Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

Wow. Such a quaint place to stay. It's almost too cute!

That walk (hike?) is beautiful! Just picturesque every way you turn. Both photos are gorgeous but I think I like the one with the bridge included a bit more. It gives a better idea of the scale of everything!

That is a LOT of pie for one day. I am not a huge pan of Pie myself. I pretty much stick to whoopie and shepherds (and the nerdy 3.14 kind)!

And my guesses!
1. 7:30am
2. 9am
3. Breakfast of course!
4. Mount Cephren
5. 3:30pm
6. Righty!
Well hi there! Guess I'm a little late to the party huh? Let's see...what did I miss...


Hmmmm....I seem to be a teeny tiny bit behind! Only 110 pages and 2182 posts to go!


Since I'm actually in it! :thumbsup2
1. 8:15am

2. 10am

3. pack? eat breakfast? gift shop! LOL

4. Peyto Lake area/lookout

5. 5pm

6. Righty

yes... pleading for his food? "may I have some more? no? I will just take it, then!" haha

My husband isn't a fan of pie, but me and my two boys are!

I like the first photo. no bridge. very nice. the 2nd with the bridge brings subtleness the first is more dramatic!
Which do you prefer?
(bonus point opportunity
1st because the color of the water is cool!

Hello, Ruby.
ermagerd!!! She does exist!

I mean... who doesn't like pie???
You? Tell me yes or no for easy bonus points.
I like pie, lemon meringue is my favorite

Bonus points for being amazing. - 6 points.
Bonus points for evening/afternoon - 6 points.
Bonus points for cabin opinion - 6 points.
Bonus points for looking for photos - 6 points.

orangecats2 - 7:30, yes, iPad, out, 2, eat elk, polite, evening, cabin - 44 points.
I should have more points because I answered all the bonus questions!
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I can confirm that the food
we'd left in the trunk of the car
had not spoiled overnight.
Luckily, it hadn't frozen either.

And not eaten by a bear?!

Does anyone else wonder why they
have wood stacked up...
if no one has a wood burning fireplace?

Campfires of course!

One of the very few things
we had planned to do
on our trip,
was visit Maligne Canyon.

We went there a few years ago - amazing. Ugh, now I need to plan a trip to Jasper this year. Even though we only live 4 hours away, we didn't make it there at all last year :(

Okay... I'm really torn between these
next two photos.
They're both of the same spot.
Which do you prefer?
(bonus point opportunity.)

Ooo both are nice shots! What camera do you use?

This one was my favourite out of the two :)

Okay, so she doesn't like pie....

Me neither! Unless it's apple pie. And still warm from the oven. And smothered in ice cream.

there was a breeze coming off
the glacier fed lake

I love glacier fed lakes so much! A picture can't even capture the amazing colour of that water <3

I mean... who doesn't like pie???
You? Tell me yes or no for easy bonus points.

Nope, see above.

I may have got more out of it,
with my background

I don't know if I've ever seen you mention what you do for work, and I always try to guess whenever I read a trip report that doesn't mention it. Based on this statement, I would guess air traffic controller.

fallonkendra - 2 points for knowing good cookies. 2 points for Winnipeg TRs.

My fiance is actually going to Winnipeg this weekend (thank you cheap New Leaf flights!) - I'll tell him to take lots of pictures and do up a trip report for you when he gets back haha.

Questions, next round:
1. What the heck. What time do we wake up?

2. We leave Jasper. What time?

3. What do we do before we leave... of course.

4. You might want to Google.
What do we do between Jasper and Banff?
(More than one answer possible.)

5. What time do we get into Banff?

6. Lefty or Righty?

Did you see it?

1. It's still vacation - 8:30
2. Well, since that drive is almost 4 hours (those rental RV's drive sooooo slow!), you need to hit the road early - by 11am.
3. Ruby realized there's still a gift shop she hasn't dragged you to yet! Also - you need to gas up, that's a bit of a drive with no gas stations between Jasper and Banff.
4. No google required - you stopped at the Columbia Icefield first, then Lake Louise as you got closer to Banff.
5. Early evening - 6:30pm
6. Righty!

See it - what kind of pie did Marvin order?
I love puns like this! They make me happy.

I believe you. Just look at your name!


:welcome: to the TR!

