Covid Fatigue

That sounds good!!!:teeth: I am not sure when they came out with the coconut dole whip but I just noticed today they had one. My daughter and I tried making a pineapple version last year and it was pretty good but just not the same. I was thinking about buying the dry dole whip mix, how was it!? Did you use a soft serve ice cream maker or a regular one? Since we can't go to Disney right now self serve Dole Whips all summer sounds good!:sunny:
I just bought a hamilton beach ice cream maker, it is the type that you throw the tub in the freezer and then when you are ready throw it in the machine with the mixer on the top. Takes about 30-40 mins to get it frozen in the mixer.

I purchased mine from softservemix in canada. I can't remember the cost of shipping I split an order with a friend. The only thing is you need to eat it fast because it does start to melt quickly. It just reminds me of being in the park trying to finish it before its all melted hehe..

We tried a few other flavors but pineapple is my favorite. I think we got lemon, lime, mango and pineapple.

I am going to make some tonight now that you all have me thinking about it... yummmmm
I just bought a hamilton beach ice cream maker, it is the type that you throw the tub in the freezer and then when you are ready throw it in the machine with the mixer on the top. Takes about 30-40 mins to get it frozen in the mixer.

I purchased mine from softservemix in canada. I can't remember the cost of shipping I split an order with a friend. The only thing is you need to eat it fast because it does start to melt quickly. It just reminds me of being in the park trying to finish it before its all melted hehe..

We tried a few other flavors but pineapple is my favorite. I think we got lemon, lime, mango and pineapple.

I am going to make some tonight now that you all have me thinking about it... yummmmm
Thanks so much I will have to check it out!!! Enjoy your Dole Whip tonight!!!
I just bought a hamilton beach ice cream maker, it is the type that you throw the tub in the freezer and then when you are ready throw it in the machine with the mixer on the top. Takes about 30-40 mins to get it frozen in the mixer.

I purchased mine from softservemix in canada. I can't remember the cost of shipping I split an order with a friend. The only thing is you need to eat it fast because it does start to melt quickly. It just reminds me of being in the park trying to finish it before its all melted hehe..

We tried a few other flavors but pineapple is my favorite. I think we got lemon, lime, mango and pineapple.

I am going to make some tonight now that you all have me thinking about it... yummmmm

Sounds like a great pandemic project! Home made ice cream :) I did pasta from scratch the other day. Desperate times, haha.
I just bought a hamilton beach ice cream maker, it is the type that you throw the tub in the freezer and then when you are ready throw it in the machine with the mixer on the top. Takes about 30-40 mins to get it frozen in the mixer.

I purchased mine from softservemix in canada. I can't remember the cost of shipping I split an order with a friend. The only thing is you need to eat it fast because it does start to melt quickly. It just reminds me of being in the park trying to finish it before its all melted hehe..

We tried a few other flavors but pineapple is my favorite. I think we got lemon, lime, mango and pineapple.

I am going to make some tonight now that you all have me thinking about it... yummmmm

We do exactly the same. We've got pineapple, orange, lemon, mango and lime(bleh on that one) and really enjoy them.
Sometimes I just stop and look around at everyone going about their daily routine with all these restrictions and it strikes me as bizarre at how quickly we’ve all adapted. It kind of feels like a Twilight Zone episode at times.
And I wonder how many of us will deal with going back into the soup at WDW esp crowded MK for fireworks. In past years, my only real worry was should I leave early so I don't have to wait over an hour for the bus back to the resort. I also had a few concerns with a false emergency and a terrified crowd of parents with kids and strollers stampeding to the gates. So once in a while if the crowd was huge and I started feeling sketchy about it, I would leave early and not stay to the end. After over a year with COVID and distancing, I wonder just how fun it's going to be standing cheek to cheek with thousands of strangers from around the globe. If a child sneezes or coughs, will I give up my spot and move back? My best guess is I won't wade into the big crowds at all and will hang back and watch from a distance. Think it will take many years to start feeling comfortable around masses of people again.
And I wonder how many of us will deal with going back into the soup at WDW esp crowded MK for fireworks. In past years, my only real worry was should I leave early so I don't have to wait over an hour for the bus back to the resort. I also had a few concerns with a false emergency and a terrified crowd of parents with kids and strollers stampeding to the gates. So once in a while if the crowd was huge and I started feeling sketchy about it, I would leave early and not stay to the end. After over a year with COVID and distancing, I wonder just how fun it's going to be standing cheek to cheek with thousands of strangers from around the globe. If a child sneezes or coughs, will I give up my spot and move back? My best guess is I won't wade into the big crowds at all and will hang back and watch from a distance. Think it will take many years to start feeling comfortable around masses of people again.
I think it depends.

