Derp Derp! The adventures of the Dapper, Disneybounding Princesses! Updated 7/8x6!!!!

OK I have caught up! Took me a couple of days, but I did it!

I thinkwe are going to do more character meet and greets, I tend to get shy during them, which is weird, as I am not normally that shy... its like I am a kid again.

However I have to share a wonderful stumper on the last DLR trip I took with a friend. karen was talking to Belle and we were all discussing books, when Belle asked Karen which was her fave, she looked at her completly straight faced and said 50 shade of Grey.... OMG Belle was speechless it was wonderful. So they had a conversation on how Belle should look them up, belle had no idea how to respond, but she recovered, and went with it, asking if it was anything like the classic novels she enjoyed!
OMG, what an awesome pixie dust moment courtesy of the Tiana/Naveen handler. Super cool.

I'm just going to simply call this the best character meet I've ever read. Wow, just wow.

New monorail voice... I most certainly DO NOT APPROVE!

Haha, well I know what I'll be doing the next time I'm at Mousegears that's for sure. That sure does look like fun. :thumbsup2

It was fantastic, CM's like that are what makes my day a little bit brighter! was like, nothing will top that, and nothing will top Ariel speaking sea lion to Sylvia and I nearly two years ago!

Aahahaha, I looked everywhere for one in MK last week and couldn't find one, I'm hoping they're still there in Sept!!

What a fun update! I was laughing here just reading about it all, I can only imagine how much fun you guys had!

It was quite the gong show!!

Yay for the nice CM letting you in the line! :cheer2:

Aw what an awesome time with Tiana and Naveen! I love it and I love that they convinced you to audition!

Ah Belle is gorgeous. I've read this update already :rotfl2:

What an awesome group of princesses! The part about Snow White and the apple cracked me up again :lmao:

It was fantastic, I really appreciated it! Plus if we had been at the top of their next set we really wouldn't have had as much time and would've felt bad for taking up as much as we did!

It was awesome! Lawl, you certainly have!!
I think that s my most favorite update of yours!!

Haha, yay!!

OMG, that was a hilarious update! Tiana and Naveen were losing it! I think it's a good thing you were last in line and not somewhere in the middle after all.

Nice Akershus dinner, too bad yours wasn't quite as good. The meatballs remind me of Ikea, haha.

Oh my gosh it was hilarious, and yeah, we thought about how grateful we were that she let us in to be last. It wouldn't have been the same had we bee the first in line.

The meatballs were far superior, but the experience and appitizer's made up for the not so great beef tips!

Read the WHOLE thing today...made my work day fly by!!! I want to party with you girls at Disney!!! I'm never with people who are willing to just let their inner kid come out.:love: You guys are too cute!!!

Subbing and going to find all your other TR!!! One day...I'll do one!! :rotfl:

Ahaha, glad you've been enjoying!! Aw man, you're welcome anytime! I'm not sure when we're going back together next. I'll be down in Sept haha...
I think that was your best Meet and Greet yet! So awesome that Naveen recognized you and got a good laugh out of the Cocoa Puff thing!

Akershus is another one that I haven't made it too yet. It always seems to get mixed reviews plus I don't do character meals too often. Chef Mickey's is the only one I've done in the last few years.

Your Derp Derp Perry is too cute! I will need to come back and watch the videos later. Didn't want one of them going in case someone walked into my office!

Ahaha, it was great, that's for sure.
Akershus was wonderful, I would go for dinner, probalby not breakfast, I just feel like breakfast isn't worth that much money, but CRT maybe, who knows? CM's I'm super excited for in Sept!!


Great update! :thumbsup2


OK I have caught up! Took me a couple of days, but I did it!

I thinkwe are going to do more character meet and greets, I tend to get shy during them, which is weird, as I am not normally that shy... its like I am a kid again.

However I have to share a wonderful stumper on the last DLR trip I took with a friend. karen was talking to Belle and we were all discussing books, when Belle asked Karen which was her fave, she looked at her completly straight faced and said 50 shade of Grey.... OMG Belle was speechless it was wonderful. So they had a conversation on how Belle should look them up, belle had no idea how to respond, but she recovered, and went with it, asking if it was anything like the classic novels she enjoyed!

Hhaha I am updating a lot!!

Characters are awesome, I definitely clam up around some, and fur characters I tend to stop speaking simply because they can't speak, and then I remember that I can still talk.

Aahahahahah that's hilarious!!

Alright, we’re gonna start off this update by saying that I seriously only have 78 pictures from the entire day. No joke. Partially because we were at an audition, and there just weren’t that many picture taking places. We really just enjoyed everything.


