"Danger is my cup of tea." Sep 1-5 TR! Update: Day two complete, with MSEP pictures!

We parked and went to the lobby to check in. By now, it was about 9 PM. I’d debated doing online check in, but I didn’t really see the point, and besides, there wasn’t even anyone in line when we got there.

Rebekah wandered around the gift shop while I checked us in. We were put in building 5, across from the courtyard, so a little farther than I’d been hoping. I asked if there was anything closer to the main entrance, but there were no other ground floor rooms available for that night. I decided to stick with the room instead of switching to the second or third floor (since Rebekah is sometimes iffy on both stairs and elevators).

It was kind of a scavenger hunt to find our room. We were in 5129, and we went around so many corners following the signs that I thought we’d NEVER find our room! I gotta say, if POFQ is the smallest hotel on property (or is it the smallest mod?), I highly doubt we’ll be staying anywhere else. Or at least next time, we’ll get Becky a wheelchair for the hotel as well as the park.

We finally arrived! These pictures obviously aren’t from our first night, but I wanted to share them with you anyway, especially the view. We paid for a standard view, and I was really happy with what we opened our door to every morning. I don’t think I’ll ever pay for anything but standard view at a moderate. The courtyard was where they played the movies at night, but it was always almost over by the time we got back from the parks, and was never so loud that it bothered us.





I loved our room. It was very spacious, clean, and beautiful. Rebekah loved it too. She loves hotel rooms in general and didn’t seem to want to leave!

Once I got her settled in, I had to bring in the rest of our luggage. We were quite a distance from the front parking lot, so I moved the car to the lot labeled “Building 5.” That is a lie. It is not anywhere NEAR building 5. It was more like between buildings 4 and 7. So by the third time I went to get luggage, I finally figured out a better place to park (and a handicapped spot!), that was pretty much a straight line to our room. I’m glad the parking lots are pretty far from most of the rooms, since I don’t want to look at parking lots while I’m on vacation, but on the other hand, it makes it damn hard to get to the car. I probably should have just called bellhop services, but for some reason, I didn’t.

Rebekah found the remote, so her evening activities were all set. I called up some family members to let them know we got to Disney safe and sound, then took a nice dip in the hot tub.

And with that, our first day on the Disney property drew to a close. But we’d finally be heading to the parks the next morning! Which park should we visit first?
TIW is great!! We have been using it for a few years. It use to be called Disney's Dining Experience (DDE). If you ever park in the far lot by the kennels at Epcot you will notice parking spots marked Kennel/DDE all the way at the front. We park there when we are just going to Epcot to eat.

The more you visit Disney the more the parking lots will make sense.

I have never eaten Indian food. I would have no idea what to order. Nor would I know a better place near Disney to send you.

I agree with you, fresh spinach has more of a grassy taste, the mushy spinach loses that grassy flavor. I don't think I'd want to try what your sister had, but yours sounds interesting. Her drink is very pretty. That pomegranate lemonade can be powerful. I find that if you let the ice melt it loses that kick it has, but then it tastes like Disney's nasty water taste. My husband always orders that lemonade.

What was in the non-alcoholic ginger lemonade?

I'd definitely suggest trying an Indian buffet first. That way you can try a variety of dishes and figure out what you like. Plus, it's much cheaper than a table service meal. I'm not sure what was in the ginger lemonade. I only know that we both loved it.

I'm sorry to hear abot your Grandma.:grouphug:

Thanks for the update! I have never tried Saanaa, as I'm not a very adventurous eater, but your meal looked great. I loved the hidden Mickey!Can't wait till you get to POFQ!!!

Thank you! And Sanaa is good, but I've definitely had better food that was also adventurous.

Hello! I just jumped in and read your introduction, and wanted to join in...I'll catch up with anything else you've written hopefully this weekend.

But I am definitely interested to see your trip report because we have a lot of similarities. I'm from upstate NY too (Rensselaer, just across the river), my family still lives up there, and my husband and I are hoping to move back to the Saratoga area soon.

We also stayed in POFQ, just about the same time you did! I've just started my Trip Report as well, so I'll be interested to compare what you have to say with my thoughts as well :)

I'll check back in later!

That's cool! I love Saratoga. I never thought I'd miss NY so much, but FL is becoming kinda intolerable with all this heat.

