Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

Hi, Chris! I hope you are feeling better. I have been worried about you and just wanted you to know you are on my mind. Sending a :hug: and :wizard: !

Sorry everyone, I have just been incredibly busy the last couple of days. Tuesday night I went an annual meeting/dinner for the economic development corp in our county and then went grocery shopping (2 hours!!!!). Wednesday night I did get to Jazzercise and hadn't been in a week because of not feeling well and my legs are STILL killing me. But I'm going tomorrow regardless! Last night I had a Habitat board meeting and didn't get home until 10:30pm.

Food has been okay. I gained half a pound but didn't mark anything because of it. Today I'm back down that half a pound, to what I was on Tuesday. I had my CT scan yesterday on my neck and see the ENT on Tuesday. Quick and painless.

This weekend may be a big challenge for me but I'm going to stick to it no matter what. Tomorrow I'm going to go workout and then I need to work at the Habitat office for a few hours. Nothing planned in the afternoon/evening right now. Sunday I have a baby shower to attend so I won't be working out. I'm going to try to be very good. I was really good at a staff lunch we had on Wednesday, I ate an orange during lunch before I had a very small small small sliver of a cake that was to die for. No Super Bowl parties here - not a big football fan. But I'm thinking of making lasagna for dinner on Sunday. I've been hungry for it.

So that's about it in a nutshell. Oh, and I am beginning to feel better. The air is very dry at work and I need to get a filter for my vaporizer that I have in my office. I am still a bit stuffy but I'm not as plugged as I was. Wednesday night at Jazzercise I was moving so much that my nose was almost running as much as my body was - that was a good thing but hard to keep it blown when you're working out (and drink water).

Hope everyone else is doing well. Thanks for checking in - I really appreciate it. I'm very psyched about the Lose 5 challenge this month and I don't really know why. But that's a good thing! I did get another compliment from a staff member yesterday, she said she had wondered about whether she should say something to me and then decided to. She was worried that something was wrong with me (being sick or something) that was causing me to lose all this weight and I said no, it was just time. She was so funny - and she is such a great person. It was really nice.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm hoping to finally find some time to get to some journals this weekend - I am sooooooo far behind and I feel horrible.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
I am glad to hear you are feeling better!

And how great that the compliments keep rolling in. You are doing such a great job, you deserve all the attention! :thumbsup2
Just wanted to drop you a note here. I've read some of your journal. WOW are you busy! I am amazed at how you keep up with all that you have to do and still manage to take the time for your weight loss efforts! :cheer2: You are definitely gonna be a big inspiration for me! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:
Hi Chris,

Glad to hear that you are feeling better.....that is some nasty stuff going around!!!

I know that you can stick to it this weekend. I may have posted this before, but I heard that if you are craving something that you should have not, do something with your hands for 15-20 minutes and that should make the craving go away! Don't really know if this is true, but hey it's worth a try!

Hope you had a great day! Keep it up
Today was pretty okay. Dh and I went for chinese for lunch and I was so full that I didn't get a snack in this afternoon, which was a good thing. BUT the plus is that I felt really good tonight when I got home - I had lots of energy and my ring was fitting loser - it's almost there!!!! I was totally surprised because of what I had for lunch. Maybe they didn't put as much salt in it today.

I came to a very scary reality tonight - one that has been hitting my mind the last few days and I know of you have experienced this already. Britt is a sophomore and in their school they take a practice ACT test when they are a freshman and twice when they are sophomores. She got a piece of mail the other day from a college in our state. I just checked her old email address (she changed email addresses and she asked me to go in and check her old address and forward anything that is important) and there were 25 different colleges with information for her (and they were valid). But the piece that hit me is she just has less than 2 1/2 years and she'll be in college. I think I'm beginning to have separation anxiety ROFL. There are a lot of things I'm afraid of when she goes to college and they are now just hitting me, better now I guess. I know this is going to get better, these feelings, but it was weird that is just all of sudden hit. The reality that in less than 2 years she will be 18 (and able to make her own decision about seeing her real dad - long and bad story), that in just a year we will be making college visits, that she's really truly growing up.

