Celebration of Harry Potter Films, Nov 11-13, at Islands of Adventure

Well, I'm glad you shared this. I HATE you and the other guests were treated that way - that seems totally unacceptable.

My oldest daughter were in mouring all weekend because the premiere packages sold out before we could get one. I know it would have been great just to have been there, but I do know that if we had been able to book the premiere package and I had spent the $5,000.00 plus dollars for our family to go to this event and had been treated this way, I would have been beyond angry.

Still hating we didn't get to see "our" Weasleys, but glad I didn't have to put up with that crazy nonsense. I mean, really? 2 hours waits for people who spent that kind of money? CRAZY!

I had all the Weasley men at my scheduled Q&A and have pictures from the front row. If you'd like to have them for your girls, PM me you email addy and I will send them to you.
The worst was the GR guy next to me being so extremely rude and downright sarcastic to the girls next to me complaining about the same thing. He told them, "You are not special, I don't care what you paid, we can do what we want. You got what you paid for little miss, so what is your problem or are you just spoiled?" Then the girls pointed to me and said, "they were next to us when we saw the passes being given," so I said, "yes I was" and he turned and tossed up his hand and said, "I'm helping them, not you so shut it," I was disgusted. He sent them away with nothing, not even an apology or a kiss my butt. Then after they left the room he then proceeded to belittle her to the guest he next helped. Of course the guest he next helped was there to kiss butt and ask if she could get the "special pin she heard they had for Potter that weekend", you know, the one we all paid extra for? He couldn't run fast enough over to the fullfilment center to get her one and thank her for being such an amazing guest. Sadly for him though, once he started to berate these three ladies my friend discreetly flipped on her iPhone video and got all of it on recording for Universal. Usually I am there to commend their staff but making people cry and belittling them to others not involved needs to be seen and reported to his bosses.

This is completely unreal! I am upset for all of you, and I wasn't even there! I really and sincerely hope this person's boss will hear about what happened and have a serious talk with him. With the amount of money you guys forked over for these special events, his attitude and responses were completely out of line, and you had every right to be ticked off that random park guests were being treated to perks that you had actually paid for (and sometimes even better perks than those you had paid for, by what I am reading!). How absurd and unfair!
I had an amazing time! Like you guys I thought that the Q&A was one ticket only, but I got in on standby for the weasley's which I wouldn't have seen otherwise and that makes me very happy. I might be the only one but I think that they handled it really well. It looked like everyone who's passes were marked with a yellow highlighter (from the ticket booth) went in on the left and got first access to seating, while everyone elses ( marked with orange or retrieved on-line) were set in a right hand line and directed to higher seating. I also stumbled upon where the autograph session was being held and the entire weasley panel walked about 3 feet in front of me, as the security guard asked if I was going to rush them. I said " I'm not that crazy" So he let me stand right there at the top of the steps while he kept the other people back. I also loved early entry. I did all my shopping while the place wasn't so full of people.
I'm very sorry for those who tried to book a package and weren't able to (heard they sold out extremely fast). :( It only makes sense that those who paid (a lot of $$$) for the packages should have gotten more access to private events than guests who didn't have a package.

fairyprincess88, I'm sorry for what you saw happen at Guest Relations! :sad2: Yikes! But that is SO cool that you got to be Oliver's bodyguard for a little while!!
I'm very sorry for those who tried to book a package and weren't able to (heard they sold out extremely fast). :( It only makes sense that those who paid (a lot of $$$) for the packages should have gotten more access to private events than guests who didn't have a package.

fairyprincess88, I'm sorry for what you saw happen at Guest Relations! :sad2: Yikes! But that is SO cool that you got to be Oliver's bodyguard for a little while!!
The premiere packages sold out in about 2 hours.
Wow, sorry to those of you that had a bad time or just a less amazing time than you expected. Mine was the exact opposite. I even ended up with 2 extra Sunday night Gala passes and helped make a mother and daughters trip extra special by giving them away.
I also got lucky and had an exceptional autograph session with Mark Williams, the Phelps brothers , and Rupert Grint. And they started by signing a photo for me in addition to the book I brought. All except for Rupert who didnt sign my book because I got busy shaking his hand and talking to him and didnt remember until I was already outside. I went with low expectations so ended up very pleased.
I felt things were a little disorganized. We almost missed our q&a due to being told to line up over 1.5 hrs early and then getting in to find it wasn't our cast q&a. By the time we got out we were in the back of the line for ours. It was ok though. We were still there.

