Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful pictures! I imagine in person the views, literally, are breathtaking.
You quickly made mention of Medicine Lake. Please forgive this non-Canadian for what might be a ridiculous question, but is Medicine Lake near Medicine Hat? I only ask because my grandmother was from Medicine Hat and I've got the Ancestry bug, and I'd love to visit that neck of the woods sometime.

Also, I'm really bad at keeping up with the contest.....please feel free to donate my points to a deserving reader, of course at your discretion. Are those tax deductible? Asking for a friend. ;).

As usual, thank for taking us along! Great update!
Okay... I'm really torn between these
next two photos.
They're both of the same spot.
Which do you prefer?

That's a tough one. I keep changing my mind! The first one really emphasizes the details, where the second one has the bridge putting everything into scale.

Hello, Ruby.

Hello, Ruby! :wave2: I guess this doesn't break her rule?

By some cruel twist of fate,
the trail had been redesigned
in the few minutes we'd been off it,
and was now almost all up hill!

What kind of sick trick was this???

Funny how that works...

Since it was so sunny,
we decided to eat outside.

And just about froze to death.
It wasn't that warm...
and there was a breeze coming off
the glacier fed lake.

Brr. But, that is a gorgeous view!

I mean... who doesn't like pie???

I like pie! Dh's birthday is on Pi day, so we usually have some sort of birthday pie, or go out for slices if we can't agree. Pizza pie also counts. :)

Hm. I really thought I quoted more stuff! I'll have to come back with the contest questions in another post, but I do have to comment about Athabasca Falls. Back on my Big Trip West with my family when we visited Banff and Jasper (along with Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Badlands, etc), I got a stuffed raccoon as a souvenir. That was actually the last stuffed animal I got as a kid, but it was just too cute and cuddly to pass up. Shortly after buying it, we visited Athabasca Falls, and I loved it so much, I named the raccoon Athabasca. I still have that raccoon - she has been very well loved over the years.

And yes, I loved the photos of Athabasca Falls. It definitely brought me back. Would love to get back there someday. My sister, BIL and a couple friends are planning to get out that way this summer, but sadly, I won't be able to tag along. :(
Questions, next round:
1. What the heck. What time do we wake up?

2. We leave Jasper. What time?

3. What do we do before we leave... of course.

4. You might want to Google.
What do we do between Jasper and Banff?
(More than one answer possible.)

5. What time do we get into Banff?

6. Lefty or Righty?

Did you see it?

1. 8:00 am
2. 10:00 am
3. Visit a gift shop - and get gas
4. Columbia Ice Fields, Lake Louise, and Sunwapta Falls
5. 7 pm, because you made so many stops
6. Righty

I saw it - will pm you to not give it away...
Love the update! Really beautiful pictures.

Thanks, Danielle! :)

My Hubby and I saw Sully in the theater and really enjoyed it too.

It was good, right!

I LOVE pie! Just about any kind.

::yes:: I mean... it's pie!

I liked the 2nd picture better, I like how it shows the bridge and more of the area.

I like the sense of scale the bridge brings.
But I still can't decide between the two!

1. What the heck. What time do we wake up?----7am

2. We leave Jasper. What time?------8am

3. What do we do before we leave... of course.------go to a gift shop

4. You might want to Google.
What do we do between Jasper and Banff?--Hmmm, drive through the national park for more beautiful scenery, maybe if you take a longer route you may have gone to the Hot Springs...
(More than one answer possible.)

5. What time do we get into Banff?----4pm

6. Lefty or Righty? ---- Righty


Did you see it? yes I did, waiting not too patiently for his order.

Not if it's pie!
Well at least you didn’t have to worry about calculating any points for me.
That probably saved you – ohhhhh - 0.4 of a nanosecond.

0.4 actually.
Had to puzzle out who you were, again.

Welcome back!

Got myself side tracked again but I’m caught back up on the story.

You are?
Um.... Where was I?

As for the commenting…
I think I’ll just hop back into the pool right hear.

Good call.
I went the other way on
another TR and...

it did take a while.

It was a crisp, sunny morning in Jasper.
I was working the day watch out of the bunko division when the phone rang with a tip…

No wait wrong show…
Here let me flip the channel back to where you had it.

Ah, the good ol' days.
I remember flipping the channel
between the one I was watching....

And the other one.

Ahhh, the travel channel…
That’s more like it.

