Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Pretty much.
I did have today off.
I spent it... sleeping in a bit,
Running to the store to get
ingredients for brunch.
back to the store
for milk. (Dang it!)
Making Belgian waffles
with honey, maple syrup, whip cream,
strawberries, bananas and peaches.
Mowing the lawn.
Cleaning out the garage.
Cooking supper.
Making breaded chicken,
mashed potatoes, gravy
and corn on the cob.
Going to my folk's place
because some people I know
were in from Holland.
Coming home and on the DIS.

Pretty full day.

But did get a bit more done on the update.
Breakfast and dinner both sound delicious. Invite me next time, huh?
Ha! Liesa beat you to that.
And I'll give you the same answer.

Great minds, @afwdwfan, great minds.

And by all means, put Liesa in front!

I could not possibly compete with Mr. P. I just tell it like it is.

Actually, when it comes to the TR,
I try to be as honest as I possibly can
or make it really obvious that I'm kidding.
And if I'm not positive you'll know the difference
(or sometimes, even when I know you will)
I usually let you know.

And then there's that guy who puts in exploding helicopters and expects us to believe it. ;) Eh, @Captain_Oblivious ? (And obviously, we love it.)

I suspect that was a typo, but...

When you have to beer stop,
you have to beer stop.


And... Yeah, she's really good.
Enthusiasm just oozes out of her TRs, doesn't it?

I should check hers out, but probably not until after I get back. I am a sucker for great writing.

10. I will need to get back to you on this one! Leisa hasn't really started her TR yet... so ya know...

Crap, the pressure!!! (And I don't mean constipation.)

Help? I don't know that Taco Bell has ever "helped" anyone.

I dunno, it's helped me "out" a few times.

Re: #10. Lemme know when you
make up your mind.

:surfweb: Yours are way more fun to read.

Look closer. A few have mentioned you.

:scratchin Still baffled. ;)
I tried. I really tried.
I came on here to do shout-outs.
I'm so tired I can't even think straight.

Think I'll wait on the morrow.

Night, folks.
I tried. I really tried.
I came on here to do shout-outs.
I'm so tired I can't even think straight.

Think I'll wait on the morrow.

Night, folks.

I have definitely hit that wall, my Friend. Get some rest... a fresh look at it when you've had some shut eye is better.
When I originally picked
the title for this TR,
I had no idea how prophetic
it would turn out to be.

Highs and lows...

And hence the reason I decided against calling my next TR "Our last trip to WDW". Even though I'm not allowed to plan any more trips. :sad2:

I was feeling pretty upset.
Now before you start worrying,
no, it's not a death in the family
or anything nearly so serious.

Still, at the time, it put a real
damper on my enthusiasm.

I'm not going to make any guesses....I'll just wait for the reveal.

There's one that will come up in the very next chapter.
(And no... it won't be so long before that one's up.)

Good thing Fran's asleep and I can get on the DIS and do some replies!

And I definitely had to go downtown.
I mean, if I didn't do that,
there wasn't much point in writing
this TR, now was there?

Oh, I suppose I still could...
But, it just adds to the flavour.

What am I talking about?
You'll see.

In a few days.

I know, patience.

One fringe benefit of going downtown
was that I was driving right past a
Cookies by George store.
If you don't know what that is,
or haven't tried them...


I want! I want! :hyper:

They have locations in
Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg,
Regina and Vancouver.

Now you tell me, when I am going to be back in Canada?

"Yes. Purolator. Like Fed-Ex?" I tried helpfully.
She looked blank for a second,
then said. "Feed Eeks?"

This was going well.


"Oh." She said. Shaking her head.
"It will come on Wednesday."

Send it to the hotel in Disney.....

Moments later, I saw her striding triumphantly
across the lobby waving an envelope in her hand.
"It's here!" She cried out.


Spaetzle, chicken schnitzel,
jaeger sauce and corn on the cob

When are you going to invite me to dinner at your house? I love Jaeger Schnitzel, it's my favorite!

I finally fell asleep around 1:45am
Which meant that it really sucked
when the alarm went off at 2:15am.

Ugh, sounds like one of my get away days.

Not only was Ruby letting me go by myself,
but she was getting up at the crack of OMG
to drive me.

She certainly is nice to you.

It's amazing how little traffic
there is at 3am.

As long as you avoid the drunk drivers.....

The attendant then told me that the bag
was checked through to MCO.
Really! No more airport two step?

That's nice. I can't believe that they didn't do it sooner.

