David & Ian - PJ & TR Sept 17th 2009 - Epcot UK/Attic/UK Lockside - TR Starts PG 14

I just found your PJ and am liking it!!!!

Like everybody, I think it's totally cool how you're getting married where you met!!!:cool1:

Totally subscribing!!!
Our officiant is booked and we are working on preparing our ceremony with her. She is absolutely wonderful and is guiding us through it and I feel like she really wants to make our day special.

Did you chose Renee, then?

She's a really neat lady, and did such a great job for us!:thumbsup2
Did you chose Renee, then?

She's a really neat lady, and did such a great job for us!:thumbsup2

Yes we chose Renee, she is excellent, we are so pleased, thanks for your help with this.
I just found your PJ, I love it! Love how you met in WDW too!

I love the pics from DL Paris, I really want to go there someday so its great to see pics :yay:

Your weding is coming up fast for sure, you must be so excited :)
I just came across this myself, I don't know how I've managed to miss it for so long! It looks like you guys are going to have a great time, it's always exciting to see more gay couples getting married and sharing the experience.
Thank you all for your comments. It's great to know that people are enjoying reading about our planning.

I havent posted here in a while so thought it was time for some more pictures and a bit of an update.

We decided that we are going to use red, yellow, black and white as the colours for our wedding as they are classic Mickey colours. I have liked thes together ever since I did a ship tour on the Disney Wonder and was told that is why the ship is painted the way it is. We even used them when we painted our office at home.


While I was taking the picture above I couldn't help taking one of our "Plush Mountain" too!


With the colours in mind it was time to make our invitations. We had got some paper from Disneyland with Mickey symbols on it and also Mickey glove beads to use. Even though I had bought all of this I had no idea how to make the invitations. Anyway I got inspiration at our local craft shop and I think they look really good.



The inserts match the fronts, and I didn't want to use staples so I used red cotton thread to sew them into the cards, which has worked out really well.


The beeds stand out quite a bit, so I may have to put padding in when I post/mail them!!!

I am so happy with the colours we have chosen as it has all come together. We were even lucky enough to find card folders that match the invitions in the Disney Outlet in Las Vegas - they will be great for sending out guest information!

We need to get a lot of things organised in the next month. We are in the process of planning optional activities for our guests in the days close to the wedding. We also need to arrange suit hire for the day, which I am not finding easy from 3000 miles away. There are differences in traditional wedding attire in England and the US and we tend not to wear a tux with bow tie etc.

Anyway I hope to keep everone updated wit the planning!

I don't think I've ever seen so much Disney plush outside a theme park store ever :lmao:

I would do the same, but we go to Disneyland so often that I forbid myself to buy things, because I can just go window shopping the next time we are there.
Hiya, UK DIS bride here! I just read through your whole PJ and i love everything so far! We are having Misty too- her photos are just magical arent they!?

those save the dates are wicked- totally unusual but so fab!! good thinking- getting those room keys- i am totally useless with anything crafty - your STD's look so professional!!

You are from the UK, and you got jobs in Epcot, may i ask, what kind of process did you have to go through to live / work out there for a year? I only ask because DF and i plan to move to Orlando after we get married, and we just keep hearing all these horror stories about being let into the US, and the visas .. was it hard for you?

Anyways, i am happy you can finally have your dream wedding in Disney!! WOOOHOOO!! :cool1:

ooooh and i love the colours you painted your office!! very funky! i bet those colours make you feel awake in the morning!
Congratulations on your engagement and Disney wedding decision!

I LOVE your Save the Date cards! They're so cute and creative!!! What a great idea!

I don't think I've ever seen so much Disney plush outside a theme park store ever :lmao:

I would do the same, but we go to Disneyland so often that I forbid myself to buy things, because I can just go window shopping the next time we are there.

Louie...His plush mountain makes me want to jump into it! The Disney Store here has one and I've always wanted to do that...Then I saw there were steps in the pit!!!
So, here is my "virtual jump" into David & Ian's plush mountain :jumping2:
Louie...His plush mountain makes me want to jump into it! The Disney Store here has one and I've always wanted to do that...Then I saw there were steps in the pit!!!
So, here is my "virtual jump" into David & Ian's plush mountain :jumping2:

Our home has way too much Disney stuff, we have a $100 dollar Mickey in our lounge too! We had a buy a new bag to bring him home from Disneyland last year.

Disney is a big part of out lives, it's where we met and something we both loved befor then too. I guess that's why we have used the Mickey colour's as our wedding colours hence the invitations. We also have a few other tricks up our selves that I am sure our guests will be surprised about.
Our home has way too much Disney stuff, we have a $100 dollar Mickey in our lounge too! We had a buy a new bag to bring him home from Disneyland last year.

Disney is a big part of out lives, it's where we met and something we both loved befor then too. I guess that's why we have used the Mickey colour's as our wedding colours hence the invitations. We also have a few other tricks up our selves that I am sure our guests will be surprised about.

I'm loving it! When we get a house wanna come over and paint our walls with M.Mouse stripes too? *jk* but I love it!
Hi All

First and apology, we have been quite bad at updating this, it's been about 4 months since the last post and as I am sure you can imagine there have been lot's ogf stuff going on during that time.

Where to start...well in the lst posts you were all enjoying pictures of our crazy Disney house. Just so you know that we are not completely mad, every room is not painted like that. We live in a very normal house really. But I guess you're not really interested in out home decor anyway, you all want to know more about the wedding.

