Derp Derp! The adventures of the Dapper, Disneybounding Princesses! Updated 7/8x6!!!!

Love your outfits as Ariel and Rapunzel! Too cute.

Um your Test Track design is the best thing I've ever seen! :cool1: How awesome would it be if you actually got to ride the car you designed? I'm sure technology will be there one day.

Yeah I was disappointed in the new version. Like the design your own car thing was fun and it is a cool idea but it wasn't working properly when we went on either which frustrates me.

Boo to rude CMs! You can walk whichever way you want anyway:confused3

AW those Lion King topiaries are precious. I wish I had some cool topiaries in my garden.

AH I love that Peter Pan was on top of the building!!

I'm coloring a Duffy in September. My bf may pretend to be embarrassed of me but oh well. They're too cute.

I'm sad that Jungle Cruise is gonna be closed in September. I actually really was looking forward to it since we rode it for the first time in January. Boo.

Aw I love that Snow remembered you! That's so awesome.

Boo Mary Poppins. I would've been upset about it too. ugh.

I'm glad you guys moved before getting attacked by seagulls. Birds that are like not tiny are actually pretty terrifying. My sister and I were eating lunch outside near the hospital here the other day and there are A LOT of wild turkeys that hang out there. No one really knows how or why they got there. But one of them literally went UNDERNEATH our chairs and I almost had a panic attack.

Yay Magic Kingdom!

Thanks! I thought we did pretty well with our Disneybounds!

Oh my gosh a Disney garden would be the best!

Hahah, i believe our Epcot day is the same so I'll totally color with you!!

Ugh, I would die, eff birds!!
Just looked at Walt's photos. I feel like tearing up. :'( If only his soul could be pulled back to Earth...

Definitely not the most impressive actress for Mary Poppins in the park, but she gets points for looks and style.

Those pics of Wendy are beautiful! My mom keeps telling me her blue nightdress isn't sleepwear. She keeps saying it's just a blue day dress.

Mary was a huge improvement from the last time we saw her so I cant be too mad, next

Thanks! Ahaha nice! I love Wendy!!
Our morning of character hunting at Epcot had come to a close for us, and it was time to move on to another LOVE of mine before even more loves over at the Magic Kingdom.


MONORAAAAAAIILLLL. Yay. Every time the “por favor” speech comes on Paige will give me a look and I’ll speak along to it. I swear, that speech is the only thing I know in Spanish…well...and anything I’ve learnt from Dora the Explorer….LAWL!


Since we somehow had been in Disney World for nearly 3 days already and still hadn’t managed to see Mickey, Paige suggested that we should probably stop in to say hello to the boss!! While we were in line, the CM’s (in our opinions) had honestly let TOO many people into the little room right before getting into the room with Mickey. Maybe they thought the people in Mickey’s room would be moving a little faster, but they weren’t. There were a LOT of screaming kids, obnoxious kids, kicking and yelling and tantruming kids who were in clear need of a nap, not a character greet. There was a lot of grumpy pants, and a lot of getting RIGHT up into everyone else’s personal space, and not a whole lot of parental control, half the parents were just as bad of grumpy levels too. I swear, everything I did not learn at camp about parenting, I’ve learnt in Disney. Paige was close to having a full blown anxiety attack, (something of the sorts, maybe she can jump in to contribute?) I asked if she wanted to trade spots to be by the wall and she said that would just make it worse. Luckily, we were soon into Mickey’s room….with all those other people, but there was a LITTLE bit more room to breathe.






Luckily we managed to pull it together for Mickey, he was sure to give us lots of hugs, kisses and sign my autograph book while we enjoyed the amount of SPACE we now had. The family in front of us was clearly just not having it, and I’m not sure exactly WHY they were in line in the first place aside from the “we need a Mickey picture with our young child” and the older tween boy was being SO disrespectful as they had left the room I heard one of the attendants mutter to the other about how that experience had been less than enjoyable. You’re telling me!



So cute! We were out just before 3:00pm, and had just enough time to book it across the street to the washroom and get back over into the line for the Princesses at exactly 3:00! I don’t have written down how long we waited, but it wasn’t as long as whatever was posted, and was probably let’s say….twenty minutes? Baha.