Okay - sap is over. Thanks for letting me babble that out.
Have a good night
I know it is sad that your DD is growing up, but you need to take this time and enjoy it all you can! I had a blast looking at colleges with my mom and even though I know it was sad for her when I left (I moved out the summer after graduation and never lived at home again) there were lots of visits and phone calls. You should start thinking of some hobbies to take up now so you have something to keep you occupied when the time comes. Of course this is easy for me to say since my kids are 9 and 6 - I could be a blubbering wreck in 9 years... I am just trying to be helpful! :blush:

I'm glad to hear your ring is fitting looser. Keep it up! :cheer2:
Thanks Amy.

Well today was, let's just say, is over!!!! And I'm feeling it. I wasn't bad until dinner. I made lasagna and overdid it, big time. I'm afraid I'm going to have a 2 pound gain in the morning. I don't know if I'll even get on the scale. Maybe I just need to not worry about it and let it slide off my back. But I can't eat anything else tonight and I'm going to be hungry later. I could so kick myself. I did have a salad before I ate the lasagna. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

I did go workout today and it was a good hard workout. And then I went and ran errands and worked at the Habitat office a couple of hours so that kept me away from food. TOM is on it's way and I am now seeing a pattern. My food cravings, no matter what they are, hit around the week before. And they've been hitting. I have been trying to reach for more fruits and veggies to substitute the junk but today it didn't work as well. After I had my 3 fruits and veggies, I went for the junk and overate at dinner. Not much junk - I had a Reese's peanut butter heart that I got at Factory Card Outlet this afternoon (I took dd around to get job applications). But it's the mental part that I was thinking about junk!

So I'm going to go work on mind over matter - tell myself I'm not really hungry and drink some more water! And go to bed soon because I'm getting tired - that will help!

Hope everyone had a good day and has a good day tomorrow. I have a baby shower to go to and it was so much fun going shopping today. I decided to get the baby books because that is one memory that I love to think about with Britt - we loved to sit and read books. And I have some books that I really like still that I used when I worked in day care. So I am sharing some of our favorites and hope that they turn into their favorites too!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Things like lasagne are hard to resist. I bet you didn't do as much damage as you thought.

You will have a blast at the baby shower! DH and I were shopping for books for the kids for Valentine's Day and I was amazed to find all the Judy Blume and Encyclopedia Brown books that I used to read when I was in grade school. I can't wait for DD to be able to read those... Books are awesome gifts, I'm sure the new mommy will love them!

I hope you are able to find some healthy choices at the party! :cool1:
i hope you have a gerat time at the baby shower. i have so much fun looking at all of the baby stuff in the stores--now that i have a niece, i buy WAYYYYY to much!

its defintely hard when the cravings hit--dont worry about it, yesterday is OVER!
enjoy your day today!
Well, the scale was scary this morning when I got on. I was up a total of 2 pounds so far this month but I'm not changing any totals yet. I am already down that pound from yesterday (yes, I've been on the scale many times today - bad me). I'm going to go into the week with another new attitude and get this off.

The shower was very fun. In our invitations we received a card to put down some advice for the new parents and then we went around the room and read them. Then they asked us to give our most embarrasing moment with an advice factor to the new mom. Some of things were hilarious and very good.

She loved the books - several of us gave books and they were all great ones - ones I had used when I worked in day care and love. Eric Carle was the big hit today. And out of 6 of us that gave them books none of got the same one - that was pretty good.

I did pretty well today. I had a peaches fruit cup and orange for breakfast, 1 ounce of cashews for snack, 1/2 piece of lasagna for lunch, 8 carrots with 1 TBSP low fat dip. Then at the shower there was a fruit tray (I had a total of a cup of fruit) and a veggie tray (I had 5 carrots and 2 large cucumber slices). I did have a piece of cake - it was awesome. There also was punch but I didn't have any and there was chocolate and I didn't have any. Came home and had 3 squares of pizza and 6 pizza nuggets. I am going to have 1/2 cup of fat free frozen yogurt tonight because I'm getting chocolate cravings. I have to kick that. We were given a yummy piece of chocolate from the local confectionary that had a little baby face in with a blue "bonnet" and said "Welcome Baby ......". Very cute and it is going to be very yummy. I'm putting it in the freezer until after TOM passes. I have to.

