David & Ian - PJ & TR Sept 17th 2009 - Epcot UK/Attic/UK Lockside - TR Starts PG 14

Hi David! :wave2: Just found your PJ and read through everything! I love your guys' story! I know everyone else has said it already, but it is so sweet and romantic that you two are getting married where you met one another! :lovestruc Your wedding sounds like it's going to be fabulous! I love your colors and can't wait to see photos from it once you return home. :thumbsup2

There will be tons of photos when we get back, Misty will be there all day, I like taking pics and so do our firends!!! Can't believe how quickly it's all coming round, it's only 6 weeks tomorrow! :banana::banana::banana:
Guys the last month is going to FLYYY mine did insanely fast!!

Just be sure you take any mishaps and turn them into a good laugh! we learned to do this and let me tell you our trip would have been ruined had we not!!

Almost one month!:banana:
It is certainly flying by now, it's 6 weeks today!!!!

5 weeks till we fly tomorrow.

We are pretty chilled out by it all, Disney is like a second home to us so we figure what can be so bad when you're at Disney World.

We have a whole bunch of stuff planned during our first week with family. We planned two activities each day and people could decide whether they wanted to come along or not. We didn't want everyone to feel obliged to come as we know that for a lot of people this is their holiday too.

A quick run down:

Sunday - Sea Raycers and Afternoon Tea
Monday - Donald's Safari Breakfast & Miniature Golf
Tuesday - Epcot Segway Tour & Rose & Crown for Lunch
Wednesday - Ohana for Dinner and Grand 1 Firework Cruise
Thursday - Wedding
Friday - Liberty Tree Tavern for Lunch & MNSSHP

Saturday morning we are taking our Mum's for breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table before we head off to the cruise!!!!!!! 7 nights on the Disney Magic minus all the family!!!!!!

I can't wait.
I am very excited to see another wedding being planned for the UK courtyard, ours is going to be there in January. Can't wait to see pics of how it comes out everything sounds great so far. Good Luck!!!
I think it so great that you have family time in WDW, and private time on the cruise! It is such a good idea!

Your getting so close now!!!!:banana::banana:
you MUST MUST MUST show us a ton of piccys when you get back!

thats great that you have organised 2 events per day for your guests to come if they want!! its a good idea- you can get time to spend with guests but still you can have your time alone in between those events

i bet you are both really excited!
I am very excited to see another wedding being planned for the UK courtyard, ours is going to be there in January. Can't wait to see pics of how it comes out everything sounds great so far. Good Luck!!!

Well stay tuned, there will be a full trip report going on here when we get back so you can see lots of pictures, how many people have you got? We have only got 16 people total but our Wedding Planner seemed really flexible about the layout of chairs etc. We have a rehersal the day before so we can see where the sun is going to be etc. The only thing we were told was that we couldn't do it on the band stand due to the Beatles musical instruments.
I think it so great that you have family time in WDW, and private time on the cruise! It is such a good idea!

Your getting so close now!!!!:banana::banana:

It was very important to us to have this, we have done family holidays in the past and let's just say there were different ideas about what was fun and what wasn't and little flexibility in some camps! :confused3

We've tired to plan events and then people can come if they want but don't have too if they want to do something else, we do not want to lead 16 people around a theme park. We have a week on the cruise to enjoy some alone time then it's back WDW for another week without family when we can do more of the things we enjoy.
Someone needs to tell me how to multiple quote in a response :confused3

We can't wait, it's 4 weeks and 6 days till we leave for Orlando and 5 weeks and 4 days till the wedding. We keep adding to our list of things to do but never seem to cross anything off??? And I just found out I need to go to NJ at the beginning of September with work, normally i'd be quite excited by this but it's so close the holiday and wedding that the timing is a bit rubbish.

Oh well, guess we just need to focus and get stuff done.
4 weeks right at this very moment I will be... asleep probably!!! lol

No I will be at Manchester Airport at a hotel being really excited for our flight. I can't believe how close it is now! I have lost all interest in work and anything that is not wedding or holiday related, I am reading the Dis constantly, following other peoples trip reports, I feel like I could burst with excitement some days. :cloud9:

We still have a few things to sort out in the next few weeks. The play list for the reception being one of them. We're having an i-pod setup thingy so we need to create a playlist that will cover about 5 hours :eek: Now having agreed on most things Ian and I sat down to start this two nights ago. We agreed that we should split it into sections to make it easier and that we wanted to probably just have Disney music. It's only going to be background music, I don't dance and therefore no dacing will be encouraged :laughing: Anyway, playlists, we just cannot agree what to include, he want's Disney clasics but anything I suggest just isn't right :headache: I want to have some funny stuff in there, but no, that would be "Tacky". Geez we are two men having a wedding at Disney World and Mickey Mouse is going to show up...:rolleyes1 Not that our wedding will be at all tacky but I think he needs to just go with it, otherwise we'll listen to the same four songs go round and round for 5 hours. :dance3:

Suggestions anyone?

Lol I am sure we will come to an agreement somewhere along the line... I hope! :love:

Anyway it's late so i'm going to bed. But I noticed that i've made the last four posts on this thread, is anybody but me reading it? :rotfl2:
Hey guys! I love the plans you have for your wedding! They sound great. Are you getting nervous? It's so close now! For me, at this point, I was just in, "What do I need to do next?" mode! I can't imagine preparing for a destination wedding, let alone coming all the way across the ocean!!!

