Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

They are the best cookies
on the planet.
They look yummy!

1. I wouldn't be able to run my errands.
And I really needed to.
Especially the one downtown.
2. No cookies.
3. It would've driven me nuts.
"Is that them? Is it? Is it?!?!?"
Sounds practical!

She looked at me as if I had a bug on my head.
Uh oh! This isn't going to go well.

"Oh." She said. Shaking her head.
"It will come on Wednesday."
Wednesday is not an option!

Moments later, I saw her striding triumphantly
across the lobby waving an envelope in her hand.
"It's here!" She cried out.

I had my card! Yay!
And ready to spend, spend, spend!

I finally fell asleep around 1:45am
Which meant that it really sucked
when the alarm went off at 2:15am.

But apparently, if you get up
at stupid o'clock,

Not only was Ruby letting me go by myself,
but she was getting up at the crack of OMG
to drive me.
She's a great wife. If that were my husband I would not have done that. Even if I didn't have to load five kids to do it.

Apparently this had been changed
last December.
Good. It always seemed so stupid.
Very nice!

I sashayed over to my gate
and peered through the window.
Aw! You used my word. I love the word snarky!

Um... when I become a senior citizen,
this behaviour is not encouraged.
Of course not!

Eventually we landed and were taxiing in
ahead of schedule.

With any luck, this early in the day,
there won't be much of a line at secu.....
Holy line Batman!!!!!:eek:

It was a refreshing change,
not having to sprint to the gate.
I bet!

Got it now?
Wait... Lemme zoom in a bit...
I got it this time! Very cool!

The car I was in was packed,
but you could read the
excitement and wonder on
everyone's faces!!
Yay!!! We're going to Disneyworld!!!

I want my bag to be first.
Don't we all?

When I did eventually retrieve my bag,
I zipped up the escalator,
crossed the terminal,
and zipped down another escalator.
I'm worried I won't know where to go once we land. I think I may need to study the airport map.

I got myself checked in
and received my Magic Band.

I crawled into bed and passed out without
even bothering to undress or unpack.
Can't fool me!

You don't really think
I went to bed do you?

It's something that I'd never
done before.
Hmm...Got a picture in front of the train station?

1. So... what'd I do before even going in?
2. I have an ADR... where is it?
3. What's the first ride I go on?
4. Considering my lack of sleep,
how late do I stay at MK?
5. Why is my wait for a bus 16 minutes?
6. How many times was I asked for directions?
(It just happens to me.)
7. Dole whip. Yes or no? (as in did I have one.)
8. Why yes, I do have FPs. Where to?
9. What wild animal do I encounter
back at the resort?
10. Who's your favourite TR writer?
1. Got a picture in front of the train station.
2. Skipper Canteen's
3. Haunted Mansion
4. 10:40
5. ECV
6. 3
7. Yes
8. Splash, BTMRR, Space
9. Lizard

(Back by popular demand)
Did you see it? Be vaguely specific.
Saying yes ain't gonna work.
Yes right away. Let me tell you, I was searching for more the entire time. I had to go back to make sure I didn't miss any.

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?
96 minutes

jandlinz - 2 points for asking.
Why thank you! I was surprised I didn't get any bonus points for my mermaid gif. That was my first every gif insert and thought you would send some love for it!:blush:
meh you've still got me beat.



Well... it wasn't quite that dramatic...
But, yes.

:laughing: Thanks!


That is a woman that seriously needs a trip to the Grand Floridian Spa! ::yes::

I do believe you're right.

:wave2: Snarky Skies sound fun!

Friendly is boring.

At an airport ::yes::

Good point.


I know!
And I wouldn't have, given a choice.

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I don't know, some of those look like they might be Florida locals coming home from Disneyland:rotfl2:


Well, sigh your luck was bound to run out sometime. ::yes::

I'll let you judge how little
or how much by the end of the trip.

Thats more like it!

Like there was ever any doubt?

Well you weren't at Pop.

I think I only had 1 or 2 instances
where the bus was shared with
the other all stars.