No, wait; it’s either the weather channel or the natural disaster channel…


pkondz bulls*** station

Were this Disney…
We’d call such a thing: “a charming atmospheric detail”
(and of course there’d be complimentary background music gently emanating from a hidden speaker somewhere in that pile of wood)

Good point!

Well, yeah, but you’re not supposed to actually say that out loud.
That’s one of the world’s “Third Truths”

Just pretend I'm not here.

That's what my family does.

They’re an advance recon unit sent to Earth from planet: Gallus.
They spy on us (making special note of those going back for seconds on the eggs) and then report the information collected to the invasion planning commission back on the home world.

I knew it!!!!!!

But... I really like scrambled eggs
so I'm gonna let 'em do their thing.

Try the chicken.... er, veal.

You gained me back.

Ok, ok, I know…
That’s actually worse than losing thirty other readers but still…

I knew I shouldn't have told that joke.

She’s always right.

You know that.

Doesn’t mean that you have to admit it.

Accept it, yes; admit it…

Truer words....



Not quite in need of an interpreter just yet, I take it.

No hablo boring signs.

Clever naming system they got working there.
To the point…

I was wondering if they were waiting
to figure out who to name them after.

I suggested "pkondz"

I did not appreciate the laughter.

Actually, even in the photo, it’s impressive.
No doubt the actual experience would be so much more grand.


You’ve insured that it’s now on my list of places that I need to get to.
(don’t know about the how, when, or if of the matter… but the need has been established)

It really was something to see.
Yes. I definitely recommend it.

The second one shows more detail and the complexity of that part of the system.
The first one though focuses more on the unrelenting power of the water as it steadily works its will on the stone that futilely conspires to contain it. I like that imagery just a little bit better.

Got it.
I really can't decide.
I keep flip flopping between them.

A rare sighting indeed…
Did she dope slap you for posting that one or has she not yet realized that you’ve done so.

I very specifically asked
if she'd be all right with that photo:
1. Being taken.
2. Being posted.

My self-preservation streak runs strong.

Quite the view there…
That easily qualifies as being majestic.


Hey Betty!
Hey George!
Hope Cousin Madge isn’t having too much of a time looking after y’all’s fifteen bullmastiffs way back at home in Ohio.

You think I'm kidding.
I actually
did ask them for
their names! :laughing:

Apparently you just don’t look like you’re lost.
Constipated, maybe, but not lost.

That's it!
"This guy knows how to find a bathroom,
so he probably knows where other stuff is."

Bite tongue…

Bite tongue…

Bite tongue…
(dang, that hurts)

Took the wind right out of your sails
didn't I?

Well, they’ll certainly have a good story about how they missed the bus once they get back to the Rancho Bullmastiff in Ohio.

If they get back to Ohio…

I think they didn't miss it.
The guy was sweating like crazy,
but they were right behind me
for quite a while.
When I got to the parking lot,
the bus was still there.
(Assuming it was theirs.)




Cool I suppose, but my question is:
Was the fell’a at the cashier’s counter fretting over having lost his wallet or begging them for the love of all that is decent and holy to please not play that song over the intercom.

He wants pie.

He's no fool.

And.... Mars Attacks.
Possibly one of the crappier movies I've seen.

Which explains why I forgot that part!
I have no idea how
you remembered that!

But the conditions should have helped you out a bit with hitting the high notes.


That is some seriously beautiful country up that way.

It was a few days of constant
"Gasp! Wow!"

Crazy people…
(or not crazy enough)
Pie is just about the most perfect food <slash> delivery-system devised

But then again, my definition of pie is also rather expansive.
Just ask Mark…
Even he thinks I’ve completely lost it on that subject

Mark's wrong. You're right.

<drops mic>

Having missed four or five updates, I’m pretty sure this is rather a moot point now.

Not necessarily.
Play your cards right...

The point allocation system
is designed to steadily
increase towards the end.



One last gift shop.
Oh, and fill the gas tank.

Columbia Icefield
(there’s so much that needs to be done on that drive, though)


Most of the folks in my household are lefties so our motto is: always go left.

Yes, I know I'm late. Busy time of the year for me at work. I had to work for birthday. Celebrated over the weekend.
Ah ha! So you did get the job!

(And if you already told me that....
it's your fault for not being around
to remind me!!)


Just thought I'd let you know I have read.... again.