We were either the very first or last group of people that were in the room at one time, and it kind of added to the experience! Rapunzel came right up to us and chatted a fair distance away from the picture taking spot! She commented on the flowers in Paige’s hair, and definitely loved her outfit! We talked about our satchels, and how Eugene keeps the crown safe in his satchel for Punzie, and then she mentioned that us blondes have to stick together! I mean, we are blondies, right?




She was fantastic! We then were kinda passed along over to Aurora, who had been half in our conversation from before, so she knew right where to pick up!




She again, came right over to greet us, not really too worried about leaving her “spot”. She commented on how the two of us and Rapunzel were in a flower club together, and that she clearly needed to get some flowers too, she figured Phillip could pick some, I mean, he is always out in the woods, right? Lawl. Aurora asked what the name of the club would be and Rapunzel called from her spot that it should be the “flower power club” and there ya have it, we were in a club with the princesses! Cool! Aurora then commented that Cinderella could have blue roses in her hair, she herself would have some blue and some pink to please everyone, it’d be great!


Then it was over to Cinderella, who, wasn’t quite as chatty, but was still great!



She commented that I looked like a mermaid1 Yay! She gets it! Cindy then told us how Ariel’s been teaching the mice how to swim in the moat around the castle and Gus Gus likes to blow bubbles in the water!


During each of these meet and greets, I had also been getting videos for Maddie, as I had early in the day, so here are those (and somehow I hadn’t uploaded the Cinderella one until today, so you may have missed it if you read Shannon’s threads!
Super adorbs, right? I was really glad they were all so down with getting a quick little hello. I never really know how to go about video-ing meet and greets, like, do you walk in with it, do you video just certain parts, I NEVER KNOW.

And now, it’s STORY TIME WITH KATT! Partially because this update was a lot of pictures, and partially because I feel like this fits here, so here ya’ll go, deal with it.

#1: I absolutely LOVE Aurora’s new hair/dress. Honestly, I’ve loved all of them, but they’ve taken some time to grow on me. I despised Cindy’s hair for the longest time, and I really didn’t like *something* about Belle’s look when it first came out, but I LOVE Aurora’s! The sleeves are a little to sheer for my liking, but it still looks amazing, and WAY better than the old dress, it’s much more slimming, and is great. I only wish they had put her in blue instead. Someone shopped a pic to see what the blue would look like and it was incredible!!

#2: I’ve seen a bunch of threads recently and stuff on tumblr that’s like, “attacking” the poor look alike cast members. If I’ve ever met a Snow White who has a bit of a “beard” of a character that’s a little bigger, or anything that isn’t 100% perfect about them, I’ve simply stated “they looked a bit…off…” unless it’s age, I’ll will definitely say something to my travel partner/TR readers if Alice looked anything above the age of 19. People were complaining about some of the princesses not looking young enough, because they “were only 16 in the movie” well, number one, Ariel could technically be 28, thanks to Melody being 12 and all. People also went on to complain that “DLR gets WAY PRETTIER GIRLS”. Well, let me tell ya’ll something, in DLR, they have look alike auditions like, twice a year, that’s it, and WDW has them EVERY WEEK.

Secondly, in WDW you are hired on as “a bit of everything” for example, I could get hired to hang out with Rapunzel, but I’d still be friends with Chip and Dale, and probably end up dancing in a parade as well. In DLR you will do the one thing you are hired for. There isn’t as much crossing between characters either, in WDW when you need say, upwards of 11 girls hanging out with Cinderella in a day, you’re going to lower your standards a tiny bit. I will also completely and totally admit that I have seen people out in the parks, and have thought “really casting?” but then you get to the front of the line, meet them, and they are DEAD ON to their character, sound, stories, they know everything there is to know, and in the end ,you walk out of an amazing meet and greet. There are also times that I will see a character and be all “HOLY POOP YOU’RE AMAZING!” and then you get to the front and talk to them a bit, and it doesn’t work at all. It’s the whole package, not just the looks, and not just the “acting” part of it. Plus, how easy is it to look like an animated character? These guys do an amazing amount of work every single day to make our trips and lives more magical and awesome, and they deal with some rough stuff sometimes. Don’t make their lives harder by commenting on photos saying “wow, she looks like a man” or anything of the sort. One of my FAVORITE characters doesn’t look exactly how they did in their movie, actually, the face shape is like, completely wack, BUT, they are still an amazing character and every interaction I have with them is incredible.

