Denise's Days (Comments Welcome!)

:wave2: Hi Denise,
Sounds like you're getting ready slowly but surely for that trip! I'm weird I know but I love packing :D . Now packing up for the trip home is a different story ;) . I hope today and tomorrow go by quickly for you. Have a great day :sunny: !
Take it easy on that leg denise! You don't want to be hobbling around WDW next week. DON"T overdo to prove something today!:( Just do what you feel up to!:smooth:
I am sooooo jealous of you! i wish I was ssoon heading to WDW! Oh well, we did decide to go next spring, so at least I have that to look forward to!:teeth:
Your nephew sounds adorable. My DS(6) loves Stitch! Has your nephew seen the 2 movies? My little guy is hooked on them and the cartoon show.
Have a great day!:sunny: And happy packing!:tongue:
:wave2: Hi Denise. Sorry about your leg. Rest it when you can. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy Friday!:sunny:
hey denise, i know you've already left and are having a great time with mickey, but i wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful trip :bounce:
Hi Denise,

I'm just catching up with you and your journal. I see you're at Mickey's house. How nice! Have a great trip and we'll see you when you get back!
Denise, I'm sending :goodvibes to Orlando for you! I assume you're getting plenty of :sunny: and :wizard: at Disney!

I hope you and DH are having a wonderful time! :sunny: :sunny:
Yay! Trip was awesome! I can't wait to go back this summer! I'm back and I'm back at work. My muscles didn't bother me at all on the trip and I hope they don't hurt again when I start running again tonight. We got back late Saturday and spent yesterday resting, unpacking, and preparing lesson plans. I wore my pedometer for 5 of the days and will post the rusults after I'm going this evening. I weighed in at 139.6 yesterday morning and after a week of burgers and yummy snacks and other fried food, I'm very pleased with this. Thank you all for checking in on me while I was gone--it means a lot to me. My energy level was really out of whack; I'm used to going in the summer when I do a ton of walking and workout every day. I took my workout band, but did not use it even once. I was just too tired. In the past, I've been able to get up and do a little workout before I showered, but that just wasn't happening this trip. I've decided I'm not settling for maintaining. I have 8 weeks of school left and I'm going to set a modest goal of 4.6-5lbs by the end of the school year. That will give me a great place to start the summer. I'll be at 135 or just below. I know I can do this with your help! K, I'll check in with walking totals for the trip this evening. Everyone have a great day! I know I have a lot of catching up to do on journals and I'll get to work on that later today as well. My exercise today will probably just be track practice--I haven't decided what we're running yet! Here's some sunshine for everyone--I was very disappointed in the cold temperature we came home to. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Welcome back Denise!!:wave: So glad you had such a great trip! Can't wait to hear more about it!:smooth:
Okay, so you've decided to lose a little now and a little later? Alright, we'll hold your feet to the fire missy! That's what we're here for, right?! :teeth:
Hope you have a good first day back - I know its a little tough to get the kids back on program.....:crazy:
:wave2: Hi Denise,
Welcome home :D ! Sounds like you had a great trip. I'm looking forward to seeing your walking totals for the week. I'm always amazed at how much walking we do at WDW and don't even notice it. Have a great day :sunny: !
denise is back, denise is back! :bounce: :wave:

i saw that you posted in my journal, and i got all sorts of excited that you're back :hyper: . hehe, i'm such a weirdo! glad to hear you had a wonderful time, you deserve it! i hope you have some pictures to share as well. no rush though...i know you're busy :p

and good for you for deciding to tackle that weight and not wait for summer. that will be nice to get a little head start on the summer! :bounce:

can't wait to see the readout on that pedometer! i'm sure you did plenty of walking...that's gonna be a big number ::yes::

hope your first day back to school goes well! have a great one :sunny:
Sharon, Valerie, and Marcia--Thanks for the warm welcome home! I'm sorry I haven't posted my walkning results from WDW. I forgot how much work it is coming home after being gone a week, especially w/ grad school. Anyway, here are my walking results for the trip. I have no idea if this is good or not, but I do know that I did not gain any weight (in fact, I lost, but I think that was all water weight). DH and I do not walk anywhere slowly and do a pretty good job w/ crowds.