The early entry was awesome. I got to shop and etc before the park opened to the public. I'm not one for large packed crowds so this was a treat for me. Also I loved meeting all of the fans. We visited w some great people in almost every line we were in, and people were so sweet about giving me spots to sit in the shade or extra room to stand where I couldn't get trampled since I am obviously pregnant. I was surprised how sweet ppl were.

My favorite part was the gala event. We got to be on the red carpet in a great area. We had a few crazies by us who pushed my husband back until he was not on the carpet anymore but he got pics still. They tried to push me back but as nice as I am I said no and stood my ground. I was there first and they were not gonna elbow me and knock me over to take my spot. I got everyone's autographs on my messenger bag, got pics w tons of them, and also got a hug from Rupert Grint. :) That all made the money worth it to me. :)
Wow, sorry to those of you that had a bad time or just a less amazing time than you expected. Mine was the exact opposite. I even ended up with 2 extra Sunday night Gala passes and helped make a mother and daughters trip extra special by giving them away.
I also got lucky and had an exceptional autograph session with Mark Williams, the Phelps brothers , and Rupert Grint. And they started by signing a photo for me in addition to the book I brought. All except for Rupert who didnt sign my book because I got busy shaking his hand and talking to him and didnt remember until I was already outside. I went with low expectations so ended up very pleased.
How did you end up with extra passes? I mean I called back a few times after the packages sold out and they certainly wouldn't even sell us a package, but then I read on here that people had "extra" passes and they were just giving stuff out to random people in the parks.
How did you end up with extra passes? I mean I called back a few times after the packages sold out and they certainly wouldn't even sell us a package, but then I read on here that people had "extra" passes and they were just giving stuff out to random people in the parks.

Well they sent us an email to upgrade to the premier we originally wanted when it sold out so fast. We went back and forth on it the night before the upgrade option became available and decided to do it, went to the link they sent and it said unavailable. So then we called Universal and they said, "sorry we made a mistake with sending out the emails and that option is no longer available." At that point I was just over it and decided to be happy with what I had. Then during the Celebration no less than 10 feet in front of me I see a Universal staff member congratulate a women and her husband and inviting them to Gala on Sunday night. To say I saw red would be an understatement. Then we see them handing out passes to the Saturday Red Carpet Gala, then we see them handing out more passes to the Sunday Gala. Plus while complaining in Guest Services I see them give one of the Package Pins to a random guest asking for one. All the while Guest Services is basically lying through their teeth to us when we went to question what was going on. When you have line of Package Guests out the door and down around to the bakery to complain, then I'd wager to think the problem was not with the guests.

So basically they made me pay for tickets I didn't need(AP) ect so I could get a pack of DVDs I already own? Everything else in that package I paid for was being given for free. Yes, I got a "reserved ticket" to one Q&A, but I still had to line up 2 hours before hand for a front spot and even without the "reserved ticket" I could still go to the Q&A by just standing in a separate line. I don't regret going this weekend, I got to see some my favorite actors face to face(a lot of them) and yes I got really early park admission which was lovely. But beyond that, I got ripped off royally.
I felt things were a little disorganized. We almost missed our q&a due to being told to line up over 1.5 hrs early and then getting in to find it wasn't our cast q&a. By the time we got out we were in the back of the line for ours. It was ok though. We were still there.

The early entry was awesome. I got to shop and etc before the park opened to the public. I'm not one for large packed crowds so this was a treat for me. Also I loved meeting all of the fans. We visited w some great people in almost every line we were in, and people were so sweet about giving me spots to sit in the shade or extra room to stand where I couldn't get trampled since I am obviously pregnant. I was surprised how sweet ppl were.

