DDA's New Year's Weight Loss accountability Thread

Day 3 - so far so good. No real exercise today, but my eating wasn't too bad. Even with a change at Cracker Barrel to something less healthy than I was planning, I had good vegetables and only 2 bites of hashbrown casserole so I didn't come out too bed. Luckily, it kept me plenty full through dinner so I only had a light english muffin with a little peanut butter and honey. Plus, we grocery shopped today and I made sure to pick up some good things for me to eat and breakfast and lunch.
So I was down 2.6 pounds last week but I think I will be up that amount again this week.:rolleyes:

Here is a picture of me in my size 12 $8 black dress

Just get out there, get moving and make healthy choices. If you screw up just jump right back on the bandwagon.

That dress was made for you. You look phenonminal!!!
I had done so well for nearly 2 weeks, even through Nick's birthday. Then it happened, I hurt my back and spent the better part of 2 days lounging around. Chris did the cooking and I didn't make good choices. I managed to gain nearly 5 lbs in 2 days :scared1: So 2 weeks progress was erased. I am back on track and hoping that I can get below 140 lbs before our trip.
So I was down 2.6 pounds last week but I think I will be up that amount again this week.:rolleyes:

Here is a picture of me in my size 12 $8 black dress

Just get out there, get moving and make healthy choices. If you screw up just jump right back on the bandwagon.

Becky you look awesome
Thanks guys, I truly could not have done it without all of you.:cool1: :woohoo: :cheer2:
I had done so well for nearly 2 weeks, even through Nick's birthday. Then it happened, I hurt my back and spent the better part of 2 days lounging around. Chris did the cooking and I didn't make good choices. I managed to gain nearly 5 lbs in 2 days :scared1: So 2 weeks progress was erased. I am back on track and hoping that I can get below 140 lbs before our trip.

You can do it, Deb! Just being up and around will go a long way, I am sure. The two days of very little movement, let alone exercise, can be easily erased when you're back to your normal high-energy, busy self.
Well, I didn't make it back on Wed after I weighed in, but I was down 3lbs this week! That puts me right back where I left off months and months back. :cool1: I also had a good night despite lots of yummy not good for me stuff! So even more :banana: :banana: I had just half a burger as they were the really fat-filled, but tasty ones. I also ate just a few chips with cheese dip. Then for dessert, I stuck to the fruit with a little bit of dip. Even better, Mom and I bought a recumbant bike at a garage sale today so I'm really excited about that as well!
Thanks to my UTI I have dropped a few lbs and I'm working on keeping that off. I just haven't really felt like eating. We went to a party yesterday and I ate mostly raw carrots and fruit salad. I had a few other items, but was careful to limit myself. I even had a very small piece of cake and stopped there. This morning I was about the same as yesterday so I guess it paid off. I'm going to cook a hotel turkey today to feed the crew tonight as I have to work and Chris is getting sick of coming up with meals every night. If I have turkey and mashed pototoes all prepared it will be easy for him and I can have leftovers when I get home. :thumbsup2
I forgot to check in last week.
I lost 2.9lbs last week. :banana: :banana: :banana:
I am still excercising consistently too which is probably the biggest accomplishment for now. I have been since the last part of July....almost 3 months. :woohoo:

My trip is getting so close.......I know I will probably gain on vacation, but that's ok because I know I will be right back here doing my thing once I am home. :goodvibes:
In Jan. I weighed 177lbs In Feb. got pregnant So with being pregnant I was supposed to gain weight, well the first 4 months I lost due to morning sickness got down to 170lbs. months 5-7 I gained got up to 187lbs. Became a Gestational Diabetic at the end of my 7th month. Started losing weight again on 10/18 I had Drs. appt. I weighed 180lbs. Had the baby on 10/21 she weighed 7lbs 4oz when I weighed myself Tues. morning I was 169 lbs that is less then what I weighed before I got pregnant
That is wonderful Jennifer!