We'll be in WDW from Oct. 2-5 so we'll look for you on Fri and Sat! Make sure you wear your "Just Married" and "Happily Ever After" pins!!!

Looking forward to hearing more!
OH and to multi-quote, you click the button NEXT to the "quote" button for each post you want to quote, then hit "post reply" or "quote" on the last post you quote and they will all show up in the reply! :thumbsup2
Ooh my gosh! I can't believe it's so close for you now!! :yay: No wonder it's difficult for you to focus on anything that isn't wedding related! I know I'll be the same when mine rolls around. ;) And I'd be happy to suggest some songs for you, if you tell me which 4 or 5 you two already have in mind so I don't repeat anything! Hehe.
We used Billy Joel, When you Wish Upon a Star for our wedding song. It's a little "classier" version, I guess you could say. Also from that same special, Harry Connick sings "Bare Necessities" and I actually think if you look on itunes you can find some other Disney songs that Harry Connick covered....if that's something that sounds appealing to you guys.

I'll try to think of more for you!
Hey guys! I love the plans you have for your wedding! They sound great. Are you getting nervous? It's so close now! For me, at this point, I was just in, "What do I need to do next?" mode! I can't imagine preparing for a destination wedding, let alone coming all the way across the ocean!!!

We'll be in WDW from Oct. 2-5 so we'll look for you on Fri and Sat! Make sure you wear your "Just Married" and "Happily Ever After" pins!!!

Looking forward to hearing more!

Keep your eyes open, we'll probably be at Epcot on the last night (2nd Oct) and Magic Kingdom for our last day, we don't fly till late so we have plenty of time to enjoy most of the day. Where are you staying?

It's strange because I don't feel nervous at all, just really excited. Ian is nervous though lol

OH and to multi-quote, you click the button NEXT to the "quote" button for each post you want to quote, then hit "post reply" or "quote" on the last post you quote and they will all show up in the reply! :thumbsup2


Ooh my gosh! I can't believe it's so close for you now!! :yay: No wonder it's difficult for you to focus on anything that isn't wedding related! I know I'll be the same when mine rolls around. ;) And I'd be happy to suggest some songs for you, if you tell me which 4 or 5 you two already have in mind so I don't repeat anything! Hehe.

Lol I think the only song we agreed on is the Mickey Mouse Club march for when Mickey arrives. We didn't get any further than that so any suggestions are very welcome.
Do you watch "Friends". I am thinking of when Ross and Rachel were deciding on baby names, and they each had a certain amount of "vetos". Maybe you could do something like that. Each of you can make a list of songs, and each can take off say 5 from each others list. Just remind him marriage is about compromise, so he better get used to it :rotfl: I also think if you are having a BBQ inspired meal, some of the more character type songs would really suit the "feel". That's my opinion anyway, I am sure it will all work out!

YAY for 4 weeks:cheer2:....I'm at 8 months and 1 day....I wish I was you!:sad1:
We used Billy Joel, When you Wish Upon a Star for our wedding song. It's a little "classier" version, I guess you could say. Also from that same special, Harry Connick sings "Bare Necessities" and I actually think if you look on itunes you can find some other Disney songs that Harry Connick covered....if that's something that sounds appealing to you guys.

I'll try to think of more for you!

All suggestions are very welcome!

Do you watch "Friends". I am thinking of when Ross and Rachel were deciding on baby names, and they each had a certain amount of "vetos". Maybe you could do something like that. Each of you can make a list of songs, and each can take off say 5 from each others list. Just remind him marriage is about compromise, so he better get used to it :rotfl: I also think if you are having a BBQ inspired meal, some of the more character type songs would really suit the "feel". That's my opinion anyway, I am sure it will all work out!

YAY for 4 weeks:cheer2:....I'm at 8 months and 1 day....I wish I was you!:sad1:

I love that idea, he's in bed right now so he sounds grumpy at the idea but it is already Saturday morning here so I shouldn't be mean :scared1: I'm sure we'll work it out, we still have 4 weeks left to disagree...

Don't wish the planning time away to quickly as it is part of the build up which I think is important. You'll want to change your mind about things and people will suggest new ideas so your wedding will evolve as time passes. I'm wishing my working days away but I don't want it to come around too quickly, as we still have things left to do... and a song list to pick!
Then I'll suggest a few Disney related ones, and maybe they won't seem as "tacky" to your DF, hopefully! :-)rotfl2: What a silly fella!) -

'Ever Ever After', Carrie Underwood (Enchanted)
'Little Wonders', Rob Thomas (Meet The Robinsons)
'Can't Take it In', Imogen Heap (Narnia)
'Simple And Clean', Utada Hikaru (Kingdom Hearts)
'Sanctuary', Utada Hikaru (Kingdom Hearts II)

And I think older Disney songs can't possibly seem tacky at all! They're adorable and old fashioned. :love: Sooo -

'Love', from Robin Hood
'So This is Love', from Cinderella
'Once Upon a Dream', from Sleeping Beauty
'A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes', from Cinderella
Keep your eyes open, we'll probably be at Epcot on the last night (2nd Oct) and Magic Kingdom for our last day, we don't fly till late so we have plenty of time to enjoy most of the day. Where are you staying?

It's strange because I don't feel nervous at all, just really excited. Ian is nervous though lol

Yay! You got the multi-quote! Unfortunately, I'll be at the MK on Friday night (for MNSSHP) and Epcot on Saturday. :rolleyes: Staying at CBR.


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