DDA Chapter 22

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Anne Marie - Sorry the technologies of your household aren't cooperating. We've got one login on one computer that won't send to the printer every other day or so. No idea why especially since all of the other users can see and use it.
After dinner tonight we headed to the library. Terra had finished her reading club sheet so she got her third set of "prizes". Unfortunately, the volunteer didn't much know what she was doing and only gave her part of them. Luckily, I had seen a girl get a book the last time we were there and asked the librarian at checkout. She gave us the choices of books and also a set of passes to the children's museum that we should have gotten. Terra ended up choosing what turned out to be a graphic novel called Babymouse: rock star. It looked really cute and almost 100 pages long. She read it from the front desk of the library to the car, put it down long enough to buckle her seatbelt, the whole car ride to Redbox and home and into the house. It must have been good as she just came in and said she finished it. Guess I need to start searching out more chapter books for her as she suddenly seems ready. Any suggestions for girls her age, yet not too "girly"?

Cassidy and Abi loved the Berenstein Bears chapter books....easy reads but not too easy. Arthur has chapter books too but the girls didn't like them

Abi loved the Bailey School Kids....but they are a bit harder...but not much.
Thanks for the suggestions, Theresa!

I've spent the evening trying to reach out to other area homeschool groups in hopes of adding a couple of homeschoolers to our Daisy troop this year. I'd love for Terra not to be the only one. It sounds like I do have one girl interested and hopefully I can attract a couple of more.
I got your envelope today. Thank you. I will use your pass first & hopefully that will work.
Have fun at the Cape! Which town are you going to? I love Cape Cod!!!
Last time we stayed there we were in Chatham.:goodvibes
We are going to the Daniel Webster Inn in Sandwich. If you don't count Nantucket then I haven't been to the Cape since Gene & I were dating and that was really the only time I've been.

Have a good time! I hope the weather is beach-worthy.
Thanks! I hope so too since I finished the tunics. I think they are pretty cute and pretty easy to do. I cut them out last night but made all 3 this afternoon. They are all different fabrics so I had to make one at a time not assembly line. I hope I can get some photos of the girls in them.

After dinner tonight we headed to the library. Terra had finished her reading club sheet so she got her third set of "prizes". Unfortunately, the volunteer didn't much know what she was doing and only gave her part of them. Luckily, I had seen a girl get a book the last time we were there and asked the librarian at checkout. She gave us the choices of books and also a set of passes to the children's museum that we should have gotten. Terra ended up choosing what turned out to be a graphic novel called Babymouse: rock star. It looked really cute and almost 100 pages long. She read it from the front desk of the library to the car, put it down long enough to buckle her seatbelt, the whole car ride to Redbox and home and into the house. It must have been good as she just came in and said she finished it. Guess I need to start searching out more chapter books for her as she suddenly seems ready. Any suggestions for girls her age, yet not too "girly"?
Wow! She's doing great! Lizzy is into the American Girl Doll books but those might be a bit too hard. I don't remember when she was reading the Magic Treehouse books. You'll have to let me know what she like for Emma-she not quite there yet-I really need to spend more time with her.

I made 5 shirts, but what an ordeal.:headache: My printer wouldn't work..Hours later of trying everything it finally worked. I burnt the 1st first shirt because the iron was too hot so I have to go back to AC Moore to get another shirt. Now my camera will not load pictures into the pc so I have been futzing with that all evening with no luck. Technology & I do not go together today. Thankfully I have 6 sets of shirts for the kids from previous trips so I only made ones for our birthday. The rest of the time we will just wear whatever.

Hope you all enjoyed your day.

Glad you eventually had success!

I am fighting technology today too. Everything is so complicated! I figured I should load the software onto my laptop for Joe's Flip Video. I was able to download that and I thought I saved the movies from his camera onto my hard drive but it said they weren't saved so I saved them one at a time but now I bet they are there twice???? Now I'm trying to make a DVD of the movies so he can watch them on TV. Its been going about 30 minutes and it is 9.4% complete. My SIL bought Joe a book on trick videos-the kids made a cool video of Lizzy holding a "mini Emma" on her hand.:rotfl:

Then I tried to make a backup of my photos from Disney in May so I can erase my memory cards but it is saying some of the photos are "busy".:confused3

I think I should call it a night now and try again in the light of the morning (um...between packing.....:laughing:).
Good morning. :)

Tia - My kids like the Franny K. Stein and Junnie B. Jones books. There are also the Magic Tree House books.
WEll, crap! :headache:

I am supposed to take Zazu in for neutering today. He couldn't have food after 10 PM. Fine. At 10 PM we picked up the food bowls and went to bed.

Yesterday I went to PetsMart because we are thinking of switching cat food brands. Bought a new bag of food. DH left it on the kitchen floor.

I got up at 6 AM and the bag was tipped over and the top was ripped open, food all over the floor. :mad::headache::mad::headache: Of course Zazu was RIGHT there, and so was Aurora. He must have eaten some, because he is in no way acting like he is hungry now.

I guess this means I will be calling the vet's office to reschedule his surgery. Insert lots of bad words here...
Bernadette - enjoy the Cape! :beach:

Anne Marie - I am glad you finally got the machines at your house to cooperate a bit. Sounds like you all are set. :teeth:

Elizabeth - that darned cat! :(
Elizabeth - your kitties act like doggies!
I got to wave at Tammi and the kids and herBob on my way out of work tonight! :wave2::goodvibes
I heard how flustered you were! :rotfl: We ended up taking 2 cars to football. We all went over for the start, then Bob and Alyssa stayed there while I went to Best Buy and picked up the TV and speaker system. Then I went back to football to see what was going on, just in time for it to get called because of the rain. The camp is at JM, run by Coach Serbay of JM's football team, as well as the rest of his staff. I have heard wonderful things about him. So far Nicholas is liking it!
Bernadette - I hope you guys have fun at the Cape! Of course once that is out of the way you can get on with the IMPORTANT stuff, like WDW! :banana:

Tammi - Glad Nicholas is enjoying camp so far! :thumbsup2

Anne Marie- Are you packed yet? :bitelip:
Elizabeth - Sorry about the kitty. :( Glad they could at least get you in for tomorrow.

Bernadette - Good luck getting packed up and even more so on the weather.

Tammi - Glad Nicholas had a good first night of camp.

Dad started my morning out with this entertaining Wedding Dance. It made me laugh, not a bad way to start a day.
Tia - I can't remember what books DS enjoyed other than the Magic Treehouse ones. I will think on it.

Princess is "reading" a book to herself and she just said "That is very unfortunate!" :rotfl2:
Good Morning All!!

I've had an interesting morning already today....I had a screening interview (it went okay I believe...but heck if I know) and I was informed that my mom is coming to town for 2 weeks.:cool1::cool1:
I had talked to her on Friday and broke down (seriously, probably cried for half hour) and I think that's what swayed her....the girls and I are THRILLED!!
How nice to have your Mom stay for awhile, Theresa! I know you all will have a great time. I hope the screening interview leads to more!
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