Covid Fatigue

UGH. Ontario folks... feeling for you right now!!!
It's rough I know. I was expecting this to happen as numbers kept rising and ICUs were filling. The lack of vaccines isn't helping either.

Thank you! We're in for a very bumpy ride over the next month-ish. I'm waiting for the uprising that will happen soon, there are people who will not like what Ford is saying right now.

Agreed. I have already seen many people upset over playgrounds being closed
It's rough I know. I was expecting this to happen as numbers kept rising and ICUs were filling. The lack of vaccines isn't helping either.

Agreed. I have already seen many people upset over playgrounds being closed
and i understand! I cannot imagine living in a condo with my own kids and not being able to go to a park :(
and i understand! I cannot imagine living in a condo with my own kids and not being able to go to a park :(
It's unfortunate that it came to this. Again it's the few who ruin it for the rest of us. They even said it today, they had to close playgrounds due to the amount of people at them. It's fine to go outside but there is no need to pack places.
It’s definitely hard . I do daycare for three toddlers . Parks are an integral part of our day , every day. I am very careful to only stop at a park if nobody is there . We have three in walking distance and we always find an empty one. This one is going to be hard.
BUT ventilators are harder. And my nurse and doctor friends and family are running ragged and scared. I can do this . We all can .
and i understand! I cannot imagine living in a condo with my own kids and not being able to go to a park :(

No kidding! I take my grandkids to the park often but to be honest, we have vastly cut back our visits. No one makes their children wear a mask on the climbers. They are in close contact on there and can’t social distance so a mask should be a simple ask. It has surprised me. I would think parents would want their kids to stay safe while playing in close proximity to others. They can always take it off when they get off.
Thank you! We're in for a very bumpy ride over the next month-ish. I'm waiting for the uprising that will happen soon, there are people who will not like what Ford is saying right now.
I don't like this right now and I have friends who are concerned about how the police may abuse their new power. Especially towards POC. It's a scary time.
Grrrrrrr....still no sick pay. Let's increase the number of essential workers that will now be needed in warehouses to fill all these demands from the stuck at home shoppers but let's not keep them home when they have symptoms. Then let's send them home to their families that live in the areas with the highest density but lowest vaccine numbers.

I just don't get it.
Grrrrrrr....still no sick pay. Let's increase the number of essential workers that will now be needed in warehouses to fill all these demands from the stuck at home shoppers but let's not keep them home when they have symptoms. Then let's send them home to their families that live in the areas with the highest density but lowest vaccine numbers.

I just don't get it.
There is sick pay. The federal government is giving out $450 a week for days missed to Covid. They never promote that.
There is sick pay. The federal government is giving out $450 a week for days missed to Covid. They never promote that.

That sounds so easy but it isn't. They have to take the entire week off to be eligible ( so they aren't just going to take a day or so off to get a test in case it proves to be negative), have to apply online which doesn't work for a lot of the essential workers, and they have to wait two weeks to get paid. For a lot of essential workers, they can't afford to wait two weeks.
That sounds so easy but it isn't. They have to take the entire week off to be eligible ( so they aren't just going to take a day or so off to get a test in case it proves to be negative), have to apply online which doesn't work for a lot of the essential workers, and they have to wait two weeks to get paid. For a lot of essential workers, they can't afford to wait two weeks.
No it doesn't work for testing but from what I have heard is that's not the complaing. The complaint I hear is they can't afford to stay home if sick.

It is easy. You get the money right away as long as you have direct deposit which most do. $900 is more then most make on minimum wage for 2 weeks.
There is sick pay. The federal government is giving out $450 a week for days missed to Covid. They never promote that.

That is no good if you have a sore throat and want to take off two days to get tested and wait for results. That’s the problem. So people don’t go get tested and go to work instead.
No it doesn't work for testing but from what I have heard is that's not the complaing. The complaint I hear is they can't afford to stay home if sick.

It is easy. You get the money right away as long as you have direct deposit which most do. $900 is more then most make on minimum wage for 2 weeks.

Again. Not easy. Won’t help you out to stay home for a couple days. We need employer paid sick days for that.
That is no good if you have a sore throat and want to take off two days to get tested and wait for results. That’s the problem. So people don’t go get tested and go to work instead.
You would qualify for that. I just did it as I had to get tested due to a positive case at work. I had to wait 3 days to get tested and just got my results yesterday. You qualify as long as you work less the 50% of you shifts.
You would qualify for that. I just did it as I had to get tested due to a positive case at work. I had to wait 3 days to get tested and just got my results yesterday. You qualify as long as you work less the 50% of you shifts.

It is not the same as an employer continuing to pay you for for a couple days. With that it’s simple, no interruption in pay and you get exactly the same amount.

All they need to do is put back the requirement that employers need to provide a couple paid sick days. But they won’t because it will be admitting they were wrong when they cancelled it.

I know you think it’s simple. But clearly it doesn’t work for everyone because not a lot of people are applying for it and people continue to go to work sick. And it has been advertised plenty.

It’s time employers step up and do what’s right. And if they won’t do it voluntarily then it needs to be mandated
That sounds so easy but it isn't. They have to take the entire week off to be eligible ( so they aren't just going to take a day or so off to get a test in case it proves to be negative), have to apply online which doesn't work for a lot of the essential workers, and they have to wait two weeks to get paid. For a lot of essential workers, they can't afford to wait two weeks.
Actually, I work for the cra and you just have to make less rhan 50% of your average pay for the 2 week period to qualify
UGH. Ontario folks... feeling for you right now!!!

As bad as the added restrictions are.. they are not going to be enough to even put a dent in what is about to happen here. We have fallen behind the virus and it’s mutations and it will be a monumental task to get back on top of things.

I’m not talking doom & gloom... we’ve been being told for months that this would be the outcome if we didn’t take the situation more seriously. So many haven’t because covid fatigue is very real. So many mistakes and poor judgment calls have been made by our political leaders... open, close, open, close, open.... close some things leave others open. No wonder people aren’t compliant, they’re confused. It’s a nightmare.
I sat in my car on my lunch hour and listened to the provincial update, the science table projections are quite stark and scary. The Drs were just as dire. How did we ever get to this point... Drs soon having to triage ICU beds, deciding who gets the care and who is “expendable”. It’s horrifying.

We are past the point of being able to vaccinate our way out of this. It has to be a full court press.. masks, social distancing, sanitization, stay at home unless truly necessary to leave home.and we need more vaccines.
We have to get back to being diligent about these things because we’ve proven that when we do we do flatten the curve and lower the numbers.

Now to go back and catch up with the thread...
Actually, I work for the cra and you just have to make less rhan 50% of your average pay for the 2 week period to qualify

So if you just take 3 days off, it is unlikely that you are going to be making less than 50% of your average pay for the 2 week period (unless you only work 6 days in a 2 week period). Basically, you have to take off at least half of the time you would normally work in a two week period.

That is definitely not going to encourage people to take a precautionary couple of days to get tested.


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