Candy Apples, Monsters, Haunted Houses, Scare Zones, Strange Things an Exorcist and more. Is there a Doctor in the House? HHN 32 trip.

Wednesday, September 13th continued

I arrived at check in for the Unmasking the Horror Tour. On Check in they let you know what table to go to and sit at. This was the assigned group you would be with for your tour.

Each chair had a set up on the table in front of it which included a Unmasking the Horror Lanyard a special pin that is for the Tour and a mic system that had disposable wired ear buds that connected to it. These mic systems were new last year and it made hearing the Tour Guide much easier during the tour.



When you went on lunch break you left your small mic box at the Blue Man Group Theatre and then picked it back up when you returned from lunch.

We had about 15 minutes before the tour started. Then our Tour Guide the Lovely Billie Jane arrived and introduced herself to everyone. She gathered everyone together in our group in the hallway. She was wearing a headset that was linked to our our earbud setups and made sure we could all hear her clearly.

She then let us know that we would start up with the back two houses that were the farthest away this morning. This way we would not be doing unnecessary hiking criss crossing the park to the houses.

The other Four houses were at the front the park.

A little on the Unmasking the Horror Tour. I have done this tour for a number of years now. I would recommend the tour to everyone if you want to see the artistry that goes into creating the haunted Houses that you are not going to notice in the dark during the event.

That being said. This year everything that all of us who have attended HHN for years could predict about HHN went out the window. Tours started selling out earlier then they ever have including this one. Resorts sold out and HHN overall was generally much more crowded then I have every seen it.

I was lucky to get into this tour at the last minute. Also the tour prices were fluctuating which was something I don‘t remember happening before.

There are 6 house Tours and 3 House Tours.

The 6 house tours are longer and do include a break for food.

The Tour guide takes you to each of the houses and they are very knowledgeable about the houses. So even if you have never seen the movie of a IP house you will understand the house while you are viewing it. Same with the Universal created Original house you will get the back story on those houses.

Wear comfortable shoes as there is a lot of walking to the houses and standing in the houses.

You are allowed to take photos in designated areas of houses and the Tour Guide will let you know were those are clearly.

There was a guy on our tour who was hanging back and taking photos of the areas he was not supposed to. Sadly there is always one breaking the rules. It is not my place to call people out for that and the tour guide is there to educate you on the houses not baby set the one person that goes rogue out of 12 adults and breaks the rules.

I understand the IP houses do have more stringent rules on what can be done in the houses and if people continue to skirt the rules non of us in the future will be able to take photos in the houses.

I noticed far more folks in the group this year were interested in taking photos and it was nice that everyone was appreciating the artistry in the houses and a bit of gore too….LOL


I don‘t mind seeing photos and information on the Haunted Houses before I attend HHN each year. But others might so I always want to give a heads up before we start.

The first House we visited was “Monsters Unmasked”

As you can tell from the outside of the House. It included the Invisible Man, The Phantom Of the Opera, Dr. Jykell and Mr. Hyde and the Hunch Back of Notre-Dame.


In the description of the house it says you will descend into the Catacombs of Paris to the horde of infamous monsters.

The scene as you enter the house is of a misty night in Paris. A Parisian Police officer is on the bridge above you as you enter and is talking to you.

The Tour guide Bille Jane told us when you enter a house and you see the black rubber matting on the floor that is a good indication that there is going to be water.



As you enter the Catacombs you see paper and debris and of course a rat.


The Mask, Violin and sheet music gives you your first hint which Monster you will be meeting first.

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Not sure why I was taken with all the photos, but it was a wonderful example of all the things that really go into creating the story line that goes into the creative process of all the houses.


The faces of all the Phantoms victims.

I went through this house a number of times and I saw the phantom only once in the particular scene where he was trying to harvest his victims face on the opera balcony.

If you want to appreciate a haunted house you really need to go through it more than once. I know it should not be that way, but it is.

