Costco - vision exam

Yes you need to be a member. No worries though, as you will easily recoup the membership price with the savings you'll find. Costco is the best!

Not necessarily depending on where the Costco is located. In California there's a requirement that a membership can't be required to purchase anything that requires a prescription. So Costcos around here must allow someone to enter without membership to get service at the optical department. That also works for the pharmacy. However, I think with the pharmacy there might be items behind the counter that don't require a prescription, and they might need a membership to buy. The same goes for alcoholic beverages. Anyone must be allowed to enter and buy alcoholic beverages without a membership. It's not the same for every state though.
You don't need a membership in New Jersey to use the optical department at Costco. The same applies for the pharmacy, gas station, snack bar, and perhaps a few other things like the cell phone vendor. I don't think liquor is sold in any NJ Costco.
Haven't done the actual exam there but I do get my prescriptions filled there. In fact I just dropped my contact prescription off today lol for 1 year it is $175 for me. After insurance and also a rebate she found it was dropped down dramatically. My glasses I got there last year, new frames, lenses, and the clip on sunglasses cost me just over $200. I consider it to be well worth it


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