Our day began early again, and after getting ready and all Disneybound-ed up, we were out the door, on the bus, and arriving at Animal Kingdom right as they were opening the park! Yay! Naturally, we hoofed it right over to Asia first thing, we wanted to beat 6 rides on Expedition Everest, and we planned that we would. We had done 6 in a row last trip, and originally wanted to beat the 6 in a row, but just settled for overall.

Adventure is out there!

We don’t know what’s going on?


Rawr!! On the way in I think, the third time, a cast member commented that we kept coming back and we said that we had a goal to beat! They then told us that the daily records for rides on Everest was 106!!! Could you imagine?! Apparently it was a younger bow who just rode in the single rider line literally all day. Hilariously amazing!!

We made the four rides before having to take off in order to get to another favorite on time, so we paused our EE riding there and headed off towards Africa! We started looking at the menu at Tamu Tamu on the way and Paige saw that they had French toast sticks, and figured she could really go for some right then, and I grabbed a little yogurt and granola and strawberry parfait!

Two angles for ya! We both enjoyed our snacks, and walked over to Camp Minnie Mickey while eating them. They were just the right size to tide us over until lunch! We did get to the entrance of Camp Minnie Mickey before they had actually dropped the rope, and honestly, this is one of those situations where it isn’t a line, it’s a clump, and I guess people don’t really get that, so we did a little bit of weaving to be closer to the front. No pushing, no squeezing around each other, we just didn’t join the “line” waiting. Same thing happened when we got to the theater, everyone was like, lined up towards the right hand side, and Paige and I simply walked right up to the doors on the further left hand lane. Bonus for us I guess! They opened the theater around 10:15 and we (surprise!) headed over to the Elephant section to sit and watch!

Now, if you come in those main doors, the pathways that your let in to if you’re there early, here’s a hint to where the sections are. Directly to the right of the entrance is the warthogs, directly to the left is the giraffes, the next to the left is the elephants (directly across from the warthogs) and the lion section is directly across from the entrance!

TIDBIT ASIDE, it was showtime!!

The tumble monkeys were ON THEIR GAME today! They were absolutely fantastic, super spunky, full of energy, and just amazing, we were both super impressed with the performance today! I had been expecting to see some new faces on the bird dancers, as they had just done auditions recently, and halfway through Be Prepared, it became very aware just how new the guy was. He was off stage at a point that I THINK he wasn’t supposed to be, and came right up to the girl (who’s sitting on the side of the elephant) and had that whole “I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing, help me!” conversation. EEK! Thankfully he managed to get where he was supposed to be in time!

I had originally thought the girl was a brand new one too, she wasn’t super confident in what she was doing, but that might be because she knew the guy didn’t really know what he was doing. She looked a bit uneasy, but then when I was posting updates from September I noticed that they kind of looked alike, so who knows?! Nonetheless, I was sad to not see the girl I really liked!

Somewhere during the finale bit, I pointed to the girl in the zebra outfit, and told Paige I thought it was the girl from Dis Channel Rocks earlier in the week who just looked like she didn’t care. We both confirmed it was, especially once we noticed her just calmly talking to the guy beside her, like she didn’t even care that she was in the middle of a show…uhm…okay…..In the end of course it was still a great show that we both loved, but it was easily stolen by the tumble monkeys! With the show over we slowly followed Timon’s directions to get out of the theater, and made our way over to our “must see” meet and greet of the day! Any guesses?!?

Our next stop was over near the Oasis, we had to stop to see the guy that Paige was Disneybounding as, didn’t we? I mean, it’d just be wrong if we didn’t! We didn’t wait too long, I mean, that line isn’t too much of a wait at any time of day!

We got our hugs and Dug and I chatted while he signed my book while Russel tried to get Paige to do the “The wilderness is out there, ca ca, rawr” thing that they do in the movie, and loved the fact that she was dressed like him!

Twinsies! Dug then pointed out the Ellie Badge that was on her shirt (and he was smart enough that at first he went to just point, and then used my pen to tap the pin instead, smart thinking Dug!) It was super cute and they were both super excited to see Paige all dressed up!

We are certified Wildnerness Explorers after all! Aw man, I CANNOT wait until that thing comes out at AK (I’ve heard it’s like the Agent P mission, but you can earn badges and stuff, super cool!) I know we asked a cast member at some point about it and they said it would be out by summer, but wasn’t started yet! Paige got all excited and said she would have to get her boyfriend to do it with her in August, and I’m super happy that we’ve got more than one AK day so I can do it in Sept!!

We thanked the Up crew and their cast members and made our way towards Dinoland, it was time for our FAVORITE!! DINOSAUR!!