My favorite part was the gala event. We got to be on the red carpet in a great area. We had a few crazies by us who pushed my husband back until he was not on the carpet anymore but he got pics still. They tried to push me back but as nice as I am I said no and stood my ground. I was there first and they were not gonna elbow me and knock me over to take my spot. I got everyone's autographs on my messenger bag, got pics w tons of them, and also got a hug from Rupert Grint. :) That all made the money worth it to me. :)

Were the crazies by you the ones from Brazil? Just wondering because my daughter was by them and was being pushed around. She finally got fed up and started to walk away, but a wonderful gentleman called her back and let her get in front of him. She tried to let him have his spot back but he said that he was fine he was trying to stay near his pregnant wife to make sure she didn't get shoved around to much.
How did you end up with extra passes? I mean I called back a few times after the packages sold out and they certainly wouldn't even sell us a package, but then I read on here that people had "extra" passes and they were just giving stuff out to random people in the parks.

There was actually some kind of mix up when recieving our packet, and when I went back later to recieve our blu ray set I was given 2 special guest lanyard type badges as well. I showed them to my wife and she said they look just like the ones she picked up earlier. We didn't know for sure though until we got back to our room and reviewed everything. I immediately thought about you and fairyprincess having remembered your posts from earlier. Unfortunately the internet service on my phone was not operational so I could not connect and PM you guys. If I had been able to contact either of you I would have gladly helped out a fellow disser before anyone else. I ended up giving the 2 extra passes to a Mother/daughter who was telling me they tried to get the premiere package but it was sold out almost immediately and had to settle for the celebration package.
The worst was the GR guy next to me being so extremely rude and downright sarcastic to the girls next to me complaining about the same thing. He told them, "You are not special, I don't care what you paid, we can do what we want. You got what you paid for little miss, so what is your problem or are you just spoiled?" Then the girls pointed to me and said, "they were next to us when we saw the passes being given," so I said, "yes I was" and he turned and tossed up his hand and said, "I'm helping them, not you so shut it," I was disgusted. He sent them away with nothing, not even an apology or a kiss my butt. Then after they left the room he then proceeded to belittle her to the guest he next helped. Of course the guest he next helped was there to kiss butt and ask if she could get the "special pin she heard they had for Potter that weekend", you know, the one we all paid extra for? He couldn't run fast enough over to the fullfilment center to get her one and thank her for being such an amazing guest. Sadly for him though, once he started to berate these three ladies my friend discreetly flipped on her iPhone video and got all of it on recording for Universal. Usually I am there to commend their staff but making people cry and belittling them to others not involved needs to be seen and reported to his bosses.

Your friend needs to upload this video on YouTube. That guy should be humiliated for not helping you guys, since you DID pay for the package, and for his unhelpful and callous mood. Some mess-ups are bound to happen with events like this one (like inviting park guests to the Q&As and autograph sessions), but not as big as this one.

But on the other hand, I'm glad I didn't go to the Celebration. If I was treated like that, it'd turn me off US/IOA for good. I feel bad for you guys that didn't get the amazing experience you paid money for.
I disagree about needing to upload on youtube. Yes, sounds like his behavior was rude and unacceptable. But in my experience almost all the TMs at the park have been nothing but helpful, and to showcase to the world the bad actions of one would be an insult to all the ones that go above and beyond everyday to ensure guests have a great experience.
Were the crazies by you the ones from Brazil? Just wondering because my daughter was by them and was being pushed around. She finally got fed up and started to walk away, but a wonderful gentleman called her back and let her get in front of him. She tried to let him have his spot back but he said that he was fine he was trying to stay near his pregnant wife to make sure she didn't get shoved around to much.

:rotfl: That was my husband I'm pretty sure if you were by Honeydukes! He wanted everyone to get their fair share of red carpet. He kept saying that since there were lots of people there that as long as I was up front getting pictures and signatures that he was fine to allow other people to get their share as well. I hope that your daughter got some signatures and pictures due to my husband helping her get up closer again. He let a few people in when the crazy family pushed them out of the way. His only request was to stay close enough to me to be able to grab me if things got to crazy, and there were really great people around us who kept moving around when needed to keep me from getting squished by those crazies.