You'd think there'd be more people around
at four o'clock in the morning, wouldn't you?

With the way they schedule these flights, yes you would.

But these days, where people
bring a personal item,
(which is usually the size of a carry on)
a carry on
(which is usually the size of a large bag)
and a large bag
(which is the size of a small car)
onto the plane;
overhead bin space is at a premium.

I always amazes me and they only allow a carry on and personal item here.

I don't want to be that last person
getting on, roaming up and down the aisle
desperately looking for an open bin,
until finally an attendant tells you:
"Sir, you're going to have to check that."

I pity those people. Every time.

Um... when I become a senior citizen,
this behaviour is not encouraged.

Since I know that our birthdays fall within just about six months to a year of each other, I think the comments about senior citizens are uncalled for. I think we both have a few good years left until we hit Senior Citizen status.

With any luck, this early in the day,
there won't be much of a line at secu.....

Ugh! But that's nothing compared to the line that we encountered in Vancouver for non residents.

"Why do you look constipated?"

DANG IT!!!!!!

Well... why fight it.

"It's airplane food. Bungs me up like gangbusters."
He nodded sagely, handed me back my passport,
advised me to eat some corn
and waved me on my way.

One of these days I'll get
through without that question.
But not today.

I guess I will have to stick around for a few more TRs until I understand this.

instead of boarding
"passengers with children",
they specified "children under 3".
A lot of people who'd lined up
stepped reluctantly out of line.

You see I never hear this part of the boarding, because before they say this, they say, "Any passengers with disabilities will be boarded first along with their companions", and I'm gone.....

I'd decided to travel in comfort
so had paid to upgrade to a "Plus" seat.
More leg room, priority boarding,
free food and drinks and no one
sits in the middle seat.
(They have little tables there instead.)

That's very nice. When we travel on Southwest, we just buy out the third seat so no one can sit there.

Man I love that first row!

I hate the first row. I like to have my most desired bags at my feet so I can access them during the flight. It's just too much of a pain to get anything out of them once they are in the overhead bin, so I put what I want at my feet and the rest overhead. There is no at my feet on the first row. I guess my flight is also longer with no stops, if I can book it properly.

It's the tall one.
There. Now you can tell the grandkids.
Who will roll their eyes.

I think I've been in the lobby of the CN tower, but I think Fran didn't want to pay the deal to go to the top. We were at a convention downtown.

And no, I didn't take a picture of it,
thanks for asking.
This will mark the beginning of
a 50/50, hit or miss endeavor
to photograph my food.

Well that bites!

Hopefully your life has more thrills.

No, food porn is probably the highlight of my life.

The rest are just LPFs.
That stands for Little Puffy Fu...uh.... Fluffers.

I prefer venticular wave clouds, they look cooler and the name is more impressive.

The car I was in was packed,
but you could read the
excitement and wonder on
everyone's faces!!
Yay!!! We're going to Disneyworld!!!

Those other people must be going to Universal.

One of the nice things about
getting off the plane first,
is you're first at the baggage carousel.

I can tell you that we have never seen that phenomenon.

I always forget to take the first seat
so I can get that oh-so-required
first sign to Disney picture.

Also the first two rows are reserved for Handicapped persons, so that could be a factor as well.

I sashayed up to the check in desk at 2:44pm.
Not bad.
Thirty minutes from airport to resort.
Should've made it a contest question.

I never would have guessed that. I allow two hours from getting off the plane to arriving at the resort.

In about thirty seconds,
I'd walked from the lobby
to my room.
It was now 2:50pm.
(Six minutes from resort arrival
to check in to room.)

How do you count this s**t?

It had been a very long day.
By now I'd been up for 12 hours
after only getting 15-30 minutes of sleep.
I crawled into bed and passed out without
even bothering to undress or unpack.
Tomorrow was another day.
And I was at Disney!

This would be me (us), we may have woken up later and done something, but I would never had planned anything after flights like this. When we did similar to Memphis, we slept until 11PM and then got up.

You don't really think
I went to bed do you?
Magic Kingdom has late EMH tonight!
Open 'til Midnight.
Let's go!!!!

This is what I would expect of you. I don't know how you do it, but there you go.

(Yes. I timed it.
It took a minute and a half
to get from door to bus stop,
or vice versa, at a relaxed
sashaying pace.)
I arrived at the bus stop at 3:43pm.
The bus arrived at 3:50.