Long story short, remember what Thumper said “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”

Also, I ramble…

NEXT UP: well, you guys can probably guess….
After our amazing princesses, we moved down Main Street to catch another one of our royal friends, but this one was in a little bit of a different spot, so we headed over to her home, over in New Fantasyland! I did notice a photopass out in a new spot, so we had to stop there first!



Cute! I hope they add some more PP’s back there once everything’s open and the bottle necks are all gone/improved, there’s lots of cool places back there! We saw Gaston out greeting and I was swooning as per usual, and instead of stopping to see him, we continued past into his tavern to grab another brew, it was that kind of a day! Then it was off to Ariel’s Grotto…in case you hadn’t figured that one. It was posted at 25 minutes, and I think we waited about that much time!


We spent the time drinking our brew’s and catching up with stuff online, I’m pretty sure this would have been when I uploaded the princess vid’s to facebook for Shannon. I was so happy I could make magic for a little princess! Eventually we at the point where they hold you before walking around a corner, and then a second corner. Now, spoiler alert, it’s not very hard to notice that there’s more than one grotto…like…it was completely obvious if you had been in one, it’s like, a hard right or hard left. The princess rooms are laid out SO much better. Obviously, we had gone in the other way this time.



Ariel was super chatty and super cute, and commented on my outfit, yay! She took notice of Paige’s flowers as well and really liked them. When we sat down with her to take the picture, she noticed my earrings (they were little sparkly ships!) and said they were really cute and reminded her of Prince Eric!




Paige then reminded me that I had a question for Ariel, and I then quickly remembered that I was going to ask her about Melody. For those of you who haven’t seen the Little Mermaid sequel, Melody is her daughter, who is 12 at the time of the movie. So I’ve always wondered if you asked Ariel how old she was, what would she say, obviously she’d probably say 16, but then I’d want to be all “what about Melody…shouldn’t you be 28?” but I’m not going to be that person. So, I simply asked her how Melody was doing, and she was doing great, and was over at the castle, and that not a whole lot of people ask about her!


Yay! She was super bubbly and just perfect, we seriously had been having some AMAZING character luck this trip, everything but Mary was perfect, and even that was still good. We took the walk through Fantasyland and circled behind the Christmas shop to find the Garden Glen empty, and asked the CM at the front of the line when there next set was, she told us at 5:00, we went to take a seat in the line before Paige quickly realized “We’d miss the parade!” and we asked when the NEXT set was, and once we were told took off to the Hub! We couldn’t miss our new friend.

4:50 came and went….and we were sitting there going “Disney is always on time with things like this….” And then we checked the times guide, and DERP, DERP. Move it Shake It is at 5:40…which made sense now that we had not witnessed a Dream Along With Mickey right before…it had been a long day. We figured it would be a nice time for a break and just hung around the hub people watching for a bit, and then around five, I told Paige I was going to check out Tiana and Naveen to see which friends were with them and I’d be right back.

I pulled full creeper and slowly walked by the exit to the meet and greet, as if I was going into the Christmas shop, and my stomach did a FLIP! Seriously, I was pretty sure it was the friends I was looking for, so I creeped on by AGAIN, pretending I was going into Adventureland, I also totally had my phone out to pretend I was texting someone as I was in full on creep mode. After confirming with myself that I was right, I practically skipped back to the hub to tell Paige that it was indeed the right people! YES! THIS IS FANTASTIC! Now, for the rest of you to catch up, I’m on a first name basis with Naveen now, and the last trip with Paige, he admitted that yes, he can fit 6 cocoa puffs up his nose, pretty hilarious factoid there. And there is a youtube video also that he admits it (not my video) so I had gotten a friend to pick up one of those mini boxes of cocoa puffs, and had been carrying it in my park bag SINCE NOVEMBER! Naturally, we were pretty freaking excited to see that he was finally here.

With this abundance of excitement, Paige and I did some princess poses, and then I pic stitched them together, cause apparently we’re too lazy to get a photopass of us doing these poses?



We like to Disneybound as Princesses! #disneybound #picstitch #disneyworld


Since we then had so much time to kill, we took a little walk over to Tomorrowland and rode the People Mover! One of my all time favsies, and Paige really likes it to, which makes me super happy. Even Tyler, Mr Thrill ride only, loved it! Baha! Our ride in the skies of the future over, we hopped back over to the hub to catch our Dream Along With Mickey showing!