Day 1: MK - I did not wear my pedometer, as it was already evening when we arrived. We did watch Wishes and it was so good it brought tears to my eyes! That may sound crazy, but I'm not kidding! :p

Day 2: MK - 24,068 steps - The highlight of this day was running from BTMR to POTC just minutes before closing and being the last people to ride POTC for the day. We were the only ones on the ride and had the entire boat to ourselves--we took some great pictures because of this!

Day 3: EPCOT - 22,510 steps - Another awesome day! Nothing compares to the feeling I get when I'm on Main St., but the WS is definitely up there with that. We were beat and did not stay for Illuminations this night and only managed to finish half the countries before closing.

Day 4: MGM, MK, EPCOT, Downtown - 25,588 steps - We were all over this day. When we were finished at MGM we went to MK to eat and catch a few rides and then to EPCOT to finish the countryis and watch Illuminations and to DD for shopping! Great day!

Day 5: AK, EPCOT, MK, Downtown - 19,869 steps - AK was much more enjoyable in the 70s than it is in the summer when it's 90. We returned to EPCOT just to walk around the WS a few times and then to MK for Spectro (which we actually did watch much of b/c we went to Mickey's Philharmagic again instead). :p We have the entire parade on video anyway.

Day 6: EPCOT and MK - 14,846 steps - This was a light day and an early day since we were leaving the next morning. We went to EPCOT to ride Mission Space, walk a loop around the WS, and sent some D-mail. Then we went to MK just b/c it has to be the first and last place on every trip. We rode some rides and walked around and made some purchases and returned to our resort in time for dinner.

Totals for 5 days w/ the pedometer:

Steps - 106,881
Distance - 54 miles
Calories - 4,174
Timer - 17.31 hours

Like I said, I have no idea if this is good or bad, but I'm happy with it. It does not register the tiny steps you take when you're in line and I did subtract "ride steps". Space Mountain adds 50 and BTMR adds 90! This was a great trip and difinitely has us looking forward to going back this summer and spending 11 days in the parks! :Pinkbounc We got our picture taken w/ Sorcerer Mickey and that's the first time we've done that. We saw a lot of character that we have not seen in the past (did take a lot of pictures of them though). We did, however, take over 400 pictures! :teeth: We have this awesome new digital camera and DH went nuts! He said we need new pictures of the things we already have pictures of because it's so much better than our old one. Anyway, I have not gone through them yet, but I will be happy to post some. I'm sorry this is so long--I don't want to bore you w/ a lot of details, but it you have any questions, feel free to ask! We rode a ton of rides multple times and took pictures of all the new spots for the new ride coming to each park. Oh, and Star Trader Mickey's opened again last week; store looks great! And, it now stars Stitch, of course! Have a great day, everyone! I'll do my normal journal post later, time for a meeting. My in-laws are coming into town this evening so I don't know when it will be, but enjoy your day--TTYL! :sunny:
Denise, so glad you had a great trip!! We saw Wishes with Amanda (Septbride2002) and her husband Brian in February and it brought a tear to my eye as well!

What was your favorite meal??

All those steps - you ROCK, girlfriend!! No wonder you didn't gain any weight! When I'm using my pedometer, it's a stretch to get 10,000 steps into a day. I'm looking forward to taking my pedometer to Disney this summer - I want to know how much walking I do!

Now it's back to business as usual! Have a great time with the kids at track practice! :sunny:
:earseek: Wow, Denise! That is a lot of steps but I'm sure they were all fun :D . Good for you managing to lose on vacation. That's great ::yes:: ! Wishing a wonderful day and a nice visit with your in-laws :sunny: !
Welcome Back Denise! Sounds like you had a great time! And look at all those steps! That's really great.

I hope things go well with the in-laws visit.

