DDA Weight Loss Progress Thread

Thanks Deb! I know you will get back on track :cheer2: I'm hoping I don't gain to much with all the trips coming up, but I do plan on enjoying myself :cool1:

Wow Janet you are so close to your goal. I wish I could get myself motivated to stay on track. Right now I'm trying to take off the exta pounds I gained on vacation. I just can't leave the sweets alone so it is taking longer than I had hoped. You have done so amazing staying on track. At least one of us will hit the 130 mark, that is my goal too, but I'm much farther away :goodvibes
Goal: Look better, feel better, weigh less. Buy an even sexier dress for my 40th bday cruise on the Disney Magic & have a blast wearing it.
Diet: Weight Watchers-Weekly weigh-ins on Thursdays.
Excercise: The Firm 3-4x a week I am finally doing it consistently

Total lost: as of 8/24/2007 32lbs-I had gained a bit back but this is the total loss for now.

A smilie for every 10lbs lost

:mickeyjum :donald: :goofy:
Just another update :woohoo:

Hi everyone! I am really going to set my mind & do this.

First Goal: Lose 10 pounds by March 1st
Second Goal: Lose another 20 pounds by Dec. 1st

I am going to watch what I eat & curb the sweets. I will also drink more water. I will try to start walking more for exercise & then once I lose some weight, I will concentrate more on exercising.

I want to be able to fit into my smaller clothes & not cringe when I look at myself in the mirror. I tell everyone that I am happy with myself & this is me. But I am not & I need to quit trying to kid myself.

Start weight: 1/02/07 - 160 lbs
1/09/07-158 lbs Loss of 2 lbs :cheer2:
1/16/07- 157 lbs Loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
1/23/07 - 155 lbs Loss of 2 lbs :cheer2:
1/30/07 - 153 lbs Loss of 2 lbs :cheer2:
2/06/07 150 lbs Loss of 3 lbs Met 1st Goal :woohoo:
2/13/07 - 149 lbs Loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
2/27/07 - 147 lbs Loss of 2 lbs :cheer2:
3/27/07 - 144 lbs Loss of 3 lbs :cheer2:
4/10/07 - 143 lbs Loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
4/17/07 - 142 lbs Loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
4/24/07 - 140 lb Loss of 2 lbs :woohoo:
5/08/07 - 139 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
5/15/07 - 138 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
5/29/07 - 136 lbs loss of 2 lbs :cheer2:
6/19/07 - 135 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
6/26/07 - 134 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
7/03/07 - 133 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
7/10/07 - 132 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
8/21/07 131 lbs loss of 1 lb :cheer2:
8/28/07 - 128 lbs loss of 3 lbs Goal met party:
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I have returned because I need to re-commit to my weight loss program and finish up what I started in January of 2006.

Total weight lost and kept off is 110 pounds. I am very proud of that accomplishment, but want to take off another 50 pounds.

So, beginning today:

8/28/2007 - GOAL: 50 pounds

Still doing NutriSystem and going to get more exercise in again. See you all in a week!
:welcome: back Elin.......I have wondered how you were doing. Glad to see you again. We are all still here plugging along.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I have returned because I need to re-commit to my weight loss program and finish up what I started in January of 2006.

Total weight lost and kept off is 110 pounds. I am very proud of that accomplishment, but want to take off another 50 pounds.

So, beginning today:

8/28/2007 - GOAL: 50 pounds

Still doing NutriSystem and going to get more exercise in again. See you all in a week!

Welcome back. I'm hoping to recommit and lose 10 lbs before our October trip. I'm hoping that having the kids back in school will help the process, but only time will tell.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I have returned because I need to re-commit to my weight loss program and finish up what I started in January of 2006.

Total weight lost and kept off is 110 pounds. I am very proud of that accomplishment, but want to take off another 50 pounds.

So, beginning today:

8/28/2007 - GOAL: 50 pounds

Still doing NutriSystem and going to get more exercise in again. See you all in a week!

Go Elin!!! You can do it! :cheer2:
Hi Everyone . . . I've been meaning to come by to say "hi" all week. I started on a commitment to lose some weight and get healthy on Mon. Aug. 27. I've had a good week . . . healthy eating and even exercising!! I must admit, I haven't been able to commit to this type of thing in few years, so this has been a big week for me.

Not feeling any weight relief at all yet (not even water loss), I decided to jump on a scale this morning just to peek to see if I'm starting to go in the right direction . . .
I GAINED 2 pounds:scared1:

Suprisingly, it didn't get me down, and I did my walk this morning anyway. Normally, this type of result would just knock me right down, so I hope this is a sign that I'm in this for the long haul this time . . . . I've read some fantastic weight loss stories on the DDA Trouble-free thread that truly inspire me!!

I'm calling it "Maria's Cruise to Lose" (see signature:) ) and I'm looking forward to posting here for motivation and support!

I don't know what protocol is on this board, but I do plan to post my results regularily. Thanks for reading:goodvibes
Hi Maria :wave2:

We post our losses & updates here & for support hop on over to the accountability thread!

You can do this :cheer2:
Hi Maria :wave2:

We post our losses & updates here & for support hop on over to the accountability thread!

You can do this :cheer2:

Stupid question . . . where is the Accountability thread? Is that what it's called?

Thanks for the support!
Making some changes..........

Goal: Look better, feel better, weigh less. Buy an even sexier dress for my 40th bday cruise on the Disney Magic & have a blast wearing it.
Diet: Weight Watchers On-line weekly weigh in's on Thursdays
Excercise: Walk or Firm at least3x a week

Total lost: as of 9/13/2007 36lbs

A smilie for every 10lbs lost
:mickeyjum :goofy: :donald:
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! I have returned because I need to re-commit to my weight loss program and finish up what I started in January of 2006.

Total weight lost and kept off is 110 pounds. I am very proud of that accomplishment, but want to take off another 50 pounds.

So, beginning today:

8/28/2007 - GOAL: 50 pounds

Still doing NutriSystem and going to get more exercise in again. See you all in a week!

9/11/2007 - lost 1 pound
9/18/2007 - lost 2 pounds (total is -113 pounds)
With a new year comes renewed committment. I am happy to report that I did not gain as much weight last year as I have in the past :cool1: That being said I have put on about 10 lbs and that isn't good. Chris and I both started our diets on January 1st. It seems much harder sticking to them than we remember, but we are trying.

As of 2 AM on Jan 1 2008 I weighed in at 150.4 lbs I guess that means I will weigh in on tuesdays.

I can't weight to hear from all of you. Go DDA team.
OK--just joined Weight Watchers Online, so maybe posting here will help me stay on track! Can I be a part of this?

January 1, 2006 I weighed 303 pounds (I'm 6' tall).
Today, 2 years later, I weigh 268 pounds. (No dieting, just portion control, trying to be more active)
Goal for January 2009: 200 pounds
Goal by June 16, 2008 (beginning of trip to the beach): 233 pounds

Joined Weight Watchers Online today
At least 20 minutes of exercise 5 days per week

Wish me luck!

Jan 1, 2008 150.4 lbs
Jan 8, 2008 145.4 lbs down 5 lbs :cool1:
Jan 23, 2008 145.4 lbs. Stayed the same which is amazing given that I haven't followed my plan for the last 2 weeks. I did want to check in though and let you know that I haven't quit.

How is everyone else doing. I'm seeing few posts ladies.


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