My roommates on the other hand, have limited me to 5 a day. They tell me that when I make the fifth pun someone explodes into confetti... I've not seen it yet, so I don't believe them. :)


So that explains it.
Did you make a fifth pun
about two, two and a half months ago?

Some random stranger asked me
for directions.
(Happens. All. The. Time.)
I was right in the middle of giving them
when all of a sudden...


Believe me, it took me by surprise!

At least now I know
he didn't explode from an
overpowering sensitivity to dullness.

Loving your trip report!

More to come! :)
Wow. Such a quaint place to stay. It's almost too cute!

I'd stay there again in a heart beat.

That walk (hike?) is beautiful! Just picturesque every way you turn.

It really was!
We were both so glad
that we did it.

Both photos are gorgeous but I think I like the one with the bridge included a bit more. It gives a better idea of the scale of everything!

I really am torn!
But... I did like the scale that the bridge provided
as well as a point of interest to draw the eye in.

That is a LOT of pie for one day.

One can never have enough pie.

Just sayin'.

I am not a huge pan of Pie myself. I pretty much stick to whoopie and shepherds (and the nerdy 3.14 kind)!


Story about Shepherd's pie.
My mom would make it on occasion
when I was growing up and living at home.

I hated it.
Blech! :crazy2:

When Ruby's mom passed away,
one of the lady's from her church
came by to drop off some food...

Shepherd's pie.
A huge Shepherd's pie.

OMG. It was sooooooo good! :laughing:

And my guesses!
1. 7:30am
2. 9am
3. Breakfast of course!
4. Mount Cephren
5. 3:30pm
6. Righty!

I am going to take your word for it. I don't do heights. Nope. Nope. Nope.


So... You're saying "No"?

But I am sure glad you enjoyed it, and that it wasn't in the middle of a spring blizzard.

Nah. That was the week before.
And... I think the week after.

#1 - love the water exposure

I do like that.
I really can't decide! :laughing:

Again, glad you got to see the falls. Bittersweet for us, as a friend's son lost his life at those falls a few years ago, while hiking with a friend. His parents often make the journey to the falls. If you saw Justin's bench, that would be part of his memoriam.

I'm sorry.
I don't recall whether or not we saw the bench.
I wish I'd known, I would have made a point
of stopping at it.


Yes, I'll partake of a slice or two. Best for breakfast, if possible...

Pie is officially good at any time of day.



Go into a gift shop?

Glacier Skywalk! (looks cool if you like heights, of course)




Yup - edited - thought I should perhaps send this by PM...

Got it! :)
Well hi there! Guess I'm a little late to the party huh? Let's see...what did I miss...

:welcome: to the TR Lu!!!

Really happy to see you here again! :goodvibes

Hmmmm....I seem to be a teeny tiny bit behind! Only 110 pages and 2182 posts to go!
And now there's more!
Lucky you!


Since I'm actually in it! :thumbsup2

Why yes. Yes you are.

And.... I was very worried about you young lady.

Both you and Katie disappeared after we met.
People were beginning to whisper.

Well... they do that anyway...
But still.
1. 8:15am

2. 10am

3. pack? eat breakfast? gift shop! LOL

4. Peyto Lake area/lookout

5. 5pm

6. Righty


yes... pleading for his food? "may I have some more? no? I will just take it, then!" haha

:laughing: Could very well be!
That dude's going to get disintegrated.

My husband isn't a fan of pie, but me and my two boys are!

Your husband's crazy!
(You however, may stay in this TR.)

I like the first photo. no bridge. very nice. the 2nd with the bridge brings subtleness the first is more dramatic!

So... you're a Drama Queen?
1st because the color of the water is cool!

"Cool" that is a very appropriate word for it!

ermagerd!!! She does exist!

You thought I had made her up?


I like pie, lemon meringue is my favorite

mmmmmmm.... lemon meringue.

I gotta be honest...
I don't know if it's my favourite
(I really don't!)
But it's wayyyyyy up there!

I should have more points because I answered all the bonus questions!

You're right!
And you're wrong.

I missed that you answered
that you looked for a hidden Marvin.
So I adjusted your score and added six points.

You agreed I was wonderful
(Thanks! I think so too!)
but re-read the bonus question.
You get zero for saying I'm wonderful
and six for saying I'm amazing.

And that, you missed.
And not eaten by a bear?!

