CruisingCA is back to WISHing....

Hi everyone!! I'm back! I've been exercising almost daily for the past week & a half. I can't let work get in the way of working out anymore so I've been getting up earlier to workout. Sometimes I only exercise for 30 minutes but I do feel better.

I've signed up for the April challenge and the Summer challenge. Trying to meet my goals in the challenges and posting on the WiSH boards really help me.

Tasha - wow only 33 more days until the big day!!!
I couldn't sleep last night....DS did something naughty - well worse than naughty and I kept thinking about it last night because I feel upset, disappointed, sad, and p***ed off. Thank goodness we're not busy at work right now so I'm back to my 9-2 schedule. I'm planning to take a nap when I get home and then have a good, long workout. I tried waking up early & working out this morning. I did 20 minutes of Cathe's Rhythmic step workout when I stopped the dvd & just didn't feel like doing anymore.

What I've eaten today: 1 hard boiled egg and a pink lady apple for breakfast. Trail mix for a morning snack. Trader Joe's reduced fat shrimp & surimi louie salad with fat free catalina dressing (instead of the dressing that came with the salad) for lunch.

Exercise: 20 minutes of Cathe's Rhythmic Step (so far)....I'll either be exercising or doing some a** kicking (DS's) this afternoon. LOL...just kidding. I think I'll do 45 minutes-1 hour of step with intensity blasts then I'll do some weightlifting.
More Exercise: I did 45 minutes of step aerobics and about 10 minutes of weight training. I ordered some new Ryka Rhythm aerobics shoes online for $40 (regularly $95) because I heard that they're really good for high intensity exercises.

More Food: I had a California Almond Cafe Twist for my afternoon snack and a greek salad with shrimp for dinner.

More about the child who's an angel 99% of the time: I cannot dwell on DS's mistake. It's not easy being a parent but I do the best that I can and DH is a good father to the kids. We've talked to DS & he understands why we're so disappointed in him and that there are consequences for his actions. It was nice to talk to my mother today & hear her say that she thinks that we've made the right decision. I can't believe I'm becoming more and more like her. LOL.
Welcome back to the Journals RaeAnn,

We've missed you around hear. Great job getting back to the exercise. You are right, even 2 minutes can help you feel better.

As for DS, well kids will dissappoint us occasionally. The fact that he realalizes he made a mistake and accepts the conseqene shows that you are doing a great job raising him. Let's face it, we all did stupid things growing up, and how we handled them help make us the adults we are today.
Thanks Beth!

It sure does feel great to be back to WiSHing. Exercise just isn't the same without coming here to post!

Exercise: Cathe's Kick Punch & Crunch workout....without the "crunch". I haven't received my stability ball yet so I skipped the ab workouts on the stability ball. I feel like I'm getting back into the groove of things.

Food: Apple, an egg, and a bowl of Lucky Charms for breakfast. Trader Joe's Cobb salad for lunch. I'm going to have a salad and chicken for dinner.

Other Stuff: I tried on the 2 bathing suits that I ordered for our upcoming cruise again. It's only been 2 weeks but I'm starting to notice slight improvements already. Maybe I won't have to worry about using my coverups all the time. I'm getting sooooooooo excited about the cruise - if only Disney Cruise Line would give us more info about the West Coast cruises I'd be able to plan a little better.
Hi Rae Ann!!

I confess that I haven't caught up on your journal....yet, but I promise I will. ::yes::

You asked in my journal about the article I read linking dreaming and depression. Here's a link:

This site has a long multi-webpage article on depression but this particular page is where they talk about the stress/dream/depression cycle.

Hope it helps!
Thanks for the link Doreen....

Exercise: I did a little more than half of Cathe's Intensity Max today. Exercise minutes for the April Challenge: 35.

I would have exercised longer but I wanted to take a shower, eat lunch, and rebrush my teeth before going to the dentist. I had my last wisdom tooth extracted today and a crown put on a cracked tooth. My jaw hurts from "opening wide" but with a little ibruprofen, I'll be fine.

Food: I've went off plan today after I ate a Jumbo Jack with cheese. :teeth: I feel no guilt especially since I'll only have soup for dinner.

The weathers been great here in Southern California... :sunny:
Exercise: Saturday - no exercise (recovering from my wisdom tooth extraction). Sunday - walking around Disneyland/CA Adventure. I'll count it as 1 hour of walking because I kept up a good pace often leaving DH behind. Monday - Cardio Kick class at the gym at work. Exercise minutes for April's challenge: 155.

Food: Breakfast - Oatmeal, hard boiled egg, pear. Lunch - Steak Tips Portabello and Broccoli Lean Cuisine (180 calories, total fat 7g, dietary fiber 3g) and a banana. Snack - 2 pieces of red vines.
More Exercise: I did half an hour of weight training to Cathe's Pure Strength. Today's target areas are chest, shoulders, and triceps. I'm going to follow a 12 week shape-up workout that I found in "Hers" magazine.

Weight Training
Days 1 & 5: Chest, Shoulder, Triceps
Days 2 & 6: Back, Biceps, Abs/Core
Days 3 & 7: Legs (quads/gultes/hams)
Day 4: Rest

The program says to do no more than 3 sessions of cardio per week. I like doing cardio and I'm not sure if I want to drop my cardio sessions to 3 sessions per week. I'm going to do a little more research before I start cutting down on cardio.

I'll continue to journal my daily exercise and food intake in my WISH journal.

"Keep a record of what you eat & how you feel. - Write down the time of day, approximate portion sizes and other details such as your emotional state and how hungry you feel. Doing this helps you to be more aware of not only what you're eating but when, where, and why." - Michelle Basta Boubion, "Better Body Blueprint", Hers Magazine, March 2005.