Just kidding kids, we both HATE that ride, it’s just not cool, we do not accept. Our next stop was more characters! Like, really, are you surprised? I also love this line because you wait in one, really small, hidden line, and get three characters. Any clues to where we are? The 100 Acre Wood of course! On the way in we saw a couple of them going in to grab some thistles/hunny/bouncing breaks, and they blew us kisses and high fived us, so we had a bit of a wait, but they were back out super quick to say hello!

Pooh was super cute and gave us all kisses and hugs before posing for pictures!

Eeyore had no photopass with him for some reason, so we had to go in separately, but luckily we are well rehearsed in this and both got some action shots in there before the poses!

Tigger was super adorable and bouncy as usual, pretty sure he loved the fact that Paige had orange on! She also asked if he could “Dougie” for her, as last trip we had tried, and Tigger hadn’t done so well. He only did it for a little bit, but he was far superior to the last time!

And with that, our character meets were done for the day! I’m really sorry I don’t have more notes from today, I clearly was nervous about what was to come (but really, not actually about the audition) I also know that I tend to clam up around fur characters, I can talk forever with the face characters, but I usually get all quiet because the fur ones aren’t talking, and I giggle, give them a hug and even will like, nod instead of saying yes. BAHA! I’m all “oh, they’re not talking, I can’t talk either” like, this isn’t charades, you can say something…… I’m an odd duck sometimes….
Fabulous disneybounding today, so cute!

Looking forward to seeing if you beat your 6x record. I don't know if I could handle it four times in a row even, it's the backwards part that gets me.
Haha love the Everest "heart" photo!!

I'm some glad I did 7 now, :lmao:!

Holy (expletive)... 106!!?? :eek: That's CRAZY!!!!!! I wouldn't have even thought that would be possible. OK, I don't feel so proud anymore. :sad1: but :worship: to him. Wow.

It's so great that you finally got to see FOTLK after all this time. :rotfl:
AHHHHH I'm so bummed I missed it! :headache:
Ahaha, glad you've been enjoying!! Aw man, you're welcome anytime! I'm not sure when we're going back together next. I'll be down in Sept haha...

We will be there in Sept. too!!! I can't wait to hear how things go!! Love these updates!:dancer:
Love Paige's cute! No one ever does Russell! :thumbsup2

Forgot how many characters there were at DAK, although I know they've been moved around a lot lately so it'll be interesting to see who's where in Oct.

106 times on EE? That's crazy! I think the top number for TOT was like 50 something. It was 2 boys and they got to ride w/all the bellhops at the end of the day. The pic was up in our breakroom! Can't imagine 106 though...that would be a loooooong day! :faint:
How cute is Paige's outfit! I love it!

I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with all the character locations at AK this trip.

106 rides on EE? That's crazy!
106 times on EE!!!!! That's crazy!! I probably would have puked after the fourth or fifth ride. :rotfl: As much as I love that ride, the backwards part makes my stomach do a flip flop.

Tumble Monkeys!! I just love those guys.

Cute pictures with Dug and Russel! Paige looks great in her outfit. I'm still trying to figure out who you are supposed to be today. I'm really not good at figuring those out. :confused3

Oh man, Dinosaur is awesome!! I just had to get that in and give the ride some love since you dissed it in your post. ::yes::

Love the pictures with the Pooh gang. I read recently that Eeyore no longer meets there and the only place you can meet him is at CP.
Wow 106 rides of EE in a day is A LOT!

I was impressed with your record lol!


Ah Dug and Russel are awesome and it's even cooler that Paige was disneybounding as Russel! I love it!

I feel like not that many people realize the Pooh characters are there/don't bother to stop for them! When we were there, there was a CM announcing at the top of the walkway that they were there with no wait and there still weren't many people going. Although now everyone's all moved so I guess I'll have to figure that out lol

UM I do the same thing with fur characters lol! It's kinda a problem!
Fabulous disneybounding today, so cute!

Looking forward to seeing if you beat your 6x record. I don't know if I could handle it four times in a row even, it's the backwards part that gets me.

Thanks!! Hahaha, I will admit, when we went last Sept Paige wanted to keep going and I couldn't handle it anymore, ahaha.

Haha love the Everest "heart" photo!!

I'm some glad I did 7 now, :lmao:!

Holy (expletive)... 106!!?? :eek: That's CRAZY!!!!!! I wouldn't have even thought that would be possible. OK, I don't feel so proud anymore. :sad1: but :worship: to him. Wow.

