Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!

Hiding on the porch, wish I had that when hte boys were small.. hiding int hte bathroom was just not the same..

mommmmyyy?? what are you doin' in der?
followed by little fingers wiggling under the door :laughing:

Now I hide in my bedroom, shut the door.. scratch scratch scratch meow??... get in here already! Worse than the kids.

I hit the motherload of garage sales this morning, it was so good that we went back after dropping little guy at preschool. Tons of women's clothes, not old lady stuff either (Lane Bryant and Old Navy brands) . :woohoo: Spent $9:
one pr capri jeans, 2 hooded lightweight long sleeve T's, 4 tanks for summer, long sleeve for winter, really cute top to wear now, cute t-shirt nightie with frog print (looked brand new) and a few dishtowels that looked new.


It' so hard to find women's sizes at garage sales, unless it's some old lady elastic waist pull on pants, Alfred Dunner stuff, or the ugly sweatshirts with "grandma" or ugly flowers on the front. :lmao:
We spent a LONG time looking at just this one sale.

I :lovestruc garage sale season!

oh and did Wednesday doubles too, 4 stuffed full bags of yummy food for $9. ;)

A garage sale on a Wednesday? :confused3
I am waiting for the old man to come home.. I am hiding on the porch with the laptop until he gets here.. Jasmine decided not to take much of a nap today, so she is crab-tastic!! I am helping a woman that works with him plan a trip to Disneyland with her son. SHe saw his pictures on his desk and knew that we had been a bunch.. so she asked him a bunch of questions.. Like he knows anything! LOL!! So I wrote up some info for him to take to her. He said I should start a business planning Disney vacations for folks.. and sewing customs for their kids!:lmao:

Hes HOME!!!

Have you started the countdown yet? Wish I were going with you!!

Morning all and happy wednesday!!

Bernice your shopping day sounds like so much fun! Plus band does sound like a big committment. We do a lot as well and I know how tht goes. Of all the things we do swim is our biggest committment. Once it starts we have practice EVERY day M-F and then meets every sat from May till the end of July with only 2 saturdays off. The meets go from about 6 a.m. till 4 and sometimes later. They are LONG days but we love to watch the girls compete and we make really good friends so it is worth it.

Staley I am with you on the Disney travel stuff. I have only been to DW 3 times but to DL more then I can count and I have been told as well that I should do the same thing. Sometimes I think it would be fun but it seems that there is so much that can be done on the net etc but I guess maybe there IS a market out there for people who maybe don't know or don't want to do it themselves. I would LOVE to do it if I could find a company to hook up with that I could get the connections.

Yesterday was a good day. I had to work but that was ok. Shelby took her treats to school and then I picked them up and we went to dinner and wouldn't you know my doc FINALLY called back and it was RIGHT in the middle of dinner so now I have to wait all day with baited breath for her to call back and I bet money she won't call till that same time again tonight so I am prob going to skip swim and let Shane go with the girls cuz I DON'T want to talk about THAT in public!

I just am nervous and anxious about it cuz I know that she didn't even bring it up last week and everyone keeps telling me it is hard to get docs to agree to do hysto's so trying to get her to see my side of it will be interesting but I HOPE she does cuz I really truly believe that I will prob end up with one down the road anyway and I don't want to have to go through TWO procedures. So I HOPE she calls and I HOPE she sees my side of it and agrees!! I will just be glad when it is over with and I can move on.

Anyway then after dinner we went back to mom and dad's for cake and presents and shelby was REALLY happy with everything she got so it was a good day/night!

Now today I am just going to hang round here and do some chores and "wait" for her call and then tomorrow I am working again since Friday is the field trip. I am anxious for that as well! Should be really fun!

Shane is off to take his contractor's license test for the 4th time so I am PRAYING he passes this time!!!

Hope everyone has a great day and talk soon!