Those people from Brazil were horrible though. The dad kept shoving his arm in my face when I was trying to take pics and video. The boy almost knocked me over the chain to try to get in my spot, and the girls kept elbowing me and shoving the chain to try to get in front of people. So rude! At least there were plenty of nice people there to make up for them. :goodvibes
I disagree about needing to upload on youtube. Yes, sounds like his behavior was rude and unacceptable. But in my experience almost all the TMs at the park have been nothing but helpful, and to showcase to the world the bad actions of one would be an insult to all the ones that go above and beyond everyday to ensure guests have a great experience.

Ya I didn't go to customer service to complain since I was having a good time and the service I received everywhere I went was amazing. My DH and I had such a good time due to the amazing service that we want to take our whole family someday. :goodvibes
I disagree about needing to upload on youtube. Yes, sounds like his behavior was rude and unacceptable. But in my experience almost all the TMs at the park have been nothing but helpful, and to showcase to the world the bad actions of one would be an insult to all the ones that go above and beyond everyday to ensure guests have a great experience.

I agree and it is not going on You Tube for the world to see. She only recorded it because of how horrible this man was being and thought it might be something his bosses may want to see. If anything, it will be sent privately to Universal. I work in the marketing and guest services industry and I was truly disgusted at how this man was speaking to these young ladies. I have never seen anything like it before from a TM at Universal and while I know he was recieving a lot of complaints(the line was out the door) there is no reason that he should've ever spoken to guests in the manner in which he did. That is something that I feel strongly needs to be reported, but also feel it is a private manner that does not need to be on YT for everyone to see.
I agree that this was extremely disorganized and the people who paid got royally ripped off...however,

This is how these things are always run. You pay for the right to be guaranteed a spot. The freebies just sort of happen if you are lucky.

If the public knew about the extra random perks then it would have been chaos. HP fans can be fanatics to begin with nevermind putting them in a competitive situation where they have to be first...

I may only feel this way because I was able to find out how to get the extra Q&A tickets without waiting on line for hours and I was able to get into EVERY Q&A on Saturday and Sunday. I was initially disappointed in our autograph session and was upset to find out that someone was GIVEN 3 tickets to the Weasley session on Saturday, but the Gala more than made up for it.

Overall the stars were amazingly friendly and approachable. The handlers/security were absolute *******es. I guess they have to be or the stars could end up being stuck in one place for hours at a time.

My biggest complaint was at our autograph session. There were only 2 groups of people behind us and we had Viktor Krum, Bill Weasley, Cho Chang and Lavendar Brown. I was told that I could take pictures from "back here" There was 2 very large men at the table getting autographs and totally blocking the whole table. So I waited for my DD and her friend (both 13) to get up there and started taking the pictures so that they were in the picture. After I got my DD's picture with Krum and Bill I was told I needed to get in line. I asked to be able to take their pictures and let the next family go and I was told very sternly "no, we cant hold up the line." I say you aren't holding up the line the other family can go and I can go after. "NO, YOU MUST GO NOW!" Fine, I say I wont go at all. I want their pictures. "SIR, YOU WILL GO NOW OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PARK" Really????? So pissed off I go get my autographs. I feel bad for Stanislav. I know I was really still heated when I approached him, but I was happy by the time I got to Domnhall. And who could be mad with Katie or Jessie smiling at you?

I was very sad for the girls..all they wanted was Fred, George, Ron, Luna or Seamus. They were happy with what they got but very sad to start off with that disappointment. Luckily things really got better and my DD ended up getting a hug from Oliver Phelps and a high-5 from James. I thought she might have melted right there.

We also ran into Filch and Kingsley at airport security and Filch approached the girls and asked them about the weekend and offered to pose for photos and sign autographs. (they already had those) and then we ran into Dean Thomas in the food court area of the airport and he posed for pictures as well. Seriously, does that man ever NOT smile? What a great guy and his GF was a trooper for not getting upset or frustrated.

I would post pictures but I havent been able to sort through the 600+ I got so far. I will get to that this weekend I hope!
I also want to make it clear that I did not go to Guest Services to complain because of service from the TMs or because I was, as the mean guy called the other girls, "spoiled". I went because right in front of me they handed out something I was told was "sold out" when I went to purchase it, also because of things I paid for were being given out for free to random guests. That just didn't sit well with me. Add in the fact that they were randomly handing out passes for the Saturday Gala and I was fed up.