Stop for a photopass picture in front of the train station. (I ALWAYS forget to get one there!)

:scratchin Tony's You want to get your Daughter a replacement Lady and the Tramp Card from when she lost it.


Till just after the fireworks

Because you were too exhausted to wait out the crowds inside the park



Space Mountain Splash Moutain Mine Train


You're one of them of coarse!



:sad1: I'm rusty apparently!
Funny you should mention that.....

So where are you off to? We booked a 5-night trip to Anaheim, and leave 2 weeks after returning from Orlando - yes, all 6 American Disney parks will be visited by us in the same calendar month, I might be a little bit excited.

I've also put it off long enough, and I'm going to my bank this weekend to close my current Mastercard and get the WestJet one. I'm too late for this Anaheim trip, but all future trips will include a free checked bag!
Sadly I did not notice Cookies by George when I was in Calgary last summer.

Too bad. You missed out.

Big time.

Perhaps one day they will come east. The picture looks good.

I was surprised to see them outside
of Winnipeg, since I never had before.
And yet I wasn't surprised,
given how amazing they are.

I haven’t watched that one often. I thought it was interesting that it’s America’s Got Talent but none of the judges are American.

I noticed that too.
And not all the contestants are either.
They had a Quebec dance team
on for a while.

I’m still hooked on Survivor.


I’m enjoying the new season so far.

I was going to say something
that Jeff Probst had said about this season...
but you may not know
so I'll just keep my yap shut.

DD and I watch it, one of the few things she sits with me to do.

::yes:: Kay watches too.
Elle would, but she works late
on Wednesdays.

I wasn’t sure of the GenX vs Millennials theme, but I have fun making of the Millennials and DD makes fun of GenX, so it’s added a bit to the experience.

:laughing: That sounds like fun.
We haven't done that...
but maybe I should start.

Ever roll up to a red light at 3am with absolutely nobody around? Isn’t it tempting just to go on through?

Why yes! It is tempting.

Now ask me if I've done it...

I just flew home after finishing work overseas. I saw that movie was available on the plane, but I passed on it. Maybe I should give it a chance.

Meh. It was okay.
Like I said. Good acting,
but the movie was a tad
on the slow side.

It was more like.
"Sure. If you've got time, watch it."
rather than a:
"You have to see this movie!"

Awesome! It does make a big difference having a room close to the main hall, especially at the end of a commando-style day.


When I stayed at AoA we lucked out and were on the ground floor 6 rooms away from the food court. That was a blessing at the end of the night, especially with a 6 year old at the time.

Wish I could've said the same when
we had 8 & 12 yr olds.
Man... that was a long walk.

1. rent a locker
2. Liberty tree tavern
3. Pirates
4. 10:00pm
5. trouble loading two ECV/wheelchairs
6. twice
7. Yes
8. Splash Mountain, Big Thunder, 7DMT
9. Snake
10. Well, I want it to be me, because that would mean I had a trip to report on :sad:

And.... #10.... :lmao:

Bonus: Yes

Oh, wait, that's not gonna work? Hmmm, well now you're just being snarky :)

Sorry about that.
It's just my nature.

An optimistic 116 minutes

Last edited:
They look yummy!

Oh, God. Nirvana.

Sounds practical!

More like self preservation.
Or sanity-preservation.

Uh oh! This isn't going to go well.

Well... no.
But it worked out in the end.

Wednesday is not an option!

No kidding!

That's what I said!
And then I did a little jig!
(On the inside.)

And ready to spend, spend, spend!

And I did, did, did!

I could've used another 10 minutes...
or 10 hours...

She's a great wife.


If that were my husband I would not have done that. Even if I didn't have to load five kids to do it.

Well... yeah!
But we only have two rugrats
and they're self-sufficient now.

Aw! You used my word. I love the word snarky!

I wonder....
Someone used that word on me
a while back and it just sorta stuck.

Maybe it was you?

Of course not!