I still can't believe that you clock these times and remember them. I'm lucky if I remember to look at my phone when I get there to the bus stop and again when the bus shows up.

OK, I'm just gonna go out on a limb on these answers. I've already sucked, so why break that stellar record?

1. So... what'd I do before even going in?

Took a photo in front of the Mickey floral.

2. I have an ADR... where is it?

Ahhh, do I put another vote in for BoG like the last two trips, I guess no. Do you try the new Skipper Canteen or go for a tried and true LTT. I know you most likely don't want the character experiences of Crystal Palace or CRT. I'm gonna go with Skipper Canteen since you're a kind of adventurous kind of guy.

3. What's the first ride I go on?

Wedway Peoplemover.

4. Considering my lack of sleep,
how late do I stay at MK?

All the way till midnight

5. Why is my wait for a bus 16 minutes?

Protein Spill.

6. How many times was I asked for directions?
(It just happens to me.)


7. Dole whip. Yes or no? (as in did I have one.)


8. Why yes, I do have FPs. Where to?

7DMT, HM , Peter pan

9. What wild animal do I encounter
back at the resort?


10. Who's your favourite TR writer?


(Back by popular demand)
Did you see it? Be vaguely specific.
Saying yes ain't gonna work.

I already said it! Snarky enough for you!

I ride Disney transportation
eighteen times this trip,
including two trips on DME/dud.
You already know the first three
had wait times totalling 26 minutes.
(3 for DME + 23 for park buses.)
I've also told you that my luck
wasn't as good as my previous trips.

Armed with that information...

What is my total time spent waiting
for Disney Transportation?

111 minutes?
I was trying not to be rude.
No one else worries about such, no need for you to be doin' so.

Do you really want stale cookies??
Well, I wont be winning anyway so I'm indifferent on the point...

I think what happens is
I'm so busy trying to figure out
what he said before that,
that I just don't pay attention
to the next line.

Maybe. :confused3

(and now that I've Googled...
"Flick says he saw some grizzly bears
near Pulaski's candy store!"
It's such an off the wall lead in line that I figure everyone is laughing too hard to even hear Shepard's narration afterward. But it stuck with me to the point where it's part of my regular phraseology.

Well, I ain't gonna speak Southern!
Clearly... you even spelled it wrong.
it's "South'rn"
Just like it's pronounced.
Common mistake; similar to using three syllable when to saying: "Florida"
It's only got two so it ought to be spelled "Flor'da"

Where y'all like to maintain all those silent "U"s for posterity's sake...
we remove superfluous vowels and syllables where possible.

Ruby doesn't bother with middle men.
I do not doubt this fact for even an instant.

But it starts with a "B"?
Very probably...

Great movie.
RIP Gene Wilder.
(and Marty Feldman
and Peter Boyle
and Madeline Kahn)
I'm calling the home office!

"We're cancelling your account."

Whoa. Harsh...
But not really unexpected.

Got plenty of L.L. Bean items hanging in my closet. Good stuff.

I don't know if we do.
Last time we bought from them
would've been when we were
up north.
Last time we lived up north
was in 1998.

I was a little disappointed in his final trick. It seemed underwhelming (there's that word again) compared to some of his previous ones.

Some stepped it up for the finale...
Others, not so much.

I only saw this on YouTube clips, though. Didn't see any of the rest of the show.

Probably more enjoyable that way.

Your way is much more fun.

It's more ept that way.

Yeah...this is my life now that the kids all want the window seat. I need to kick them out.

I'm going to institute a new
policy now that they're older.
"He who pays, stays."

Help? I don't know that Taco Bell has ever "helped" anyone.

They've helped the colonoscopy people.

Good point. That would be a separate Not-A-Monorail.

Maybe those cars are for C listers.

Wait... Are the Kardashians Bs, Cs or Ds?

Me too. It's usually the exploding helicopters that give it away.

That wasn't real?!?!?

Occasionally I get called out for getting something wrong or mis-stating something. That's never intentional--just me and my faulty brain circuits.

I hate it when that happens.

"I know for a fact that _____ is true!"

Uh... pkondz? No it's not.


I need to figure out your secret for being able to take all of these Disney trips.

I've already told everyone
what that is!!
An update!!! Finally!

You're lucky you got it when you did!
But I managed to squeeze it into
my busy schedule, just for you.

Just kidding. I haven't had time to come check on the DIS, so your slow updating is working in my favor!!

You mean I could've taken longer?!?!?

Glad your card came!!