I did notice this year that it was a problem occasionally with SA’s missing from certain areas of the houses.



What appears to be a mirrored frame is not on closer inspection and is a great has a great scare.

Monsters Unmasked to be continued

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Looking up at the above ground grate did give you the impression that you were underground in the Paris Catacombs.

I was glad this was house was on the Tour, because the more I visited this house in evening the more I liked it. I would have never appreciated the story line or the overall artistry that went into creating the house without seeing it in the daylight.

Bille Jane our Tour Guide did a wonderful job of sharing the details on the house.

A little Easter egg in the houses this year were frogs. Last year it was spiders.


After we were done with the house we took a little stroll in the back lot and passed the “The Darkest Deal” House. A couple of days later after going through this house I think I know where the inspiration for this house came from.


It was then onto the “Chucky Ultimate Kill Count” House. This house was basically two separate houses. It was in the same location by Fast and Furious ride that the The “Freaky“ House and “Black Phone” were in last year.


The doll factory conveyer belt.




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“I got a rock.” Couldn’t resist :laughing:

Wow such amazing detail though in that tour! I didn’t notice some of those details in the Chucky house when I went through it. Can’t wait to see ST4 from the unmasking tour. As a fan of the series, I thought that was beautifully done. My favorite scene was the rainbow room scene.
“I got a rock.” Couldn’t resist :laughing:
LOL……Charlie Brown Halloween was always fun to watch. Poor Linus would always get a bag of Rocks instead of candy.

Wow such amazing detail though in that tour! I didn’t notice some of those details in the Chucky house when I went through it. Can’t wait to see ST4 from the unmasking tour. As a fan of the series, I thought that was beautifully done. My favorite scene was the rainbow room scene.
They always do a wonderful job on the houses. It amazes me that they are so precise in the details. Universal has wonderful talented set designers and artists that bring those houses to life.

I enjoyed “Stranger Things“ house a lot. I went through the house 4 times and knew exactly were all the characters should be as they were all in place the first time I went through. Then the next three times there were SA’s missing in a few areas.

September 13th continued

Chucky Ultimate Kill Count House continued

I would have to say that I thought this was one of the goriest houses I went trough. I was not able to appreciate so many of the scenes in the dark, but in the daylight wow.






This is an interactive button that you can push when walking through the house. It is located in the second part of house. It is on the wall on right as you reach the fire place. I always like to see these buttons as it is fun to see what they do.

I remember the first “Stranger Things” house had one of these. If you remember the scene where the scientist is pulled up through the ceiling of the elevator and his legs were dangling. The button in that house caused the legs to move wildly.








The beginning of second part of the house which is were these scenes are from had all the boxes of the Chucky Dolls and the talking doll. Those rooms you could not take photos in.

This was the last of houses at the back of the park on the tour.
The next house on the tour “Blood Moon: Dark Offerings” was my favorite as far as design, detail and overall artistry. This was an original house and the story line was awesome.

It is set in a Colonial Village. Moon-Worshippers witness a blood moon at their Fall Festival. They take it as a sign to hunt down any non-believers.

There are two star crossed teens in the Village. One a young man from a non Moon-Worshipping family and the young lady from the Moon-Worshippers. He does leave his family for his love to their peril.


You do feel as though you are stepping into Autumn with the trees and pumpkins.








During the tour Billie Jane did share that the same creative designer that was responsible for the Haunting of Hill House also did this house. You could tell in the attention to detail and design.

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This was such a well done house. I was so glad to be able to appreciate it in the Unmasking the Horror Tour.

After we were done with this house we went back to the Old Blue Man Group Theatre and we were told to leave our black receiver box on counter. We were to take a picture fo the number on out box so we could make sure we picked up the same one on return.

We were then released for lunch. I had an idea were to go as I had gone there during the lunch break last year and was able to get my food and be out with 15 minutes to spare.

I went to the the Today Cafe.

The desserts there are always beautiful and tempting.