Holy line Batman!!!!!:eek:

It looked horrible,
but it moved really quickly.
(Thank goodness.)

I got it this time! Very cool!

Kinda hard to miss that time, right?

Don't we all?

Yes we do.

I'm worried I won't know where to go once we land. I think I may need to study the airport map.

Just turn in a circle.
Then start walking in a circle.
Keep walking and making the circle
bigger each time.
Eventually, you'll get there.

Might take a day or two...

(It's not that bad. Not super easy,
but not that bad.)

Love getting the MB!

Can't fool me!


1. Got a picture in front of the train station.
2. Skipper Canteen's
3. Haunted Mansion
4. 10:40
5. ECV
6. 3
7. Yes
8. Splash, BTMRR, Space
9. Lizard

And... #10?... :rotfl:

Yes right away. Let me tell you, I was searching for more the entire time. I had to go back to make sure I didn't miss any.

:laughing: No!

I'll let you know if there's more than one.
If I say "Did you see it?"
then there's only one.
I might say "Did you see it? How about the other one?"
then there's two.
Possibly at the end, I'll throw in a bunch,
but I'll tell you that too.

96 minutes


Why thank you! I was surprised I didn't get any bonus points for my mermaid gif. That was my first every gif insert and thought you would send some love for it!:blush:

That was your first ever???

Points granted!
So where are you off to?

Update coming later today, I think.

We booked a 5-night trip to Anaheim, and leave 2 weeks after returning from Orlando - yes, all 6 American Disney parks will be visited by us in the same calendar month, I might be a little bit excited.

Wow! Nice!

I've also put it off long enough, and I'm going to my bank this weekend to close my current Mastercard and get the WestJet one.

It might not be too late.
If you're a member, you get the perk.
Or did you already pay for the bags?
Otherwise, when you do, and if there's a fee,
just call WestJet and ask.
They'll probably waive the fee.

I'm too late for this Anaheim trip, but all future trips will include a free checked bag!

::yes:: Per person!
Even for one person,
that's a savings of $50/round trip.
Two people or two trips
and the card's paid for itself.
Actually I used to say the same thing. Until about a month and a half ago. While there is a Coconut Macaroon (and it just looks nasty to me), French Macaroons are made with Almond Flour (hence the Gluten Free) and they are absolutely delicious! I can't believe that I was missing out on this treat all these years. Here are the first ones that I tried from a cart at DTD in August.

I want these now. They look so good!
Bonus question:

how many times does pkondz use any form of the word "sashay"?

Why pkondz has more sashay than line dancin' night at a country & western bar. It puts a hitch in his giddyup...

(note: I'm bucking for an American treat since pkondz keeps sending Canadian Treats south - maybe some of those fancy GG Cookies, snickerdoodles?)
I cannot tell if you're kidding or not.
It sounds too plausible.

And interesting that you say "am not".
My first thought is always "is not".
That is not right.
That ain't right.
I am not right.
I ain't right.
Observant... but note that either way, one of those examples ends up being wrong.
What's going on here is that you just caught us being lazy again (or is that economical)

"I ain't doin' it", is grammatically correct South'rn
"That ain't happenin'" however, is technically incorrect, but it's just easier so we use it anyway.
The correct term for those are "Macarons",
and yes, they're French.
(Actually first had some in Paris.
Kay & I fell in love with them.)
I think since "Macaron" is not easy to say
if you only speak English,
it gets modified to Macaroons
for easier pronunciation.
Also, if you don't know what macaroons are,
and you see those,
you may think that they're what
macaroons are.

OK, I can hear the French pronunciation in my head. I'm pretty sure the gal who got me to try them is not at all a French speaker or student, so she probably didn't realize the difference.

Already got one.


You have one of those too? I thought I was only of the few who had one!

Thousands?? How much does it cost
to rent a house in California???

Well depends. We only have apartments, but ours (2 br & 3br) got for about $1500-2000 for a 2 bedroom and $23-2500 for a three bedroom. Long Beach is a reasonable area as our rent is lower than a lit of other places. Oh yeah, our units are all less than a mile from the beach. Similar size units farther from the beach go for several hundred dollars less per month.