Me too!
It wouldn't have been the end
of the world, but I was still
really happy when it did.

Not so glad to hear that you know how bad things come in three's though . . .

Well.... like I said,
too bad.
Not like I broke a leg
or something.

In the grand scheme of things...

pretty minor.

I thought losing your luggage was going to be part one of that!!!

:laughing: I can see how you'd think that!

But you traveled and you made it, so that is a good start.

::yes:: Always good to actually get there.

We will all wait patiently to hear more details about the rest of the fun (and commiserate about the lows)!

Working on it!

For the record. I went back and looked. I saw NOTHING. Same as usual!

Really? I made it easy to start.

1. Rented a locker.
2. Skipper Canteen
3. Tomorrowland Transit Authority
4. As late as you possibly can. AKA, closing.
5. Because you missed one bus and had to wait for the next.
6. 3
7. Yes. Always yes.
8. FPs for Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, and Big Thunder
9. A cute little bunny!
10. Nebo, but since he doesn't write anymore . . . I am in the market for a new favorite!

And #10? ::yes:: Wish he could come back.

I think you waited 177 minutes total for transportation

Well good grief, how have I not read your TRs before?

I don't know!
Just yesterday I was wondering
"I wonder why LadyGrimm doesn't
read my TRs?"

And I assumed that it was because
you were too smart to read this drivel.

But now that you're here....

:welcome: to the TR!

Hey, you know what- let's not be sad that I was so late to the party, let's just be glad I got here at all! Or something. Carry on.

Or something!
Feel free to join in on the banter
and/or play the contest.
The prize includes chocolate.

Oh and will there be pictures of Banff?? Good GOD I love that place.

Yes, but not as many as I'd like,

Whoops! Mustn't get ahead of myself!
Nice start.

Thanks Tammie! :)

They even let you back into the US after.... Oh, never mind. :rolleyes2

Disney's in Florida
(well, some of it)
Let's see them try to keep me away!

(And for any border security officers reading. JK! :scared:)

Okay, Okay, I wasn't going to play this time with all of my time consuming activities and sleepiness going on, but I can't resist when I have a point just for reading, I'm hooked.

Good! Plus the prize is a good one.
(I think so, anyway... for a free contest.)

1. So... what'd I do before even going in? Never done before (probably not used the restroom)- You got a PP pic in front of the Train Station and the Mickey Flowers
2. I have an ADR... where is it? Skipper's Cantina
3. What's the first ride I go on? Jungle Cruise
4. Considering my lack of sleep,
how late do I stay at MK? 9 pm
Why is my wait for a bus 16 minutes? They changed the sign on your bus and drove away when they saw you - had to call another one
6. How many times was I asked for directions?
(It just happens to me.) 8 times. Does it have anything to do with the CM pin you wear on every trip????
7. Dole whip. Yes or no? (as in did I have one.) Of course. Because Dole Whip.
8. Why yes, I do have FPs. Where to? Jungle Cruise, 7DMT and Space Mtn
9. What wild animal do I encounter
back at the resort? a gecko
10. Who's your favourite TR writer? Why, the great and might PKondz, of course.

And #10... :goodvibes

(Back by popular demand)
Did you see it? Be vaguely specific. Yes, near a certain plane

We tried putting it in the lavatories,
but people kept using it to wipe their....

Canadian Bonus: 78 min. plus that extra 16 mentioned above = 94 minutes

:cool1::cool1::cool1:first place!

You like that do you? :laughing:

I don't think that has ever happened before.

Ya gotta come here for pure,
unadulterated joy.

I think I owe it all to your constipation face:rolleyes: .

::yes:: A little bonus for my long time readers.

great update as usual.

Thanks Betsey! :)

also great banter. always super fun to read.

You guys are what makes this TR work.

I will keep this short

Not required, but whatever works for you.

yep I saw it on the tunnel going to the plane, I would loe to fly ponzie airlines where the skies are snarkey and so are the flight attendants

They're hand picked.
If we don't like them, they're in!

1) before going in you get your pic taken in front of the mickey flowerbed
2)adr at skippers canteen
3)you decide to sneak out during the parade so around 9ish
4)first ride is the people mover (yes I still call it that and sooooo wish we still had ours)
5)you wait 16 minutes because you just missed the bus and have to wait for another one
6) you were asked for directions 4 times
7) dole whip oh heck yeah
8)your fp are, minet rain, haunted mansion, and peter pan

oh man that fav tr writer? some guy from Canada oh yeah the increadible, amazing, entertaining, legend PONZI!!! (still miss the musings of nebo, we need to get that guy a talk to text program for his computer)

And we did try to get something
set up for Neebs, remember?

