Club Level lounge photos

Any pictures of the YC lounge? Those I'ver seen mostly show the food area.

Thanks for the clarification. One post made it sound like there were no windows or balcony-perhaps I misunderstood.
YC Lounge has a view, it's just not "the" view -- of the lake, the Boardwalk and the pool. The lounge is small, but quite pleasant. My only complaint was that they closed the seating area between meal times (so they can set up) and at night. It would have been nice to be able to sit there, read, or work at times that the lounge was closed. Apparently, some of the lounges at WDW close between meal services and some of them dont.
Apparently, some of the lounges at WDW close between meal services and some of them dont.
Some of the Club Level lounges that always stay open even when there is food being served is the Atrium Club and Tower Club at the Contemporary and the Club Level lounge at the Hawaii Longhouse in the Polynesian. Now the only time you can't sit in the lounges at the Contemporary is just after breakfast when they clean up and the entrance it's blocked off with pylon cones. After breakfast at the Polynesian when they clean what happens is they stack all the chairs on top of the tables, however once the cleaning is finished at both Resorts the lounges are re-opened.
Some of the Club Level lounges that always stay open even when there is food being served is the Atrium Club and Tower Club at the Contemporary and the Club Level lounge at the Hawaii Longhouse in the Polynesian. Now the only time you can't sit in the lounges at the Contemporary is just after breakfast when they clean up and the entrance it's blocked off with pylon cones. After breakfast at the Polynesian when they clean what happens is they stack all the chairs on top of the tables, however once the cleaning is finished at both Resorts the lounges are re-opened.

We're staying club level for the first time in June at the Poly. Are you saying that the lounge is always open except for cleaning?
My husband is a very early riser even on vacation, 5am ish and one reason I wanted club level is so he'll have somewhere comfortable to hang out with a book, etc. The hours posted for the lounge 7am-10pm but I'm hoping they don't actually keep people from sitting there outside of those hours.
We're staying club level for the first time in June at the Poly. Are you saying that the lounge is always open except for cleaning?
My husband is a very early riser even on vacation, 5am ish and one reason I wanted club level is so he'll have somewhere comfortable to hang out with a book, etc. The hours posted for the lounge 7am-10pm but I'm hoping they don't actually keep people from sitting there outside of those hours.
Yes the lounge is open 24 hours with all the tables and chairs out there, except for the 20 minutes it takes to clean it after breakfast. So he could go there at 5:00 AM, sit down at a table and read a book. Also they have 24 hour fridge in the lounge that's always stocked with cans of Coke, Diet Coke, and Sprite, so you could go in there at 1:00 AM to sit down and drink one.
We have only stayed at WL and AKL-where you can sit there anytime, I wonder if that means people line up before the food is served.
Beach Club - Club Lounge - November 2005



Thanks so much for posting -- I dont think I've ever seen photos of the lounge from the BC before!:)
Hi, I'm considering booking a club level room however I don't know that much about them(obviously I'm going to research prior to booking....LOL) Anyway, can someone tell me about them.
Thanks in advance
Hi, I'm considering booking a club level room however I don't know that much about them(obviously I'm going to research prior to booking....LOL) Anyway, can someone tell me about them.
Thanks in advance
I started this thread because we too would like to stay CL on our trip in 9/09 and had no idea where to start. There is also a Concierge/Club Level info Thread.
Here are a couple of photos I have of GF sugar loaf lounge






She made herself right at home in the lounge :lmao:
DisneyChristmas (or anyone!) -- were you just at the Poly CL in December 08? Have they installed one of those espresso machines I saw in the AKL and (I think) CR lounge photos? Or is it just still the sad little Nescafe machines?

And has anyone tried the coffee from those espresso machines? Is it better? We'll be at the Poly CL in June and I would love some better coffee - that should have Kona in the lounge!
I'm not a coffee drinker - and I didn't notice. The CR 14th (and I believe the 12th too) have the new machines.


Anyone else???
Hi again...

DH who does drink coffee says that the Poly lounge still had the old machine in December. DH says that it's one step up from a coffee vending machine.
Here's some photos from the Polynesian lounge (some old, some new):


Kids Sitting Area

Fruit Display


Food Area


Beverage Area


My dinner! Turkey skewers, white rice (I added soy sauce), and pineapple with caramel. The hot offering (in this case, turkey and rice) changes nightly, but everything else is basically the same every night. There's plenty of other offerings too, such as mini pitas with hummus, vegetables, cheeses, and smuckers uncrustables. And because you can eat as much as you want, it's easy to have dinner here.

And to top off this post, the amazing view from Hawaii's lounge:

You are welcome! This thread is awesome! I hope my pictures can help out fellow Disers!

You pictures are fabulous!! I was trying to decide between Poly CL & AKL CL, and your pics have convinced me that the AKL is worth being a little further away! We stayed at AKL in April & LOVED it! We have never stayed CL, and I am very excited!! We had thought about trying Poly because of the monorail convenience...but theres A LOT of difference price wise & id rather spend that cash in the parks! ;) Thanks for your help!
You pictures are fabulous!! I was trying to decide between Poly CL & AKL CL, and your pics have convinced me that the AKL is worth being a little further away! We stayed at AKL in April & LOVED it! We have never stayed CL, and I am very excited!! We had thought about trying Poly because of the monorail convenience...but theres A LOT of difference price wise & id rather spend that cash in the parks! ;) Thanks for your help!

I am so glad they helped! Have a fantastic time!
Here are some pictures of the YC and BC lounge. IMO, they're the 2 worst concierge lounges at WDW (although I can't comment on CSR). Unlike the 3 monorail concierges (which emphasize their wonderful settings and views), these 2 lounges are small and unpleasant. Also, the lounge views are horrible - why couldn't they make the lounges facing water?

Yacht Club Breakfast Offerings:


Yacht Club Sitting Area:


Yacht Club Lounge View:


Beach Club Breakfast Offerings:



Beach Club Sitting Area:



Beach Club Lounge View:




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