I have had the fruit tart before and it is delicious.

to be continued

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Wednesday, September 13th continued

Unmasking the Horror Tour continued.

There were some interesting Halloween themed desserts on display.



I decided to go with the The Bulls and The Bears Platter. It has Smokey beef brisket, cheddar cheese, arugula, pickled red onion, horseradish cream and is served on a warm crusty baguette. It is also served with potato salad.


It has a hearty sandwich. It was cut in half and this can easily serve 2. I enjoyed the sandwich. The potato salad had a lot of tarragon in it. A little goes a lone way as far as I’am concerned. I was able to finish what I wanted and had a little time to spare before the allotted return time at the Blue Man Group Theatre.

I was glad I decided to come back for lunch here as I don’t think I would have had time to eat had I went to CityWalk.
I had a few minutes before I had to be back for the last 3 houses of the Tour so I looked around the Universal Store across from The NBC Today Cafe.

The Cat Purses were cool.






I did eventually buy one of these Chucky Popcorn buckets. They were restocking them while I was there.

The Chucky Popcorn buckets were popular and I have since heard they are sold out.

They always have such nice Halloween Displays. The attention to detail is awesome. The Scarecrow looks like it has been hanging in the field with the dirty hay in its head and dirty Overhauls.
Wednesday, September 13th continued

Poster from Season 1 Stranger Things

Season 4 Poster

I was really looking forward to seeing the ”Stranger Things” House this year. I have often pondered after the first season of Stranger Things whether the Duffer brothers (the writers, creators, directors and executive producers of Stranger Things) really understood after the first season on Netflix what a monster of a show they had created (pun Intended…LOL)

This series is so well written that even though the cast of characters were so young when the series started it still resonated with all ages. After binge watching the first season I was ready for more.

I’am not a fan of any series or movie that I can figure out the ending of at the beginning or in middle of the show. If it’s totally predictable it is ruined. This series has been very unpredictable from the start. You are left guessing where the next turn will be moving forward.

Eleven is the main star of the show, but the other characters integral importance to the narrative of the story line has been written beautifully.

The young men in the series are heavily into the game Dungeons and Dragons. In season 4 Eddie Munson is the head of the Hellfire Club which was a D&D club that Lucas, Mike, Dustin, Eddie and the members of Eddie’s band the “Corroded Coffins” were in.


The House this year was based off of Stranger Things 4. This house was on the Unmasking the Horror Tour and I was looking forward to see how it had been interpreted into a house.

On we go.

When you entered the house you saw Eddie Munson‘s trailer.

The trailer played a pivotal role in the 4th season, because it was in the trailer that Chrissy Cunningham, Hawkins High School cheerleader and girlfriend of High School Jock Jason Carver dies.

Vecna was playing on the past traumatic experiences of his victims to get into their minds and kill them. With each new victim a gate to the upside down was created where they died and Vecna grew stronger.

You can see a shadow image of Chrissy floating to the ceiling in the window to the right before you enter the trailer.

When you enter the trailer Eddie is telling Chrissy to come down. He is freaked out When he sees her levitate to the ceiling.

All of Vecna’s victims were levitated before they died. All of their bones were broken and distorted and their eyes exploded in their sockets and he consumed their life energy.

Venca’s connection to his victims is telepathic in nature. He can only kill them when they are completely immersed in the vision he has with them.

That is why music was so important to distract his victims from getting entranced with him. This was only figured out when Max became his next intended victim.

These were Max’s drawings that Nancy was able to piece together to see that is was the old Creel House.
As with most of the houses on the Tour you were only able to take photos in designated areas of the houses. The Tour Guide let us know which rooms could be photographed in each house.

The next room we could take photos in was Vecna’s Mind Lair. This is where Vecna could make others hallucinate and bring them into his minds scape. Once his victims were deeply entranced he could kill them.

Vecna‘s victims can be seen ensnared in the tentacles of his Mind Lair. This is Chrissy.



To be continued

A scene from season 1

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