Covid And The Rest of Us

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:flower3: As I said up-thread, what happens in Australia will be very significant for the world. If your status holds; that says something about the approach. If, shortly after things open back up, cases emerge and rise again, IMO that will mean there is no way to "beat" Covid. And I agree with @Mackenzie Click-Mickelson - of course we all wish you well.

If any cases were missed which is Likely they will in time go up. It’s too hard to contract trace something they overlaps too many symptoms, especially allergies . Covid isn’t going away
Victoria's Chief Health Officer has been asked by authorities in Ireland to host a 'virtual town hall' with other European nations to discuss Victoria's response to our second wave. It'll be interesting to see what of our measures, if any, they decide to adopt. As I've stated previously, I don't think it is feasible for other places to get to the same point as Victoria; the numbers are too high and there are geographic and economic factors that make it impossible to lock down for long enough.

Day 10 of zero cases today. It is apparently usually 10-14 days before new cases are identified and it has been 12 days since retail and hospitality opened, so the next couple of days will be interesting.
:offtopic: Just popping in to say covid is no longer a thing here in the media or mindset here in Honduras, not that the virus is gone but the devastation of the hurricane means it gets to top spot in everything by way of news and resources. Death tolls as bodies are found and pulled out of rivers and homes taken by mudslides and flooding instead of cases and hospitalization numbers. Numbers of those rescued off rooftops and stranded where the roads or bridges are wiped out without access to where is needed for food or medical services. They did not even take the time to give us the numbers to circulate this week, after lifting them the past three days so people could move about as needed. :( The spirit here is strong and the community efforts to come together and help is amazing.
1:15 of this one shows the biggest of our main 2 airports. It will be closed at least 30 days they day. Just wanted to share here because I feel helpless this morning and knew you guys would at least read and think kindly this way. Thanks
:offtopic: Just popping in to say covid is no longer a thing here in the media or mindset here in Honduras, not that the virus is gone but the devastation of the hurricane means it gets to top spot in everything by way of news and resources. Death tolls as bodies are found and pulled out of rivers and homes taken by mudslides and flooding instead of cases and hospitalization numbers. Numbers of those rescued off rooftops and stranded where the roads or bridges are wiped out without access to where is needed for food or medical services. They did not even take the time to give us the numbers to circulate this week, after lifting them the past three days so people could move about as needed. :( The spirit here is strong and the community efforts to come together and help is amazing.
1:15 of this one shows the biggest of our main 2 airports. It will be closed at least 30 days they day. Just wanted to share here because I feel helpless this morning and knew you guys would at least read and think kindly this way. Thanks
I’m so sorry. Thank you for sharing; with the US election and our own local news I haven’t seen much coverage. Is there a particular organisation you know of that is getting donations/resources where they are actually needed?
:offtopic: Just popping in to say covid is no longer a thing here in the media or mindset here in Honduras, not that the virus is gone but the devastation of the hurricane means it gets to top spot in everything by way of news and resources. Death tolls as bodies are found and pulled out of rivers and homes taken by mudslides and flooding instead of cases and hospitalization numbers. Numbers of those rescued off rooftops and stranded where the roads or bridges are wiped out without access to where is needed for food or medical services. They did not even take the time to give us the numbers to circulate this week, after lifting them the past three days so people could move about as needed. :( The spirit here is strong and the community efforts to come together and help is amazing.
1:15 of this one shows the biggest of our main 2 airports. It will be closed at least 30 days they day. Just wanted to share here because I feel helpless this morning and knew you guys would at least read and think kindly this way. Thanks

That is heartbreaking. I can understand you feeling helpless, I am going to see if we have anything here set up to donate. Sending you love Mommy ❤️. I echo the PP, if on your end you know of anything we can don please don’t hesitate to inbox. How is your family ?
:offtopic: Just popping in to say covid is no longer a thing here in the media or mindset here in Honduras, not that the virus is gone but the devastation of the hurricane means it gets to top spot in everything by way of news and resources. Death tolls as bodies are found and pulled out of rivers and homes taken by mudslides and flooding instead of cases and hospitalization numbers. Numbers of those rescued off rooftops and stranded where the roads or bridges are wiped out without access to where is needed for food or medical services. They did not even take the time to give us the numbers to circulate this week, after lifting them the past three days so people could move about as needed. :( The spirit here is strong and the community efforts to come together and help is amazing.
1:15 of this one shows the biggest of our main 2 airports. It will be closed at least 30 days they day. Just wanted to share here because I feel helpless this morning and knew you guys would at least read and think kindly this way. Thanks

