Dax's Journal

Well, I've got another clippie! No. 65!

I've got to be weighed on April 18 and it is a good feeling knowing that I am under weight!


Way to go Dax!!!

Keep on collecting those clippies and you will make your goal! :cool1: Have a great weekend! :sunny:
Ok, so maybe i did take 6 months off...I'm back baby! Ready to go. I have even got out favorite Cajun girl, Desiree back on track!

Get out of my way, here i come!

The incredible shrinking one!

Glad to hear that you and the wife are back on track with Atkins! I think I may try to make another attempt at Oprah's Boot Camp again. I'm actually glad that you visited my journal. I needed to wipe the dust off of it and get going again!

Good luck Saturday at the game! Are you going to pitch?

Give the kiddos a hug for me! I bet the baby is getting big!
Hey Dax!

Good to see you back! :goodvibes You'll have to update us on all of the goings on in Daxland.... ::yes::

Have a great weekend and good luck at the game Saturday! :sunny:
Hey guys,

The alumni game went great. I went 3 for 4 batting. A funny moment at the beginning though. My first at bat, I checked my swing and hit a little weak dribbler down to third base which resulted in a double play. The bad part was though, I took one step toward first and just busted it and ate dirt! Yes, I stumbled and fell. The guys who were there from my group just died laughing, and of course I did too. The other three at bats I really hit the ball hard. I had the time of my life. My wife and kids came and cheered daddy on. There were about 7 or 8 guys from my time period on the college baseball team there and we had a great time.

Toystory, I can always count on you to be here when I get going! Thanks, I love to hear from you and Desiree.

Desiree, I didn't pitch this year. I don't know if I told you but when I played at Murray State I was a pitcher and a position player. I like to joke that I started out as a left field and ate my way to first base.

Anyway great to hear from you guys again and I lost a half pound yesterday!


Hey Dax!

Sounds like a win-win situation to me: You had a great time at the game, you went 3 for 4 batting , and you lost a half pound! :bounce: Good times all the way around! :goodvibes

Also, I must congratulate you on turning your brother into a Disney fan! :earsboy: I bet that they had a great trip! :teeth: We are soooo looking forward to ours for many different reasons. ::yes::

Hope your Saturday is going well! Take care! :goodvibes
Hehe Sorry about the dirt eating! But it sounds like you had a blast!! And 3 for 4! WOOOHOOOO :cheer2:

Ah now that your brother has discovered Disney, y'all can plan a family gathering down there! (Any excuse is a good excuse to go to WDW!)

I ate too much at tailgating yesterday but I did manage to hit the gym before I left, so maybe that evened out with the slice of cake I ate. We were hoping to make it over to the baseball stadium yesterday too, as the team was scrimmaging (fall ball). But we ran out of time. I wanted to go check out Mike the Tiger's new cage anyway and check out the renovations that were done to the PMAC. I guess I'll have to wait until February for baseball!

Keep on making those scales go downward!
Welcome back and getting back on track!!!! Good for you for sticking back at it! You can do it!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey guys,

Tough week at work. The boss is on vacation until the 7th starting this past Tuesday, which we all looked forward to, because you can get a lot done while the boss is gone, but wouldn't you know it, they schedule a 3 day safety audit for next week. Anyway, we've been running around like chickens with our heads cut off and I have gotten zero done except double checking my guys safety stuff!

Oh well, we are going to see Kentucky and Mississippi State play football tommorrow. It is Kentucky's homecoming and I have never seen the Cats play football in person. We are taking our friends Kim and Kent. My DW of course is a Mississippi State grad. and she claims that she will be cheering for MSU, but I know that she knows next to nothing about sports so it should be interesting...

Well gotta go to bed see you guys!

You know I can actually root for the Wildcats this year since we don't play you guys! hehe! Well I hope you guys kick some Bulldog boo-tay today and have a great time at the game today!

Here's a link to Mike's habitat that you requested. Next time we go by there I will bring my digital camera and will snap a few real life photos for you. It's REALLY nice. They really did a great job!


Sorry to hear your week of leisure turned into a busy one! I hate it when that happens! Well have a great week and hope to see you shrink some more!
Hey Dax-man! :wave2:

Sorry to hear about the situation at work. I hope everything worked out for you and that this week will be a great one! :sunny:

How did the football game go?

Have a great Monday! :sunny:
Hello everyone! Yes I have lost 3 lbs this week! :banana:

Well, an update at work, my guys did grrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaatttt on the safety audit! I am so proud of them and I have told them so. I am also buying breakfast for them all as a show of appreciation.

Well as some of you may have heard, we had some tornadoes in Kentucky. One of them hit about 5 houses in my area in a little community known as Matoon. Thankfully noone was seriously hurt or killed as they were in Indiana (same storm). Luckily this hit in a very sparsely populated area. Tore down power poles etc...

Well, I am back on Atkins and really doing well. My days have been going like this:

3 boiled eggs for breakfast
5 cooked hotdogs for lunch
1 hour of walking at lunch
5-8 scrambled eggs for supper
Lots of water during the day and night with a couple of Diet Code Red Mountain dews mixed in.


Glad to hear you guys are ok. Great job on the 3 pound loss! I forsee another clippie in your future!
Glad to hear that you and your family are safe Dax! :goodvibes Way to go on the 3 pound loss! :cool1: Keep it up and we'll have to call you "The Incredible Shrinking One" again! :teeth:

Have a great week! :sunny:
Sorry to hear that those tornadoes were so close to you and glad to hear you are okay. Hope you are continuing to do well.

Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Ok guys, I am officially freaked out!

We have had yet another set of tornadoes hit less than 3 miles from my house! Yes, I said another set of tornadoes. It happened Tuesday in Benton, KY and also in Gilbertsville, KY at a resort/permanent campground. Took out 14 houses in Benton and wiped out about 100 semi permanent trailers/summer camping trailers at Moors Campground in G'ville. As the crow flies, it is only about three miles if that far! There was 1 fatality in Benton.

On the positive side, all of our phone cables are buried there and the Benton damage was to a small independent telephone co.

The diet is still going well. I hope to be very soon changing my 65 pound icon. As some of you know, I have left the 65 there, even though I had gained some back. I will advise when the new clippie is achieved!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh Dax! How scary!! Glad that you and yoru family are safe once again though.

Will this be the week that we see that shiny new clippie?!?!?


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