CMO TOP 10 Announced

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Wow, Kenny! Your family's Snow-Mickey is super-cool! :thumbsup2 Love it!

It's snowing here. There may be a message from THE DONALD tomorrow.
There may be a message from THE DONALD tomorrow.

Seeking clarification on that last comment: Are you suggesting that THE DONALD may post a message on the site? (A concession speech, maybe? :eek: ...Or, is it too early in the race for that?)

Correction: Ahhh! (Okay, I'm a little slow tonight, but I think I may have answered my own question.) Meaning: Today it's Mickey, but tomorrow -- after the snow -- there may be a new funky snow friend featured in your family photo. You're going to get a visit from The Donald!? :idea: )

Well after a frantic attempt at catching up on what I missed today I finally have a chance to post!

Man - I know this sounds corny - but after all the time I spend on here this weekend, I missed you guys today!

I've got tons of Magic Moments at WDW that I've compiled in a Word doc. Drop me an email and I'll send it to anyone that wants it. Yes it's free.

I also have several Fastpass tips that save a bunch of time if you want those too.

ooh, me too, me too!!
Awww . . . don't tell me everyone is away??

Okay, next bit of business. Me and YouTube (or YouTube and I?) are NOT getting along right now! I am incredibly slow when it comes to this 'interweb' thing ;) I posted three videos on YouTube today - first time for me - and I just can't seem to post the links here! HELP??!!

If you go to YouTube and just search for Justin Muchoney you will find my original application video, a Blooper reel, and an Adventurosity Remix. I'd love for you guys to see the extra footage, but I am apparently NOT smarter than a fifth grader . . . :(
Hmmm . . I'll look into the bloopers trouble. This could take a while . . .
So... ok... pity party over. Whew! What an event! I sure know how to put on a pity party. Even if it is just me staring at a wall. I don't drink, so what's the fun in that?

What ended the party were some envelopes. Specifically the ones that will be going out tomorrow to places like Washington, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Virginia and more. That's really cool! The pins are kind of pointless... but sorta not. So... thanks!

And if you would like a pin (or two) just send me your address via PM or to and we'll get them right out!
Justin, did you realize that after your videos play, all the related videos that come up are Justin Timberlake? I don't know why, but I thought that was funny! :goodvibes
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