Nah. I gave him the fob to open the trunk,
but the silly bear's paws were too big
to push the appropriate button.

All night long... <lock!>.... <unlock>.... <lock!>...

Campfires of course!

Oh, geez! Of course!


We went there a few years ago - amazing. Ugh, now I need to plan a trip to Jasper this year. Even though we only live 4 hours away, we didn't make it there at all last year :(

That's the way it is, though.
You live near something....

You never go.

Ooo both are nice shots! What camera do you use?

Sony SLT-A77.

This one was my favourite out of the two :)

Like the close up, huh?

I really, really couldn't pick one!

Me neither! Unless it's apple pie. And still warm from the oven. And smothered in ice cream.

Well, that certainly counts!

I love glacier fed lakes so much! A picture can't even capture the amazing colour of that water <3


I regret very much that we ran out
of time and couldn't see Moraine Lake.

Nope, see above.

Nope, but yes.. to that one.
You can stay.

I don't know if I've ever seen you mention what you do for work, and I always try to guess whenever I read a trip report that doesn't mention it. Based on this statement, I would guess air traffic controller.

You're in the right field...
but no.

My fiance is actually going to Winnipeg this weekend (thank you cheap New Leaf flights!) - I'll tell him to take lots of pictures and do up a trip report for you when he gets back haha.

I keep forgetting about New Leaf!
Was thinking of going to Vancouver.
Should check.

1. It's still vacation - 8:30
2. Well, since that drive is almost 4 hours (those rental RV's drive sooooo slow!), you need to hit the road early - by 11am.
3. Ruby realized there's still a gift shop she hasn't dragged you to yet! Also - you need to gas up, that's a bit of a drive with no gas stations between Jasper and Banff.
4. No google required - you stopped at the Columbia Icefield first, then Lake Louise as you got closer to Banff.
5. Early evening - 6:30pm
6. Righty!


See it - what kind of pie did Marvin order?

Apple. Right out of the oven, with ice cream.
Love the update! Really beautiful pictures.

My Hubby and I saw Sully in the theater and really enjoyed it too.

I LOVE pie! Just about any kind.

I liked the 2nd picture better, I like how it shows the bridge and more of the area.

Questions, next round:
1. What the heck. What time do we wake up?----7am

2. We leave Jasper. What time?------8am

3. What do we do before we leave... of course.------go to a gift shop

4. You might want to Google.
What do we do between Jasper and Banff?--Hmmm, drive through the national park for more beautiful scenery, maybe if you take a longer route you may have gone to the Hot Springs...
(More than one answer possible.)

5. What time do we get into Banff?----4pm

6. Lefty or Righty? ---- Righty

Did you see it? yes I did, waiting not too patiently for his order.
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Note to self.
Don't lose the contest points.
Well at least you didn’t have to worry about calculating any points for me.
That probably saved you – ohhhhh - 0.4 of a nanosecond.

Got myself side tracked again but I’m caught back up on the story.
As for the commenting…
I think I’ll just hop back into the pool right hear.

Wednesday, September 21st.
It was a crisp, sunny morning in Jasper.
I was working the day watch out of the bunko division when the phone rang with a tip…

No wait wrong show…
Here let me flip the channel back to where you had it.

After a pleasant night's sleep
in our little cabin,
we woke up at 8:30am.
Ahhh, the travel channel…
That’s more like it.

And... it was flippin' cold!
No, wait; it’s either the weather channel or the natural disaster channel…

Does anyone else wonder why they
have wood stacked up...
if no one has a wood burning fireplace?
Were this Disney…
We’d call such a thing: “a charming atmospheric detail”
(and of course there’d be complimentary background music gently emanating from a hidden speaker somewhere in that pile of wood)

I kinda don't mind this
"not really having an agenda" thing.
It has its merits

I do believe in rope drop...
but sometimes it sucks!
Well, yeah, but you’re not supposed to actually say that out loud.
That’s one of the world’s “Third Truths”

(What is with the chickens??)
They’re an advance recon unit sent to Earth from planet: Gallus.
They spy on us (making special note of those going back for seconds on the eggs) and then report the information collected to the invasion planning commission back on the home world.

Ruby really liked the fresh scones.

I started to laugh.
I pointed out that she was a woman sconed.

She pointed out that if I wrote that
I'd probably lose readers.
You gained me back.