I love TiW! It's such a great way to save money. Even though many times I do the dining plan when I'm there, it helps to save on any other expenses that might be incurred during a meal too. I'm glad that you also got more time. I had mine extended too!

I've eaten at Sanaa once and it was very good. I definitely need to go back in the near future.

I liked it, but I will definitely be trying other restaurants as well.
I'd definitely suggest trying an Indian buffet first. That way you can try a variety of dishes and figure out what you like. Plus, it's much cheaper than a table service meal. I'm not sure what was in the ginger lemonade. I only know that we both loved it.

That's cool! I love Saratoga. I never thought I'd miss NY so much, but FL is becoming kinda intolerable with all this heat.

I wouldn't know what to order from an Indian restaurant, lol.

When we moved from PA to FL it was hard to adjust to the heat. Now it's the other way around. We freeze up there. 75 hits and we are wearing jackets!

Maybe it's Disney's signs that need clarified? It seems we walk and walk and walk around a building until we finally find the room! We can always find a better way or better parking lot than what Disney has designated. So it's not just POFQ.

We are staying at POFQ in December. We have a standard room. Any suggestions on what building you would have preferred?
I wouldn't know what to order from an Indian restaurant, lol.

When we moved from PA to FL it was hard to adjust to the heat. Now it's the other way around. We freeze up there. 75 hits and we are wearing jackets!

Maybe it's Disney's signs that need clarified? It seems we walk and walk and walk around a building until we finally find the room! We can always find a better way or better parking lot than what Disney has designated. So it's not just POFQ.

We are staying at POFQ in December. We have a standard room. Any suggestions on what building you would have preferred?

I think building 4 is a bit closer to things than building 5. I would definitely request it, but honestly the resort is quite small so you're not likely to be far from anything. I forget what building is "opposite" 4, but that one's probably good too (the one on the other side of the lobby).
Yay for Port Orleans! We're staying in Riverside when we go in December but we have plenty of time reserved for visiting French Quarter and getting beignets.

I think French Quarter is the smallest overall, but it's definitely the smallest moderate. Of course, depending on where the room is, you might have less to walk at a bigger resort. Or since the deluxes are typically one building, it's less 'outside' walking (and more elevators!). I think.

I go back and forth on the Great Parking Lot debate, and then I realized I always park far away anyway since I hate parking, so at least this way I don't have to see anything from my window!
I think building 4 is a bit closer to things than building 5. I would definitely request it, but honestly the resort is quite small so you're not likely to be far from anything. I forget what building is "opposite" 4, but that one's probably good too (the one on the other side of the lobby).

Thanks. I guess it really doesn't matter as long as we are 1st floor.
Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see where you eat next! In just under 2 months, I will be checking into POFQ myself. I can't wait!!!
Whew! Sorry it's been so long! Work and school have left me absolutely swamped, but now that I've got a moment I can finally update! Also, in the time since, Rebekah has uploaded all of her pictures, so get ready for more pictures of us than you know what to do with.

Our first day park was…

(drumroll, please)

Hollywood Studios!


A terrible picture of Hollywood Studios!

I’d never been there for rope drop, and since I knew there’d be only so many things Rebekah would want to do there, I unfortunately had to drag her out of bed very early.

Luckily, bus service was very quick! In fact, during our whole trip, I don’t think we had to wait for a bus for more than five minutes at POFQ, and usually a bus was pulling up as we arrived at the bus station. Sometimes we had to wait awhile for the bus at the park, but it usually wasn’t too bad. I know driving probably would have been quicker in the grand scheme of things, but when I’m on vacation, driving isn’t very fun for me.

We arrived and got a wheelchair for Rebekah. I’ll admit, it took me awhile to get the hang of it. I’m very sorry to all the people whose ankles I accidentally hit. I know there were quite a few of you. :rolleyes1

We watched rope drop, which wasn’t anything that great, plus we didn’t get that good of a view, but it was still worth it because the wait for TSM was pretty short. As in 35 minutes short. Probably would have been shorter if we’d been further up in the line, but what can you do?

We parked Becky’s wheelchair and went inside. She really liked the line. She got some pictures of Mr. Potato Head!




I always find it a good line to read it, since it’s indoors and well lit. Alas, I had company, so I could not read today! :rolleyes:

She loved it, though I’m betting the 3D and sudden twists made her a little dizzy. We also snagged Fastpasses for after lunch. After that, it was onto The Great Movie Ride! The line was only 10 minutes, after all.