(And thanks for the nice words!)

And... #8.... Do you have any idea
how long I stared at "minet rain"???

Minet rain? Make it rain? Minuet? Philharmagic?


Sometimes I'm a little slow.

Okay. All the time.

total trip trans time is 78 minutes

Foreshadowing! The tension builds...

Wouldn't be an official pkondz TR without it!

I will take 2 reverse almond, please and thank you. Breakfast of Champions!

Haven't tried those.
I can't get past the milk chocolate ones.
Sooooo.... good.
But now I will.

You have discovered a grave secret - most corporations seem to be run by monkeys these days...

I hate to disagree with my readers, but...

I attribute some intelligence to monkeys.
Therefore, I doubt corporations are run by them.

Maybe snails, considering their pace?
Or amoebas?

Ruby is my hero. And DH's hero. We aren't currently speaking after he gave me the "privilege" of chauffeuring him to his double root canal dentist appointment this morning at the crack of OMG.

Uh, oh. Double root canal sounds like fun!


So you're not speaking because he
Or he drove you nuts when you drove him?

I'm trying for just a carry on and regular size purse for my next flight...

I did basically that
(Carry on and camera bag)
on my first solo trip.
It was

Audible books are great for this! Seems that I get nauseous watching things on my phone now that I am, ahem, more "mature".


I like that. I'm more mature too.
In my immaturity, of course.

Or, just buy them 1/2 size bigger. Also comes in handy when you break your big toe later.


And you would know this.

Yeah, that's why we named our dog Tuffer. So we could call him Fluffer when he's naughty. Oh, wait, we named him Tucker...

So what do you....



Hang in there!!

I'm OK with walking when all my toes function. Next time I'm requesting the Broadway section - it's so nice and peaceful!

It does look nice there.
But my #1 goal was access.
boy! Did I get it!

*moment of silence*

Amen, sistah.

Took someone else's picture for them.

The Plaza

Haunted Mansion

Pumpkin O'Clock - midnight




BTMMR, Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion



And it's funny. (or sad)
I see @Elevationist all the time,
yet I've never commented on her TR.
I can't fit anymore!
But I probably really should.
Especially after your endorsement.
Just.... I can't keep up as it is!

Snarky is one of my middle names.

You should apply for a position.
We can always use a few snarky people.
Maybe pilot? No experience required.

167 minutes?

I could not possibly compete with Mr. P. I just tell it like it is.

Oh, pish posh.
You'll do better than me.
I already know it,
based on your PTR.

And then there's that guy who puts in exploding helicopters and expects us to believe it. ;) Eh, @Captain_Oblivious ? (And obviously, we love it.)

Still can't believe that wasn't real...

I should check hers out, but probably not until after I get back. I am a sucker for great writing.

Love her style.

Crap, the pressure!!! (And I don't mean constipation.)


I dunno, it's helped me "out" a few times.


:scratchin Still baffled. ;)

You shouldn't be.
I have definitely hit that wall, my Friend. Get some rest... a fresh look at it when you've had some shut eye is better.

I can type now.
That's an improvement.

When I start making tons
of typos... that's usually a sign
that I'm done.
And hence the reason I decided against calling my next TR "Our last trip to WDW". Even though I'm not allowed to plan any more trips. :sad2:

Not allowed to plan any trips!
are you?!?!?

I'm not going to make any guesses....I'll just wait for the reveal.

Good thing,
because even if you guessed...
I wouldn't tell you if you were right.

Good thing Fran's asleep and I can get on the DIS and do some replies!

And plan some trips!

I know, patience.


I want! I want! :hyper:

Sooooooo good.

Now you tell me, when I am going to be back in Canada?

Well, Fran's sleeping right now, so...

Send it to the hotel in Disney.....

Interesting that you should say that.
When I was on the phone with the CC people,
they told me that if I didn't get my card,
they'd send it to the hotel.
I figured that if it took until Wednesday
to send it
within Canada...

Arrives in Winnipeg on Wednesday.
Packed up and re-sent on Thursday.
Gets to Disney on Saturday?
Maybe Sunday?
Annnnndddd.... I'm back in Winnipeg.

My plan was: If it didn't come before the trip,
I was going to tell them to just hold it for me
until I got back and picked it up on Monday.