Ok, ok, I know…
That’s actually worse than losing thirty other readers but still…

Whoops! Guess she was right.
She’s always right.

You know that.

Doesn’t mean that you have to admit it.

Accept it, yes; admit it…

Crossing the Athabasca river.


(We had started our walk at the "interpretive Plaza"
which we completely ignored.
Not quite in need of an interpreter just yet, I take it.

Which is how we wound up bypassing
the "1st bridge".)
Clever naming system they got working there.
To the point…

Again... looking almost straight down.


Annnnnddd... again, the photo sucks.
It was impressive.
Just take my word for it.
Actually, even in the photo, it’s impressive.
No doubt the actual experience would be so much more grand.

To say that this walk
was a trip highlight
is not an understatement.
You’ve insured that it’s now on my list of places that I need to get to.
(don’t know about the how, when, or if of the matter… but the need has been established)

Okay... I'm really torn between these
next two photos.
They're both of the same spot.
Which do you prefer?
(bonus point opportunity.)
The second one shows more detail and the complexity of that part of the system.
The first one though focuses more on the unrelenting power of the water as it steadily works its will on the stone that futilely conspires to contain it. I like that imagery just a little bit better.

The best part of walking
the Maligne Canyon trail,
is that it's all downhill!


Hello, Ruby.
A rare sighting indeed…
Did she dope slap you for posting that one or has she not yet realized that you’ve done so.

Quite the view there…
That easily qualifies as being majestic.

By some cruel twist of fate,
the trail had been redesigned
in the few minutes we'd been off it,
and was now almost all up hill!

What kind of sick trick was this???
Mother Nature has been known to be quite contemptuous of mere mortals.

A few seconds after I commenced my ascent,
an older couple from Ohio
(Betty and George. Say hi everyone!)
Hey Betty!
Hey George!
Hope Cousin Madge isn’t having too much of a time looking after y’all’s fifteen bullmastiffs way back at home in Ohio.

I don't know why everyone always
assumes I know where to go,
Apparently you just don’t look like you’re lost.
Constipated, maybe, but not lost.

(Do not tell me where to go!)
Bite tongue…

Bite tongue…

Bite tongue…
(dang, that hurts)

They told me they had to get back to their
bus in five minutes.
Well, they’ll certainly have a good story about how they missed the bus once they get back to the Rancho Bullmastiff in Ohio.

If they get back to Ohio…

So... cafeteria type food.

They had clam chowder...
and strawberry rhubarb pie.


"Original canoe from the movie classic
'Rosemarie' which starred
Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy."

Cool I suppose, but my question is:
Was the fell’a at the cashier’s counter fretting over having lost his wallet or begging them for the love of all that is decent and holy to please not play that song over the intercom.

Since it was so sunny,
we decided to eat outside.

And just about froze to death.
But the conditions should have helped you out a bit with hitting the high notes.

Speaking of the lake...

That is some seriously beautiful country up that way.


Pretty, no?
I suppose you could say that.

I mean... who doesn't like pie???
Crazy people…
(or not crazy enough)
Pie is just about the most perfect food <slash> delivery-system devised

But then again, my definition of pie is also rather expansive.
Just ask Mark…
Even he thinks I’ve completely lost it on that subject

If you haven't seen it...
we both enjoyed it.
Duly noted.
I don’t watch very many movies so I’ll keep that one in mind.

Having missed four or five updates, I’m pretty sure this is rather a moot point now.

Questions, next round:
Like I said…
It no longer really matters what I think here.

1. What the heck. What time do we wake up?
All right, what the heck.

2. We leave Jasper. What time?

3. What do we do before we leave... of course.
One last gift shop.
Oh, and fill the gas tank.

4. You might want to Google.
What do we do between Jasper and Banff?
(More than one answer possible.)
Columbia Icefield
(there’s so much that needs to be done on that drive, though)

5. What time do we get into Banff?

6. Lefty or Righty?
Most of the folks in my household are lefties so our motto is: always go left.

Did you see it?
Still waiting on you to answer my question.
Yes, I know I'm late. Busy time of the year for me at work. I had to work for birthday. Celebrated over the weekend.

Just thought I'd let you know I have read.... again. Still not ready to give my answers though. Waiting for some concentrated free time and... inspiration. But! I have taken that trip and have seen that canyon. Scenic is a gross understatement. Back again for real comments soon-ish.


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