Didn't get to journals again. I have a very busy week coming up so don't know if I'll make it. One of my things is I have to do our Habitat newsletter. We've been talking about sending a group to Louisiana or Mississippi to help with rebuilding houses and we have decided that we will be sending a group to Slidell in May. Unfortunately I can't go - I so want to go. I have a friend in Kenner and it just would mean the world to me to go, I am so heart-broken about this. My daughter is being confirmed over Memorial Day weekend and we have commitments the weekend before, the weekend we would get back and if we drive that would put me at missing it and I just can't. But I'm in charge of getting the word out and helping to raise funds to send 20 people. So that's my project the next couple of months, on top of loading a new database for our office. Maybe a miracle will happen and I'll be able to find some way to go.

Hope everyone had a good day - I'm not much of a football fan so not watching the Super Bowl. Did watch the halftime show and I think it's time for the Rolling Stones to retire!!!!! It was not great.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
You did great resisting all the sweets! Those extra lbs will come off in no time, they always do! :thumbsup2
Okay Amy - I'm sure you don't here this at home very often so here it goes - YOU WERE RIGHT!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I had ended up gaining 2.5 pounds this past weekend yesterday I lost 1.5 of those. I hadn't been writing my food down in sparkpeople for the last week and did it yesterday. I went over my calories by about 75 and hit my carbs right on the button. So I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. And the foods that I ate were low in fat. I didn't get to workout last night because I had a meeting and a presentation to go help at. Tonight I'm going and tomorrow night I'm going.

I have my followup ENT appt this afternoon. I'm very anxious to see what he has to say. The pain I've been experiencing has gone and come back in bits, not constant like it was. I have had this thing going on in my left ear off and for about a year that I can talk to him about today because I woke up in the middle of the night in deep pain - like has been happening in the past. When this happens and I touch my ear I feel liquid so I'm sure it's my ear draining. We'll see what he has to say.

Hope everyone has a great day - another busy one for me.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Woohoo!!! I love being right! :woohoo:

I hope you get the answers you are looking for at the Dr. :wizard:

I've been putting off posting because I guess I just want to but I knew I needed to. I did not get the news I was hoping to get yesterday at the ENT. I have a mass in my thyroid that is 3 X 2.6 X 1.5 cm in size. Also it appears there is something in the lymph nodes. I am waiting to hear when an ultrasound with needle biopsy will take place.

I was more then stunned, needless to say, when we were talking yesterday. He showed me the scans and he is going to consult with my normal physician on everything. So now I'm waiting to find out when I can schedule this.

Food went down the drain last night. I was doing okay until I got home from Jazzercise. But I lost another pound and now am only up .5 pounds from what I was last week. TOM arrives tonight/tomorrow - yipee!!!! :)

I sure could use some good thoughts and prayers if you don't mind.

You definitely have a lot on your plate right now. At least they have found something and can now get to the root cause of your problems. Hopefully it is something that can be cured with medicine. You are in my thoughts, hang in there! :grouphug:

Remember to watch the emotional eating. It is going to be extra hard for you until you get all those test results back. You are strong, you can do it! :cheer2:
Chris-you definitely have a lot going on--just make sure that you take care of yourself right now...
If you have any questions about the thyroid, let me know...Ive had tumors on my thyroid a few times , starting when i was 8 years old...if i dont know the answer, my mom will--she dealt with my med stuff when i was younger and she now has tumors on her thyroid..
But let me tell you, they can definitely turn out being benign...My parents were told that my tumors were most likely cancer, they ended up being pre-cancerous, but once removed, i had no problem..
LIke i said, let me know if you have any questions!
hang in there!
Chris, I'm praying all goes well. I have a friend who had the exact same results just over a year ago. They biopsied, removed and it was totally benign. They put her on some med and she's had no problem.

Hang in there. The waiting is the worst! I'll be praying!
Thanks everyone. The worst part has been talking about it. I've just got too many cancers in my family and, of course, the first thing was thoughts that scared me. But the more reading I did I found out that there's a higher chance of it being benign than being cancerous - but...

Thanks again everyone

TOM arrived today on schedule and with full force. I'm bloated and just feel icky. Love being a woman (yeah right sometimes).

Food was okay - I was up again today but I'm sure it was from the TOM bloat so I don't count it. It will be gone. I have increased my water and went to Jazzercise last night and really worked hard. Tonight is another meeting and then my meetings are almost done for the month. Have a couple this weekend.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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