OK, so i've just read through the journal to remind myself what you all know already so we can fill you in on the missing bits. Overall nothing has changed with the plan of the day but i'll summarise for those who subscribed and don't want to start again :rotfl::

9am ceremony at Epcot (UK Pavillion where we met)
10am reception at the Attic
8:30pm Desert Party at Epcot

We have 14 guests attending, we were originally going to have 18 but we're down due to a new arrival and unfortunately advince not to travel so soon after having a baby. But hey you can't plan for everything. We've got most of our guests staying at Pop Century and Port Orleans FQ, we're staying at The Contemporary :cool1: The early start on the wedding day has thrown various female attendees into a panic - how on earth will they manage to find time to get their hair done at that time of the morning - LOL. Fortunately not something we need to worry about. Misty will be joining us at the hotel at about 7 so we can get up at about 6:55 ;)

We'll have some photo's at the hotel and then we have the Model A Ford to transport us to Epcot. We have pictures there before the guests arrive and then photos with them when the bus gets them there.

The cermony starts at 9, we were a bit unsure about our music, we have a violinist who will be playing some Disney love songs before hand but picking the ceremony music was quite hard. We opted for the following:

Arrival - Go The Distance (Hercules)
Sand Ceremony - Share a Dream Come True
You may now kiss the groom - Welcome (from Brother Bear)

I'm sure I won't be worrying about it on the day, and they're better than It's a Samll World.

We then have a staged exit with petals. Now i'm really not sure about this, I have a vision in my head of the amazing things photographers do with this type of shot, where you're black and white and the pick out the colours of the petals etc. But at the same time I feel like petals are a bit girly! I'm sure it will be all fine though, better than the other options - we weren't fond of ribbon wands (sorry Rose).

We will then have more photo's before heading over to the Boardwalk.

Now it's almost 11:30pm here in the UK :surfweb: so I am going to bed. But I do solemnly swear... no sorry too official, I promise to make further updates this weekend so you have a full run down of the day and all the other fun stuff we have planned that week.

If I smile nicely Ian may even post some pictures popcorn::

Night Folks! :cloud9:
Yay for the Update! :)

The song choices sound lovely! (Although I don't know the brother bear one I'm afraid!) I love Go the Distance though!

Looking forward to more updates!
How fantastic that you're getting married where you first met!! That is soooooo lovely!!!! :lovestruc I would to do that, but I don't really fancy getting married on over Myspace or on Platform 2 at Newcastle Train Station! :lmao: Your day sounds great... The Attic looks awesome in pictures! And Epcot wedding pictures always look great!! :goodvibes Can't wait to read more!

Bob xoxoxoxox
Well, as promised i'm back for further updates.

So as I mentioned yesterday we are going to be riding in the Model A Ford on the wedding day. When we first created our plans we weren't sure if we would keep this if we went way over budget but actually our budgets good and we are really glad we have it. We wanted to try and do something a little different to a limo and we should be able to get some great pictures with it.

So when we get to the boardwalk we will be having pictures with Misty before heading up to the Attic with everyone else. We want pics with the bikes and in the photo booth etc. hopefully it should be relatively quiet down there at that time of the morning.

Then it's up to the attic where there will be a selection of fruit, yoghurts and chocolate dipped strawberries for everyone to enjoy. We thought we ought to have something to keep everyone going till lunch, especially since some will be starving due to the lack of time in the morning due to hair apointments!!! We have opted for a free bar which softdrinks, beers and wines, we thought that we would rather know where we stood with costs so that there were no unexpected surprises at the end. Either people drinking too much or not enough that we owed money to the boardwalk for not spending enough (we are only 14 adults). I would rather be relaxed about it all and not have anything to worry about.

We will then have some casual time for people to relax, enjoy the violinist and chat. I think the violinist is finished about 11, after that we're all set up for an i-pod. The room will be decorated with red and yellow mickey balloons like the ones in the MK. (And we are taking these with us for pictures in the MK later, who needs to take pictures of a balloon seller when you have 45 balloons of your own!):rotfl: We also thought these would be nice for guests to take too. We will be having chocolate Mickey's and Cracker Jacks as favours.

We do not have any assigned seating and no "sweet heart" table, the sweet heart table is not a normal thing in the UK, it tends to be a larger table with the wedding party (parents, best man, bridesmaids), but since we are only 16 people total and we are having a buffet we are leaving it completely open. Also I always thought the idea of the two people sitting alone to be a bit lonely.

Well the bit you've all been waiting for...the food. We will be having lunch at 12pm after we have said a few words, no formal speaches, we're just not into that. So our food is as follows:

Bacon and Cheese Potato Skins
Breaded Mozzarella
Salad Station
Potato Salad
Corn on the cob
Hot Dogs
Chicken Breasts
+ relish and sauces

Followed by Caramel Apple Tart (Like the serve at the Liberty Tree Tavern) and Chocolate Brownies.

Yum!!!!! Our menu is obviously a bit "different" than you would expect at a normal wedding but hey we like different. It also came as a bit of shock to some people when we told the what we were having :eek: :eek: :eek: but they're coming around. Our silverwear will be kept in the wedding colours and will be rolled in red, yellow and black linens.

We are having some unusually nice weather here in the UK at the moment and the sun is out so I'll leave it there for now and bring more updates later.

See ya real soon!


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