can't cut Life's A Beach w/Life's a Beach

Yup - there's a TINK. A simple TINK, an elaborate TINK and a "think TINK". :thumbsup2

Looks like the person who was supposed to call me back has gone home for the day. No answer to this question today. :mad:
Bamb, was it Tink or Fairy we were looking for last weekend. My brain is mush:scared:
Here is Provo Craft speak for "Too Bad, So Sad"

Provo Craft is always excited to see customers respond to our newest Cricut cartridges. We also understand that our Cricut users want to see the new cartridge images as soon as possible. We try to get our retailers these images as soon as we can, to get our Cricut users excited about the upcoming products. These sample images are generally created prior to the cartridges actual production.

During the development process, it is sometimes necessary for Provo Craft to make changes to the original preproduction artwork. Provo Craft does not guarantee any image will make the final cut on to a cartridge until the cartridge is actually completed and in production.

It has recently come to our attention that some Cricut users are upset that Provo Craft changed some of the artwork on "Life is a Beach." While Provo Craft strives to make sure that the most accurate information is available for users to make informed decisions about our products, Provo Craft reserves the right to make changes to artwork without any notification.

We try our best to keep the retail websites that publish images and information about Cricut cartridges up to date with the most current information as possible, but sometimes we are not always able to do so. Because of this, Cricut users should always refer to the Provo Craft website for the most recent and accurate information available.

We appreciate all your support of Provo Craft and its products.
well ya know what???......

that just stinks! sorry but i think it stinks!
What stinks even more - as someone pointed out to me - is there are FOUR unused places on each letter. FOUR. That means there could have been a shadow for the Upper, a shadow for the Lower, a shadow for the Shape and ALL the other phrases that are missing. :headache:
I am disappointed there are no shadows. I used it for a topper in the Sports and more swap and knew I needed a shadow. I ended up cutting the letters at 1 3/4 & 2 and it looked cute but it would be nice to have the shadows, especially for the phrases.
There is another cart that doesn't have a shadow, can't think of it now, and I had to cut it twice in two different colors and then offset them. Oh yes, I did it for titles/phrases. That is a pain. But I think it looks like a real shadow.
What stinks even more - as someone pointed out to me - is there are FOUR unused places on each letter. FOUR. That means there could have been a shadow for the Upper, a shadow for the Lower, a shadow for the Shape and ALL the other phrases that are missing. :headache:

wait a sec.....what are you saying???.....
that you can't shadow the letters or the shapes have no shadow?? OMG. that is just not right. and that they are not going to make good on it is even worse. is it a full cart or a solution cart?
Paid for a full cart that acts like a solutions cart. Kinda like going on a forced diet.
Wait - it gets better. There are some rabid PC fans who are defending PC practice of not giving their suppliers the correct advertising information. I guess if I want to sell their stuff it is MY responsibility to go get the correct information. Even though it isn't on their website to be found. :rotfl2:

I don't think I'll be posting over there anymore. I'm liable to get banned anyway.

The thing is, if PC hadn't tried to pass the blame, I would have totally accepted their apology [if they gave one ]and would continue to purchase product.

Not now.

I've got SCAL on my wish list.

Glad to see someone backed me up. :)
I did tell the retailer I purchased from and one that I get emails from about this. The email one has fixed the photo with photoshop because PC still hasn't given them any other material to work with.

How sad.

On principle, I want to send the cartridge back. However, that is only going to hurt my retailer. That and I opened it to see if the sixth line really wasn't there. It's not used yet. Just opened.

I am so buying SCAL now.
I read *note read, and have NEVER posted on the Cricut MB* all the time over there, so read it from the horse's mouth - and pretty much knew the direction everything was going to be heading. (Most of those people over there just scare me - they get in a tizzy about everything!!!)

I do have to point out that it's interesting that PC says that what is on their site is what should have been the end all be all, but they took down all the PDFs of the handbooks. So how can someone make an informed decision on whether to buy the cart? Also, they even said that they provide the pics to suppliers/sellers to entice buyers to get the cart, yet then say but we can change it at any time. Ummm, can you say bait and switch. I also call B>S> on that because those carts were all done before stores even took pre-orders - those carts were produced, ready, and waiting to go out within weeks of announcing their availability. So they knew what was and what wasn't on it when they sent out the pics to the stores. Again, B>S>.

Did you read about the controversy concerning the rushed nature of these carts (and the Lyrical letters)? I think Michaels found out about the jacked carts, and said they wouldn't sell defective products in their store, so that's why they passed on these.

Makes you go hhhmmm.

But now you are saying that there is no shadow function!!! I definitely will be passing on this one. I boycott the solution carts because I think they are overpriced (aren't they all), so you are right that this cart is a solution cart in regular clothing.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop though.
I think you'll like SCAL. :thumbsup2

I know I will still buy carts, but from now on, I will definitely sit back and wait. I think what bothers me the most about this cart is the lack of layers & shadows -- with four open spots, there is definitely no excuse. Using the photo card & square card features without layers will be a lot of extra work and wasted paper. I was intrigued by the photocard but until it gets on CDS, I probably won't waste the paper trying to figure it out. THe missing row is annoying, but the 4 open spots ... it doesn't seem like a full cart.

And another complaint -- the charm feature -- I hardly ever see anyone use it and it just doesn't seem to make sense for a lot of the shapes on the carts. Maybe they can give this feature a rest.
Here is what I got from the other retailer -

I have inquired with my sales rep (after business hours), I myself was not aware that we were given a draft image versus a final image. Life's a Beach was **retailer's name** first order of a cartridge that would arrive prior to Chain Store release.
So this had never been an issue for us, as we always got images from the PC site instead of through our sales rep.

There is NO alternative image available from Provo Craft, which is part of the reason we made our own for the cartridge on our site.

So the retailers had no choice, no options and PC wants to blame them??


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