Beyond the issues with the packages, I had an amazing trip and also went to GS to compliment many of the TMs who were amazing this trip. Especially the TM in Honeydukes we saw every morning during "early early entry". There was barely anyone in the stores during those first two hours and on our first day he greeted us by running to us with high five's yelling, "My fellow Slytherins" as we were both dressed in our Slytherin gear. We had a long conversation and we left with a hug and a "don't forget me tomorrow, I'll be wanting to see my Snakes". So then for the next two mornings we'd go see him first thing at 6 AM and he'd spend time walking around the store with us, talking about Potter. He was such a highlight each morning. We had similar experieces through the parks, especially in the WWoHP. I love being in that section of the park just for the converstations with the TMs, who love to talk all things Potter.
I agree that this was extremely disorganized and the people who paid got royally ripped off...however,

This is how these things are always run. You pay for the right to be guaranteed a spot. The freebies just sort of happen if you are lucky.

If the public knew about the extra random perks then it would have been chaos. HP fans can be fanatics to begin with nevermind putting them in a competitive situation where they have to be first...

I may only feel this way because I was able to find out how to get the extra Q&A tickets without waiting on line for hours and I was able to get into EVERY Q&A on Saturday and Sunday. I was initially disappointed in our autograph session and was upset to find out that someone was GIVEN 3 tickets to the Weasley session on Saturday, but the Gala more than made up for it.

Overall the stars were amazingly friendly and approachable. The handlers/security were absolute *******es. I guess they have to be or the stars could end up being stuck in one place for hours at a time.

My biggest complaint was at our autograph session. There were only 2 groups of people behind us and we had Viktor Krum, Bill Weasley, Cho Chang and Lavendar Brown. I was told that I could take pictures from "back here" There was 2 very large men at the table getting autographs and totally blocking the whole table. So I waited for my DD and her friend (both 13) to get up there and started taking the pictures so that they were in the picture. After I got my DD's picture with Krum and Bill I was told I needed to get in line. I asked to be able to take their pictures and let the next family go and I was told very sternly "no, we cant hold up the line." I say you aren't holding up the line the other family can go and I can go after. "NO, YOU MUST GO NOW!" Fine, I say I wont go at all. I want their pictures. "SIR, YOU WILL GO NOW OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE PARK" Really????? So pissed off I go get my autographs. I feel bad for Stanislav. I know I was really still heated when I approached him, but I was happy by the time I got to Domnhall. And who could be mad with Katie or Jessie smiling at you?

I was very sad for the girls..all they wanted was Fred, George, Ron, Luna or Seamus. They were happy with what they got but very sad to start off with that disappointment. Luckily things really got better and my DD ended up getting a hug from Oliver Phelps and a high-5 from James. I thought she might have melted right there.

We also ran into Filch and Kingsley at airport security and Filch approached the girls and asked them about the weekend and offered to pose for photos and sign autographs. (they already had those) and then we ran into Dean Thomas in the food court area of the airport and he posed for pictures as well. Seriously, does that man ever NOT smile? What a great guy and his GF was a trooper for not getting upset or frustrated.

I would post pictures but I havent been able to sort through the 600+ I got so far. I will get to that this weekend I hope!

I'm so happy for you and your girls. And yes, while I did have some not so happy moments, overall I had a great trip and well, I did have to do all the lines but I did get into all the Q&As on Sunday, and was front row(my scheduled one) for the one I wanted which was Rupert. Plus I did get all that extra time with Oliver while being his "chick bodyguard" and got pictures and hugs from him on Friday morning. Plus when he asked about me going to the Gala ect, I explained that package sold out as I was trying to order it, but it was ok as I'd be upset if I didn't get Rupert for my autograph session anyway, which he laughed at. Then after a quick conversation with the Universal guy with us, Oliver told me to stop by guest services on Saturday and that he promised a Rupert autograph would be there for me. It was!

So yes, there were some hiccups but I did have many amazing moments too.
So yes, there were some hiccups but I did have many amazing moments too.

That's good. I know what you said about not uploading the vid on YT, and I respect that. But I know that if I was there, I would've reported that guy ASAP along with the video.

At least most of you had a good time and got to meet with some of the actors post-celebration. :cool1:


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