Not that I'm trying to talk you out of a hysto, but please think long and hard about it and research all the side effects. My chemo put me into instant menopause, something similar to a hysto. It's not fun and honestly if I had to choose between having heavy periods and cramps or having hot flashes, dryness, and all the other fun things that come with it. Well let's just say I would have a hard time deciding which one to choose. I'm not trying to talk you out of it, but just trying to encourage you to exhaust all other alternatives first. :thumbsup2

Hiding on the porch, wish I had that when hte boys were small.. hiding int hte bathroom was just not the same..

mommmmyyy?? what are you doin' in der?
followed by little fingers wiggling under the door :laughing:

Now I hide in my bedroom, shut the door.. scratch scratch scratch meow??... get in here already! Worse than the kids.

I hit the motherload of garage sales this morning, it was so good that we went back after dropping little guy at preschool. Tons of women's clothes, not old lady stuff either (Lane Bryant and Old Navy brands) . :woohoo: Spent $9:
one pr capri jeans, 2 hooded lightweight long sleeve T's, 4 tanks for summer, long sleeve for winter, really cute top to wear now, cute t-shirt nightie with frog print (looked brand new) and a few dishtowels that looked new.


It' so hard to find women's sizes at garage sales, unless it's some old lady elastic waist pull on pants, Alfred Dunner stuff, or the ugly sweatshirts with "grandma" or ugly flowers on the front. :lmao:
We spent a LONG time looking at just this one sale.

I :lovestruc garage sale season!

oh and did Wednesday doubles too, 4 stuffed full bags of yummy food for $9. ;)

We have a handful of garage sales going on, but I can hardly wait until June when the season really gets going.

A garage sale on a Wednesday? :confused3

I know, sucks. I think a lot of SAHM's do them during the week so as not to annoy their hubbys. Around here most garage sales start on Friday when I have to work, so I miss a lot of the good stuff.
Oh and Hi Melody & Pix! Tasty looking morsels Pix. Hope you're doing well Melody. I was thinking of you the other day when I seen some old school aprons in the store.:thumbsup2
I love the pics of Aerials! I went there in Feb. it was so yummy. The cookie bar is good! For my meal I had the Tri tip. It was so good.
I hope the baby is a girl so I can take her there. My boys refuse to go.

I hope everyone is well.

YAY for good yardsale buys!
Morning gals!

Bernice sounds like you had another fun excursion day!! You are the bomb at finding great deals!! Two bags of groceries for 9 bucks!! That is amazing!! I used to go garage saling and had garage sales of my own in the past but haven't been in years.

Samey I don't know if you saw my other posts but I am not seeking out the hysto just for cramps and "heavy periods". I get SEVERE hormonal migraines with my period that absolutely debilitate me and I am literally out of commission for a few days before to basically the entire week and 2 years ago my doc put me on hormones to basically stop my periods entirely which was in a way like putting me into menopause but not all the way. It has been working fairly well but the problem is doing it THAT way I still have to take breaks because the lining builds up and you have to shed it once in awhile. Now I knew that by doing that the bleeding would be heavier than normal but this last time I literally was hemorrahging. I couldn't even hardly leave my house because I was having clots the size of my hand and the blood was running down my leg. This was not just normal "heavy" bleeding. After 7 days straight of this and then going BACK on the pill and it not stopping I went on progesterine for a week and it STILL did not stop and then I had to go on a megadose of estrogen for ANOTHER week and almost needed a D&C to stop the bleeding. So this is not just a matter of some bad periods. I also have a fibroid. Both my mom and grandma had issues and my mom ended up with a hysto at 35 from having a grapefruit sized fibroid in her uterus. My doc wants to do an ablation which is ok but I will still need to be on the hormones and I had heard that if I did the full hysto I might not need to do that. At this point I am thinking of it more for the headaches than the bleeding although the bleeding is DEF a problem.

