts me completely.

It's kind of a catch 22 when you think about it. You want your partner to be enthused about going, but not SO enthused that they insist on having things their way and you end up in conflict :)
I have talked so much Disney, Dh decided we are going back in 2009. Funny, we haven't even stepped foot in Florida in our entire lives. :rotfl:
My husband isn't happy about how excited the kids and I are about going back to disney this year. He too says that all I speak about is disney and that I need to get a life. He would rather we go somewhere else. Because he says that he is Disneyed out.
Dear threaders, instead of PM ing you I am sending this message. I started getting hooked last year.
We went to Disney, and i was already talking about this year back then. Now, the trip is in sept again and I kinda wanna plan for 08 and he put the kabosh on that.
I talk about this thread, and posts and yada yada all the time. I would love to purchase 10 day no expire tickets and that was when i got the distinct impression he did not want to go again for a years.

thank goodness for you people.:goodvibes
i thank you every day.
Dear threaders, instead of PM ing you I am sending this message. I started getting hooked last year.
We went to Disney, and i was already talking about this year back then. Now, the trip is in sept again and I kinda wanna plan for 08 and he put the kabosh on that.
I talk about this thread, and posts and yada yada all the time. I would love to purchase 10 day no expire tickets and that was when i got the distinct impression he did not want to go again for a years.

thank goodness for you people.:goodvibes
i thank you every day.

I think we should start a commune :rotfl: We already have that glazed look in our eyes. It's just a small step to full-fledged cult status
DH and I went first time before we were married, then we went for our honeymoon since we couldn't find a timeshare that our in laws let us borrow anywhere elses but orlando. Ever since then we have been hooked every year. DD is 12 and she has gone about 11 times DS is 5 and gone 5 times.
Found these boards about year and half ago and yes quite addicting to a disney fan. Usuaaly when I go up to DH and "I say guess What?" He says let me guess its about Disney or he says mockingly "Did you hear that on the Dis boards?" Is is annoying that then I say forget it if you don't want to know, but sometimes he will not say go on and tell me and then I keep it all bottled up out of pride. It is very hard:rotfl2: DD has about had it with Disney. Don't understand that one. I am now known as a compulsive planner that plans 2 years out. Thanks Dis board, my life will never be the same:laughing:
My husband thinks I am crazy too!!!! He has agreed to give me full disney control (will go where and when I tell him to when we get there) as long as I promise to stop talking about it. Little does he know that it was all part of my evil plan......pirate: I still miss talking about it though. My kids are 5 and 6 and we have decided not to tell them when we are going... we just say 'some day'. We are going to wake them up the morning of and hop on the airplane. Just to add to the Dsney magic!!!! pixiedust: That's why I have started to post. Been lurking for a long time...... but now I need some people to talk to since phase 1 of my evil Disney plan has been complete.....full Disney control!!!!! :stir: :cool1: :wave2:
My husband thinks I am crazy too!!!! He has agreed to give me full disney control (will go where and when I tell him to when we get there) as long as I promise to stop talking about it. Little does he know that it was all part of my evil plan......pirate: I still miss talking about it though. My kids are 5 and 6 and we have decided not to tell them when we are going... we just say 'some day'. We are going to wake them up the morning of and hop on the airplane. Just to add to the Dsney magic!!!! pixiedust: That's why I have started to post. Been lurking for a long time...... but now I need some people to talk to since phase 1 of my evil Disney plan has been complete.....full Disney control!!!!! :stir: :cool1: :wave2:

he he he... you evil woman :lmao: You will find plenty of others in exactly the same situation. That's why we talk to each other ::yes::

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