Beware our blurry pics!



Man, this ride needs a revamp. Still, it’s always fun. We got the gangster route, which is what I also got the last time I was on it about two months earlier. Last time, it was a girl, who mumbled a lot. This was a guy, and he was much more, shall we say, into his role. I loved it. I finally got to see the “red light” bit.

We then headed over to Star Tours, and I decided we should do the wheelchair entrance instead of parking it out front, since Becky was likely to be dizzy afterward. This was our first time trying the wheelchair entrance for any ride, and I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. I admit, I was weirdly paranoid that we’d get dirty looks or even kicked out because Rebekah could actually walk, but I’m not sure why, since she really does have difficulty, especially at a place like Disney. We did bypass most of the line, but they had us wait for a little while, which was just fine with us.

Sadly, Rebekah did not enjoy her Star Tours experience as much as I’d hoped. She was all smiles throughout most of it, but at the end she admitted she felt a little dizzy and nauseous because of all the movement. I knew that we would not get to repeat our Star Tours experience this trip.

Next, it was on to Muppet Vision 3D, always a favorite! Though this one could use some revamping too. We waited in the wheelchair area since I wasn’t too sure if she should be walking yet. This whole family, not one of them in a wheelchair, came in during the preshow, right after us. It took them about five minutes to figure out they weren’t supposed to be there. I wasn’t going to say anything, but come on, it’s clearly marked.

Anyway, Rebekah really enjoyed Muppet Vision! Afterward, we stopped in the gift shop, where she bought a talking Ferb doll for our stepbrother, who is 7.

Next, it was off to the animation studios. We passed by Piglet on the way, and happened to be the last ones in line, which another family who came shortly after us wasn’t very happy about. There was a lot of, “Can’t you make an exception?” But I suppose if they made an exception for everyone, poor Piglet would be there all day.


This trip turned out to be quite hit or miss with handlers using our cameras. It usually is hit or miss anyway, but I don’t tend to get my picture taken that much with characters.

After that, Becky just HAD to stop at another gift shop. This one was the small princess gift shop outside of The Voyage of the Little Mermaid (which was, thankfully, closed). She bought an Aurora ornament for a friend from home. She’s quite generous! :angel:

We then went into the Animation Studios, where we stood in a nice air-conditioned line to see Pooh.

He was so friendly with us!



Fear my overbite!


Then it was a slightly longer line for Mickey. I guess now is a good time to mention that I found out a day before we left for Disney that a friend of mine from way back, David, happened to be going to Disney at the same time as us. He’d just arrived that morning, so I asked if he wanted to join us for lunch at Prime Time. He said yes, so I called up reservations while we were in line (wish there was an easier way to modify an ADR!) and added the third person.

Just in time to see Mickey!


Then Becky and I played the “Which character are you?” game. I got Belle, but I didn’t snap a picture fast enough. Becky got Tinkerbell, her favorite!


After that, we got in line to see The Incredibles. She was looking forward to seeing Frozone, but by the time we got up there, it was just Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.



Like I said, hit or miss with the handler photographers. We also kept getting Photopasses. It was really hard to catch them beforehand to let them know we already had one (or more), and even harder to tell them we didn’t want one. Although with the quality we've been getting, I'll probably go online to see if any are worth buying.

Originally, I’d planned for us to do the animation course after this, but Rebekah wasn’t really interested. So instead, we spent some time in the gift shop (where I nearly bought a $400 Haunted Mansion painting), and then we decided to head in the general direction of Prime Time.

On the way, we sat for awhile and watched a showing of Disney Channel Rocks.


Then we went to the restaurant and checked in. We were starving, but they said they would seat us once we were all here. So while I kept an eye out for Dave, Becky ordered herself a virgin daiquiri at the Tune In Lounge.
Finally, he arrived, and our feast began!

Our “uncle” seemed exhausted, but he still got into his role and was quite attentive. I just wish we’d been seated next to a TV, because it doesn’t really feel like the Prime Time Café unless you’re next to a TV.

I believe David ordered the meatloaf, but I didn’t get a picture of it. I ordered the fried chicken.