BTW, where do you teach? Remember I grew up in Indy, so I'm just curious.
54 miles in 6 days????!!!! You ROCK girlfriend!!!:teeth: No wonder you didn't gain weight!;)
I hope your week is going well. Its always tough to return to reality after vacation, but especially fro Disney!::MinnieMo :p
Have a great day!:sunny:
Denise, I'm sure you've been very busy! Just wanted to stop in & say hi! :wave2: My kids are counting the days until the end of the school year - do teachers do that too??? :teeth:

Hope all is well and you're having a wonderful Tuesday! :sunny:
Grrr! I forgot how busy I am during coaching season. It's even worse with grad school thrown into the mix. I'm sorry I've been a bad WISHer! Thank you guys for stopping by and caring even in my tardiness.

Doreen~I really struggle to get high numbers on my pedometer during the day too. I was amazed by my Disney numbers. I go way over 10,000 after track practice, but my goal is to increase my school day numbers. Right now I only walk between 3,500 and 5,500 steps during the school day. I do stand most of the time and I know it doesn't count the little steps I take in my classroom during class, but I've been making an effort to roam the hall and take the long way. YES, teachers count down the days just as much as the kids do--I have 28 more days with students and 30 without them (school days)! Our favorite WDW meal is Pecos Bill's! I know it's weird to pick a counter service place, but we just love it. We also really like eating upstairs at Columbia Harbour House (it's cozy). My favorite sit down is probably the San Angel Inn in Mexico; I love the atmosphere and authentic food. I'm trying some places I've never been this summer--Mama Melrose's, Alfredo's, and Chef Mickey's--I can't wait!

Sharon~The adjustment back has been hard. I've never had to go back to school right away b/c we usually go in the summer and it was really weird. I've jumped in with both feet though and track is making the time fly.

Lisa~I teach at the middle school in Plainfield. It is crazy how much growth has taken place on the west side--you wouldn't recognize it.

Lisa and Valerie~The visit w/ the ILs went well. We ended up staying the entire weekend and DH's grandparent's so we got a lot of visiting in. So, we were in Illinois all weekend and ate way too much.

Some how despite all these set backs I've still managed to maintain. I need to make an effort to lose though. Part of that is making myself get on here b/c this really does help. I have not had a ton of exercise lately; it's actually really hard during track and cross country season. I run with them some, but I have so many other responsibilities and have been working on getting times. During meets I run around the infield a ton, but nothing real consistant. I know I'll be a better wisher once school is out! I hope everyone is doing well--take care! Oh, and it's supposed to be 80 here this weekend! I can't wait--my parents, brother and DW, and sister and fiance are all coming into town! It's going to be a quick, but fun weekend!
Denise, hang in there! You're not a BAD WISHer, just a really BUSY WISHer! You're maintaining with your hectic schedule and I think that's AMAZING!! ::yes::

My kids have 36 days left - their last day is June 10th. You must get out earlier, like in late May, where you are! Lucky you!!

Thinking of you and sending some catch-your-breath, pause-amid-the-craziness :wizard: :wizard: !
Well, here I am with just 3 days left in the school year! No more excuses! DH keeps telling me to post to my journal and I just keep saying I don't have time. I know it helps, though--so...I'm BACK! Doreen, thanks for stopping by in my absence; it's nice to know you care. DH and I have been very active and we're excited about the summer. I don't think I need to post my daily menu. Instead, I'm going to post my daily exercise and goals. My current goals consist of the following:

1. 3 servings of dairy/day
2. 1 hour of cardio/day (minimum)

I know I need more, but I will add them as I feel comfortable with these. Yesterday I had milk in my cereal, yogurt w/ lunch, and chocolate soymilk with dinner. This pattern seems to work well for me. DH and I walked 5 miles and jogged 2, then I did 20 min. Winsor Pilates. In the evening, I rode the bike for an hour. I'm going to ease back into the daily journal thing and will start catching up on journals as soon as school is out (it's so close!). :tongue: I hope everyone is doing well.
Only 3 more days of school!!! YAY!!! You must get so excited about this time of year, Denise - all that time to enjoy your summer is just around the corner!!

Glad to see you back and I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! :sunny:


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