It's so great that you finally got to see FOTLK after all this time. :rotfl:
AHHHHH I'm so bummed I missed it! :headache:

Haha, thanks

I know right?! Like, it's insane! I wish I could spend that much time in a theme park riding one ride. One of these days when I'm a cm I'll find a friend and spend literally the whole day there, ahahahaha.

I know right?! It's about time I saw it :lmao: God that show is my life....

We will be there in Sept. too!!! I can't wait to hear how things go!! Love these updates!:dancer:

Awesome!!! What're your dates?!? We're the 11-19th! I have a PTR going, we should totally meet up if our dates overlap!
Love Paige's cute! No one ever does Russell! :thumbsup2

Forgot how many characters there were at DAK, although I know they've been moved around a lot lately so it'll be interesting to see who's where in Oct.

106 times on EE? That's crazy! I think the top number for TOT was like 50 something. It was 2 boys and they got to ride w/all the bellhops at the end of the day. The pic was up in our breakroom! Can't imagine 106 though...that would be a loooooong day! :faint:

I'm sure she says thank you! Haha

There's so many! But they move around so often it's hard to remember where they are! It's crazy, especially recently, like, King Louie and Baloo are over in CMM now, same with Pooh and Tigger, with Eeyore gone, Poca seems to move like, every day! Bahah

AH! I WOULD DIE IF I COULD RIDE TOT WITH THE BELLHHOPS! UGH My love for that ride is too insane! That's crazy! I feel like TOT could be higher if it wasn't for having to stop in the library!

How cute is Paige's outfit! I love it!

I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with all the character locations at AK this trip.

106 rides on EE? That's crazy!


Yeah, you definitely should, lol, especially since Poca seems to move every day, and we all know Maddie is dying to see her! Hahah

106 times on EE!!!!! That's crazy!! I probably would have puked after the fourth or fifth ride. :rotfl: As much as I love that ride, the backwards part makes my stomach do a flip flop.

Tumble Monkeys!! I just love those guys.

Cute pictures with Dug and Russel! Paige looks great in her outfit. I'm still trying to figure out who you are supposed to be today. I'm really not good at figuring those out. :confused3

Oh man, Dinosaur is awesome!! I just had to get that in and give the ride some love since you dissed it in your post. ::yes::

Love the pictures with the Pooh gang. I read recently that Eeyore no longer meets there and the only place you can meet him is at CP.

Ahahahha, you and Nick are in the same boat then haha. He was being Mr Grumpy gills one morning at AK after drinking so we took him on EE once, he nearly threw up before even getting off the ride and then went back to the hotel, lol!

I love the TUmble Monkeys like, they're so sassy! It's gotta be such a fun job!

Ahahah, I realized I didn't put that in the update, I totally thought I did, I'll post it in the top of the next one!

Thanks!! And yeah, he's only at CP now, sucks!! I wish they had like, him and Pooh at AK, and Pooh and Tigger at MK, that woudl work!

Wow 106 rides of EE in a day is A LOT!

I was impressed with your record lol!


Ah Dug and Russel are awesome and it's even cooler that Paige was disneybounding as Russel! I love it!

I feel like not that many people realize the Pooh characters are there/don't bother to stop for them! When we were there, there was a CM announcing at the top of the walkway that they were there with no wait and there still weren't many people going. Although now everyone's all moved so I guess I'll have to figure that out lol

UM I do the same thing with fur characters lol! It's kinda a problem!

Ahahah I know right!!

She was super cute! It gets better to! Lawl.

No one does! It sucks that they're moved now, man, I'm gonna have to spend some time researching that stuff before Sept!!


Sidenote: I realized I somehow missed telling you guys who I was Disneybounding as today, it's a bit of a tough one and it needs some work to clean it up, but it was my attempt at the FOTLK bird! I searched for patterned tights, or even just lighter ones. It would be much better with light blue tights, blue flats of course, and blue shorts instead of the jeans I had on. I had feathered earrings on that I took off halfway through as they were annoying me, but would opt for some hair feathers next time instead!


We came out from the 100 Acre Wood all smiles and happy and made a pit stop, we didn’t really want to go all the way back to Asia for another EE ride, and were getting hungry since we hadn’t really had breakfast. I had really wanted to eat at Flame Tree BBQ for a while now (and actually it was on my list of “goals”) So we figured we may as well stop there!

Paige then noticed her “friend” Kevin was kicking around too! You know those big scary terrifying white birds that are all over the place, yeah, she was all “OH MY GOSH A SNIPE! I NEED A PICTURE WITH IT”

Meanwhile I’m pretty sure I was screaming “OH MY GOD PAIGE NO IT’S GOING TO KIIIIILLLL YOU!!!!”