Again? Once wasn't enough?
What are you? A sucker for punishment?

Still not ready to give my answers though. Waiting for some concentrated free time and... inspiration.

That's me.
Sucking inspiration out of people
for generations.

But! I have taken that trip and have seen that canyon. Scenic is a gross understatement.

You did!
When was that?

And yes... 'Scenic' almost doesn't
do it justice.

Back again for real comments soon-ish.

Standing by-ish.
Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful pictures!

Thanks, Dawn! :)

I imagine in person the views, literally, are breathtaking.

You know, there are different
ways of looking at things.
Sometimes you just glance.
Sometimes you look for a second or two.

Other times you stop and stare
with your mouth hanging open.

You quickly made mention of Medicine Lake. Please forgive this non-Canadian for what might be a ridiculous question, but is Medicine Lake near Medicine Hat?

Not ridiculous at all.
Medicine Lake isn't exactly
a geographic hot spot.

The two are about 500 miles apart.
Medicine Hat is in the south-east
corner of the province of Alberta
while the other is near Jasper,
which is 200 miles farther north
and on the west side of Alberta.

I have been to Medicine Hat as well.

I only ask because my grandmother was from Medicine Hat and I've got the Ancestry bug, and I'd love to visit that neck of the woods sometime.

Well, then get up here!

Also, I'm really bad at keeping up with the contest.....please feel free to donate my points to a deserving reader, of course at your discretion. Are those tax deductible? Asking for a friend. ;).

Sorry, points must be earned
and are only for use by
the person who's earned them.

As usual, thank for taking us along! Great update!

You're welcome!
Glad you liked it! :)
That's a tough one. I keep changing my mind! The first one really emphasizes the details, where the second one has the bridge putting everything into scale.

I'm exactly the same way!

Hello, Ruby! :wave2: I guess this doesn't break her rule?

I asked. Explained.
And got a nod of approval!

Funny how that works...

Funny 'Ha Ha' or funny 'My legs are on fire'?

Brr. But, that is a gorgeous view!

As we ate...

I had my back to it!
(Well, I wasn't going to let
Ruby sit with
her back to it.)

I like pie! Dh's birthday is on Pi day, so we usually have some sort of birthday pie, or go out for slices if we can't agree. Pizza pie also counts. :)

Any pie is good pie.

Unless my Mom makes
Shepherd's pie.

Then, no.

Hm. I really thought I quoted more stuff! I'll have to come back with the contest questions in another post, but I do have to comment about Athabasca Falls. Back on my Big Trip West with my family when we visited Banff and Jasper (along with Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Badlands, etc),

Whoa. That is a big trip!

I got a stuffed raccoon as a souvenir. That was actually the last stuffed animal I got as a kid, but it was just too cute and cuddly to pass up. Shortly after buying it, we visited Athabasca Falls, and I loved it so much, I named the raccoon Athabasca. I still have that raccoon - she has been very well loved over the years.


And yes, I loved the photos of Athabasca Falls. It definitely brought me back. Would love to get back there someday. My sister, BIL and a couple friends are planning to get out that way this summer, but sadly, I won't be able to tag along. :(

Too bad.
Maybe some other time?

1. 8:00 am
2. 10:00 am
3. Visit a gift shop - and get gas
4. Columbia Ice Fields, Lake Louise, and Sunwapta Falls
5. 7 pm, because you made so many stops
6. Righty


I saw it - will pm you to not give it away...

Got it!
Hello Pkondz
Looks brilliantly senic around Jasper.The walk around maligne canyon is so photogenic you got some cracking ones.Preference the one with the bridge in it for the bonus point it gave the gorge a bit of perspective. The mountains around the lake are impressive I take it they are the rocky mountains. The view from the sixth bridge looks good but some trees are blocking the view to the mountains. Athabasaca falls impressive as well I defiantly am a pie person whether it is a meat pie or a fruit pie.Apple with puff pastry and double cream is the best though.l saw Marv clasping his hands in antisipation of sharing your pie.
My guesses to your questions

1. 07:00 hrs get up time
2. leave at 09:00 hrs
3. Visit the bathroom long drive ahead.
4. Googled this as not a native to the Americas. Vis it the Columbia ice field, visit Lake Minnrwawka and ride the gondola up to the top of sulphur mountain in Banff.You could also visit Lake Louise as well.
5. 15:00hrs arrival in Banff.
6. I think that you defiantly go Lefty

Defiantly seen it mentioned Marv in previous post.
Hello Pkondz
Looks brilliantly senic around Jasper.