But I have yet to get her to call me back and at this point I am now sched for the ablation on May 28th. Due to the fact that I ALREADY have the fibroid and I have to stay on the estrogen I may end up with one down the road anyway. At this point the hot flashes and dryness sound like heaven compared to never leaving my house because I am completely incapacited with headaches or bleeding so bad that every time I move or get up it runs down my leg. So we shall see. No matter WHAT I will have SOMETHING done next month. I just hope it works!! I am tired of suffering through this.

Anyway I am off to work today and then the big field trip is tomorrow.

Looking forward to it. Then Saturday is shelby's party so it should be a fun couple of days!!

Have a good one everyone!
I love the pics of Aerials! I went there in Feb. it was so yummy. The cookie bar is good! For my meal I had the Tri tip. It was so good.
I hope the baby is a girl so I can take her there. My boys refuse to go.

I hope everyone is well.

YAY for good yardsale buys!

Still thinking PINK! When do you find out?
I love the pics of Aerials! I went there in Feb. it was so yummy. The cookie bar is good! For my meal I had the Tri tip. It was so good.
I hope the baby is a girl so I can take her there. My boys refuse to go.

I hope everyone is well.

YAY for good yardsale buys!

I hope it's a girl! We will all think PINK :cutie:

Kelly- I hope everything works out for you and I am so sorry you are going through all that. :hug: :grouphug: I can imagine it's not easy and is scary. :grouphug:
Oh and hello to everyone :)

It's almost Friday!! :yay: I just wanted to post a pic of a decal I bought from DL. I thought it was hilarious and really cute. I'm not going to put it on my car but I have it on my office cubicle wall. :rotfl:


I found a support group online for emotional abuse. I shared my story with others who have been in similar situations as me. It felt good to just get it all out and know that I am not alone. One thing they agreed with me on was that it is such a great thing that I never married or had children with him. That would have been so much worse...

I'm still reading the book I bought and it's given me so much insight into just understanding things and getting answers to things that I just was so confused about.

I would like to take more sewing classes. My mom let me try out her sewing machine and it just frustrated me, because for some reason, I just could not get it to work properly. :headache: I even read the manual and followed the instructions but it kept not stitching any thread into my "test fabric." I don't know why. :confused: There is a class called "Getting to Know You're Sewing Machine" and I need to take it. Otherise I might whack the machine with a bat or something. :rotfl:

I came across this great site: It teaches you how to make all sorts of crafts and has photos and is great. I tried out the making your own kleenex pouch. Since I couldn't get the machine to work, I sewed it by hand. This was my first try but I think it came out okay. I know the stitching isn't as straight as a machine but it was fun to try. :) Here is a pic:


The fabric was spotted in Joann's and I used my 50% off coupon to get 1 yard. Their coupons come in the mail almost weekly and they are a real money saver. :)

I hope you are all having a good day! :cutie:[/COLOR]
A garage sale on a Wednesday? :confused3

Yeah it was an oddball, they usually start on Thursdays here. When I moved to the metro it took awhile for me to wrap my head on Thursday to Saturday sales.

In my parent's town a sale might start on a Friday but chances are Saturday and Sunday only. Can't find any sales still open on a Sunday here, they might post on Craigslist freebie leftovers from a sale. Mostly junk at that point.

Our high school sports garage sale fundraiser weekend is coming up soon. The school asks families to have their sale on one weekend, gathering addresses and a few details of each sale to create a booklet with a map. The booklets are sold to support the sports program and families can choose to give a portion of sales also. Win-win deal of free advertising for your sale and money for summer sports. Students sell items too, T shirts of school colors, lanyards, pop, etc..