After nearly dying, we took a look at the menu, and ended up both deciding on the same thing, the “Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich” with cranberry mayonnaise and fresh fruit! I also got a Key Lime Mousse for dessert and we both grabbed waters, and a table to sit at around the corner!

The sandwiches were super delicious, not too loaded with bread, or the mayo, they were the perfect lunch for us! Nice and light, healthy and yummy! I was also super happy that they came with honeydew, as I can’t eat cantaloupe and that’s usually the fruit that comes with stuff. The Key Lime mousse was also great, it was another light dessert that didn’t make me feel too bad about having dessert, and wouldn’t be sitting in my stomach for the rest of the day, yay!

Flame Tree BBQ Review
-Food was delicious
-There’s a TON of seating near the restaurant
-Tons of different options, and you can get like, half a chicken or half rack of ribs!
-Service was quick and efficient
-A nice change in food in AK for QS

Smoked Turkey Breast Sandwich: $8.99
Key Lime Moussse: $3.79

Would we go again?: Definitely! It’s a nice change from some of the other “burger and fries” places that you find at Disney. It’s worth the cost, and I would like to try the ribs, if we hadn’t been going to an audition, it’s a sure thing I would’ve tried them, but we were both really impressed with the sandwiches!

Paige and I talked a bit while we finished up about what to do, we had maybe enough time to get back to Asia for another Expedition Everest ride, or maybe a trip through the Safari, but not enough to get a fast pass and use it later. We opted to just take it slow, and grab some photopasses and then head out of the park!

Now, we clearly got these photos earlier in the day, but they’re going here anyways! Lawl.

The photographer then had us do some magic shots, and I was super glad that she had each of us do the “magic” part of the shot and took a BUNCH of pictures of it!

We’re cute! Now, we were actually on our way out and stopped over at the Tree of Life for some more photo ops!

And of course, farther up the trail! And Animal Kingdom wouldn’t be complete without a picture of us acting like animals!!

And that, is where I’m going to cut the update off at! Also as a fair warning, the next update will have absolutely no pictures, but a lot of tweets! And a lot of information (well, all that I can give!) but if you haven’t read about it, it’s still an interesting experience, and hey, you never know what’s going to happen! We may have only spent a half day at AK, we but had done everything we wanted, and it had been a great day!

Been a great morning at AK so far, EE, FOTLK, and many characters! Fun!

Paige and I left Animal Kingdom and headed back to Pop to get ready for the audition. We both refreshed our make up, hair and got dressed in what we figured would be best out of everything that we had brought with us. I ended up going with the blue tank top I had worn on the DHS day, and my lulu capris, and since I hadn’t been planning on auditioning, just wore runners instead of bringing dance shoes or anything. Right before we left the hotel room, I asked Paige what her favorite color was, and handed her a piece of the Mickey confetti from Move It Shake It as a “good luck” confetti (also, the rest of that confetti is now up on my wall…)

We jumped in a cab, and the cabbie wasn’t really sure where to go but I was careful to direct him in the right direction, and we were there before we knew it!

I did not think I would be in this building on this trip! #notprepared #audition #eek

For those of you who don’t know, they hold auditions about every two weeks in the “Animal Kingdom Wardrobe and Rehearsal Facility” which, if you’re going down the road to AKL, just past the exit for AK, you turn left for the facility. Nice and close and on property. Once you get inside they have signs directing you to the proper place, and then there’s a hallway where you sit and wait for the sign in to start. We got there probably around 2:30, and there weren’t many other girls in line so far.

Now, think back about a day in TR updates, when Naveen had been telling us that his special friend would be at this audition, well, I was FAR more nervous about THAT, than I was the actual audition! Baha! I mean, I’d done this before, I had gone over the dance routine from the first round with Paige before we got there, this was no biggie for me right now. To pass the time we chatted/listened in to other conversations with the people around us, and took a couple bathroom breaks.

There were clearly girls in line who had auditioned before, and a couple of them were coming of super stuck up, they were acting like they were way better than anyone else because they had done it before. One in particular was going on and on about her audition and how she had gotten into fittings and just talking herself up so much both Paige and I were kind of annoyed, and felt bad for the girls hanging onto her every word, but hey, you’re always going to run into these people. The line continued to grow and went around the corner, and there was still no sign of any friends.

At 3:00 they opened the door to start sign in! How it all works is you are all lined up in the hallway already, and then put through a line inside a gymnasium size room. At a table is the casting director and her helper (sometimes more than one casting person) and you write down your name, and they ask if you are over 16, and then give you a number stickey name tag type thing. Then you move over to the second station where there’s another person taking your height, which is done barefoot/sock feet.