It was good, but a little too greasy for my taste. I also ordered a cherry coke, which was delicious, but a bad idea. I don’t drink a lot of carbonated beverages, so for some reason I tend to forget that there’s an actual reason for it: carbonated beverages make me feel ill. They make my stomach gurgle, and combined with greasy food, I was not feeling that well. Sad Rachel! :sick: I guess it's just my body's way of telling me to eat healthier.

Rebekah ordered the chicken ceaser salad.


She liked the salad, but she found the chicken hard to chew, and ate a couple of bites before she gave up. I wanted her to get some protein, so she also ordered a side of mac and cheese. Our uncle brought it to her saying, “I just want you to be happy.” She ate all of it and liked it, so I was very satisfied too. He was also kind enough to take off the price of the chicken from our bill, without any of us even bringing it up! The food might not always be the greatest, but I do love the service.

Overall, though, I wouldn’t rate my experience there very high. If I go again, I’ll probably order something else. I ate at Mama Melrose’s a couple of months before, and really preferred that. It was quieter, and the food was better.

We got a picture all together!


I swear, my arms are not that fat in real life. Also, please note my grown-upness in paying the bill. Our uncle made sure everyone thanked me for picking up the tab (of course, I was reimbursed by my dining companions! You just can't split checks on TiW).

Since I wasn’t feeling well from the food and drink combo, and Rebekah was winding down from the sun, I offered our Fastpasses to Dave, and we bid farewell for now. We decided to head back to the hotel for a nap, a trip to Downtown Disney, and hopefully a return to HS later for Fantasmic!

Up next, the rest of day one!
Great pics!! We haven't done the Pooh M&G at DHS yet. I've seen the set and the bees shaking the bee hive though.

That was great that they were able to add one more to your ADR!

I know what your sister means about the chicken. That happens often to me with those chicken strips in salads. In fact, dh and I were just talking about that at the F&W festival yesterday. I was afraid to try things where the meet could be tough or fatty. That was great that he took it off the bill.

I tried a ginger lemonade after reading your TR. I could still taste too much of that pomegranate lemonade taste. You're right, it's definately better tasting than the pomegranate lemonade alone.
First, I want to quickly mention something I forgot last entry. That first morning, we discovered our coffee maker was broken. I called the front desk and they said they would send another one shortly. So I took a shower, thinking it’d be awhile before it came. I got out of the shower and voila! There it was! New, pretty coffee maker. Then they sent another. Which we didn’t need, but such service!

After as full a day as we could get at Hollywood Studios, we headed back to the hotel. This little creature was awaiting us in the bathroom!


Becky took a nap while I sat by the pool and did some homework (i.e. read a very dense academic article while wishing I could just be swimming). I took some time to call my mother, who advised me to keep an eye on Becky’s spending, since she is, shall we say, not the most frugal with her limited funds.

After Becky woke up we took the boat to Downtown Disney. We spent a great deal of time walking around World of Disney (which is even bigger than it looks!). There, Becky purchased a Jasmine doll for our stepsister (age 6), a Tinkerbell doll for herself, and very nearly bought an Aurora doll for the same friend she bought the ornament for, but that one I had to say no to. She also bought herself a Tinkerbell travel mug, which turned out to be a very useful purchase! (dun dun dun)

We were also seeking a wallet for Rebekah, as her current wallet was boring and stupid and falling apart. The whole of World of Disney only had two that she liked, so they suggested TrenD, which was a cool store, but only had the same two wallets. So she picked the one she liked better, and I got it for her. I just wish they’d had more variety!

Being rather DTD illiterate, I didn’t realize that we could take the water taxi from one side to the other. I know! I was surprised at my ignorance too. So we walked to the Harley store. Our dad loves Harleys. If he could marry a Harley, he would (it’s true. He’s told us). He has a Harley credit card, and for this privilege he also receives chrome cash, which is a currently only taken by the Harley stores. His goal in life is to get a T-shirt from as many Harley stores as possible (with the names of the locations on them to prove that someone was there, of course), even if he didn’t actually visit that location, per se. For example, he has never been to Cairo, Egypt, or Cheltenham, England. But the T-shirts with an old bearded man riding a motorcycle that say “Cairo” and “Cheltenham” must make him look very traveled and sophisticated.