In Jan. I weighed 177lbs In Feb. got pregnant So with being pregnant I was supposed to gain weight, well the first 4 months I lost due to morning sickness got down to 170lbs. months 5-7 I gained got up to 187lbs. Became a Gestational Diabetic at the end of my 7th month. Started losing weight again on 10/18 I had Drs. appt. I weighed 180lbs. Had the baby on 10/21 she weighed 7lbs 4oz when I weighed myself Tues. morning I was 169 lbs that is less then what I weighed before I got pregnant
I weighed in this morning & I am very happy to say that I did not gain any weight from all that food I ate at Disney(I still get ill when I think about that giant ice cream sandwich :scared: ). I am still at 130 lbs :thumbsup2

How is everyone else doing?
I'm still swimming along. I gained a few lbs on our trip, but it came right back off so I guess that is good :thumbsup2

So for all of you that have reached your goals... How is mantainence going?

That is great Deb! I know I ate way to much food, but I so enjoyed it lol

I am back on track though & counting my calories again.

I'm still swimming along. I gained a few lbs on our trip, but it came right back off so I guess that is good :thumbsup2

So for all of you that have reached your goals... How is mantainence going?

Way to go Janet and Deb! Just goes to show that you can splurge sometimes if you are responsible the rest of the time. I think that your attitudes going in were what made the difference. "I know that I'm going to splurge and that's okay. I'll just jump right back in at home."

I am hanging on about the same. I've got to remember to weigh in tomorrow to see for sure. You would think having been sick Sunday I wouldn't have been too hungry, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.

I did discover how to portion control a piece of pumkin cheesecake - let Terra know it exists. I ate about 1/3 of it and then she started digging in and before I knew it, it was gone! Now I am satisfied with my annual craving for it (happens every year when Cheesecake Factory starts having it for fall) and can move on.
HI everybody :wave:
I didn't fall off the face of the earth.
We got back late Saturday from my 40th bday cruise & I am trying to get caught up on everything.
I haven't weighed yet but I am sure I gained, but boy did we have a good time. If you have time & want to.........click on the link in my siggie & it will take you to my trip report in progress & don't look at my double chin in some of the pictures.....it's terrible.
I am trying to get back on track & am mostly there. I didn't eat horribly & I did make it to the ship's gym 2 x with DH.
I plan to be 100% back on track with excercise & eating by Monday.
I hope you all are well.
Let's make it through the holidays together. :grouphug:
Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I weighed myself this morning & I was a little scared what the scale would read. I feel like I have not been eating as well as I should be for the last couple of weeks(I really need to get the boys Halloween candy away from me lol). But I am happy to say the scale was nice to me & I weighed in at 129 lbs :woohoo:

Keep swimming everyone!
Well, I finally faced the music today & weighed. I gained 5 lbs on the trip & haven't really gotten back on the wagon until the last few days. I don't feel too bad about 5 lbs since I wasn't too good the week leading up to the cruise & haven't been good since.
Just have to get through Thanksgiving trying to be back on track & I'll be ok. I refuse to go back up again.
:fish: :fish: :fish: I'm still swimming.
This is a really tough time of year. I'm also up 5 lbs, but we've had so many birthdays going on and with Thanksgiving around the corner I think that I'll wait until this weekend to get back on track. The important thing is that we DO get back on track.
Can I be a part of this? I just joined Weight Watchers Online, and this board is infinitely more to my liking than the ones on that site--of course, I get my Disney fix here as well!

I'm exactly 6 feet tall, and weighed 303 pounds in January of 2006. Today, I weighed in at 268. So, in the last 2 years, with only portion control and trying to be a little more active, I've lost about 35 pounds and gone from a size 26 to a 20/22. My goal for the year (by next January) is to be down to around 200 pounds--so I need to lose 68 pounds in a year. Completely doable, if I'll work at it! Between the Weight Watchers, more exercise, an upcoming trip to the beach :-)scared1: ) in June, a supportive hubby, and this board, I know I can do this! Maybe. . . I think. . .possibly. . .:eek:


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