My feels with Dream Along With Mickey are just too strong! #disneyworld #dance #dreamscometrue

We didn’t take any pictures either...I know…right!? Shocking! It was still just as every bit emotional as per usual, but we recovered quickly, as there was a dance party starting down at the end of Main Street. Since we were in such good spirits from a fantastic day so far, we were full out doing the choreography before the parade was really in sight, and a photopass jumped out on to the street to grab some pics of us! HECK YES!




That last one sums up Paige in one picture…yup…sure does. The guy handed us a card and I made a mental note to link it that night when we got back. Move It Shake It started to come around the bend and everyone started coming around, sure enough, our stilts friend spotted us and made eyes over at us, and waved hello, happy to see that we were back. Since we’re creepers, when everyone stopped in their dancing areas, we ran over to the other side of the hub to where he was to dance with him.


We were originally just going to dance along on the side of the road, but he of course made sure that we were brought right into the action and we ended up actually dancing more in front of the castle, but the performer that was over there was super thankful too. At the end of the dance party she made sure to grab us and say thank you for dancing. As everyone made their way back to the sidewalk, we started to wave goodbye to our friend and he came right over and flicked the ribbon at us again, and the random Dad that was beside us was all “Oh! You’re friends with him!?” “Lol, nope” Bahaha, we’re just that cool! It was yet another successful dance party, and hey, it was a good solid twenty minutes of cardio for both of us every day, WINNING!
I just want to say again--- Thank you Soooooo much for those videos. The little princess was so very excited to get them. You rock.

Sounds like you guys were having a great day. You met some awesome characters!
I think I say it everytime :rotfl: but those were awesome meet and greets.

I did the Mickey greet one night right after Wishes and I ended up walking right in. I guess that was a good time to catch him!

Yeah for stilts guy again!

I can't wait to read how it went with Cocoa Puff.
Oooh I totally get that feeling during M&G's when you lose that personal space. You just feel trapped.

Totally agree on the new Aurora dress. The lighter pink just looks better to me and the dress doesn't look as "stiff" if that makes any sense.

Well said on the characters. “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”. I've also always felt that the "performance" is far more important than the exact looks.
I just want to say again--- Thank you Soooooo much for those videos. The little princess was so very excited to get them. You rock.

Sounds like you guys were having a great day. You met some awesome characters!

Oh my gosh dont even worry about it!! Making magic is what I aim to do, right? Besides, you're also doing a Wendy costume thats much more reasonably priced bahah

Oh but the best is yet to come!! Although I think you already know that story... :p
Love your guys' outfits today! But it makes me want to go shopping :scared:

You visited so many characters today, I'm impressed... and it's not over yet, gotta see what happens with those cocoa puffs :scratchin
Aw at least meeting Mickey was fun even if the people around you weren't! I mean, I know it's Mickey and all but is it really a memory if you're forcing it? :rotfl:

I love the princess interactions! A flower power club sounds awesome! :cool1:

I'm not gonna lie, I saw the videos for Maddie when Shannon posted them but even watching them again, I started to tear up a bit. It's just so precious. You're awesome.

I love what you said about the characters' friends. I agree that it's fine to constructively criticize a character's actions/ how a meet and greet went/ how an actor/actress fits a role but to attack the person's looks is just not ok.

Ah I love Ariel's grotto!

Omg I can't wait to hear about your meet with Tiana and Cocoa Puff! So glad you found him.

It's pretty cool that there was a PP guy around to capture your candid shots during the parade! :goodvibes
I think I say it everytime :rotfl: but those were awesome meet and greets.

I did the Mickey greet one night right after Wishes and I ended up walking right in. I guess that was a good time to catch him!

Yeah for stilts guy again!

I can't wait to read how it went with Cocoa Puff.

THanks! We do have a lot of fun! The Mickey greet is so much better at night, there's no on there ever!


Oooh I totally get that feeling during M&G's when you lose that personal space. You just feel trapped.

Totally agree on the new Aurora dress. The lighter pink just looks better to me and the dress doesn't look as "stiff" if that makes any sense.

Well said on the characters. “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”. I've also always felt that the "performance" is far more important than the exact looks.

It's just not cool.

It's so much nicer, eck, absolutely love it!