Paige and I were now checking through the line to see if we could see any friends that we might have been looking for, when I glanced over to where they were taking measurements, and I’m pretty sure my stomach leapt up into my throat, I waited a second to see the guy laugh, and dimples sure enough, I poked Paige and pointed him out. His friend wasn’t at the audition to audition, but rather to WORK the audition. WHAT?!? WHAT?! I’m pretty sure I died in that moment. A few seconds later he looked over and noticed us, and laughed and waved, he clearly didn’t think that we would uphold our end of the bargain. We signed in, got our numbers, and then had heights taken, complete with hugs and a little bit of chit chat from our new friend! And then took a seat to wait.

There was only one casting director this time around, so she came out once everyone was in and started to explain a couple of things. Mainly that she knew we would be talking about this experience afterwards, and to make sure we didn’t ruin any magic, and then went on that if we were cut today, it DID NOT mean that we were not pretty, it simply meant that we don’t look like an animated character, or if we do, they don’t need what we look like at that time. She was super friendly, and even when she talked about cutting people, didn’t seem happy about it.

We were then all introduced to the choreographer, who is just the most lovely and amazing woman, and she talked a bit, and then had all of us spread out through the room to learn a SUPER easy “movement” routine. It was the same one as before, and the same one that I had taught Paige earlier in the day, simple, lots of arms, and nice and princessey and regal, not derpy or frumpy at all.

Choreographer just used the word frump. #disneyfrump #bestever

Then with everyone out in the floor, we ran through it a bunch of times, moving the front two lines to the back, so everyone would move up and get a chance at the mirrors and being near the front. When our line got up to the front, I was seriously RIGHT in front of our newfound friend, who was now working the music, and to make sure I was smiling, he looked right at me and started making faces, definitely cracked me. It was nice to have someone around to make sure I was being enthusiastic, but also made me a bit more nervous, haha.

After they figured we had had enough of running through the dance, we all moved off to the sides of the room and were told not to be marking through the dance, and in groups of 6, did the dance in the middle. It was definitely interesting to watch, as there were some people who were fantastic dancers, and some people who looked the part, and then some who just didn’t work it at all. After you do the dance, they have everyone line up in a row and the casting director just looks at you while you smile for a bit, awkward, but hey, it’s how they do it.

Then you move off to the side and wait for everyone else to do the dance, and then the other nervous moment for me came. I wasn’t nervous doing the dance at all, minus the fact that I could tell our new friend was watching me, but as soon as it came time to call the numbers of the people who were getting through to the next round, the butterflies started. So…did Paige and I get called?? Am I in fact writing all of these updates from Florida, and keeping it a secret on my facebook while I work for the mouse?!

Not in the least. Baha! I would totally do that though, especially if I knew some of you guys were coming down soon after, I’d definitely plan a surprise! Paige and I tried to kind of keep track of people who got pulled for the next round, and we couldn’t really notice much. We did see one girl who was clearly a dancer, (had a bag of shoes with Pointe shoes in it) who we figured would get called, and the other I remember was a girl who when she did the dance looked like she was making fun of the whole thing, and just being a little bit ridiculous, I thought maybe she was one of the friends who came along to support her friend but didn’t care. It was odd, but it did make me think about how animated you have to be to get pulled. Out of all the 160 people that were there, they only kept about 25!!

Paige and I picked up our bags and gathered out stuff, waving a quick goodbye to our friend, and after a quick bathroom break called a cab, and this time, the operator knew exactly where we were and where to go, yay! We waited a bit out front of the building for our car to show up and definitely witnessed some interesting behavior. I definitely understand how people can be upset after getting cut, but there were some girls who were WEEPING, and sobbing and just SO upset that they had gotten cut! Paige also heard someone in the bathroom saying that “they only took people that had gotten there early, pretty much all of the first 16” Uhm, nope, we were in there, we got cut, lol. I won’t lie, after July’s audition, when I got home, like, home to Canada, I cried, but that was tired, lost camera and “is this the right path for me?” kinda cry, plus, who can be sad in Disney?! Considering that this was a completely “on whim” audition, I wasn’t too upset. Oh, and also, the girl who was talking herself up so much at the beginning of the audition, yeah, she got cut, and didn’t seem to pleased, but hey, karma.

Audition went well, super glad that auditions in Disney are so fun and friendly! Next time!! #dreamscometrue

Since we were BARELY making it time wise to catch our favorite parade, I decided we would cab to the Contemporary and then walk over to Magic Kingdom. The cab driver was SUPER AWESOME and nice enough to drop us at the walking path, not the actual hotel entrance! He opened the door for us, and took out the little footstool and helped us get out like we were princesses. We commented on it and he was all “that’s service!” So we made sure to tip him well.

