Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!

Hey ladies. Just a quick drive by hi. I have a horrible cold and my grandpa just passed away this morning. He has been in the hospital for two weeks, yesterday he seemed fine and was hitting on the nurses and chattering away. This morning he passed away. So sad, I'm crushed that I'm so far away. I can't afford a flight home to the funeral especially since I'm moving home in just a month and I feel so guilty. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone as soon as I'm able.
Take care of yourselves until then! :grouphug:

Hi Christina,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy losing a loved one and I am sure your grandpa knows that you wanted to be there. Please don't feel guilty or beat yourself up for it. It's not your fault and it was something that just couldn't be helped. I'm sure he understands that and he knows that you loved him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. :hug: :hug: :hug: :grouphug:

I know this isn't the same situation but when my grandpa was sick, I thought that he would go to the hospital and be home in no time. I did visit him while in the hospital before he passed away but I couldn't handle it. He was having trouble breathing on his own and all I remember was that his body was hooked up to a machine and his chest seemed to jerk in a slight motion up and down to breathe and I just couldn't bare it and just cried so horribly. My grandma started crying watching me cry and she said: "Don't let him hear you cry, you have to not let him know you are crying, he wouldn't want you to be sad" and it was just too damn hard to not cry. My older sister wanted to see him in the hospital but she said she didn't want to watch him suffer and wouldn't be able to tolerate it.

I miss him a lot, my whole family does. He was such a loving and caring and smart person. There are times when I really miss him.

Hang in there and we are all here for you. :hug:

P.S. I'm also sorry to hear that you are not feeling well on top of all this. :hug: I hope you feel better soon.

We skipped doubles today, the coupons and sales were just not that good.

I suggested going to Aldi's instead, my sis had walked thru once but never had shopped there. She's not into coupons and stockpiling too much. But she liked the prices at Aldi's, no worries about putting together a deal.

I picked up some yummy things for our yearly Cinco de Mayo feast. Tamales (hope they are good, the Mexican deli is too far away), mango, avocado to make some guacamole mmmmm. We've actually have had variations of tacos twice in a row this week, figured why break the trend.. have more of the same. :thumbsup2

Yesterday I was too hot, had to dig out shorts and light weight t shirt, today is the complete opposite. Long sleeves and jeans, sitting in my bedroom freezing. Had to go look for a blanket.. brrrrrrrrr. Poor trees are trying to grow leaves and the wind is tearing them away. woooosh! As pooh would say "It's a rather blustery day"

Hi ladies. Got some good news tomorrow. DH was asked to become a trainer at his work. This means that his schedule will become more normal. In addition to becoming a trainer, he will also be the person that works M-F, 8 hour days:woohoo:

It is a little bit of a pay cut, but only a $1 or $2 per hour because he got extra for working a shift differential. I have a feeling since he will be attending more meetings, learning to be a trainer and training everybody..well he'll probably work a few hours OT and make up the difference. So not a big deal.

We are having winter like weather here. Which is basically unheard of in May! Guess it's finally making up for all that good weather that we had all know when we sent that icky rain down to California for our hyena trip.:laughing:
Thanks so much everyone for the lovely words. It really means alot to me. :grouphug: A year ago my grandpa had blood poisoning and they had to stop his heart, but he recovered from all that. Two to three weeks ago he got blood poisoning again and then while in the hospital they couldn't find his files or something so he sat there while his lungs filled with fluid and he had a heart attack. Then because his lungs filled with fluid so bad he could no longer breathe on his own so he was on oxygen. But after a week in the hospital he started getting better, they put him on a different oxygen tank, a less intense one and we all had hope. He had good moments and bad moments, but I really thought he was going to be okay.

My sisters saw him on Monday in the hospital, he was reading the paper and chatted with them and teased them. Hit on the nurses. And then the next morning he passed away. I'm so sad he won't get to see me in my wedding dress. He really wanted to. I was helping my mom with invitations tonight, and I saw I had one addressed to my grandma and grandpa, it's so sad. But it helps to know that he'll be at my wedding in spirit. It's tough but we'll get through this. Thanks for the support. :grouphug:

Alison - that is so awesome about your dh! But I'm curious how you can get good news tomorrow? Are you psychic? ;) Small pay cut for better hours, I say is so worth it!
Bernice - mmm, I looove tacos! :lovestruc
Pix - thanks for sharing your story. As strange as it is, it's actually comforting to know that I'm not alone in losing someone who meant alot. I know that's probably not very nice, but it's true lol.
Hi ladies just catching up. Its been a little busy around here.
WOW some post are like WTH, others are normal.