Love your guys' outfits today! But it makes me want to go shopping :scared:

You visited so many characters today, I'm impressed... and it's not over yet, gotta see what happens with those cocoa puffs :scratchin

Ahaha, truth, I'm constantly on the look out with disneybounding outfits even if I don't have the money haha

It's great! We love characters, I find them to be the best part!

Aw at least meeting Mickey was fun even if the people around you weren't! I mean, I know it's Mickey and all but is it really a memory if you're forcing it? :rotfl:

I love the princess interactions! A flower power club sounds awesome! :cool1:

I'm not gonna lie, I saw the videos for Maddie when Shannon posted them but even watching them again, I started to tear up a bit. It's just so precious. You're awesome.

I love what you said about the characters' friends. I agree that it's fine to constructively criticize a character's actions/ how a meet and greet went/ how an actor/actress fits a role but to attack the person's looks is just not ok.

Ah I love Ariel's grotto!

Omg I can't wait to hear about your meet with Tiana and Cocoa Puff! So glad you found him.

It's pretty cool that there was a PP guy around to capture your candid shots during the parade! :goodvibes

I know, like, sometimes, I feel like parents force their kids into things that they dont want to, like, just take them for their nap already!!

Awww, thanks!

It was great! We had been talking about it earlier and then it happened, so awesome! :banana:

Move It Shake It runs at approx twenty minutes, so we bailed as soon as saying good bye to Stiltskin and BOOKED it over to Liberty Square, like, we ran, hard, and managed to get up to the rope to find the CM had already closed the line for Tiana and Naveen. Boo. We talked to her a bit, asking what time the next set was, and we figured we’d just plonk down on the wall and wait there for their next set so that we’d be first and able to RUN over to Epcot and hopefully make it in time.

Well, we were sitting on the wall within ear shot of her, and started talking about how we might not make the exact time for dinner, and then started talking about Naveen, and some other things, and between them, either sounded like we were cast members, or like we definitely knew the friend of Naveen’s. The cast member took pity on us; (and the line was probably moving quickly enough that she had a little bit of wiggle room) she leaned over to us, slightly undoing the rope and said

“You know, if you just so happened to find yourselves on this side of the rope when I turn back around, I think everyone would be okay with it…”

ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! We were practically hugging her as we jumped around, it was still going to be tight to make it over to Epcot, but we’d manage, and now we were last in line, which is probably a better thing.

As Rapunzel would say, BEST DAY EVER

We didn’t wait too long, which honestly, I don’t know if it was a good thing or not, I always get SO nervous meeting these guys, bahaha, I’m a CHILD.




As soon as we got to the front of the line, Naveen turned back to us and was all “HEY! I know you!” And I’m pretty sure Tiana said something along the same lines, and we all got chatting. I said I had been back in November, but SOMEONE was hanging out with Naveen during the Christmas Parade and thus, I hadn’t seen him, but tried to pass a message along.



But apparently all was made up for because we’re all smiles now….not to mention crowned King and Queen of DERP DERP.


Like, WHAT is going on in that picture?!


Paige and I were both kinda trying to get a word in, Naveen was seriously chatty tonight! I eventually said

“HOLD ON! I just need to say, I brought you a present!” He kinda gave me a look, like he might have known what was coming. I continued saying “I had a friend buy it for me down in the states, and I have been carrying it around since November….” And then pulled it out of my bag…




I’m not kidding when I say that he actually, completely fell over, and all of us were laughing hysterically, and couldn’t stop, it was fantastic. Naveen insisted that he get a picture with just the cocoa puffs.



I then pulled out the little pack of Kleenex, and said that he might need that as well. Tiana asked if it was for the mucous, and Naveen was laughing too hard, we had to explain the whole situation to her, she was impressed with her prince’s skill…to say the least?





Look at the level of sass in that picture, she’s so attracted to him it hurts. Lawls. Seriously. I’m dying just thinking about that moment.





Once Naveen had regained his composure he started to say what was apparently really important on his side, and said that last time I was there, I had been talking about auditioning and stuff. I told him I had auditioned in person last July, then done electronic and never heard back, so that wasn’t happening. He asked if I was still thinking about it.

K: “I thought about it, but an “inside source” said it probably wouldn’t be worth it”


Katt: “Oh, well, okay. I also didn’t want to leave Paige for half a day”

Naveen: “She’ll go with you”

Paige: “I’ll go back to the pool and lay in the sun all day”

Katt: “I don’t want to miss Animal Kingdom!”

