Career Start Fall 2009

Okay. I have another question :)

Does anyone know if it is possible to keep a nose piercing while working for Disney? Because I have one and I'd really like to hold onto it if possible (it was really painful to get; I don't want to have gone through all of that only to remove it after less than a year). Does anyone know anyone who's been able to use like a clear retainer or something of that nature while working?

You can have the piercing. You just can't have anything in while at work.
Hmm, that's a toughie since nose piercings tend to close up rather quickly (within hours for some people). I've never tested mine to see how long it will last. Hopefully, I'll be able to find a way to make it work :confused3
I've seen some people that put makeup over there's... or even a small cap thing. They have to use them when performing in shows. I don't know if that will work for you. I imagine they're going to make you take it out though.

"Intentional body alteration or modification for the purpose of achieving a visible, physical effect that disfigures, deforms or similarly detracts from a professional image is prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, visible tattoos, brands, body piercing (other than traditional ear piercing for women), tongue piercing or splitting, tooth filing, earlobe expansion, and acquiring visible, disfiguring skin implants."

Thats from the web sites. You might be able to find a loop hole.
Hello, My name is Ashley and I will also be applying to the Career Start Fall 2009 program. Im really really hoping I get accepted because you can only apply within 4 years of graduating high school and I graduated June 2005. I just learned about this program and I want it so bad! I chose not to go to college and start working instead and so I dont qualify for the College program and I would really love to have a career at disney! Does any one no of anyone that is applying that didnt just graduate?? I hope I still have a shot! :)
Sorry Ashley, I'm stil in High School... there are plenty of others though that have already graduated.

Alright, my question now is how did you answer your short answer questions? I feel like mine might be too formal. What are they looking for?
I just answered mine how I would say it to them. I like to talk though so it makes the answers long lol.
Ashley - I wouldn't worry too much about not having just graduated. I will be out of school for more than a year by the time Fall 09 rolls around. I graduated from high school in June 08 and just wasn't ready for college, so, like you, I decided to start working. I'm hoping to do CS in Fall 09 and then head to college in Fall 2010.;)
I think it'll be OK though... just as long as I get to my interview. I think I'll do well though, I like talking to people and I've been excited about this program for a long time. I think it'll shine through pretty easily.
so after you finish the cs program and you like working there do they offer you a job? or how do you get in full time?
Yay I just got off the phone with some questions and it seems that Wed. Feb 11th is our day to apply :D
yay the 11th!!! Thats relatively close :hyper: Can't wait!

I'm just waiting for my reference to, you know, get all that referency stuff done. He isn't the most punctual at times. Always forgetting things and what not.:hourglass

These smilies are amazing. :cool1:
aw look who decided to join the Dis!

SO anyways. My mom today told me that I should send a picture with my application. I'm halfway between thinking that it's completely unnecessary and doing it. I mean... I think an employer should be able to know what their new employee looks like. But on the other hand, they don't ask for one so... why should I.

I don't know. Any opinions?
Yea probably not. I didn't really want to but my mom was pushing it.
If you feel you should, then I would do it. What can you lose?
aw look who decided to join the Dis!

SO anyways. My mom today told me that I should send a picture with my application. I'm halfway between thinking that it's completely unnecessary and doing it. I mean... I think an employer should be able to know what their new employee looks like. But on the other hand, they don't ask for one so... why should I.

I don't know. Any opinions?

I wouldnt either. Sounds strange, if you apply for a job its not like you send a picture and essentially thats what your doing. If they wanted one they would ask.
I do a lot of theatre so when I apply for something it's like auditioning and it's weird to not give them a picture/headshot.

It's how my whole family works, you'll have to forgive them for that. It blows their mind that Disney doesn't want a picture for their applications. It's kind of funny actually...
Hi all! :wave2:
Starting yesterday I noticed TONS of Disney Career Start posters all over my school. It really made me reconsider my upcoming plans. I was planning on going straight to college in the fall (like 99% of my peers), but i've become really interested in this. I've never really had a job before and I think this would be the best experience for a first job ever. I just worry about if I'll have trouble getting into college later because I took time off to do the Career Start program? What do ya'll think? Is anyone struggling to decide on college or Career Start? I guess i'm just afraid to stray from the direction of most of my peers.
Yes,sometimes I struggle with college or Career Start.I don't think you will have any trouble getting into college after your Career Start Program.That's what I am planning on doing after my Career Start Program.:)


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