Such devastating news. Roatan is one of my favorite places ever and the people of Honduras struggle so much already that this is heartbreaking. Thinking of you all and sending strength and prayers
:offtopic: Just popping in to say covid is no longer a thing here in the media or mindset here in Honduras, not that the virus is gone but the devastation of the hurricane means it gets to top spot in everything by way of news and resources. Death tolls as bodies are found and pulled out of rivers and homes taken by mudslides and flooding instead of cases and hospitalization numbers. Numbers of those rescued off rooftops and stranded where the roads or bridges are wiped out without access to where is needed for food or medical services. They did not even take the time to give us the numbers to circulate this week, after lifting them the past three days so people could move about as needed. :( The spirit here is strong and the community efforts to come together and help is amazing.
1:15 of this one shows the biggest of our main 2 airports. It will be closed at least 30 days they day. Just wanted to share here because I feel helpless this morning and knew you guys would at least read and think kindly this way. Thanks

:grouphug: So saddened by the loss of life, and devastation. Sending thoughts and prayers...
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Our new infections dropped to 4700 for yesterday and today. And our R-number is finally below 1 again. And again more people out of the hospitals than in.

Remember what I said about NYE in the Netherlands. The government has forbidden private fireworks for the entire country (apparently Rotterdam individually already had decided on this). Not as much to discourage people coming together, but to not increase the workload of the hospitals.

Regional curfew didn't make it, unclear if it was because of the controversy or because of the figures going down.

Museums, themeparks, libraries etc. most likely will reopen again next week.
Manitoba just went back to Red/Critical. All restaurants/museums/movie theatres/gyms are now closed. All sports centers are clsoed. Religious gathering places are closed. Supermarkets and pharmacies can stay open (25% capacity) everything else must close for delivery or curbside pickup only. Schools and daycares can stay open for the time being. Contact is limited to the people you live with only. They are saying it will be 4 weeks for now, but I can see it being extended. I think they are mostly doing it now to see if they can get a control of it before Christmas. My family has already decided to forgo any in person gatherings.
Today Ontario set a record with 1388 new cases. Our hospitalizations have risen as well. There is over 400 people in the hospital for Covid. It hasn't been that high since June. I have a feeling things will be shutdown again. Too many people just don't care. I feel bad for businesses as for the most part its not coming from them. Its all the selfish people have these big gatherings.
We are halfway through the 6 week lockdown in Ireland. The numbers have been falling day by day. Today there were 270 new cases reported in the last 24 hours and 16 deaths.

There were 282 patients with Covid-19 in hospital on Tuesday, of which 40 are being treated in intensive care units. There have been an additional 21 hospitalisations in the past 24 hours.

Of the new cases, 56 per cent are under the age of 45 and the median age is 42.

Dublin accounts for the largest share of the new cases with 82, followed by Donegal with 21, Roscommon with 18 and Limerick and Tipperary each with 17. The remaining 115 cases are spread across 20 counties.

The State’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said there had been “a significant improvement” in the profile of the disease with the 14-day incidence rate of the disease standing at 152 cases per 100,000 people, a reduction of 51 per cent compared with two weeks ago.

“To maintain this positive trajectory, we need to remain vigilant to the highly infectious nature of this virus, which can easily spread from person to person through close contact and by social mixing,” he said.

“Our individual everyday choices to stay at home and keep our contacts to a minimum are vital to driving down the spread of Covid-19.”
We are halfway through the 6 week lockdown in Ireland. The numbers have been falling day by day. Today there were 270 new cases reported in the last 24 hours and 16 deaths.

There were 282 patients with Covid-19 in hospital on Tuesday, of which 40 are being treated in intensive care units. There have been an additional 21 hospitalisations in the past 24 hours.

Of the new cases, 56 per cent are under the age of 45 and the median age is 42.

Dublin accounts for the largest share of the new cases with 82, followed by Donegal with 21, Roscommon with 18 and Limerick and Tipperary each with 17. The remaining 115 cases are spread across 20 counties.

The State’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said there had been “a significant improvement” in the profile of the disease with the 14-day incidence rate of the disease standing at 152 cases per 100,000 people, a reduction of 51 per cent compared with two weeks ago.