Naveen: “That’s the CLOSEST park to the auditions!”

Paige: “You’re going”

Naveen: “You need to go. I have a very good friend who’s going to be there tomorrow, you need to go, trust me, just GO! My friend will be there”

Tiana: “Yeah! His friend looks a LOT like him, you could say he’s even a twin…”

Katt: “I get it, I get it. UGH. I don’t know, we’ll see what happens?”

I argued that I hadn’t prepared, and hadn’t brought the proper stuff with me and Paige countered back that she had dance tights and shorts and practically anything I could need. Lies. All lies.And it kinda continued on like this, we got our pictures and even then Naveen was urging me to go.




After we got the pictures, Naveen said once again that I should really, really go to the audition, and that his friend would indeed be there, the four o clock one, and Paige turned around to strike a deal with him, if he could guarantee that at some point, we’d see this friend of his show off some special skills with the cereal, we'd go to the audition.



Naveen said that his friend could probably do it, even though the friend was scared of inhaling it a little bit, and didn’t think it would fit, baha. Everyone still laughing, we knew we were seriously cutting into their break time, and didn’t want to do that, so we said good bye, and that we were looking forward to seeing his friend at the audition the next day.

Ever have those moments that you can’t believe just happened?!? #thisentiretrip #disney #characters

Freaking out, laughing, Paige and I BOOKED it to the front of the park and out of the turnstiles, we had to get to Epcot as fast as we could!!

Well….apparently I’m going to an audition tomorrow #fingerscrossed #sonervous

And now, I'm going to jump in here with another PSA about character integrity, as I figured this would probably the right place to put it. Right now, there's another explosion of stuff on the internet, mainly tumblr about nicknaming characters. I know I'm totally guilty of this at some points but I always try to keep it to a minimum and usually don't use the nicknames in the parks ever. The problem with nicknaming characters is that then people start to call them the nicknames in the parks it breaks the integrity, and we all know there's only one of the character, so why even bother nicknaming them in the first place?! This has been particularly bad in the Peter Pan fandom, and in DLR actually resulted in a friend of Peter's being let go a few years back (from what I've heard that was the reason)

This integrity is very important to me so I'll be going through and editing my updates again before I post them, and especially any audition stories to make sure they're okay to post. I'm going to do my best to uphold it and I hope you do to! Remember, there's only one character, obviously, but they do have many friends!

We made it up to the monorail station right as one was pulling up so we jumped on and were getting really excited for dinner!! Paige turned to me and said:

youre going, I hope you know that about the audition,

Katt: I hope you know you know youre coming with me!

Paige: What, no! Ill stay at the hotel.

Katt: I paid for your trip&.youre coming with me.

Paige: Dammit&Well, if I go, you have to go on Rock N Rollercoaster on our last day

Katt: Effffffff&.

And all was decided, we were both going to the audition, and I had made a deal to go on RnR later in the week. EEP! The monorail took off and somewhere between Magic Kingdom and Epcot, I found something a little odd&

New monorail guy?!?! #justno #donotaccept #changeisnogood

It sounds not right, and weird, and ruins one of my Disney romances! I mean, some of the busses have a different voice guy and its WEIRD!! When we made it over to Epcot I noticed that we had a little bit of time before our ADR, so we stopped for a picture!

We made our way over into World Showcase, and luckily our stop wasnt that far into it, we were getting worn out after all that running around and dancing! Norway was our stop, and obviously, Akershus was our destination for dinner! I had wanted to do a princess meal, but couldnt get into CRT, and figured Id try Akershus for dinner! We checked in early, and took a seat by the stroller parking. It wasnt very long before we were called in! It looked like we had really just been waiting for Belle to come back before they let a new group in, yay!

LOOK! You can finally see Paiges hair in that one! Pretty! God I wish I could braid&BAHAHA.

We were excited! It was also completely adorable to see Snow White in the adjoining room skipping around and just being PERF!

Belle came out in the next little bit and holy we were completely blown away by the dress all over again, that thing is SO PRETTY! Even though the photo was included we still grabbed one on our camera, its just easier, and then Ive got it for the TR! Belle was seriously amazing, she commented on the Disneybounding and on the flowers and made sure to take her time with us and it was seriously awesome.