Downtown LA on the other hand, I heard a news story that you can barely get a one bedroom for $1600 per month. Then there is Northern California in Silicon Valley where my parents live. I have no idea what rents are, I do know that even the modest houses are right around a million dollars, and for something 3600 square feet with a quarter acre lot, youre looking at at least 2 mil, but more likely 3-5 mil.

So you are planning!

Yeah, five years from now. If our old place isn't done by then, shoot me!

Be here around 5:30 - 6:00.

You guys eat early!

Good point.
I've never quite understood first class pricing.
It's not just a little more than econo.
It's not just a lot more than econo...
It's a LOT more than econo.

Whatever the market will bear, of course.

Well we've never paid for it with actual money.

Ugh. Did that happen to you guys?
Or have you always launched the pre-emptive strike?

We've only heard about it on TV. We have only flown SW 3 times in the last however many years. We took it up to bay area a couple years ago and on the outbound flight no one wanted the middle seat between us. But on the way home it was a full flight and I got the middle. It was INCREDIBLY uncomfortable! So when we were figuring out how to get home from NOLA, we weighed points on American for 1st class which was something ridiculous like 60,000 or three seats on southwest, which was $600 and change. It was so smooth and easy we decided when we don't have mIles or far to go, we're getting three seats on SW. Plenty of room and no annoying person to share the row with!

Ah. I was wondering if you'd seen
them when living elsewhere or something.

It had to have been traveling. And I got so excited when I saw it. After all those years of knowing what they were and never having spotted one.

I can see that.
When I get somewhere,
the adrenaline kicks in and I'm off.

That's usually how I can get the suitcases unpacked. Fran is already asleep by that point.

Same when I get home,
then I get to tell my tales to my family
and/or give gifts.

We don't have anyone but the cats, but at least they are cuddly and happy to see us.

Then I crash... hard.

I just drift off to sleep silently while Fran has been sawing logs for hours.
Why pkondz has more sashay than line dancin' night at a country & western bar. It puts a hitch in his giddyup...

Oh, dear Lord...

(note: I'm bucking for an American treat since pkondz keeps sending Canadian Treats south - maybe some of those fancy GG Cookies, snickerdoodles?)

I actually got sent several boxes of GG cookies.
To say I was shocked, is an understatement.

That clears it up.

Observant... but note that either way, one of those examples ends up being wrong.
What's going on here is that you just caught us being lazy again (or is that economical)

"I ain't doin' it", is grammatically correct South'rn
"That ain't happenin'" however, is technically incorrect, but it's just easier so we use it anyway.

Technically correct is trumped by expediency.
OK, I can hear the French pronunciation in my head. I'm pretty sure the gal who got me to try them is not at all a French speaker or student, so she probably didn't realize the difference.

Probably. A lot of people don't.

You have one of those too? I thought I was only of the few who had one!

I only have a Photobucket one.
I have seen them, including fridge magnets,
but have never bothered (or wanted) to get one.

Well depends. We only have apartments, but ours (2 br & 3br) got for about $1500-2000 for a 2 bedroom and $23-2500 for a three bedroom. Long Beach is a reasonable area as our rent is lower than a lit of other places

Ah. Are they both in the same structure/house?

Oh yeah, our units are all less than a mile from the beach. Similar size units farther from the beach go for several hundred dollars less per month.

Less than a mile from the beach, hunh?
Hmmm.... and you don't get snow...
Or rain....

But I do like baths..... hmmmm...

Downtown LA on the other hand, I heard a news story that you can barely get a one bedroom for $1600 per month. Then there is Northern California in Silicon Valley where my parents live. I have no idea what rents are, I do know that even the modest houses are right around a million dollars, and for something 3600 square feet with a quarter acre lot, youre looking at at least 2 mil, but more likely 3-5 mil.

:sad2: Too much.
People used to be able to get a home
and pay it off before they died.