April Exercise Challenge Minutes: 185
Exercise: Step class at the gym at work. Weight training for my biceps and back. Tonight when I go home I'll do Cathe's Core Max #1.

Food: Breakfast - 1 scoop of Designer Whey Protein with 1 cup 2% milk (90 calories, 1.5 g fat, <1 dietary fiber), 1 egg, 1 banana.
Lunch - fish & rice, pear

I'm in the process of writing down all my workouts for the next 3 months.

April Exercise Challenge: 265 minutes
Exercise: This morning I did the leg workout from P90X's Legs and Back dvd. This afternoon I did 3 sets of squats and 1 full set (1 set on each side) of 80/20 squats (with my 25 pound barbell), and 2 full sets of step ups holding 8 pound dumbbells. Later I did Cathe's Core Max workout #1 (the one without any exercise equipment).

I'm getting more & more written down in my workout calendar. I'm following the 3 day rotation and 1 day of rest rotation of weight training. On my days off of weights, I'll do cardio with more intensity. On the days that I do leg exercises, I don't do cardio but I'll do either stretching or yoga.

April Exercise Challenge: 335 minutes

Yummy yummy in my tummy tummy: Breakfast - scrambled eggs, protein drink. Lunch - grilled fish tacos, rice, beans, chips & salsa. Yum! I did exercise some portion control..... Skipped the margarita too! LOL. Snack - protein drink, 4 chicken in a biscuit crackers. Dinner - grilled chicken salad with a little goat cheese. Lots & lots of water to drink.
Hi, Rae Ann! Looks like you are back on track with your exercise! Great job! :)
RaeAnn is back!

You are doing great with the exercise. I'm impressed you skipped the Margarita today. I LOVE margaritas.

Keep up the great work,
Thanks for visiting my journal Tasha & Beth!

I wasn't able to post in my journal yesterday because my FIL had to go to the hospital. He has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) which he probably got from smoking over 50 years but when they took an xray, he also has slight pneumonia. My MIL - is useless in emergency situations because she's a nervous wreck and she can't make up her own mind anyway. (LOL - the woman can't even decide what she wants to eat at restaurants). Soooo I was busy last night calling the paramedics and getting everything together for her. The good news is that FIL will be okay in a few days.

Exercise: Thursday: 1/2 an hour of cardio (day off from weights). Friday: 45 minutes of weight training - chest, shoulders, & triceps. My arms are still quivering and it feels good!! I'm starting to see definition in my legs and arms and I'm losing the "back fat".

Mail call!!! Did I ever tell you guys that I'm queen of internet shopping & the UPS & Fedex guys know me well? I got 2 packages today. Anyway, I got my new spri stability ball today. I also got a new exercise outfit - a cute black & pink pair of shorts & a pink top. I told DH that if I'm going to exercise on the cruise, I'm gonna look good! :rotfl: I've been using the "for the cruise" excuse quite a bit lately. :teeth:

April Exercise Challenge: 410 minutes so far and only 1090 minutes to go!

Food: I can't really remember everything I've eaten in the past 2 days. Other than a few Chicken in a biscuit crackers yesterday - I think I ate 4 of them, I was on plan yesterday. Today: I was on plan today except for 3 pieces of red vines. I'm not going to sweat it 'cause my activity points should cover the little indulgences. I actually feel good about how I've been eating because I'm not really denying myself anything and I'm doing sooooooooo much better with portion control.

I need to go drink a glass of water so I'll check back in the journals a little later.....
I've been trying to straighten up the house before my mother comes tomorrow night....then I'll have to rearrange 2 of the bedrooms in the next 3 weeks because I just ordered bunk beds for DS's room so I'll have to put the computer desk in our room. Time to stock up on my Bed Bath & Beyond 20% off coupons so I can buy new bedding for the bunk beds.

DH went to go pick up his dad from the hospital. I can't BELIEVE my MIL. She's upset that DH went to pick FIL up so he can't drive her to a party. I told her - "What's more important, picking up dad from the hospital or going to a party?" Then she says - I told those people I'd be there and dad wasn't supposed to get out until tomorrow. OMG!!! Get your priorities straight woman!!

Exercise: Saturday - 45 minutes of weight training & core work. Sunday - Intermediate step class at 24 hour fitness and 40 minutes of weight training. Tomorrow is my day of from weights. :cool1:

Food: I've been doing pretty good with my food choices lately.... I did have a few tortilla chips today but I'm doing okay. I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods today and picked up a lot of veggies, fruit, and fish. I'll still need to go to Albertson's (our usual supermarket) to pick up other essentials because Whole Foods gets pretty pricey and I don't need everything "organic".

I've been downloading some music from iTunes. My choices today included a few songs from Joss Stone and Gwen Stefani.
Exercise: Cardio Kick class today! I'd say I did the class at 95% of my usual effort because I was trying not to toot...... I switched from 2% milk to 1% milk and unfortunately it's not sitting well with my stomach. Maybe it was the jumping involved but geez Louise - my kids weren't there to blame the toot on!!

April Exercise Challenge: 410 + 45 (saturday) + 100 (sunday) + 60 (monday) = 615 minutes/1500

Breakfast - oatmeal/oatbran, part of a hard boiled egg (DD took the rest of it but didn't want to eat the "chick" <----the yolk), protein shake.
Snack - banana.
Lunch - cajun catfish salad, apple. I broiled some catfish with cajun spices last night, sooooo yummy.
Snack - tooo many tortilla chips. I ate about 3/4 of the bag which has 4 servings in it. Each serving is 140 calories. Whew...
Dinner - chicken fajita pita from Jack in the Box.
Snack - don't know yet....

Happy Monday everyone!
Hi, Rae Ann! Wow, you are doing incredible on your exercise this month! You should meet your challenge goal without a problem it looks like. Have a great day!


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