I spent the weekend in Vegas. My friend got married & it was nice a little trip. Luckily I missed the horrible windstorm in Eastern Washington on Monday.

Christina~ Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are doing ok.

ROchelle~ Keep your head, guys like that are just jerks and you deserve much better.

Bernice~ Your dinner sounds tasty.

Alison~ THat is great about the new hours for your hubby!

Sarah~ How is the training going? Good luck on the race!

I am making chicken enchillada's with the kiddos tonight.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I am on my way back to class.
Hi ladies just catching up. Its been a little busy around here.
WOW some post are like WTH, others are normal.

I spent the weekend in Vegas. My friend got married & it was nice a little trip. Luckily I missed the horrible windstorm in Eastern Washington on Monday.

Christina~ Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are doing ok.

ROchelle~ Keep your head, guys like that are just jerks and you deserve much better.

Bernice~ Your dinner sounds tasty.

Alison~ THat is great about the new hours for your hubby!

Sarah~ How is the training going? Good luck on the race!

I am making chicken enchillada's with the kiddos tonight.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I am on my way back to class.

Last night DBF and I jogged about 2 miles but we did it outside rather than on the treadmills at the gym. I think it was harder and I swear we went more than 2 miles. :rotfl:

Tonight is another bike ride. I read online that you should not try to run everyday when starting out. I think we are going to do a 5K (about 3 miles) on the 15th. We'll see.

How are you feeling these days?
What you have a problem with my psychic abilities?:rotfl2:

Yesterday,'s all just pretty much a blur to me nowadays.:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Hold it wait...I'm getting a premonition(sp?)..........oh never mind that was just indigestion.
Last night DBF and I jogged about 2 miles but we did it outside rather than on the treadmills at the gym. I think it was harder and I swear we went more than 2 miles. :rotfl:

Tonight is another bike ride. I read online that you should not try to run everyday when starting out. I think we are going to do a 5K (about 3 miles) on the 15th. We'll see.

How are you feeling these days?

OMG! You guys are really getting a work out!

I am feeling pretty good now. I spent almost 4 months being sick, now I am feeling a lot better.
Gee Deb I am curious what you think is so "WTH" about someone's thread here? After all this is the chatterbox thread and people can talk about whatever in here! This is not the Disney boards or the Diva thread. There is no "normal" in here and people can talk about whatever they want. This is a place for people to come and chat about whatever!

I think that is kind of offensive that you think someone's post in here is WOW or WTH. I don't think anyone else in here has any problems with anyone's posts. People are in here to chat about their lives and up till now I haven't seen anyone say anything about it but you! Who are you to say what is Normal???
Rochelle that was nice of you to share your story of your grandpa. I had a similar situation with my grandma a few years back. She was my BEST friend and it was really hard to watch her pass. I think grandparents are SO special and it is always tough when they pass!!

Bernice your cinco de mayo feast sounded yummy! Hope you guys had fun!! :)

Alison congrats to your dh! Sounds like a good move all the way round!

Tina again I am sorry for your loss! ((hugs))

Canadian Traveller, hi and welcome! I am not sure if any of THESE gals are from canada but there ARE canadian gals on other threads. Nice to meet you and hope to learn more about you. :)

Sara you are doing awesome! Keep up the good work!

As for me I got the oil changed now today is the brakes! EEK! My car is only 4 years old but I guess it is getting to be about that time for all that stuff. I just wish it hadn't happened NOW right on the heels of all the money we had to spend for our car ins, shelby's party etc. But I guess that is life or murphy's law or something lol. Plus I am still trying to pay for our june trip in little increments and the last thing I need to do is renew my AP. I have been trying to buy one thing and then make a payment on my card etc. I am going to make another payment on the 14th and then buy my AP and that should be the last of it and then I can FINALLY hopefully stop having to put anything else on it and start paying it down!!! I am REALLY looking forward to our trip! So are the girls :)

That's bout it for me.

Have a great day all!
I just thought I would say hello to everyone....Is anyone else from Canada?