Hi Mac!
It really is beautiful there.

The walk around maligne canyon is so photogenic you got some cracking ones.

And what I got really doesn't
do it justice.

The mountains around the lake are impressive I take it they are the rocky mountains

Yes they're impressive!
And yes they're the Rockies.

The view from the sixth bridge looks good but some trees are blocking the view to the mountains.

I'll get someone to cut them down for ya.

:rolleyes1 :laughing:

Athabasaca falls impressive as well


I defiantly am a pie person whether it is a meat pie or a fruit pie.

::yes:: My French Canadian background
says that meat pies are called "Tourtieres".

We always have them around Christmas.

Apple with puff pastry and double cream is the best though.

Isn't that Strudel?

l saw Marv clasping his hands in antisipation of sharing your pie.

Yeah, but he took all of it!

My guesses to your questions

1. 07:00 hrs get up time
2. leave at 09:00 hrs
3. Visit the bathroom long drive ahead.
4. Googled this as not a native to the Americas. Vis it the Columbia ice field, visit Lake Minnrwawka and ride the gondola up to the top of sulphur mountain in Banff.You could also visit Lake Louise as well.
5. 15:00hrs arrival in Banff.
6. I think that you defiantly go Lefty

OK, so I've read the update a few times as well, but I have like a gazillion more to get through before before yours. OK well maybe five. If you're keeping up on FB, you'll know that I have been hard at work, and haven't taken any time out of my day to sample Tequila out at Disney. :rolleyes1
Had to puzzle out who you were, again.
I am somewhat of a puzzle.

Um.... Where was I?
Going uphill…
Toward pie.


pkondz bulls*** station
Is that what that stands for?
Huh… I didn’t know all that was your work.

So exactly what did you do to cause my unfortunate nation’s current (**ahem**) leader to want to cut all your funding and have you banned from the airways?

I knew it!!!!!!

But... I really like scrambled eggs
so I'm gonna let 'em do their thing.
Oh I’ve long been assigned to their FDSEI list

(that’s: Future Detainees Scheduled for Enhanced Interrogation)

I knew I shouldn't have told that joke.
Had you known the extent of the consequences beforehand I still doubt you could’ve stopped yourself.

I was wondering if they were waiting to figure out who to name them after.

I suggested "pkondz"

I did not appreciate the laughter.
So, was it the standard laughing and pointing kind of laughter…
or the that version where they’re doubled over on the floor trying to catch their breath?

That's it!
"This guy knows how to find a bathroom,
so he probably knows where other stuff is."
One of the great mysteries of the universe…

I’ll just be right over here waiting for them to deliver my Ig Noble Prize

Took the wind right out of your sails
didn't I?
My tongue still hurts…

And.... Mars Attacks.
Possibly one of the crappier movies I've seen.

Which explains why I forgot that part!
I have no idea how you remembered that!
There is no explanation for the vast amount of crap I remember…
only a general consensus that all of it is indeed crap.

Mark's wrong. You're right.

<drops mic>
But you don’t know the ridiculous extent of the theory.
Mark could be right.
Hey, Steppesister, I was pregnant in 1990 too! What're the odds? :wave: Did you also have 34 hours of labor and a kid who doen't want to hear about it any more? I had to explain to her this year that, just like there is no crying in baseball, there is no statute of limitations on 34 hours of labor.

Anyway, great update. The scenery is gorgeous and reminds me of Alaska. Someday I'll get back out that way.

I love pie and I love puns, too. Guess that's why I fit right in with this group. Not everyone appreciates a good pun, but I do like to crack myself up. I was in the market one time and saw a teenager stocking greens under a sign that said, "Broccoli Rabbi." So I went over and said, "Hey, is that stuff kosher?" Yuk yuk. He said, "Um, I don't know but I can ask the manager." *sigh* I do hope he asked the manager and got a thwap on the back of his head, but that's just wishful thinking.
@MHSweb79 I was the....pregnant-ee in 1990 haha. Born January 91.

I promise I've been lurking, but we're at T-37 days and everything is going crazy. Just bunch of little things that need to get done, and then my grandmother decided to throw some family drama into the mix. Sigh. But! On the plus side, that also means we're T-43 days until Disney, so, you know, silver linings and all that.


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