Adventure time over, it was time for Magic Kingdom, and we were running seriously late, would we be able to make it to the hub by the time Move It Shake It did?! Would we get our spot?! Welp, let’s hope!! We need to see our stilts friend again!!

Heads up, this update seriously has TWO pictures, so I’m going to throw some random pictures from previous trips, and some other random stuff in so it’s more than just a lot of reading for you guys…


Paige and I jumped out of the cab, took a look at the time, and started to RUN! That light to cross the street, MAN, does it take FOREVER! It was seriously killing us, but we made it across and then we heard the music start to be pumped in to Main Street and WE RAAAAAANN. Seriously, harder than we had in AGES, and thank GOODNESS the lines for bag check and the turnstiles weren’t that bad.

We continued to book it down Main Street, though we did slow down to speed walking, and somehow, we made it to our spot (the right hand side of the partner’s statue) BEFORE Move It Shake It did!! Amazing!

Soon we were busting out some modified, easier versions of the choreo, hey, we were tired, and dancing along. We saw our stilts friend pass us, and he waved over to us, and blew us kisses, I mean, this was the third day in a row we were here! When the parade stopped for the dance party, he was on the opposite side of the hub, so we cut across over there and danced along. He then blew us more kisses and called us to dance, saying that we had to. We shook our heads, and then he “fished” us in! Like, full on, cheesy kinda pick up line, swung an imaginary line out to us and reeled us in, super adorbs.

He talked us into dancing and we said that we were seriously dying tired right now, and he made some comment that he had already done this like, 3 times today, and we should be fine to dance! Of course, we told him we had just RAN from the Contemporary to get here on time, and had been at an audition before that! He got a bit excited and asked what we had auditioned for; “Here?” We told him yes but we had gotten cut, and he said that he had a friend go a couple weeks ago and she said it was tough. One of the Main Street cast members who was in the area made some comment about “aren’t you supposed to throw the little ones back in?” joking, assumingly, that we were not on stilts and he was. We danced for a little bit, but when the conga line part of the party started, we moved back to the sidewalk to watch, and continued to get made eyes at by stilts guy! Cute.

We have a new parade performer friend! #disney #awesome

When the dance party ended, and all the performers get their ribbons out for the finale, we noticed Stiltskin getting some sass from one of the other girls, she looked like she was giving him heck for talking to us/flirting with us. Naturally, we promptly made up a complete back story for them! We decided that he was clearly that super flirty, hits on everyone kind of guy who doesn’t really do relationships, and she was that girl who wanted to be the one to “change him” and she really likes him and was mad that he was flirting with us because it was ruining her chances of him falling in love with her. Yup. We’re just that cool…..and easily entertained.

Dance party heading back down Main Street, we decided to check the wait for Merida, and found it to be still way too long, and we came to the conclusion that we probably wouldn’t get to her this trip. Oh well. We had a bit of time to kill and figured that we could jump over to Storybook Circus to ride the Barnstormer, and along the way, comes the only actual photo we took in MK that day!

Yay! The photopass girl had quite the time getting us, and the sign in one shot, much less without someone unknowingly walking in front of the camera while we were trying to take the picture! Then it was on to the kids coaster! Paige and I both agreed that we really liked the Barnstormer and wished it was longer, because there’s some pretty steep curves and drops in there! It’s wilder than BTMRR to me!

I have in my notes that we went over to Haunted Mansion next, but we must have gone the long way through the hub, and then started to wander through somewhere else, because the next note is:


To explain, I had heard that the Rapunzel themed bathrooms would be opening that day, and we were both super excited to see if they would be, and to check them out, or if they were more than just bathrooms. Well, there was no dice, and even the cast members in the stores in the area said that they had no idea, and they weren’t told anything as they found out it was bathrooms from the internet!

For the record, they are just bathrooms, from what I’ve heard, to replace the ones beside PPF, so that PPF can have an interactive queue. But Disney has once again gone above and beyond with the designing of the bathrooms and they are amazing! If you haven’t had a chance to see them, do a quick search and check out some of the pictures, they are amazing.

Paige them remembered that I had wanted to pick up a BBB tiara for my Disneybound the next day, and they hadn’t had any at Castle Couture the previous day, so we headed over that way. However, the entire area was roped off for Wishes, and they wouldn’t let you in unless you were going to CRT for dinner. BOOURNS. I would have to get it tomorrow!

With nothing left to do, it was time to head to the front of the park to catch the monorail, we had a very fun dinner to get to!!
In case you haven't noticed, I'm powering through this TR, only one day left after this update! I just really need it to be finished so I can slowly finish up September without confusing all of you who are reading both! AND then of course there's the May/June audition trip that I need to do. And the PTR...and then an actual trip in GOD I type them up in word beforehand!!