So, we used his chrome cash and bought him a Harley shirt, thereby fulfilling our daughterly obligations, and our trip to DTD for this trip.
As you may have noticed, there are no pictures of Downtown Disney. We were too busy shopping to take pictures, I guess. Instead, here is a picture of Steven Stamkos that I took at the Lightning game a couple weekends ago.


Isn’t he dreamy?

After we’d brought the purchases to the hotel room, we went to Sassagoula Floatworks and Food Factory for dinner. I ordered pepperoni pizza and beignets, and Becky ordered a shrimp salad. I liked the food, but I do agree that there should be more variety. Still, it was quiet, and I actually like the atmosphere!

I didn’t get any pictures of the food, so here is a picture of a drawing I did of Ursula while I waited for Becky to finish her meal.


It didn’t win the coloring contest. I included my age cause all the other kids were doing it too.

I was too full to finish my beignets just yet (and Becky wouldn’t help me finish them), so I got a to go box. And made many employees at HS jealous when they asked what was in it.

After that, it was time for Fantasmic!

Rebekah was reluctant to go, but I knew she would love it, so I convinced her that she wouldn’t even have to walk much. We went back to HS, got a new wheelchair, and then headed straight for the theater. We still had, I think between 30-45 minutes until showtime.

On the way there, a man was pushing his wife, who had sprained her ankle a few days before, in a wheelchair. We decided to race. I think we won.

The CM’s asked Rebekah to transfer out so that the wheelchair seats could be used by immobile guests. They still seated us in the handicapped section though. They were high up (I think second to last from the top), but every spot is a good view, plus they were reserved, so I’m not complaining!

I ducked into the bathroom quickly before the show, and came back to learn a valuable lesson. Helping Becky curb her spending habits is not as easy as it seems. I was gone for five minutes, tops, probably less. In that time, Becky flagged over one of the knickknack salespeople, and paid $10 for a small plastic light-up Tinkerbell.


Let’s just let that sink in. I know Disney is expensive. I don’t pretend that I’m not happily handing over several hundred dollars of my own money every year to feed this habit. I don’t pretend that food, drink, and basic items are about 453904854x more expensive there than they are anywhere else. But this Tinkerbell, no more than a few inches high, and serving no sort of soul or body-nourishing purpose, was $10.

I’m probably making too big a deal out of it.

But it’s $10. And all I did was literally turn my head, and she bought it.
I feel kind of like I failed to teach her some valuable lesson, like, “Maybe, if you have already spent a lot of money on yourself and others in one day, it’s a good idea to carefully evaluate further purchases.”

Like I said, too big a deal. Still, something about the purchase irks me. I try very, very hard not to act like her mom, but spending wisely is one of the few lessons about life I’ve been asked to impart on her.

It’s a personal thing. Let’s move on.

As reluctant as Becky was to come back to the park, she loved the show. Sadly, we only captured one picture of the experience.


We left a bit early, during the showboat, to beat the crowds, but there wasn’t a whole lot to see after that, I think.

On the way back to the entrance we were challenged, this time by an older man’s wife, to another wheelchair race.

No joke.

We returned to our hotel after witnessing a girl throwing a tantrum at the bus stop over absolutely nothing (also no joke), and had a lovely night’s sleep.

Where should we go tomorrow?
Thanks for the updates! Sorry your food at 50's Prime Time was only so-so. I love the chicken pot pie there, but it is definately more about the ecperience than the food, so if you didn't get a good "uncle" it's just not as fun. I have still never managed to see Fantasmic.:confused3 It is on my must-do list for this trip. Hoping to be able to hit Osborne lights right after. 38 days, not that I'm counting or anything:rolleyes1 I can't wait for your next update!
I'm so bad at this, but I promise I'm updating as frequently as I can! In Disney-related news, I'm really excited to be skipping out of work a tad early tomorrow (with the boss's permission, of course), to see Sugar Ray at Epcot! Any countries I just have to get some F&W food/drinks from?

Our second day is at the park that started it all: The Magic Kingdom!

I dragged poor Becky out of bed rather early, again. But today we skipped breakfast because we would be heading to a wonderful MK breakfast spot…

The Crystal Palace!

But not before watching a great rope drop show, of course. While we were waiting for it to start, Becky said that this woman looks exactly like me:


I don’t see it.

Also, here are some pictures of rope drop!






After that it was straight to CP for a 9:15 reservation. We were seated pretty quickly.