XTinabell is from Canada, but currently residing in Scotland. She will be returning to Canada within the month though I believe.

I live in Washington, so fairly close to Canada....close enough to use your coinage part of the time!:lmao:


Gee Deb I am curious what you think is so "WTH" about someone's thread here? After all this is the chatterbox thread and people can talk about whatever in here! This is not the Disney boards or the Diva thread. There is no "normal" in here and people can talk about whatever they want. This is a place for people to come and chat about whatever!

I think that is kind of offensive that you think someone's post in here is WOW or WTH. I don't think anyone else in here has any problems with anyone's posts. People are in here to chat about their lives and up till now I haven't seen anyone say anything about it but you! Who are you to say what is Normal???

WTH...:scared1:Geez, I sure hope nobody has mistaken me for normal. :rotfl: I'm pretty sure that a prerequisite to posting on this thread is that you absolutely can't be "normal". Personally I think I'd rather be the WTH post.:hippie::thumbsup2:rotfl2:

Let's all be friends and try not to read too much into the words on a post....:grouphug:

Although I must admit, when I read that I had to go back a few posts to see if I had missed anything that might fall into the WTH category.:laughing: favorite WTH post was when I was being a dork and posting stupid stuff from Photobucket. I accidentally posted a picture of some stick figures...they looked relatively innocent....until a few seconds later when they started moving & making baby stick figures right in front of our eyes!:rotfl2:

Now that was a WTH post!:rotfl2:

So DBF and rode our bikes around town last night and it is getting alot easier. I have an app for my phone that works with the GPS and tracks our path and keeps the time and mileage. It's pretty neat. We did 9.82 miles in 31 minutes. I'm going to use the app when we run tonight.

I need to change the way I eat but it's hard when everyone at work has candy dishes on their desk and I have no will power to say no. :rotfl:

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Alison Deb's post was about me. It is a LONG story but there was a big rif over on the diva thread and this goes way back. Sorry that you guys are now in the middle of this but the point is she doesn't like me and has followed me to several different posts just to say rude stuff to me. I have purposely left several but I am NOT leaving this one and NOT leaving the Dis. Let's just say that there are mean cruel people that think it is fun to talk smack about people behind their backs and make little clubs even to talk about people.

Most of us just come on here to talk about our love of Disney or what is going on in our lives but some people feel the need to cut people down or go on facebook and make digs about people and that is just sad!
Ahhh..ok. Henceforth I will ignore strange postings.:thumbsup2 That is unless I post them myself!:laughing:
Got some good news tomorrow.

We are having winter like weather here. Which is basically unheard of in May! Guess it's finally making up for all that good weather that we had all know when we sent that icky rain down to California for our hyena trip.:laughing:

Northern MN is getting snow this weekend, it's so bizarre!

Alison - But I'm curious how you can get good news tomorrow? Are you psychic? ;) .

Hold it wait...I'm getting a premonition(sp?)..........oh never mind that was just indigestion.

:rotfl2: Only you Alison! You crack me up!

WOW some post are like WTH, others are normal.

uhh what??
There is no "normal" in here

Sounds about right! :thumbsup2

I'm pretty sure that a prerequisite to posting on this thread is that you absolutely can't be "normal".

when I read that I had to go back a few posts to see if I had missed anything that might fall into the WTH category.


Me too.

I have purposely left several but I am NOT leaving this one

Cool, because I like you! :goodvibes
Lol at the way you quoted there is no "normal" in here. I like that twist. I didn't mean you guys weren't normal but hey take it however you want it lol!!

Thanks for the props Bernice and I like you too and I like this thread and as I said I am NOT leaving. I refuse to be run off.

I'm just sorry that it came to all this and that there has to be people that find it necessary to act like this but I really enjoy coming here and sharing my day and hearing about you all and I don't plan on going anywhere!

You guys can be as weird as you want! Love it!! ;) That's what makes life fun!!
Ok so the WTH was about well ok so what kind of parent would leave a party and not know if a child was picked up or not? What kind of parent would not go back to check and make sure that a child that was invited to the party was sitting there alone waiting for her mom or dad to show up? As a parent I guess you expect more out of another parent than to be like oh well I hope the kid got picked up. I know that wouldn't fly if it was the other way around a parent did that to your child.


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