Desiree's Journal - (Posts welcome)

Thanks Tracy and Chris for all your support!

Well for all the hard work that I've put in this week I haven't gained or lost anything at weigh in today. I did eat a hefty meal yesterday with larger portions that I had been eating and I know that most of this is probably muscle that is forming too. But I can't help but be a tad bit disappointed not to see a change in the scale.

Oh well, not much can be done other than to keep on, keepin' on I guess!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Desiree,

I am going to the Kentucky-Miss. State game at Lexington. I have never seen Ky. play football in person so this should be interesting. It is homecoming so it will be a little extra better (is that grammatically correct? is in Kentucky!) Of course DW is a Miss. State grad and she claims she will cheer for MSU, but she knows nothing about sports.

How is Mike's new habitat? Send me a pic if you can sometime of it, I would like to see it!


Cool have fun at the game today!! I won't get to see my Tigers play today. My stupidhead best friend is having her baby shower today. Grr. I can't believe people still schedule events on Football game days! The nerve! :confused3 :teeth:

Anyway, Dax, check your profile, I sent you a link to see Mike's new habitat. I'll snap a few pics next time I'm there (next weekend) to send to you too. The pics aren't all that great on the website. You can't tell but the place is HUGE. It's really well done.

Anyway, off to a good start today. I went and did 35 on the Elliptical today and did my 25 minute weight workout. I'm going to start adding Step Aerobics and Pilates into the mix soon too. Managed to get to the grocery store earlier and Chris is in the kitchen cooking right now. I've got a few things I want to accomplish today after I go to the shower before I can settle down and watch the game though. I've got a mountain of laundry and a few house cleaning items to attend to. Other than that it's a good day!
Hey Des!

Sending some :wizard: for a great week ahead! You are doing a great job with exercising! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Thanks for your good thoughts Tracy!!

Well.. I took a sneak peak at the scale this morning.... 3 pounds gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to actually classify it as 3 pounds just yet since my official weigh in day is Friday but it sure felt good to see a loss! Maybe I can squeeze in 2 more pounds and get another 5 pound clippie this week!

Chris and I went and bought a new George Foreman grill last night and then we came home and he grilled some chicken for us. I'm so glad. Chris has never been one to bake or grill chicken. He mainly likes it fried. That is a big step and the chicken was actually really yummy! I'm going to try to talk him into making some Speedies for us later in the week because I know he likes those. They are very yummy but take 3 days to marinate! :earseek:

I managed to get 30 minutes in this moring at the track for 1.73 miles at a brisk pace. That was really encouraging because prior I've only managed 3 laps in 30 minutes time and this morning I did 4 laps in 30 minutes. I must be doing something right!

Anyway, I'll try to hit a few journals in a bit. Hope everyone has a great day and Happy Halloween!! Try to stay away from the evil candy! Send me some willpower tonight!!!
We love our George Foreman grill and have found that it makes life so much easier. It has quickly found it's way to staying on the cabinet all the time because it is used so much.

What are speedies?
Speedies are wonderful, melt in your mouth, pieces of grilled chicken that are marinated with rosemary and a few other things for 3 days. I don't remember the exact ingredients but if you want, I'll pm the recipe to you (when I get home!). I'll at least post what all it is marinated with here to give you an idea.
Ok shin splints suck. Anyone have any suggestions on how to ease the pain? Remember that 1.73 mile I did yesterday in 30 minutes? Owie!!

Anyway here is the recipe for Speedies

Only feeds for 3 or 4 chicken breasts worth

1/3 cup of oil
1/2 cup of vinegar (Cider)
2 teaspoons of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of celery salt
1 teaspoon of basil
1 teaspoon of parsley
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon of crushed rosemary

Cut meat into cubes. Marinate the meat for 3 days.

(You may want to add some tabasco and Tony Cachieries to spice it up a bit)
I am definitely gonig to have to save this recipe. It sounds like something my hubby would love!! Thank you!
Well, I feel 1000% better. I've been trying to get to the gym twice a day all week (only missed one afternoon) but I have been going every morning for 20 minutes on the Elliptical machine. I can't believe how motivated I am. I hope it keeps up. I try not to get too excited because I always think I'm setting myself up for disappointment. I took a sneak peak at the scale this morning after my work out and it said 205.5. I hope that rings true tomorrow on the official weigh in day, then I'll be able to collect a 5 pound clippie! Keep your fingers crossed!!

I've been watching what I've been eating and then literally cutting my meals in half. So something must be working!! :banana:

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks Dax! Well after a pretty good week eating-wise, I'm proud to say that I'm down 4 pounds! That's 9 total for those checking! I'm almost to Onederland! WOOHOOO!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Last week was tough because we had a wedding shower to attend and tailgating on Saturday (that's always rough, it's easy to slip up and grab some chips and salsa and other junk). And then Friday, at work we ordered in and I did good and ordered a salad. I've also been hitting the gym every day this week even though I didn't feel like I did as good this week there as I had. Devyn started swimming lessons and I haven't been able to hardly get on the Elliptical at all. I feel that I do better when I'm on those machines versus walking that track - which is what I ended up doing while she was at her lessons.

Well I managed to get a few Christmas and birthday gifts taken care of last night and we got our groceries done for Thanksgiving so I did get alot accomplished on my day off yesterday. I did get to the gym too.

I think I'll hit a few journals before going to the Pancake Breakfast out at LSU and then straight to the gym to work those pancakes off!

Oh yea, today is a big game for us..... GEAUX TIGERS!
Sounds like you had a very productive day yesterday! Good job for getting to the gym!

Congrats on those 5lbs! All of your hard work is paying off. You're so close to Onederland now! Good for you!

Have a great weekend! :flower:
Thanks Pearlieq!

I did my full 35 on the elliptical yesterday but eating wasn't exactly OP. I didn't snack though but my choices could have been better. Today is a new day though.
"Weigh" to go on the continued weight loss. Keep up the good work.

Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey Des,

You seem to be doing really good. Keep it up. Remember, it is all in the mind!


Thanks Tracy, Chris and Dax!!

Well after a pretty rough week (TOM, multiple ball games) I still managed to loose 1 pound. Not too shabby! So I'm down 10 total! Yay! :cheer2: I can't wait til I can start wearing smaller clothes!

I think I'm going to do this weeks weigh in on Wednesday since the gym will be closed Thursday and Friday. Or maybe I should wait and do it on Saturday that way I'm accountable for Thanksgivng.

The good news is that Devyn is off this week and will be spending the week with her dad and stepmom while I'm at work. So I should be able to do workout twice a day, Monday through Wednesday. I'm hoping so that way I can boost things up a notch before the dreaded Thanksgiving. I am pretty geared up for it though. It's one of my favorite holidays. And as a pre-game test, we had our thansgiving dinner at work yesterday and I was very proud of myself. I stuck to several small portions, didn't go back for seconds and didn't get any desserts. Now mind you if I wanted any, I could have easily gone and got them but I am not even craving them! That is so unusual for me. I don't usually pass up anything even remotely related to chocolate or sugar.

Well it's cold outside so I'm about to go bundle up and hit the gym while Chris and Devyn are still asleep. Hopefully when I get back they'll still be asleep so I can get some stuff around the house done! Have a good day and a great weekend everyone!


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