Before we went to fill our plates with delicious food, our first visitor was Eeyore!



You’ll notice a trend here. I had a tendency to close my eyes a lot that morning.

Anyway, as some on the boards have commented, the plates were really small. I didn’t mind. I have small plates at home and it helps me with portion control. Here it helped me to pace myself a bit. Although I do worry that smaller plates=more dishwashing=not as good for the environment. But things like this are often a toss-up.

We both ordered orange juice, and I believe Becky also got coffee (she’s a big coffee drinker. I can’t have more than one cup or I start bouncing off the walls). This was her first plate:


And this was mine:


So yummy! I’m making myself jealous of myself. I ended up going back for seconds, but Becky didn’t. At first I was worried that she wasn’t feeling well, but she’d had a yogurt before we left to keep her strength up, and for her tiny frame this is still a lot of food.

Next, we got a visit from Pooh!



I closed my eyes on that one, so let’s try again…


Perfect! That’s not terrifying at all!

Tigger was next, and, if I do say so myself, my best picture of the morning.



Next was Piglet. You’ll notice how it’s never too early in the morning for my eyeliner to smudge.



Please also note how Rebekah always looks awesome in these pictures without fail.

Before we left, I also took some pictures of the topiaries in the front.





I will say we had a good time, but it was very pricy for how little we ended up eating. Still, if you want an air conditioned place where you don’t have to stand in line to meet with four different characters, I guess you have to be willing to pay for it. ;)

Next, it’s time to finally get to some rides! But first, a little detour, or two…
After a filling breakfast with Pooh and friends, we headed over to Adventureland. On our way there, we passed Peter Pan in the little alcove next to the bridge. Ariel and Eric were under the awning next to Tinkerbell’s nook, and it seemed that Peter and Eric had some sort of rivalry going on! On our way over, we saw Ariel leaning over the railing and yelling something to Peter. Apparently, this was making Eric quite jealous, because when we went to see Ariel and Eric, Eric asked us if we’d also been to see, “That guy,” and pointed with his thumb. When we said no, he said, “Good.” :rotfl2:

You can tell this picture was taken with my phone, because it is terrible. I was deliberately smiling and keeping my eyes open because there tends to be a delay. I ended up just looking like a crazy person.


Next we went to Tinkerbell’s nook. It was so pretty I took a picture of just the background.


Rosanna was there to greet us first, and insisted that Becky make her a purse with flowers, just like hers.


Tinkerbell was an absolute sweetie as well.


After that we headed over to do the usual Adventureland attractions. We aren’t big on the magic carpets and the treehouse was closed (thank goodness. It’s such a bore), so I believe our first stop was the Jungle Cruise.
Becky enjoyed it. It’s one of my favorite rides, though the skippers can be hit or miss. I think I wasn’t too impressed with this one. Or maybe I was. Who knows? Becky liked it, which is the whole point.

After that, if I recall correctly, we then went to the Enchanted Tiki Room. It was my first time attending since they FINALLY got rid of Zazu and Iago. I know it was due to the whole fire thing, but good lord. As my mother said when I told her, “It was always stupid. At least now it’s nostalgic stupid. That’s a little better.” :hippie:

My once-brave sister who used to go on the Haunted Mansion during the period where I was actually too scared to (no lie), had to practically be dragged onto Pirates of the Caribbean after that.

After Adventureland, we skipped over the rides in Frontierland and headed straight for my home-away-from-home, the Haunted Mansion!

We didn’t get any pictures of it, but this is one I took a couple of months ago. I don’t know how I got it to do that, but it was awesome.


It was fun, as it always is, and we got to bypass that awful, awful loading area (which, if you ask me, is a fire hazard waiting to happen), and went in through the exit.

Unfortunately, we did have a bit of a mishap when it was discovered that Becky had left her water bottle on the ride, and staff were unable to find it. I’d like to think that the ghosts have made good use of it. She wanted to use this as an excuse to buy a new one, but I reminded her that we also had the Tinkerbell mug she’d bought the day before. Plus, a quick call to Mom revealed that she’d prepared for just this occasion and packed an extra one somewhere in Becky’s suitcase. So, no new fancy water bottle for Becky. Just a bottle of Dasani.