Yeah, five years from now. If our old place isn't done by then, shoot me!


You guys eat early!

It's a holdover.
When Ruby and I were kids,
our families ate early.
Then when we got married,
we kept it going.
Then when you have kids,
you have to eat early.
And it just..... stuck.
We do have friends
who are Portuguese
and they eat dinner around 10pm

Well we've never paid for it with actual money.

Good way to do it.

We've only heard about it on TV. We have only flown SW 3 times in the last however many years. We took it up to bay area a couple years ago and on the outbound flight no one wanted the middle seat between us. But on the way home it was a full flight and I got the middle. It was INCREDIBLY uncomfortable! So when we were figuring out how to get home from NOLA, we weighed points on American for 1st class which was something ridiculous like 60,000 or three seats on southwest, which was $600 and change. It was so smooth and easy we decided when we don't have mIles or far to go, we're getting three seats on SW. Plenty of room and no annoying person to share the row with!

So there was an incident that prompted it!
I hate the middle seat, but put up with it
when I'm not flying alone.

Still, glad that you guys figured out
a way that works for you.

It had to have been traveling. And I got so excited when I saw it. After all those years of knowing what they were and never having spotted one.

I'd like to see them too some day.

That's usually how I can get the suitcases unpacked. Fran is already asleep by that point.


We don't have anyone but the cats, but at least they are cuddly and happy to see us.

You can tell them about your trip too.
Just don't expect them to talk back.


I just drift off to sleep silently while Fran has been sawing logs for hours.

Like I mentioned earlier...

I only have a Photobucket one.
I have seen them, including fridge magnets,
but have never bothered (or wanted) to get one.

I found mine at my inlaws house, cleaning it out after they died.

Ah. Are they both in the same structure/house?

All of our rentals are in the concept that was big in the 1960s. The one that is a mere block from the beach is a duplex. The owner would live in the 3 bedroom back unit and make money renting out the front unit which is two bedrooms.

The place that we are cleaning out has a front unit that is 3 bedrooms (that's what I mean losing thousands per month) and Fran and her parents lived in that unit for almost 25 years when they moved to Long Beach. The other units are in the back. There is no apartment above the Owner's unit, but the rest are stacked on top of each other and the garage.

The other building is all two bedrooms, but the front unit is substantially larger and nicer than the rest of the units in the building.

Less than a mile from the beach, hunh?
Hmmm.... and you don't get snow...
Or rain....

But I do like baths..... hmmmm...

Sounds *almost* ideal huh?

:sad2: Too much.
People used to be able to get a home
and pay it off before they died.

My parents house was on the market for 1.8 mil, it sold for 2.4 mil, and the people paid cash. Folks fleeing mainland China.

It's a holdover.
When Ruby and I were kids,
our families ate early.
Then when we got married,
we kept it going.
Then when you have kids,
you have to eat early.
And it just..... stuck.

We usually ate dinner around 8PM when I got home from my swim team practice. Try as I might to hit 7PM dinnertime, it always runs late, closer to 8PM.

We do have friends
who are Portuguese
and they eat dinner around 10pm

That's way too late for me. Although on Tuesday nights when we get home from Band, I often have what we call "second dinner" around 12:30AM.

So there was an incident that prompted it!
I hate the middle seat, but put up with it
when I'm not flying alone.

Still, glad that you guys figured out
a way that works for you.

There have been many incidents. People have been thrown off planes for being fat. We flew Alaska to Seattle a couple years back and were in a row of three with three people. It was so painful for me to sit those two hours, I decided not to fly cattle class again. The three seats really make it doable.
Come in Threes

Before I get to the next chapter.
(Which still needs photo editing
and downloading and... writing.)
There've been some recent developments
that I thought I'd share.

So here's a little real life update.

Those of you who read the chatter
between chapters already know
some of this.

But I don't know if anyone knows all.
Or all the details, anyway.

There have been three recent developments.
Remember last chapter I said bad things
come in threes?
Well, maybe good things do too.

I'll start in the order that they happened,
or at least developed.