Paige and I’s next stop was the Polynesian!! I had wanted to do Spirit of Aloha for a while now, and she picked SoA between it and HDDR, which I have already done, so yay, it works for all of us. We made our way through the resort and followed the signs to check in for the Luau. They gave us a chit, leis, and lead us over to the spot where we got our photo taken. Then we were all clumped towards the entrance to the theater and there we waited, and waited, and it was getting chilly!! There is a bar while you wait, but why pay for booze outside the show when wine and beer is included.

After about I’d say, twenty minutes of waiting, we were let into the open air theatre, and showed to our seat. We were the second table back off to the stage left side of the theater, nice and close to the exit. The lady that sat us was super hilarious and made some comment about how Paige was crazy to be wearing shorts, but she did have tights on underneath.

Our server came by pretty quick with the appetizer platter and took a drink order. I did end up ordering an alcoholic drink that wasn’t “free” as the wine and beer they had didn’t sound too good!

The appetizers included pineapple coconut bread, mixed greens with mango poppy seed dressing, a noodle salad, and some apple coleslaw. They were all super tasty, the noodles won out for the best, and the bread was delicious! There wasn’t any butter on the table, which I found odd, and the bread could have been better with it, but hey, whatevs! The apple coleslaw had a sweeter taste to it, and it wasn’t drenched in dressing, which made it a winner as well!

Paige got some kind of strawberry lemonade (we’re guessing here) and I got the coconut drink. Yup, that coconut is my DRINK! It was super adorable, and a take home souvenir, and even said “have fun!” on the front of it. I don’t remember what was in it aside from a couple different kinds of rum and pineapple juice among other things, but it was definitely tasty!
We ate all of the noodles on the plate, and devoured the bread, and I ate most of the coleslaw, and before we knew it, it was time for dinner!

Starting on the left, we’ve got some roast turkey with gravy, some kind of potato/yam mixture of yumminess, some Polynesian rice, and then of course, roast chicken! This is all coming from memory as the menu isn’t updated in my app, and the website isn’t working right now. I enjoyed the yam potato mix, the rice, and definitely the turkey. The chicken was good, and not as greasy as I expected, but really, everything was so amazing!!

Some amazing food at Spirit of Aloha, but is it ever freezing! #disney #polynesian #dinnershow

Seriously, despite all the food, Paige and I were shivering in our seats! Luckily, Auntie soon came out to greet us and the show began!

The premise of the show is that it’s one girl’s goodbye party, as she’s going to the mainland for college (or something…) her boyfriend is there too. Then there’s the sporty girl, who her and the other friend are all “no, gross, we’re friends” and then it’s all “SURPRISE, SHE’S ACTUALLY SUPER HOT” when she takes off her baseball cap, ponytail and reveals that she can dance and is in a little luau outfit. What?! That never happens in movies. They also bring up everyone who’s celebrating a birthday, anniversary, etc.

The show’s split into three “acts” type of things, and the first two are SUPER slow, with a lot of random “story telling” and some audience participation. It’s also when the dessert is delivered! Dessert is little “chocolate mousse volcanoes” which were super tasty, and just when you think you’re finally done eating, the servers bring around warm chocolate chip cookies to finish everything off! Our server even brought us extra! GAWD.

Food drunk is officially a major part of this trip

Paige and I were having a great time and really enjoyed all the food, and were excited when the third act started and the actual dancing started to go on!

Aaaaand there’s the eye candy! Paige and I were both kind shocked when the guys came out that scantily clad, it was certainly the eyeful for everyone! After a bit of the dancing, there’s a BUNCH of fire dancing, that is SO IMPRESSIVE, and by far the best part of the show. It kinda sucks that it’s at the very end of everything, especially because it was so cold. During the little dessert break, our server had dropped off the bill, so once the fire dancing was done, Paige and I PEACED right out of there. It was freezing. I made the call that I was too tired to wait on Disney transportation, and we got in a cab back to Pop.

Our thoughts on Spirit of Aloha: we’d go again just for the food. That being said, Ohana would probably cover it. The food was all absolutely amazing and we enjoyed every bite we ate. The show however, was SUPER slow and took forever to get to the good stuff, and with it being so cold, we just didn’t want to have to wait it out anymore.

Food of the Day: All of the food from Spirit of Aloha

-Expedition Everest
-Meeting Naveen’s friend!
-Making it to MK for Move It Shake It!
-Stilts friend!

-Getting cut at the audition
-It being SO COLD


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