I know, I agree. Our lives are so interesting. ;)

We went on some Fantasyland rides next. First, we got Fastpasses for Winnie the Pooh, then we did Small World, PhilharMagic, and Snow White.
Just in time for some lunch! Becky loves taco salads, so we headed on over to Pecos Bill’s. She got the taco salad, natch, and I got the burger, but I kinda wish I’d gotten the taco salad. I’ve had both and I prefer the salad.
Pecos Bill’s is one of my favorite counter service places, food wise, but man, does it take FOREVER to get your food there. I swear, it was after the lunch rush, and I must have waited at least 15 minutes, maybe 20. There has to be a better system than this! :headache:

Food was good though. :thumbsup2

After lunch, we went and used our Pooh Fastpasses. Fun ride, as always. After, Becky decided to purchase a piglet plushie. Now, up until now, we’d been using my AP to get a discount on all our purchases. Wasn’t sure the first time if it was cool, but nobody batted an eyelash, and we’d done it five times or so since our trip started. But this time, the lady behind the counter said that we couldn’t do it. Okay, maybe the others had just been a little lax on the policy. So I asked Becky if she would give me some cash and I would pay for it.

Saleslady: It has to be your money. The cash can’t change hands in front of me.

Let me be clear and say that I understand if we were breaking policy earlier by using it on Becky’s purchases. But it can’t change hands? Really? That just seems so…silly. Am I crazy? Does anyone else think that? Please, I want to know if this makes me a jerk or not. :confused3

Then it was off to Tomorrowland! We got us some Buzz Fastpasses and did Monsters Inc. I think that was one of Becky’s favorite attractions the whole trip. We also went on Stitch, which is an attraction I happen to love (despite the fact that most people seem to hate it), but Becky wasn’t a fan. She was right on board, until the “tickle” part. :rolleyes1

Then, time to use the Fastpasses for Buzz! I don’t remember our scores, but for two girls who can’t aim for crap, they were pretty decent. Maybe the TSM practice the day before helped. ;)

Becky was getting tired, but asked what else there was to do. The only other thing I’d thought she’d enjoy was the princesses at Town Square, so I mentioned that. She loved that idea, so off we went!

First we met with Aurora.


Then Belle.


And finally Cinderella! Who, by the way, actually recognized my tattoo, and called over her handler and Photopass person to look at it. Talk about making my day! :goodvibes


After that, it was back to French Quarter for some much needed rest, a dip in the pool, and dinner! My next post will cover all that, plus some awesome pictures of the Electrical Parade!
Loving your character pictures!

The fairies are taller than you! I thought I was the only adult who this happens to!!

For most of our purchases, they have been asking for ID and matching it up to the name on the pass.
That's totally weird about the whole cash changing hands, you can't use your discount deal. I've had cash handed to me plenty of time to use my discount, and I've never had a problem with a CM.

Yummy, yummy, Crystal Palace! Breakfast buffets are the absolute best. :goodvibes
Loving your character pictures!

The fairies are taller than you! I thought I was the only adult who this happens to!!

For most of our purchases, they have been asking for ID and matching it up to the name on the pass.

I know, I'm very short!

That's totally weird about the whole cash changing hands, you can't use your discount deal. I've had cash handed to me plenty of time to use my discount, and I've never had a problem with a CM.

Yummy, yummy, Crystal Palace! Breakfast buffets are the absolute best. :goodvibes

I know, isn't it odd?

Will update soon, guys! This weekend was ultra busy because I went to my mom's wedding, and now I'm catching up on homework!
We had a good little dip in the pool. I wish I’d gone down the slide more than once, but it looked like it was mostly little kids using it, and I didn’t want to be the creepy older person using their slide. :confused3

We had a light dinner. Becky ate some stuff from the fridge, and I bought a gumbo from the food court. It was yummy! :thumbsup2

After that, we headed over back to MK. We found a very prime viewing spot in the handicapped section, which, I must say, is quite the blessing for handicapped families.

I do like the Main Street Electrical Parade, but I did always prefer Spectro Magic. I really, really hope they bring it back. Pretty please with a cherry on top? :angel:

I’d taken pictures of previous parades, so Becky took all of these. As usual, she was reluctant to return to the park because she was feeling more like she wanted to watch TV, but she was very, very glad she didn’t skip this one.

I'll break the photos up into a few threads to make it easier.














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