I love neighborhood sales!
There is a really really big one in Minneapolis Bryn Mar neighborhood, fun and funky old neighborhood. Lots of cool old stuff to ohhhh and ahhhh over.. and giggle when you find junk that you used as a kid that are now "collector's items" with the big price tag to match. Faux wood and "gold" trim Tv trays anyone? :rotfl:
Hi Alison! I bet you have been busy catching up at work after your trip. Nice to see you around! :flower3:

oh wow Kelly, now that I have a more complete picture.. I can understand wanting to just "be done" with it all. :eek: I would be concerned about anemia as well, not good.
My dh is closely monitored each week, gets Iron IV occasionally and we have EPO (red blood cell builder) on hand to administer if his numbers drop. With home treatment he has been doing very well, but in the past he had horrible fatigue and has had a few transfusions to increase his hemoglobin. Not fun at all!

How did your dh's testing go? When do you find out? Hope it's good news!! :)

Hello jordansmomma...
My whole family is plagued with boys, my sis and I sigh as we walk by the pretty dresses and frilly cute things at the mall. :sad1:
Do let us know when you find out. :)

Pix, cute cute cute print and you did awesome on hand stitching, looks great! I don't have the patience to do sewing and crafts.

I put my scissors, rotary cutter and self healing mat to good use- cutting coupons!:thumbsup2

My sister is participating in an Autism conference, today and tomorrow I am watching the little guy and sending her middle son off to school.
YAWN, these early mornings are kicking my butt.
I am just not a morning person now.

Sis is trying potty training, I've totally forgotten how I did this with my two.
She might have to do the "let it fly" version. Right now, he could care less but he is willing to sit for awhile. ... only to wet his pull up 10 minutes later. :rolleyes: Good thing it's warming up this weekend. Let's play outside! :lmao:
Morning and happy Friday all!

Rochelle thanks so much for the well wishes (and Bernice too!!) Well my doc FINALLY called me back and this time it was at 1:30 yesterday so good thing I was off work early. But anyway after doing some more research I decided not to even bring it up (although I am still torn about it) but I DID mention that I am concerned about being on the BC pills long term and asked if I could be put on a different type of estrogen like a patch or something because I really worry about the side affects with the pill esp if I have to be on it indef. So she said she thought that was fine and that we may have to experiment a bit with what dosage works to get rid of the headaches so we shall see.

I just hope this procedure works for the bleeding. It is called Novasure and the pamphlet SAYS it usually works but sometimes there is "some" bleeding and sometimes it doesn't work so I hope I am not that 1%!! ;)

Needless to say I have a pre-op on the 20th that the scheduling lady failed to mention but my doc brought it up yesterday so I will discuss everything with her more then and then as I said my actual surgery is on the 28th. The only GOOD thing is since it is less invasive procedure hopefully the recovery will be quick and I will be fully recovered by my dis trip in June!! :)

And Rochelle I LOVE that sticker and the kleenex holder. I have always wanted one of those but I don't have a dark window in my car and I don't think it would show up on a clear one. And I LOVE that fabric for your kleenex case. You are SO creative! Good luck on your next class!!

Bernice those sales sound so fun! Enjoy! And by the way yes my doc was worried about anemia as well and amazing as it is as MUCH blood as I was losing my body still made enough. I got tested both by my doc AND at the ER and my hemoglobin was at 12 which I guess is good. I don't know lol.

Anyway today I am off with Katy to the big field trip so I am excited and hope everything goes well. And then tomorrow is shelby's big party so again I hope everything goes off without a hitch!

That's bout all for me. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day and a great weekend!!
Good morning! :goodvibes

Kelly, have fun on the fieldtrip!

Pix, Cute fabric and kleenex holder. I made some of those at one time. I'm going to check out that web site for ideas too.

Deb, My DIL is due to have her baby on May 11th. They have no idea what it is, but are hoping for a girl too. So I will be thinking pink for 2 reasons. :cloud9:

Alison, are you all back into the groove again? How is DD doing lately?

Megan, Are you just too excited? :dance3:

Bernice, I love a good garage sale. Also good flea markets. The other day, I picked up a Disney Davy Crockett tin fort that was really cool. It had Fess Parker's name on it, along with all kinds of graphics depicting the Alamo. I'm thinking that this was sold at the peak of the Davy Crockett craze. So that was my treasure for the day. I'm going to let my grandsons play with it, with their little plastic figures of cowboys, Indians and horses. It's lasted this long, so I'm not worried about it getting ruined.