For me personally, I have been working through this whole crazy time. At my full time job - main job, I work in my office. I have very little contact with others in the office, I don't have any contact with customers, and we have a good system set up with very little contact with people.

But my second - vacation fund/extra savings in case things get really really bad ( we have a healthy savings account for emergency fund use ) and my tolerance of people has had to be vastly different. People are ALWAYS in my space. They don't step back and let me or other associates move their piece of furniture. They will purposely walk in front of my while I'm putting out stock. They will LITERALLY be right behind me and put an arm around me to grab an item off the shelf, instead of asking to see said item. It is mind blowing how close people will get.

There are two extremes - either riding your butt, or keeping 20 feet from you. I am more comfortable in more crowded/confined areas than others. but...that is also because of my exposure to others.

I think it will take time for us to get acclimated to close proximity again.

I am hopeful that in places like Disney where you have such huge crowds, and then go into a ride like Haunted Mansion where they would cram as many people as they could (shoulder to shoulder) in the stretching room....they won't try to fit as many people in those areas anymore going forward.
And I wonder how many of us will deal with going back into the soup at WDW esp crowded MK for fireworks. In past years, my only real worry was should I leave early so I don't have to wait over an hour for the bus back to the resort. I also had a few concerns with a false emergency and a terrified crowd of parents with kids and strollers stampeding to the gates. So once in a while if the crowd was huge and I started feeling sketchy about it, I would leave early and not stay to the end. After over a year with COVID and distancing, I wonder just how fun it's going to be standing cheek to cheek with thousands of strangers from around the globe. If a child sneezes or coughs, will I give up my spot and move back? My best guess is I won't wade into the big crowds at all and will hang back and watch from a distance. Think it will take many years to start feeling comfortable around masses of people again.

I'm an introvert by nature, so some aspects of this have been great. Working from home? awesome! fewer people around when I go to the store? perfect. All the new ways to get things delivered or just put in the trunk so I can avoid going in the store in the first place? Fabulous. But I miss Disney, I miss going for coffee with my friends at work, and I miss being able to go for a walk and not feel like they should have made the sidewalks double the width. I almost wish I could go to Disney while all the social distancing is in place (though the masks would suck). But I won't go until it's safe and allowed again of course, without a two week quarantine getting home. And I guess I'll be getting used to the masks outside as well since that's starting here now, and will be required in the city parks. I haven't done it except when we've gone places that seem a bit too crowded, even some of the walking trails in the woods, it seems on a nice day, tonnes of people go. Last night we went to play basketball and drove to 3 courts before we found one that didn't have a dozen teens playing together.
Where are you?!!!
Based on the user name, I'm guessing Yellowknife!

I actually have an online friend who I have known for over 16 years who lives in YK. :flower3:
That's a long way north... (have you been there? :)

Sorry I missed the first two. So many posts on these threads. Yes I'm in Yellowknife. We got up to +6.5C yesterday and it was a huge slushy mess. Supposed to be about the same today again.
Sorry I missed the first two. So many posts on these threads. Yes I'm in Yellowknife. We got up to +6.5C yesterday and it was a huge slushy mess. Supposed to be about the same today again.
I expect the Great Slave Lake is still frozen over.....
Sorry I missed the first two. So many posts on these threads. Yes I'm in Yellowknife. We got up to +6.5C yesterday and it was a huge slushy mess. Supposed to be about the same today again.
I used to live in Hay River. I still have family in Hay River and Yellowknife.

I don't miss living there. It takes a certain person to live in the north...I can say...That is not me lol. You are a superstar for living there!!!!! :flower3: :cheer2:
I used to live in Hay River. I still have family in Hay River and Yellowknife.

I don't miss living there. It takes a certain person to live in the north...I can say...That is not me lol. You are a superstar for living there!!!!! :flower3: :cheer2:

Haha, the North is getting old but it has been a good place to be right now with the pandemic. Instead of our planned BC/Seattle camping road trip last summer to see the Blue Jays play the Mariners, we went to - Fort Prov and Hay River. It was nice to at least get out of town.
We've been to Alaska, but NW Territories is more inland, of course...

Not sure how the whole covid thing is going up there...
I'm not sure about Alaska, but the NWT is doing fine. Yukon gets a few cases occasionally, and Nunavut has had a couple outbreaks and had things under control until this week. They currently have an outbreak in Iqaluit with 1 case announced Thursday and 12 more announced today.


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