I think you guys all know that I own a Harley.
And even that fact came about in an odd way.

This was way back when I was
knee-high to a grasshopper,
and coincidentally, dating Ruby.
Ruby's uncle owned a small scooter.
He sold it to Ruby's Dad,
who didn't really want it.
I bought it off of him.

Top speed was about 35mph...
If the wind was at my back.

But I loved riding that thing.

Except it was super dangerous to ride.
No. Not because I was reckless,
or because it only has two wheels.

It was the other drivers.
The speed limit in a lot of the city is 35.
My top speed.
But everyone drives closer to 40.
I slow people down.
And they don't like it.

I can't tell you how many people
cut me off or tried to run me off the road
to "teach me a lesson".
Well, I learned my lesson.
People, at least behind the wheel,
can be complete and total jerks.
(Except I didn't use the word "jerks".)

So I got rid of my scooter.
I wasn't happy about it,
but it was either that or die, I figured.

Fast forward a few years.
Ruby and I get married.
"Hey." Says I, says I.
I think I'm going to buy a scooter."

They now have scooters that can go over 60MPH.
No more people trying to run me off the road
for being too slow!

Ruby was very understanding and encouraging.
"Over my dead body." She said.

And that was that.

But I never forgot.

Just a few years ago,
Ruby says to me.
"Life's too short. If you want a scooter, get one."

I was telling this to one of the Dance Moms
at Elle's dance school.
Her reaction?
"Don't get a scooter. They're not cool.
You have to get a bike."


A few days later, I'm at a dealership
to look at their scooters.
For just a little more,
they had a nice motorcycle.


On the drive home,
I went right past a Harley dealership.


For just a little more than that other bike,
I could get an even nicer Harley.

And that's how it happened.


While I really like my bike,
it's fairly small.
It's not their entry level model,
but it's not much above that, either.
And the worst part?
I can't really travel with it,
since the fuel range is only about 100 miles.

Ever seen a sign "Next gas 150 miles"?

So it's been in my head for a year or so
that I need (read:
want) to get a bigger bike.

And every time I pop into a Harley store
(which I do a lot, as you know)
I look at the bikes.

The other day, I called my local dealership.
Well, whadaya know.
They have the
exact model I want.
In the right colour too.
(It comes in one of two.)
I was chatting with the sales guy.
"Could I take it for a test drive?"

They don't normally do that... but yes.

Well... that would be a good way to make sure
that this bike's right for me.

So I did.

Nice bike.

But I wasn't in a rush to buy.
Winter's right around the corner, ya know.

But then he went and played dirty.
"If you buy now." He said. (It's a 2017)
I'll knock off $1,000 and give you $500 more
in trade-in value."

Well... I also want a $180 part.

"We'll throw that in for free."

"I don't like the wheels, though." I said.
He found some on the East coast.

So I put a deposit on it.

I don't have it yet, as there was a wrinkle.
Shortly after signing,
the dealer on the East coast
changed his mind.
They weren't going to send the rims.
They're black rims.
And they're discontinued and can't be found.

So now, I'm getting rims powder coated
(at no charge) and when that's done,
I should have a new bike.

And that's development #1.

The next thing that happened kinda surprised me.
But kinda didn't.

I love to travel.
Ruby loves to nest.
I want to go and see the world.
Ruby wants to curl up and relax.

So imagine my surprise,
when the following conversation took place
while we were
still on vacation.

"I have a meeting on the East coast." She says.
"Okay." I say.
"In November." Says she.
"Okay." I say.
"Wanna come?" Says she.

Hmmmm..... I really loved going last time.
But that was in the fall... not winter.
Do I really want to go? In winter?

"Maybe." She says. "Since we're halfway there,
we could continue on to London?"

Now we're talking!

Hey! There's a seat sale on, too!

But, alas, by the time I did more cyphering,
we determined that being on the East coast
has absolutely zero benefit to getting to London.
We'd have to fly from there,
back west to Toronto
then East to London.
It was no cheaper than to fly from Winnipeg.