Have a nice day!:flower3:
Mel, I am SOOOOO excited!!! I leave tomorrow!! I already checked in for my flight. I only have Alex's safari shirt to finish.. But I can get that done this evening while Frelan is giving baths. I have some of it done.. I am nervous... but excited. I talked to my mom last night. I had told her that we were going to skip Seaworld.. We just cant afford it. But she really wants to go, and they are doing the kids tickets for $5. right now, so she is picking up the tickets and transportation for us. So we are going anyways.
Oh.. and I am thinking PINK for you guys! I love my some sassy little princesses!!:lovestruc
Oh.. and I am thinking PINK for you guys! I love my some sassy little princesses!!:lovestruc

Thanks! I have 2 boys 13 and 10....well with 3 boys in the house another would be so nice!!
Have fun on your trip!

Mel~ I hope your new grandbaby is a girl!

I am 18 wks this wk. I will tell ya that being pregnant in your 20s is much easier than in your 30s :rotfl2:
Thanks! I have 2 boys 13 and 10....well with 3 boys in the house another would be so nice!!
Have fun on your trip!

Mel~ I hope your new grandbaby is a girl!

I am 18 wks this wk. I will tell ya that being pregnant in your 20s is much easier than in your 30s :rotfl2:

Thanks! and...:lmao::lmao::lmao: I thought almost the same thing when I was pregnant with the twins.. Being pregnant in my early 20s is much easier then being pregnant in my late 20s... and being pregnant with one baby is MUCH easier then two! I loved being pregnant with my first.. HATED it the last time. :rotfl2:
Bernice, I love a good garage sale. Also good flea markets. The other day, I picked up a Disney Davy Crockett tin fort that was really cool. It had Fess Parker's name on it, along with all kinds of graphics depicting the Alamo. I'm thinking that this was sold at the peak of the Davy Crockett craze. So that was my treasure for the day. I'm going to let my grandsons play with it, with their little plastic figures of cowboys, Indians and horses. It's lasted this long, so I'm not worried about it getting ruined.

That sounds so cool!
If you want, give a look around ebay completed auctions for a ballpark price.. but I agree why buy it if you aren't going to use and enjoy it for its intended purpose?

Dh decided to keep the giant box of Lego, not for himself or the boys.. going to hang onto it so we are the "fun grandparents" :lmao:

We have comic books that he loved to collect when we first got married, some are first editions when Image Comics started. Every once in awhile the boys pull them out to read and admire the animation. Comics are just not that popular now, we had a local comic/newspaper shop with multiple locations that had been around since the 60's.. they went out of business. Only a handful of shops in the metro area now. :sad1:
That sounds so cool!
If you want, give a look around ebay completed auctions for a ballpark price.. but I agree why buy it if you aren't going to use and enjoy it for its intended purpose?

Dh decided to keep the giant box of Lego, not for himself or the boys.. going to hang onto it so we are the "fun grandparents" :lmao:

We have comic books that he loved to collect when we first got married, some are first editions when Image Comics started. Every once in awhile the boys pull them out to read and admire the animation. Comics are just not that popular now, we had a local comic/newspaper shop with multiple locations that had been around since the 60's.. they went out of business. Only a handful of shops in the metro area now. :sad1:
Oh my goodness! I saved all of our boy's Legos, and they are always being dragged out to play by my grandsons and my sons!! One of the sets was all Robin Hood themed. I have some older newphews who love to come and play with those, cuz they no longer sell them.

We even have some original Transformers that are really heavy duty. Old TinkerToys, Old Lincoln Logs, old Polly Pockets, old wooden building blocks...... Can you tell I tend to hang on to some things? :laughing:


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