She was so pretty!! I also noticed that this was the only princess I think Ive met that actually didnt have false eyelashes on, they were all real, and I was seriously jealous! Lawls! The cast member took us over to our seats, and SURPRISE, we were over in that little nook that only has like, four tables in it, and actually sat at the exact same table that I had sat at back in 2011 when wed done breakfast here! WEIRD!

Our server, Sarah was over quickly and explained how everything worked, the cold appetizer buffet, then you pick an entrée and then the dessert plate comes out at the end. She was super amazing, and took a lot of time explaining the menu and what her suggestions and everything were, and then gave us time to think while we did a buffet run and she grabbed our drinks!

We both got the All Natural Lemonade topped with Wild berry Foam and man, that stuff is TASTY! The buffet is A Taste of Norway; a magnificent feast including sliced deli meats, seafood, and a grand selection of salads and cheeses

My buffet plate, starting at the top and going clockwise is; a roll, some cheese hidden under there, asparagus spears, two different types of salmon, some peel and eat shrimp with cocktail sauce and some salad. I enjoyed everything, the big hits were the asparagus and the shrimp, but it was annoying that I had to peel it, I just want to shove it all in my mouth! Lawl, first world problems.

Somewhere in there Sarah came back and took our orders, I had decided based on the decision that I didnt want to get the same thing as Paige, and the woman who had been sitting beside us at the parade the night before had suggested them!

The Seared Herb Dusted Beef Tips Seared beef tenderloin tips in while mushroom sauce, served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables.

Paige had decided on the Tradition Kjottkake which means Norwegian Meatballs served with mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables and lingonberry sauce (this picture isnt mine, bahah, I totally forgot to take one)

They brought out the entrees super fast and I was nowhere done my plate of appetizers, dang peel shrimp, baha. Paige and I exchanged bites of each others food, and there was a clear winner between the two. The meatballs were absolutely amazing, and super flavorful and just YUM, the beef tips on the other hand, were super bland, and the sauce wasnt very good. The mashed potatoes were DELICIOUS though, the green beans were okay, nothing spectacular, but still good. I didnt complain at all but when Sarah came to check on us I asked her if I could get a side of the meatball sauce and she quickly brought it out to me.

Im pretty sure the reason I didnt like the tips were because they were just bland, it was just beef, kind boring, if Im going for steak type beef I want like, Le Cellier beef, BAHA! Im also spoiled with the whole Alberta Beef thing like, seriously, its amazing. The meatball sauce did help, and I wasnt too upset since I still had my GIANT appetizer plate to munch on! During all of our shenanigans we also had some very special visitors!

Cinderella was up first, and she was super pretty! She asked where we were from, and was super nice while chatting and getting pictures. When she moved on to the next table, I noticed, and pointed out to Paige, and under her blonde hair, you could see a little bit of red hair peeking out! It was seriously the like, most beautiful color of red!!

Aurora came by, I have no clue what we talked about, lawls, Paige and I did notice that she looked more like an Ariel to us, and I have it written down that her voice was a little weird. Maybe she was sick? Who knows. Next up, was our favorite!

She said that I had some lovely colors on today, and was super bubbily and into the character, yay! Shortly after Ariel stopped by, Sarah had bussed our plates and brought out the dessert platter:

The Desserts were: a little chocolate moussey cake, some rice pudding stuff, and a little apple crumble type thing. We both agreed that the chocolate one was the best, and the rice pudding was better left on the plate, baha! While I was taking a bite of the apple one, Snow White had just came into the little nook area our table was in, and I kid you not, I started choking on a piece of the apple. Not like, seriously, but hard core coughing and it wouldnt budge. I then started laughing, because I was choking on an apple around Snow White, and then started choking more because I was laughing, and then laughing at everything and it was just a MESS! A hilarious, DERPY, mess. We then decided that we were most certainly food drunk by this point.

It was enough that the Dad of the family beside us was making comments about how we were drunk, Paige couldnt pronounce Norwegian or something, and he assumed we had been out drinking around the World&nope&just derpy over here! Snow of course popped up in the middle of this and did ask if I was alright and as I continued laugh/choking I explained what was going on and why it was funny. She warned me to stick to the green ones in the future, as they were okay!

She was absolutely amazing, looked the part, sounded the part, and was skipping around the restaurant like she was in the woods, like, she would skip from table to table and was JUST PERFECT!