Well, why don't we do that?
Because by the time we figured this out,
the seat sale was already gone.
A flight to London was now

four times more expensive.

Okay. Forget it.

But then another seat sale came up.
For southern destinations.

So Ruby and I are heading down
to Vegas for a quick little getaway
in December.
And the nice thing is, they're direct,
non-stop flights.

And that's development #2.

The third and final thing that happened...
When Elle turned 16, we put on a big party for her.
We rented out a roller rink,
invited a ton of her friends
and had a great time.

But Kay's another person altogether.
("But Kay's another person!")

(How many of you got that reference?)

Kay has friends, but not nearly as many
as Elle did when she was dancing.
And Kay doesn't want a party anyway.

Okay. So what do you want?
"To go to Japan!"

Yeah. No. Keep dreaming kid.

And she did.

Months later, she says:
"I know what I want for my birthday."

Great! 'Cause we sure didn't!

Kay loves animals.
I've mentioned this before.
nuts about them.

She has a guinea pig
in addition to our two dogs.

"I want this she says."
And shows me
this picture:


Those are Capybaras.
Basically giant guinea pigs.
And you feed them at...
The Palm Beach Florida zoo.

"You want to feed giant rodents?" I ask.
"Yah." Kay replies.

Okay... This is cheaper than Japan.
By a factor of about ten.

"Did you want to do anything else?" I ask.
"I've never been to Universal." She replies.
And there are some rides at Disney
that I'd like to do."

Well... if you're gonna twist my arm...


No firm plans yet,
but I
do have the last week of March
booked off (Spring break) for her.

And that's development #3.

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I found mine at my inlaws house, cleaning it out after they died.

So you cleaned their house when you got a round to it.

All of our rentals are in the concept that was big in the 1960s. The one that is a mere block from the beach is a duplex. The owner would live in the 3 bedroom back unit and make money renting out the front unit which is two bedrooms.

The place that we are cleaning out has a front unit that is 3 bedrooms (that's what I mean losing thousands per month) and Fran and her parents lived in that unit for almost 25 years when they moved to Long Beach. The other units are in the back. There is no apartment above the Owner's unit, but the rest are stacked on top of each other and the garage.

The other building is all two bedrooms, but the front unit is substantially larger and nicer than the rest of the units in the building.

Interesting. Were Frans' folks renting
while they were living there?
Or did that come later?

Sounds *almost* ideal huh?

So close...

My parents house was on the market for 1.8 mil, it sold for 2.4 mil, and the people paid cash. Folks fleeing mainland China.

Holy crap.

We usually ate dinner around 8PM when I got home from my swim team practice. Try as I might to hit 7PM dinnertime, it always runs late, closer to 8PM.

We tend to eat around 5:30 - 6:30.
But we can eat as early as 4:30
if we're going to be busy later.
And we have no problem eating at 7:00

That's way too late for me. Although on Tuesday nights when we get home from Band, I often have what we call "second dinner" around 12:30AM.

I used to eat a big meal on midnight shifts.
Not anymore, though.

There have been many incidents. People have been thrown off planes for being fat. We flew Alaska to Seattle a couple years back and were in a row of three with three people. It was so painful for me to sit those two hours, I decided not to fly cattle class again. The three seats really make it doable.

I have heard of those incidents.
Man, that sounds like it totally sucked
on that flight from Alaska.
And hey, if you can afford it... do it!

You will? That'd be great!
How's March for you?

Hmm, let me check my calendar. March, March... Looks like I'll be doing quite a bit of eating, sleeping, running to Publix and watching racing. Yeah, March is doable. I'll pencil you in! :flower:

Shoulda read on to your "good things in threes" report before replying!! I'm now penning you in--oh, that doesn't sound right!--I'm pencilling you in WITH A PEN for the last week of March, and hoping it all works out!
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sorry about the typo Mine train is what I was trying to type lol, oh and as far as stale cookies go? heck don't they have zip lock bags up there in the great white north?


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