DH is Mad!


Tacoma Ranch home of wild mustangs! We are all on
Apr 15, 2006
My DH told me this morning that all I talk about is Disney and nothing else. He told me to stop!

I need an attorney, Just kidding. I guess I need to stop on the disney and take care of everything else.
OMG!!!!:mad: My DH said the same thing to me! And he's serious! :( :headache:
I've been wanting to go to WDW my whole life, (im 24) and finally he said we could go, and so Im super excited, talkin about everything Ive learned from the DIS, and he's so tired of hearing me. But Geeze who else am I gonna tell. Well I do share stuff with my kids, but theyre little, they dont wanna hear about ways were gonna save money. LOL

Im too excited! Cant help it!:wizard:
It is true that most DISer's have to curb their enthusiasm at times, yes, there is housework to do, jobs to go to, children to look after, but there is always time to sneek a peek at the boards! Most DH's I am sure would prefer that we stay quiet....lol

I always equate my enthusiasm to my DH as being a sport fanatic, you know, eat, breath, sleep sports (or the like) At least he doesn't have to live with the sport and not only listen to him about it, but everytime I turn on the TV.........there it is :happytv:

At least all my DH has to do is listen to me....now when the Disney planning hits the TV 24/7....we will have a problem :)
My DW tells me to be quiet and not bother her with Disney details until 2 weeks out from the trip. We need support group.
My DH told me the same thing. He doesn't understand my obsession. I tell him at least it keeps me home and on the computer instead of at Wal-mart spending money.
Do I need intervention? I am buying from Disney Shopping to change the bathroom to black and white classic Disney during the winter months?

PS: Don't tell DH, he will really get mad!
Busted!!! DH came home while I left the computer on the checkout page of Disney Shopping. He loves the new bathroom stuff and his new eeyore sheets.

He says sorry for this morning but it does get a little intense!
Oh, honey, I feel for you! You've gotta get him over to "our side" so you can spout Disneyspeak at will! I've won my DH - he always liked Disney World but since the last trip (which I meticulously planned for over a year and which, as a result, we pulled off beautifully) he's hooked. We were watching Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest the other day and he was getting into the background music because it reminded him of the ride and he missed it!!! :thumbsup2
My DH does not like disney for the life of him. He says he has no interest in it what so ever. The only reason he has gone to DL so many times with me, is because our children and I seem to love it. Oh and the fact that Im always in such a good mood while Im there. LOL:love:
I'm in the same boat, DH thinks I'm crazy. :rolleyes1 But what he doesn't know is I am crazy, DISNEY CRAZY :rotfl: It sure took a lot longer to convince him to go back this time. But he finally agreed, I think he secretly likes WDW he just to embarrased to admit it!
Hey, everyone has some type of hobby! Disney is a passion for many people!

amen!!!:laughing: my DH says the same thing "cant you get a normal hobby" hey just cause im a not a kid and into disney doesnt mean anything! hey i have you guys to chat with about disney!:cutie:
I can definately sympathize. I'm in bed with my dh asleep and I'm here typing away at 11:00.

I'm going to have to put a block on this website or limit the time I spend on here. :) I definately have to stop talking about Disney so much though...it must get annoying!
I'm right there with all of you. DH says I'm driving him crazy with all this Disney talk, Disney planning, Disney etc..... I can't help it though. I've dreamed of this trip since I was a little girl so you're talking about 30 something years of bottled up excitement ready to explode. That's alot of ammunition!

Guess I may be over excited though cause even my boys roll their eyes at me now too when I mention the trip. :rotfl:

Oh well.... I'm sure they'll convert once we get there. :)
I love disney so much I want to go at least once a year my DH practically despises disney. I do currently stay home so I have plenty of time on my hands to read and plan and all that good stuff. My DH says the only reason he hates to talk about it is because that is the only place we go. I have offered to go elsewhere but truely have no desire to pick and choose and plan to anywhere else except Disneyland, CA, Paris, Tokyo, Japan etc. I told DH if he wants to go somewhere else he has to at least pick where he wants to go so he named off a few places DC and the grand canyon. So of coure I objected. These are my reasons my oldest daughter is 6 and I feel like she won't get anything out of this either of these two places not to mention the Grand Canyon is one of the last places on earth that I want to go. Am I crazy my kids love disney why should I take that from them and me and he is so "I only want to do one vacation a year," what is he crazy. I also told him that if he didn't want to go I would take the girls by myself or with friends or family and he is all if you go I go "then quite comlaining and be excited to go" So I recently called to book a trip for sept mostly for MNSSHP b/c he is never home for halloween and I got the 40% discount I was so excited we got our MK view room for 239 per night you think he would have been excited about this once in a lifetime discount NO he was not I wanted to beat him with a stick while I was jumping for joy. I'm sorry this is so long I saw this thread and had to vent thanks OP.

Everyone have Magical Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me just say that the one time that my DH went with us to Disney World - it was definitely NOT the "happiest place on earth". :rotfl2: So guess what? We go without him. It works for us because we get to enjoy ourselves. It works for him because he hates to go anywhere! I decided years ago that life is too short to sit and wait for DH to say "let's go somewhere". He also gets irritated about all of our Disney chat. But I figure that he'll get over it.:rotfl:


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