Akershus Score:
-The atmosphere in there was nice, its no CRT, but its still cool
-Liked having our own little nook of space
-Cold buffet has tons of options
-Meatballs were absolutely delicious
-Princesses were great!
-Service was amazing
-The Beef tips were a no go though, boourns.

Paige and I even made it out of dinner in time to watch Illuminations, but opted out, it was getting pretty chilly, and we were tired, and definitely didnt want to stand for that long, and this way we could beat the bus crowds! We did take a little stopover in Mousegears on the way out, as we had been ushered out of it so rudely earlier, and this is where we discovered the KING of DERP! Mr. Perry the Platypus himself. I dont know what it is about him, but when hes a platypus (not Agent P) hes super adorable and I am a little bit, a lot in love with him, the way his eyes look opposite directions, its just amazingly hilarious.

Well, in the section of Mousegears with all the Perry stuff, I made the greatest finding of my entire life. They had a Perry WHOOPIE CUSHION! Im not kidding, and it made the super gross like, wet fart sound, AHAHAHA DEAR GOD PAIGE AND I DIIEEEEEEDD. We were just constantly making him fart and laughing harder and harder, like, one of the that was a great ab workout laugh fests where it just doesnt end. Pretty sure there were tears. We were also getting a lot of weird looks from people walking by, and a CM even came up to join us and said that somedays when shes working there shell just discreetly push it and be all what? to the weird looks she gets! Lawl. Heres a video of other girls doing what we did:

Then we came across a bigger Perry stuffed animal, and upon closer inspection we noticed the press me button on it, so, we of course pressed it, and it did this:

AS IF WE WERENT LAUGHING ENOUGH ALREADY. Paige immediately stated that she was buying it for me, I had bought her trip after all, and this was the least she could do to say thank you. So here he is ladies and gents, my Derp Derp:

Were cute. Hes adorable. I love it so much. And yes, we always call him Derp Derp, not Perry. BAHA! After our laughing fit we made our way out of Epcot and back to Pop for showers, and some sleeeeeeeep.

Food of the Day: The Akershus Meatballs

Ups of the Day:
-Amazing characters
-Move it Shake it and seeing Stiltskin again
-Cocoa puffs
-Getting to see Tiana and Naveen
-Great server at Akershus

Downs of the Day
-Mary Poppins not doing the step in time
-Beef tips being disappointing

Needless to say that we had a pretty amazing day, it was full of stuff that we both absolutely loved, especially character meets! And every single one that we met was awesome, and honestly, I think that the character meets are getting better, every trip I enjoy more and more of them. Disney, youre doing it right. I do really think the fact that we Disneybounded so much had something to do with the awesome interactions, but who knows?!

What an amazing dinner at Akerhsus! Awesome princesses!! #disneyworld #epcot

OMG, what an awesome pixie dust moment courtesy of the Tiana/Naveen handler. Super cool.

I'm just going to simply call this the best character meet I've ever read. Wow, just wow.

New monorail voice... I most certainly DO NOT APPROVE!

Haha, well I know what I'll be doing the next time I'm at Mousegears that's for sure. That sure does look like fun. :thumbsup2
What a fun update! I was laughing here just reading about it all, I can only imagine how much fun you guys had!
Yay for the nice CM letting you in the line! :cheer2:

Aw what an awesome time with Tiana and Naveen! I love it and I love that they convinced you to audition!

Ah Belle is gorgeous. I've read this update already :rotfl2:

What an awesome group of princesses! The part about Snow White and the apple cracked me up again :lmao:
OMG, that was a hilarious update! Tiana and Naveen were losing it! I think it's a good thing you were last in line and not somewhere in the middle after all.

Nice Akershus dinner, too bad yours wasn't quite as good. The meatballs remind me of Ikea, haha.
Read the WHOLE thing today...made my work day fly by!!! I want to party with you girls at Disney!!! I'm never with people who are willing to just let their inner kid come out.:love: You guys are too cute!!!

Subbing and going to find all your other TR!!! One day...I'll do one!! :rotfl:
I think that was your best Meet and Greet yet! So awesome that Naveen recognized you and got a good laugh out of the Cocoa Puff thing!

Akershus is another one that I haven't made it too yet. It always seems to get mixed reviews plus I don't do character meals too often. Chef Mickey's is the only one I've done in the last few years.

Your Derp Derp Perry is too cute! I will need to come back and watch the videos later. Didn't want one of them going in case someone walked into my office!


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