Celebrity Big Brother

Well how disappointing was that ? - it was pathetic. I know Davina is told what to say to the HM's, but I was fuming that not only did BB not show him what a bully he has been, but they gave him a platform for a Party Political Broadcast :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
mandymouse said:
Well how disappointing was that ? - it was pathetic. I know Davina is told what to say to the HM's, but I was fuming that not only did BB not show him what a bully he has been, but they gave him a platform for a Party Political Broadcast :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

I agree, I hope he goes on the Richard & Judy show as I think they will ask the question that Davina couldn't or wouldn't.
cazzie said:
I agree, I hope he goes on the Richard & Judy show as I think they will ask the question that Davina couldn't or wouldn't.

ITA Cazzie, it was so tame, Davina didn't even mention when he said how he doesn't like people to be bullied that he unmercilessly drove Jodie to the brink with his nastiness.
BTW radio one held a 'poll' in Georges constituency, nobody they came across said they'd vote for him if he stood for election next time BUT they did say they'd go out of their way to vote for someone else :rotfl2:
I agree, I hoped Davina would show the clip of him threatening retribution on those who had wronged him, so he could see how utterly psychotic he looked.
If you thought Davina was toothless last night, Dermot was even worse this morning on BBLB. He was all pally with George and even apologized for Channel 4 apparently turning off the sound whenever George went on a political rant! Thank God he's out, but just watch him now twist it round to show that he's been victimised! He still maintained this morning that if he had gone into the Directors Boardroom he would not have touched any of the food or drink. Yeah right!

Just been on the CBB website and it seems Pete's all lonely now :sad:

Hope Maggot wins, he seems sane, and I think he's been quiet because he's so bewildered by all the madness around him.

How are they going to get rid of 6 of them in one night?
I could gladly get rid of 6 of them in one hour, let alone one night :rotfl2:
I just sort of saw it while I was getting up, but I saw someone phoned in a question for Dennis about dancing, and he just started going on about how much he hated the house and he would NEVER EVER go back there again. Dermot sort of went " Well, whatever.."
On Chris Moyles this morning they played clips of Aled at the press conference last night....

Aled ''We did a poll and out of 21,000 votes 93% said they hated you''

George ''And what radio station are you from?'' - Assuming some tiny pirate station

ALED ''Radio 1''

George ''Ohhh'' - Now very worried about the reality of BB for politicians!


I thought Big Brother - The Movie was hilarious, Chantelle's impression of Dennis and Michael's one of Maggot were brilliant. The only one to let it down was Pete Burns who just can't help but be cruel about Jodie
I caqn't believe I am going to miss the final tonight. As much as she makes me cringe I would really like to see Chantelle winning.

Who is everyone else hoping wins?
OOHH for me it has to be Preston :love: He has really grown on me over the last couple of weeks, and i think he is gorgeous :love: :cloud9:


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