CC's Weight Loss Journey

Hi there,

Good job losing the weight you gained - that's awesome!

Your goal of 900 minutes of exercise for the month sounds really neat! Would you mind if I joined you for that goal?
Hi CC,
just a tip for the chocolate issue, (I have it tooHA HA)
WW one point bars, they have a caramel chocolate, (takes just like a Pixie, without a nut) I am sure that this will fill your chocolate need, you can only get them at a meeting, they are $7.50 a box, its a lot of money$$ but they do the trick. I also like the cookies and cream ones too.

Hope thats helps!
Tomorrow is a new week...perfect time for new goals. Hopefully you'll be feeling good and up to the exercise.

Thanks! I wasn't up for exercising in the morning but I did get to the gym after dinner. Works for me!
Hi there,

Good job losing the weight you gained - that's awesome!

Your goal of 900 minutes of exercise for the month sounds really neat! Would you mind if I joined you for that goal?

Thanks! I highly recommend you join the March exercise thread. I've been doing it for a few months now (4 maybe?) and it keeps me so much more accountable. I did 31 minutes today, which is in-line with my goal. ETA: 900 minutes is a great goal because it's 30-40 minutes a day assuming a few days off from exercise throughout the month.
Hi CC,
just a tip for the chocolate issue, (I have it tooHA HA)
WW one point bars, they have a caramel chocolate, (takes just like a Pixie, without a nut) I am sure that this will fill your chocolate need, you can only get them at a meeting, they are $7.50 a box, its a lot of money$$ but they do the trick. I also like the cookies and cream ones too.

Hope thats helps!

I love the cookies and cream ones! I have to remember to break out those bars when everyone else is having chocolate. The 2 points chocolate bars by Hershey's are good too. I'll have to buy some of the ones with caramel when I go to my WW meeting this week. Thanks for the suggestion!
For sure! Thanks for telling me about the thread- I didn't realize what it was. Glad to hear how it's kept you more accountable throughout the process. Way to go on your 31/900!! :cheer2:
Today I have my dance class. It is 90 minutes long, but I count it as 80 min. as we start late. I'm not very good at modern dance, but I'm sticking with it. Tonight, we're doing jazz, I think. I'd like the change of pace.

Ok day so far with regards to eating. I'm not expecting to maintain my loss from last week, but I'll be ok with gaining no more than 2 pounds. I'm hoping to get in a good cardio workout tomorrow morning and then go to the gym in the evening. If I have a good day tomorrow and Thursday, I will likely maintain, if not lose something when I weigh-in on Friday morning. Hoping...
Whew, that dance class sounds like a good workout...80 mins. is a loooong time! I admire you for sticking with it. I am extremely uncoordinated at things like that and admire anyone who can actually follow the steps without twisting themselves into a heap on the floor.
I admire you for sticking with it. I am extremely uncoordinated at things like that and admire anyone who can actually follow the steps without twisting themselves into a heap on the floor.

Thanks! I'm usually good for a few laughs, but I absolutely love the class. It was a great workout last night. Still not as aerobic as I would have liked, but much better than last week. It's supposed to be much more intense next week.

Well, I weighed myself using the Wii Fit+ today (about an hour ago) and I'm up almost 4 pounds. I'm hoping it's just pre-TOM. Also, my weigh-in last week was first thing in the morning. I'm planning to workout tomorrow morning and again tomorrow night. I'm hoping that'll help me see the scale move in the right direction. I'd love to lose this week, but I'd be happy with a maintain or less than 1 pound gain. I have to drink my water the next few days. That should help as well. I haven't decided if I'm going to make Friday or Saturday my weigh-in day. I was thinking Friday because that's the ideal day for the WISH BL challenge, but I was doing Saturdays and liked that. I'll probably end up sticking to Saturdays. I best be off to bed. I didn't sleep well last night and want to get as much sleep as possible so I can wake up and exercise for about 30 minutes.

Have a great day everyone and thanks for reading! Your support is so helpful!
Tomorrow I start tracking again. 100%! No ifs, ands, or buts about it. LOL.

The Wii Fit+ says I'm down about a pound. I'll take it even though I'm still up from last week. I'm hoping it's just because I'm pre-TOM. Sorry if that's TMI.

Got in a good 33 minutes of solid cardio tonight. Very happy about that.

Hoping to get in a workout before work tomorrow morning and again tomorrow night. All depends on TOM of course.

Determined to get 28 COW points this week as well. Drinking water really helps me lose weight. Definitely have to do that even if it wasn't a COW.

Just a quick update for tonight. Will catch up on everyone's journal over the weekend. All this exercise is exhausting me.

Quick update regarding yesterday:

- Down .6 to 142. I'll take it.
- Ate 21/21 points and earned 4 APs
- Got in 28 minutes of cardio plus lots of walking
- Got in all 4 COWs
Sounds like the summary of a really good day! :goodvibes Great job on all the cardio as well - it is amazing how much better I feel doing cardio! I keep thinking how much our hearts are going to thank all of us who are working out and getting healthier!

Hope you have a great day today as well!
Sounds like the summary of a really good day! :goodvibes Great job on all the cardio as well - it is amazing how much better I feel doing cardio! I keep thinking how much our hearts are going to thank all of us who are working out and getting healthier!

Hope you have a great day today as well!

Thanks! I do love my cardio.

So far, so good! I have 6.5 points left for a really low point dinner. We're having turkey breast. I am not a big fan of it, so I'll only be eating a little bit of it. I just realized that we might be having dessert tonight after church in honor of a friend's birthday. I may or may not join them. It'll depend on what we have with dinner. I could always use my WPA, but I only want to use 4-5 points of it for the day. Kind of wishing I didn't have dessert with my parents and sister now, but I won't dwell on it.

I'm considering biking to CVS. It would be a good workout, like 3 APs. The problem is the last time I took a bike ride, I started throwing up. I'm not interested in having that happen again. I'll think about it.

Well, got to go. Until later...

CC, Sounds like you are doing great! Lots of work outs.

Why did you throw up on the bike ride?
Keep up the good work!!!
CC, Sounds like you are doing great! Lots of work outs.

Why did you throw up on the bike ride?

I wish I knew. I figured it was pre-TOM, but didn't turn out to be the case. I may have been in need of some water. But, really, I'm not sure.

Keep up the good work!!!

Hi CC, any work out today?
I did nothing yesterday, and 20 min on elliptical this morning, BUT,,
then I ate banana bread, lots of it. UGG

Hope your doing better than me with the points. ;)
Hello! How are things going this week? If you ended up going on the bike ride, hope it went better than the last time!
I will get caught up with everyone's journal tomorrow. I had a busy weekend and am ready for bed. My diet resumes tomorrow.
I ended up having to do a load of laundry so I won't be going to bed for another hour. I caught up on everyone's WISH Journal tonight and will try to stay on top of them and my own this week.

I had a busy week last week and it culminated in a mini-vacation. My sister and I went to a food-filled birthday party and then went shopping almost all day today. My diet resumes tomorrow. I will weigh myself using the Wii Fit+ tomorrow morning and get back on track. I'm hoping to get in some exercise before my shower tomorrow morning as well. I'd love to do multiple workouts each day Monday through Friday of this week. It'll be hard, but I should be able to do it. I'd also love to average 10,000 steps each day.

I'm a little stressed out right now. Journaling was a good choice for me now. I will probably still eat a bit more tonight, but I'm not sure yet. Tomorrow it's back to 100% tracking and lots of exercise.

Until tomorrow...


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