“To maintain this positive trajectory, we need to remain vigilant to the highly infectious nature of this virus, which can easily spread from person to person through close contact and by social mixing,” he said.

“Our individual everyday choices to stay at home and keep our contacts to a minimum are vital to driving down the spread of Covid-19.”
Do they happen to have a plan in place for when the 6 weeks is up? If it pans out like everywhere else cases will eventually go back up, some places have seen just be a sharp uptick while others took time and were a gradual increase.

That's good the numbers are improving!
Do they happen to have a plan in place for when the 6 weeks is up? If it pans out like everywhere else cases will eventually go back up, some places have seen just be a sharp uptick while others took time and were a gradual increase.

That's good the numbers are improving!

They are working on what to do after December 1. We are in Level 5 restrictions, which is the highest/ most severe. The initial plan was to go to Level 3 after December 1 but that has not been made official yet. They are worried about Christmas and the movement of people in December. Also there is a big push from retail and hospitality to be allowed reopen in December, as so many need to reopen to survive.

In a bit more light hearted news, Priests have said they are upset by the "very hurtful criticism" of "mass-hoppers" who go from one online mass to another passing comments over their "performances".
Manitoba just went back to Red/Critical. All restaurants/museums/movie theatres/gyms are now closed. All sports centers are clsoed. Religious gathering places are closed. Supermarkets and pharmacies can stay open (25% capacity) everything else must close for delivery or curbside pickup only. Schools and daycares can stay open for the time being. Contact is limited to the people you live with only. They are saying it will be 4 weeks for now, but I can see it being extended. I think they are mostly doing it now to see if they can get a control of it before Christmas. My family has already decided to forgo any in person gatherings.
Yep - we all completely expect this to be imposed in Alberta too, I'd be surprised if it took until the end of the week. They are calling it a "circuit breaker" :
That's exactly what they called it here too.
As I understand it, it's not something Alberta came up with. This "circuit breaker" is actually a thing; a strategy that's already been tried in other places. The same measures appear to already be in place in Ontario and Quebec, with the exception of the complete ban on socializing - which in both provinces is currently only a "strong recommendation". I didn't see anything in the articles I read about either place closing churches and weddings and funerals are still allowed with a maximum attendance of 50. Cases are crazy-bad in both provinces though, so I see it all coming soon.
As I understand it, it's not something Alberta came up with. This "circuit breaker" is actually a thing; a strategy that's already been tried in other places. The same measures appear to already be in place in Ontario and Quebec, with the exception of the complete ban on socializing - which in both provinces is currently only a "strong recommendation". I didn't see anything in the articles I read about either place closing churches and weddings and funerals are still allowed with a maximum attendance of 50. Cases are crazy-bad in both provinces though, so I see it all coming soon.

Quebec has different zones, red zones have been banned from socializing since Oct 1st, example Montreal (red zone). We get daily updates on those ticketed. unless you live alone you haven’t been allowed to be with anyone who doesn’t live at your address, inside or outside.

Funerals are 25, as are churches. This is all in red zones.
Quebec has different zones, red zones have been banned from socializing since Oct 1st, example Montreal (red zone). We get daily updates on those ticketed. unless you live alone you haven’t been allowed to be with anyone who doesn’t live at your address, inside or outside.

Funerals are 25, as are churches. This is all in red zones.
Here's the crazy thing though...none of what any of us are doing seems to be helping. What do we do next? :( In many of the States they're still debating masks. Masks are just a given here, as is the social distancing that most of us have adopted. It is very concerning that those measures, that should have helped, really haven't.
Here's the crazy thing though...none of what any of us are doing seems to be helping. What do we do next? :( In many of the States they're still debating masks. Masks are just a given here, as is the social distancing that most of us have adopted. It is very concerning that those measures, that should have helped, really haven't.

I know, I wish we had the answers, don’t we all?
My little city within the city is one of the worst right now here. 🤷‍♀️ Of course our schools are wide open K-9 basically, no option for online learning unless there are exceptions for medical reasons in this province. Schools have very large numbers of cases being identified, bubbles and classrooms closing and re-opening. Premier (won’t say more) Legault vows to never close the schools, but he may have to walk that back at some point.
Mask wearing seems to be excellent, i don’t hear much on that end. My nurse friends are getting overwhelmed and tired again. It’s starting to feel like March again. 😕
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