When are you going to invite me to dinner at your house? I love Jaeger Schnitzel, it's my favorite!

Free on Sunday?

Ugh, sounds like one of my get away days.

Yup. :sad2:

She certainly is nice to you.

She certainly is!

As long as you avoid the drunk drivers.....

No kidding.
Funny thing, when I'm driving to/from work
around 11pm on a Friday or Saturday night...
I always hope the cops will pull me over for
a random check stop.
"Why no officer. I haven't been drinking.
I'm going to/coming from work. Ha!"

Never happened, though.
Ruby and I did once come across
a roadside check stop.
I hadn't been drinking, so... Sweet!

Nope. They just waved us through.

That's nice. I can't believe that they didn't do it sooner.

Probably bureaucratic red tape.

With the way they schedule these flights, yes you would.

Good point.

I always amazes me and they only allow a carry on and personal item here.

Same here.
But they seem to let them get away
with just about anything.

I pity those people. Every time.

Especially if I'm one of them!

Since I know that our birthdays fall within just about six months to a year of each other,


I think the comments about senior citizens are uncalled for. I think we both have a few good years left until we hit Senior Citizen status.

Oh, I know.
That's for the future.
Wayyyyyy in the future.

Ugh! But that's nothing compared to the line that we encountered in Vancouver for non residents.

I've seen that line.


I guess I will have to stick around for a few more TRs until I understand this.


You see I never hear this part of the boarding, because before they say this, they say, "Any passengers with disabilities will be boarded first along with their companions", and I'm gone.....

Did that once,
coming out of Venice
when I was in a wheelchair.

But then... first on/last off.

That's very nice. When we travel on Southwest, we just buy out the third seat so no one can sit there.

Ah! I might consider that,
but I'm too cheap to pay for it!
(And yet I'll pay for the Plus... hmmmm...)

I hate the first row. I like to have my most desired bags at my feet so I can access them during the flight. It's just too much of a pain to get anything out of them once they are in the overhead bin, so I put what I want at my feet and the rest overhead. There is no at my feet on the first row. I guess my flight is also longer with no stops, if I can book it properly.

As I mentioned, I hate stuff at my feet,
so the extra leg room is great.
Plus, being in the first row,
it's easy to get up and walk
over to the overhead bins.

I think I've been in the lobby of the CN tower, but I think Fran didn't want to pay the deal to go to the top. We were at a convention downtown.

I don't blame you.
The price for an elevator ride
is ridiculously expensive.

Well that bites!

No, food porn is probably the highlight of my life.

will be some, though.

I prefer venticular wave clouds, they look cooler and the name is more impressive.

I live on the prairies,
so I've never seen any IRL.

Those other people must be going to Universal.


I can tell you that we have never seen that phenomenon.

First on/last off.

Also the first two rows are reserved for Handicapped persons, so that could be a factor as well.

Oh! Well, there you go.

I never would have guessed that. I allow two hours from getting off the plane to arriving at the resort.

I think from the time the plane landed,
I navigated to the baggage area,
retrieved my bag, went over to DME,
sat on the bus while others boarded
then arrived...

Was about an hour and twenty minutes.

How do you count this s**t?

I use my fingers.
Sometimes my toes.
That gets me all the way to 21.

This would be me (us), we may have woken up later and done something, but I would never had planned anything after flights like this. When we did similar to Memphis, we slept until 11PM and then got up.

You have more time, though.
I was in Disney for 3.5 days.

I couldn't afford to waste a half day.

This is what I would expect of you. I don't know how you do it, but there you go.

I'm Superman!!

I still can't believe that you clock these times and remember them. I'm lucky if I remember to look at my phone when I get there to the bus stop and again when the bus shows up.

I do it solely for the TR.
I specifically note the time I arrive
and the time the bus (or whatever)
arrives, then note them down
as I ride.

OK, I'm just gonna go out on a limb on these answers. I've already sucked, so why break that stellar record?

Says the girl who won the last contest.

Took a photo in front of the Mickey floral.

Ahhh, do I put another vote in for BoG like the last two trips, I guess no. Do you try the new Skipper Canteen or go for a tried and true LTT. I know you most likely don't want the character experiences of Crystal Palace or CRT. I'm gonna go with Skipper Canteen since you're a kind of adventurous kind of guy.

Wedway Peoplemover.

All the way till midnight

Protein Spill.



7DMT, HM , Peter pan




I already said it! Snarky enough for you!

Yup! You'd fit right in!

111 minutes?



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